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Java example source code file (

This example Java source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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Java - Java tags/keywords

annotation, classtree, compilationunittree, diagnosticcollector, ioexception, javactaskimpl, javafileobject, linkedlist, list, methodtree, myfileobject, net, network, override, reflection, regex, string, test, util, void

The Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

 * @test
 * @bug 7073631 7159445 7156633
 * @summary tests error and diagnostics positions
 * @author  Jan Lahoda

import com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.BlockTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ErroneousTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionStatementTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.StatementTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.WhileLoopTree;
import com.sun.source.util.SourcePositions;
import com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner;
import com.sun.source.util.Trees;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class JavacParserTest extends TestCase {
    static final JavaCompiler tool = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();

    private JavacParserTest(){}

    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
        new JavacParserTest().run(args);

    class MyFileObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject {

        private String text;

        public MyFileObject(String text) {
            super(URI.create("myfo:/"), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);
            this.text = text;

        public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) {
            return text;
     * converts Windows to Unix style LFs for comparing strings
    String normalize(String in) {
        return in.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "\n");

    CompilationUnitTree getCompilationUnitTree(String code) throws IOException {

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
        CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        return cut;

    List<String> getErroneousTreeValues(ErroneousTree node) {

        List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
        if (node.getErrorTrees() != null) {
            for (Tree t : node.getErrorTrees()) {
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: No Erroneous tree "
                    + "has been created.");
        return values;

    void testPositionForSuperConