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Java example source code file (D3DShaderGen.c)

This example Java source code file (D3DShaderGen.c) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

color0, d3dshadergen_generatebasicgradshader, d3dshadergen_generateconvolveshader, d3dshadergen_writepixelshader, d3dshadergen_writeshaderarray, extract_cycle_method, full_texel, half_texel, is_set, j2dtraceln1, max_multi_grad, max_rescale, pow_lut, texcoord0

The D3DShaderGen.c Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

 * This file contains a standalone program that is used to generate the
 * D3DShaders.h file.  The program invokes the fxc (D3D Shader Compiler)
 * utility, which is part of the DirectX 9/10 SDK.  Since most JDK
 * developers (other than some Java 2D engineers) do not have the full DXSDK
 * installed, and since we do not want to make the JDK build process
 * dependent on the full DXSDK installation, we have chosen not to make
 * this shader compilation step part of the build process.  Instead, it is
 * only necessary to compile and run this program when changes need to be
 * made to the shader code contained within.  Typically, this only happens
 * on an as-needed basis by someone familiar with the D3D pipeline.  Running
 * this program is fairly straightforward:
 *   % rm D3DShaders.h
 *   % cl D3DShaderGen.c
 *   % D3DShaderGen.exe
 * (And don't forget to putback the updated D3DShaders.h file!)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <Windows.h>

static FILE *fpHeader = NULL;
static char *strHeaderFile = "D3DShaders.h";

/** Evaluates to true if the given bit is set on the local flags variable. */
#define IS_SET(flagbit) \
    (((flags) & (flagbit)) != 0)

//#define J2dTraceLn(a, b) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", b);
//#define J2dTraceLn1(a, b, c) fprintf(stderr, b, c);
#define J2dTraceLn(a, b)
#define J2dTraceLn1(a, b, c)

/************************* General shader support ***************************/

static void
D3DShaderGen_WriteShader(char *source, char *target, char *name, int flags)
    FILE *fpTmp;
    char varname[50];
    char *args[8];
    int val;

    // write source to tmp.hlsl
    fpTmp = fopen("tmp.hlsl", "w");
    fprintf(fpTmp, "%s\n", source);

        STARTUPINFO si;
        char pargs[300];
                "c:\\progra~1\\mi5889~1\\utilit~1\\bin\\x86\\fxc.exe "
                "/T %s /Vn %s%d /Fh tmp.h tmp.hlsl",
                // uncomment the following line to generate debug
                // info in the shader header file (may be useful
                // for testing/debuggging purposes, but it nearly
                // doubles the size of the header file and compiled
                // shader programs - off for production builds)
                //"/Zi /T %s /Vn %s%d /Fh tmp.h tmp.hlsl",
                target, name, flags);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pargs);
        memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
        si.cb = sizeof(si);
        si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
        //si.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pargs);
        val = CreateProcess(0, pargs, 0, 0, TRUE,
                            CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);

            DWORD code;
            do {
                GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &code);
                //fprintf(stderr, "waiting...");
            } while (code == STILL_ACTIVE);

            if (code != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "fxc failed for %s%d\n", name, flags);


    // append tmp.h to D3DShaders.h
        int ch;
        fpTmp = fopen("tmp.h", "r");
        while ((ch = fgetc(fpTmp)) != EOF) {
            fputc(ch, fpHeader);

static void
D3DShaderGen_WritePixelShader(char *source, char *name, int flags)
    D3DShaderGen_WriteShader(source, "ps_2_0", name, flags);

#define MULTI_GRAD_CYCLE_METHOD (3 << 0)
/** Extracts the CycleMethod enum value from the given flags variable. */
#define EXTRACT_CYCLE_METHOD(flags) \

static void
D3DShaderGen_WriteShaderArray(char *name, int num)
    char array[5000];
    char elem[30];
    int i;

    sprintf(array, "const DWORD *%sShaders[] =\n{\n", name);
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        if (num == 32 && EXTRACT_CYCLE_METHOD(i) == 3) {
            // REMIND: what a hack!
            sprintf(elem, "    NULL,\n");
        } else {
            sprintf(elem, "    %s%d,\n", name, i);
        strcat(array, elem);
    strcat(array, "};\n");

    // append to D3DShaders.h
    fprintf(fpHeader, "%s\n", array);

/**************************** ConvolveOp support ****************************/

static const char *convolveShaderSource =
    // image to be convolved
    "sampler2D baseImage   : register(s0);"
    // image edge limits:
    //   imgEdge.xy = imgMin.xy (anything < will be treated as edge case)
    // = imgMax.xy (anything > will be treated as edge case)
    "float4 imgEdge        : register(c0);"
    // value for each location in the convolution kernel:
    //   kernelVals[i].x = offsetX[i]
    //   kernelVals[i].y = offsetY[i]
    //   kernelVals[i].z = kernel[i]
    "float3 kernelVals[%d] : register(c1);"
    "void main(in float2 tc : TEXCOORD0,"
    "          inout float4 color : COLOR0)"
    "    float4 sum = imgEdge - tc.xyxy;"
    "    if (sum.x > 0 || sum.y > 0 || sum.z < 0 || sum.w < 0) {"
             // (placeholder for edge condition code)
    "        color = %s;"
    "    } else {"
    "        int i;"
    "        sum = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);"
    "        for (i = 0; i < %d; i++) {"
    "            sum +="
    "                kernelVals[i].z *"
    "                tex2D(baseImage, tc + kernelVals[i].xy);"
    "        }"
             // modulate with current color in order to apply extra alpha
    "        color *= sum;"
    "    }"

 * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader
 * source code is generated.
#define CONVOLVE_EDGE_ZERO_FILL (1 << 0)
#define CONVOLVE_5X5            (1 << 1)
#define MAX_CONVOLVE            (1 << 2)

static void
D3DShaderGen_GenerateConvolveShader(int flags)
    int kernelMax = IS_SET(CONVOLVE_5X5) ? 25 : 9;
    char *edge;
    char finalSource[2000];

                "D3DShaderGen_GenerateConvolveShader: flags=%d",

        // EDGE_ZERO_FILL: fill in zero at the edges
        edge = "float4(0, 0, 0, 0)";
    } else {
        // EDGE_NO_OP: use the source pixel color at the edges
        edge = "tex2D(baseImage, tc)";

    // compose the final source code string from the various pieces
    sprintf(finalSource, convolveShaderSource,
            kernelMax, edge, kernelMax);

    D3DShaderGen_WritePixelShader(finalSource, "convolve", flags);

/**************************** RescaleOp support *****************************/

static const char *rescaleShaderSource =
    // image to be rescaled
    "sampler2D baseImage : register(s0);"
    // vector containing scale factors
    "float4 scaleFactors : register(c0);"
    // vector containing offsets
    "float4 offsets      : register(c1);"
    "void main(in float2 tc : TEXCOORD0,"
    "          inout float4 color : COLOR0)"
    "    float4 srcColor = tex2D(baseImage, tc);"
         // (placeholder for un-premult code)
    "    %s"
         // rescale source value
    "    float4 result = (srcColor * scaleFactors) + offsets;"
         // (placeholder for re-premult code)
    "    %s"
         // modulate with current color in order to apply extra alpha
    "    color *= result;"

 * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader
 * source code is generated.
#define RESCALE_NON_PREMULT (1 << 0)
#define MAX_RESCALE         (1 << 1)

static void
D3DShaderGen_GenerateRescaleShader(int flags)
    char *preRescale = "";
    char *postRescale = "";
    char finalSource[2000];

                "D3DShaderGen_GenerateRescaleShader: flags=%d",

        preRescale  = "srcColor.rgb /= srcColor.a;";
        postRescale = "result.rgb *= result.a;";

    // compose the final source code string from the various pieces
    sprintf(finalSource, rescaleShaderSource,
            preRescale, postRescale);

    D3DShaderGen_WritePixelShader(finalSource, "rescale", flags);

/**************************** LookupOp support ******************************/

static const char *lookupShaderSource =
    // source image (bound to texture unit 0)
    "sampler2D baseImage   : register(s0);"
    // lookup table (bound to texture unit 1)
    "sampler2D lookupTable : register(s1);"
    // offset subtracted from source index prior to lookup step
    "float4 offset         : register(c0);"
    "void main(in float2 tc : TEXCOORD0,"
    "          inout float4 color : COLOR0)"
    "    float4 srcColor = tex2D(baseImage, tc);"
         // (placeholder for un-premult code)
    "    %s"
         // subtract offset from original index
    "    float4 srcIndex = srcColor - offset;"
         // use source value as input to lookup table (note that
         // "v" texcoords are hardcoded to hit texel centers of
         // each row/band in texture)
    "    float4 result;"
    "    result.r = tex2D(lookupTable, float2(srcIndex.r, 0.125)).r;"
    "    result.g = tex2D(lookupTable, float2(srcIndex.g, 0.375)).r;"
    "    result.b = tex2D(lookupTable, float2(srcIndex.b, 0.625)).r;"
         // (placeholder for alpha store code)
    "    %s"
         // (placeholder for re-premult code)
    "    %s"
         // modulate with current color in order to apply extra alpha
    "    color *= result;"

 * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader
 * source code is generated.
#define LOOKUP_USE_SRC_ALPHA (1 << 0)
#define LOOKUP_NON_PREMULT   (1 << 1)
#define MAX_LOOKUP           (1 << 2)

static void
D3DShaderGen_GenerateLookupShader(int flags)
    char *alpha;
    char *preLookup = "";
    char *postLookup = "";
    char finalSource[2000];

                "D3DShaderGen_GenerateLookupShader: flags=%d",

        // when numComps is 1 or 3, the alpha is not looked up in the table;
        // just keep the alpha from the source fragment
        alpha = "result.a = srcColor.a;";
    } else {
        // when numComps is 4, the alpha is looked up in the table, just
        // like the other color components from the source fragment
        alpha = "result.a = tex2D(lookupTable, float2(srcIndex.a, 0.875)).r;";
        preLookup  = "srcColor.rgb /= srcColor.a;";
        postLookup = "result.rgb *= result.a;";

    // compose the final source code string from the various pieces
    sprintf(finalSource, lookupShaderSource,
            preLookup, alpha, postLookup);

    D3DShaderGen_WritePixelShader(finalSource, "lookup", flags);

/************************* GradientPaint support ****************************/

 * To simplify the code and to make it easier to upload a number of
 * uniform values at once, we pack a bunch of scalar (float) values
 * into a single float3 below.  Here's how the values are related:
 *   params.x = p0
 *   params.y = p1
 *   params.z = p3
static const char *basicGradientShaderSource =
    "float3 params : register (c0);"
    "float4 color1 : register (c1);"
    "float4 color2 : register (c2);"
    // (placeholder for mask variable)
    // (placeholder for mask texcoord input)
    "void main(%s"
    "          in float4 winCoord : TEXCOORD%d,"
    "          inout float4 color : COLOR0)"
    "    float3 fragCoord = float3(winCoord.x, winCoord.y, 1.0);"
    "    float dist = dot(, fragCoord);"
         // the setup code for p0/p1/p3 translates/scales to hit texel
         // centers (at 0.25 and 0.75) because it is needed for the
         // original/fast texture-based implementation, but it is not
         // desirable for this shader-based implementation, so we
         // re-transform the value here...
    "    dist = (dist - 0.25) * 2.0;"
    "    float fraction;"
         // (placeholder for cycle code)
    "    %s"
    "    float4 result = lerp(color1, color2, fraction);"
         // (placeholder for mask modulation code)
    "    %s"
         // modulate with current color in order to apply extra alpha
    "    color *= result;"

 * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader
 * source code is generated.
#define BASIC_GRAD_IS_CYCLIC (1 << 0)
#define BASIC_GRAD_USE_MASK  (1 << 1)
#define MAX_BASIC_GRAD       (1 << 2)

static void
D3DShaderGen_GenerateBasicGradShader(int flags)
    int colorSampler = IS_SET(BASIC_GRAD_USE_MASK) ? 1 : 0;
    char *cycleCode;
    char *maskVars = "";
    char *maskInput = "";
    char *maskCode = "";
    char finalSource[3000];


        cycleCode =
            "fraction = 1.0 - (abs(frac(dist * 0.5) - 0.5) * 2.0);";
    } else {
        cycleCode =
            "fraction = clamp(dist, 0.0, 1.0);";

         * This code modulates the calculated result color with the
         * corresponding alpha value from the alpha mask texture active
         * on texture unit 0.  Only needed when useMask is true (i.e., only
         * for MaskFill operations).
        maskVars = "sampler2D mask : register(s0);";
        maskInput = "in float4 maskCoord : TEXCOORD0,";
        maskCode = "result *= tex2D(mask, maskCoord.xy).a;";

    // compose the final source code string from the various pieces
    sprintf(finalSource, basicGradientShaderSource,
            maskVars, maskInput, colorSampler, cycleCode, maskCode);

    D3DShaderGen_WritePixelShader(finalSource, "grad", flags);

/****************** Shared MultipleGradientPaint support ********************/

 * These constants are identical to those defined in the
 * MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod enum; they are copied here for
 * convenience (ideally we would pull them directly from the Java level,
 * but that entails more hassle than it is worth).
#define CYCLE_NONE    0
#define CYCLE_REPEAT  2

 * The following constants are flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together
 * to control how the MultipleGradientPaint shader source code is generated:
 *     Placeholder for the CycleMethod enum constant.
 *     If set, use the (slower) shader that supports a larger number of
 *     gradient colors; otherwise, use the optimized codepath.  See
 *     the MAX_FRACTIONS_SMALL/LARGE constants below for more details.
 *     If set, apply the alpha mask value from texture unit 1 to the
 *     final color result (only used in the MaskFill case).
 *     If set, convert the linear RGB result back into the sRGB color space.
//#define MULTI_GRAD_CYCLE_METHOD (3 << 0)
#define MULTI_GRAD_LARGE        (1 << 2)
#define MULTI_GRAD_USE_MASK     (1 << 3)
#define MULTI_GRAD_LINEAR_RGB   (1 << 4)

#define MAX_MULTI_GRAD     (1 << 5)

/** Extracts the CycleMethod enum value from the given flags variable. */
//#define EXTRACT_CYCLE_METHOD(flags) \
//    ((flags) & MULTI_GRAD_CYCLE_METHOD)

 * The maximum number of gradient "stops" supported by the fragment shader
 * and related code.  When the MULTI_GRAD_LARGE flag is set, we will use
 * MAX_FRACTIONS_LARGE; otherwise, we use MAX_FRACTIONS_SMALL.  By having
 * two separate values, we can have one highly optimized shader (SMALL) that
 * supports only a few fractions/colors, and then another, less optimal
 * shader that supports more stops.

 * The maximum number of gradient colors supported by all of the gradient
 * fragment shaders.  Note that this value must be a power of two, as it
 * determines the size of the 1D texture created below.  It also must be
 * greater than or equal to MAX_FRACTIONS (there is no strict requirement
 * that the two values be equal).
#define MAX_COLORS 16

static const char *multiGradientShaderSource =
    // gradient texture size (in texels)
    "#define TEXTURE_SIZE  %d\n"
    // maximum number of fractions/colors supported by this shader
    "#define MAX_FRACTIONS %d\n"
    // size of a single texel
    "#define FULL_TEXEL    (1.0 / float(TEXTURE_SIZE))\n"
    // size of half of a single texel
    "#define HALF_TEXEL    (FULL_TEXEL / 2.0)\n"
    // texture containing the gradient colors
    "sampler2D colors                : register (s%d);"
    // array of gradient stops/fractions and corresponding scale factors
    //   fractions[i].x = gradientStop[i]
    //   fractions[i].y = scaleFactor[i]
    "float2 fractions[MAX_FRACTIONS] : register (c0);"
    // (placeholder for mask variable)
    // (placeholder for Linear/RadialGP-specific variables)
    // (placeholder for mask texcoord input)
    "void main(%s"
    "          in float4 winCoord : TEXCOORD%d,"
    "          inout float4 color : COLOR0)"
    "    float dist;"
         // (placeholder for Linear/RadialGradientPaint-specific code)
    "    %s"
    "    float4 result;"
         // (placeholder for CycleMethod-specific code)
    "    %s"
         // (placeholder for ColorSpace conversion code)
    "    %s"
         // (placeholder for mask modulation code)
    "    %s"
         // modulate with current color in order to apply extra alpha
    "    color *= result;"

 * Note: An earlier version of this code would simply calculate a single
 * texcoord:
 *     "tc = HALF_TEXEL + (FULL_TEXEL * relFraction);"
 * and then use that value to do a single texture lookup, taking advantage
 * of the LINEAR texture filtering mode which in theory will do the
 * appropriate linear interpolation between adjacent texels, like this:
 *     "float4 result = tex2D(colors, float2(tc, 0.5));"
 * The problem with that approach is that on certain hardware (from ATI,
 * notably) the LINEAR texture fetch unit has low precision, and would
 * for instance only produce 64 distinct grayscales between white and black,
 * instead of the expected 256.  The visual banding caused by this issue
 * is severe enough to likely cause complaints from developers, so we have
 * devised a new approach below that instead manually fetches the two
 * relevant neighboring texels and then performs the linear interpolation
 * using the lerp() instruction (which does not suffer from the precision
 * issues of the fixed-function texture filtering unit).  This new approach
 * requires a few more instructions and is therefore slightly slower than
 * the old approach (not more than 10% or so).
static const char *texCoordCalcCode =
    "int i;"
    "float relFraction = 0.0;"
    "for (i = 0; i < MAX_FRACTIONS-1; i++) {"
    "    relFraction +="
    "        clamp((dist - fractions[i].x) * fractions[i].y, 0.0, 1.0);"
    // we offset by half a texel so that we find the linearly interpolated
    // color between the two texel centers of interest
    "float intPart = floor(relFraction);"
    "float tc1 = HALF_TEXEL + (FULL_TEXEL * intPart);"
    "float tc2 = HALF_TEXEL + (FULL_TEXEL * (intPart + 1.0));"
    "float4 clr1 = tex2D(colors, float2(tc1, 0.5));"
    "float4 clr2 = tex2D(colors, float2(tc2, 0.5));"
    "result = lerp(clr1, clr2, frac(relFraction));";

/** Code for NO_CYCLE that gets plugged into the CycleMethod placeholder. */
static const char *noCycleCode =
    "if (dist <= 0.0) {"
    "    result = tex2D(colors, float2(0.0, 0.5));"
    "} else if (dist >= 1.0) {"
    "    result = tex2D(colors, float2(1.0, 0.5));"
    "} else {"
         // (placeholder for texcoord calculation)
    "    %s"

/** Code for REFLECT that gets plugged into the CycleMethod placeholder. */
static const char *reflectCode =
    "dist = 1.0 - (abs(frac(dist * 0.5) - 0.5) * 2.0);"
    // (placeholder for texcoord calculation)

/** Code for REPEAT that gets plugged into the CycleMethod placeholder. */
static const char *repeatCode =
    "dist = frac(dist);"
    // (placeholder for texcoord calculation)

static void
D3DShaderGen_GenerateMultiGradShader(int flags, char *name,
                                     char *paintVars, char *distCode)
    char *maskVars = "";
    char *maskInput = "";
    char *maskCode = "";
    char *colorSpaceCode = "";
    char cycleCode[1500];
    char finalSource[3000];
    int colorSampler = IS_SET(MULTI_GRAD_USE_MASK) ? 1 : 0;
    int cycleMethod = EXTRACT_CYCLE_METHOD(flags);
    int maxFractions = IS_SET(MULTI_GRAD_LARGE) ?

    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLPaints_CreateMultiGradProgram");

         * This code modulates the calculated result color with the
         * corresponding alpha value from the alpha mask texture active
         * on texture unit 0.  Only needed when useMask is true (i.e., only
         * for MaskFill operations).
        maskVars = "sampler2D mask : register(s0);";
        maskInput = "in float4 maskCoord : TEXCOORD0,";
        maskCode = "result *= tex2D(mask, maskCoord.xy).a;";

         * This code converts a single pixel in linear RGB space back
         * into sRGB (note: this code was adapted from the
         * MultipleGradientPaintContext.convertLinearRGBtoSRGB() method).
        colorSpaceCode =
            "result.rgb = 1.055 * pow(result.rgb, 0.416667) - 0.055;";

    if (cycleMethod == CYCLE_NONE) {
        sprintf(cycleCode, noCycleCode, texCoordCalcCode);
    } else if (cycleMethod == CYCLE_REFLECT) {
        sprintf(cycleCode, reflectCode, texCoordCalcCode);
    } else { // (cycleMethod == CYCLE_REPEAT)
        sprintf(cycleCode, repeatCode, texCoordCalcCode);

    // compose the final source code string from the various pieces
    sprintf(finalSource, multiGradientShaderSource,
            MAX_COLORS, maxFractions, colorSampler,
            maskVars, paintVars, maskInput, colorSampler,
            distCode, cycleCode, colorSpaceCode, maskCode);

    D3DShaderGen_WritePixelShader(finalSource, name, flags);

/********************** LinearGradientPaint support *************************/

static void
D3DShaderGen_GenerateLinearGradShader(int flags)
    char *paintVars;
    char *distCode;


     * To simplify the code and to make it easier to upload a number of
     * uniform values at once, we pack a bunch of scalar (float) values
     * into a single float3 below.  Here's how the values are related:
     *   params.x = p0
     *   params.y = p1
     *   params.z = p3
    paintVars =
        "float3 params : register(c16);";
    distCode =
        "float3 fragCoord = float3(winCoord.x, winCoord.y, 1.0);"
        "dist = dot(, fragCoord);";

    D3DShaderGen_GenerateMultiGradShader(flags, "linear",
                                         paintVars, distCode);

/********************** RadialGradientPaint support *************************/

static void
D3DShaderGen_GenerateRadialGradShader(int flags)
    char *paintVars;
    char *distCode;


     * To simplify the code and to make it easier to upload a number of
     * uniform values at once, we pack a bunch of scalar (float) values
     * into float3 values below.  Here's how the values are related:
     *   m0.x = m00
     *   m0.y = m01
     *   m0.z = m02
     *   m1.x = m10
     *   m1.y = m11
     *   m1.z = m12
     *   precalc.x = focusX
     *   precalc.y = 1.0 - (focusX * focusX)
     *   precalc.z = 1.0 / precalc.z
    paintVars =
        "float3 m0      : register(c16);"
        "float3 m1      : register(c17);"
        "float3 precalc : register(c18);";

     * The following code is derived from Daniel Rice's whitepaper on
     * radial gradient performance (attached to the bug report for 6521533).
     * Refer to that document as well as the setup code in the Java-level
     * BufferedPaints.setRadialGradientPaint() method for more details.
    distCode =
        "float3 fragCoord = float3(winCoord.x, winCoord.y, 1.0);"
        "float x = dot(fragCoord, m0);"
        "float y = dot(fragCoord, m1);"
        "float xfx = x - precalc.x;"
        "dist = (precalc.x*xfx + sqrt(xfx*xfx + y*y*precalc.y))*precalc.z;";

    D3DShaderGen_GenerateMultiGradShader(flags, "radial",
                                         paintVars, distCode);

/*************************** LCD text support *******************************/

// REMIND: Shader uses texture addressing operations in a dependency chain
//         that is too complex for the target shader model (ps_2_0) to handle
//         (ugh, I guess we can either require ps_3_0 or just use
//         the slower pow intrinsic)
#define POW_LUT 0

static const char *lcdTextShaderSource =
    "float3 srcAdj         : register(c0);"
    "sampler2D glyphTex    : register(s0);"
    "sampler2D dstTex      : register(s1);"
    "sampler3D invgammaTex : register(s2);"
    "sampler3D gammaTex    : register(s3);"
    "float3 invgamma       : register(c1);"
    "float3 gamma          : register(c2);"
    "void main(in float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0,"
    "          in float2 tc1 : TEXCOORD1,"
    "          inout float4 color : COLOR0)"
         // load the RGB value from the glyph image at the current texcoord
    "    float3 glyphClr = tex2D(glyphTex, tc0).rgb;"
    "    if (!any(glyphClr)) {"
             // zero coverage, so skip this fragment
    "        discard;"
    "    }"
         // load the RGB value from the corresponding destination pixel
    "    float3 dstClr = tex2D(dstTex, tc1).rgb;"
         // gamma adjust the dest color using the invgamma LUT
    "    float3 dstAdj = tex3D(invgammaTex, dstClr).rgb;"
    "    float3 dstAdj = pow(dstClr, invgamma);"
         // linearly interpolate the three color values
    "    float3 result = lerp(dstAdj, srcAdj, glyphClr);"
         // gamma re-adjust the resulting color (alpha is always set to 1.0)
    "    color = float4(tex3D(gammaTex, result).rgb, 1.0);"
    "    color = float4(pow(result, gamma), 1.0);"

static void
    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "D3DShaderGen_GenerateLCDTextShader");

    D3DShaderGen_WritePixelShader((char *)lcdTextShaderSource, "lcdtext", 0);

/*************************** AA support *******************************/

 * This shader fills the space between an outer and inner parallelogram.
 * It can be used to draw an outline by specifying both inner and outer
 * values.  It fills pixels by estimating what portion falls inside the
 * outer shape, and subtracting an estimate of what portion falls inside
 * the inner shape.  Specifying both inner and outer values produces a
 * standard "wide outline".  Specifying an inner shape that falls far
 * outside the outer shape allows the same shader to fill the outer
 * shape entirely since pixels that fall within the outer shape are never
 * inside the inner shape and so they are filled based solely on their
 * coverage of the outer shape.
 * The setup code renders this shader over the bounds of the outer
 * shape (or the only shape in the case of a fill operation) and
 * sets the texture 0 coordinates so that 0,0=>0,1=>1,1=>1,0 in those
 * texture coordinates map to the four corners of the parallelogram.
 * Similarly the texture 1 coordinates map the inner shape to the
 * unit square as well, but in a different coordinate system.
 * When viewed in the texture coordinate systems the parallelograms
 * we are filling are unit squares, but the pixels have then become
 * tiny parallelograms themselves.  Both of the texture coordinate
 * systems are affine transforms so the rate of change in X and Y
 * of the texture coordinates are essentially constants and happen
 * to correspond to the size and direction of the slanted sides of
 * the distorted pixels relative to the "square mapped" boundary
 * of the parallelograms.
 * The shader uses the ddx() and ddy() functions to measure the "rate
 * of change" of these texture coordinates and thus gets an accurate
 * measure of the size and shape of a pixel relative to the two
 * parallelograms.  It then uses the bounds of the size and shape
 * of a pixel to intersect with the unit square to estimate the
 * coverage of the pixel.  Unfortunately, without a lot more work
 * to calculate the exact area of intersection between a unit
 * square (the original parallelogram) and a parallelogram (the
 * distorted pixel), this shader only approximates the pixel
 * coverage, but emperically the estimate is very useful and
 * produces visually pleasing results, if not theoretically accurate.
static const char *aaShaderSource =
    "void main(in float2 tco : TEXCOORD0,"
    "          in float2 tci : TEXCOORD1,"
    "          inout float4 color : COLOR0)"
    // Calculate the vectors for the "legs" of the pixel parallelogram
    // for the outer parallelogram.
    "    float2 oleg1 = ddx(tco);"
    "    float2 oleg2 = ddy(tco);"
    // Calculate the bounds of the distorted pixel parallelogram.
    "    float2 omin = min(tco, tco+oleg1);"
    "    omin = min(omin, tco+oleg2);"
    "    omin = min(omin, tco+oleg1+oleg2);"
    "    float2 omax = max(tco, tco+oleg1);"
    "    omax = max(omax, tco+oleg2);"
    "    omax = max(omax, tco+oleg1+oleg2);"
    // Calculate the vectors for the "legs" of the pixel parallelogram
    // for the inner parallelogram.
    "    float2 ileg1 = ddx(tci);"
    "    float2 ileg2 = ddy(tci);"
    // Calculate the bounds of the distorted pixel parallelogram.
    "    float2 imin = min(tci, tci+ileg1);"
    "    imin = min(imin, tci+ileg2);"
    "    imin = min(imin, tci+ileg1+ileg2);"
    "    float2 imax = max(tci, tci+ileg1);"
    "    imax = max(imax, tci+ileg2);"
    "    imax = max(imax, tci+ileg1+ileg2);"
    // Clamp the bounds of the parallelograms to the unit square to
    // estimate the intersection of the pixel parallelogram with
    // the unit square.  The ratio of the 2 rectangle areas is a
    // reasonable estimate of the proportion of coverage.
    "    float2 o1 = clamp(omin, 0.0, 1.0);"
    "    float2 o2 = clamp(omax, 0.0, 1.0);"
    "    float oint = (o2.y-o1.y)*(o2.x-o1.x);"
    "    float oarea = (omax.y-omin.y)*(omax.x-omin.x);"
    "    float2 i1 = clamp(imin, 0.0, 1.0);"
    "    float2 i2 = clamp(imax, 0.0, 1.0);"
    "    float iint = (i2.y-i1.y)*(i2.x-i1.x);"
    "    float iarea = (imax.y-imin.y)*(imax.x-imin.x);"
    // Proportion of pixel in outer shape minus the proportion
    // of pixel in the inner shape == the coverage of the pixel
    // in the area between the two.
    "    float coverage = oint/oarea - iint / iarea;"
    "    color *= coverage;"

static void
    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "D3DShaderGen_GenerateAAParallelogramShader");

    D3DShaderGen_WriteShader((char *)aaShaderSource, "ps_2_a", "aapgram", 0);

/**************************** Main entrypoint *******************************/

static void
    int i;

#if 1
    // Generate BufferedImageOp shaders
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_RESCALE; i++) {
    D3DShaderGen_WriteShaderArray("rescale", MAX_RESCALE);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONVOLVE; i++) {
    D3DShaderGen_WriteShaderArray("convolve", MAX_CONVOLVE);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOOKUP; i++) {
    D3DShaderGen_WriteShaderArray("lookup", MAX_LOOKUP);

    // Generate Paint shaders
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_BASIC_GRAD; i++) {
    D3DShaderGen_WriteShaderArray("grad", MAX_BASIC_GRAD);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MULTI_GRAD; i++) {
        if (EXTRACT_CYCLE_METHOD(i) == 3) continue; // REMIND
    D3DShaderGen_WriteShaderArray("linear", MAX_MULTI_GRAD);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MULTI_GRAD; i++) {
        if (EXTRACT_CYCLE_METHOD(i) == 3) continue; // REMIND
    D3DShaderGen_WriteShaderArray("radial", MAX_MULTI_GRAD);

    // Generate LCD text shader

    // Genereate Shader to fill Antialiased parallelograms
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_RESCALE; i++) {
    D3DShaderGen_WriteShaderArray("rescale", MAX_RESCALE);

main(int argc, char **argv)
    fpHeader = fopen(strHeaderFile, "a");



    return 0;

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java D3DShaderGen.c source code file:

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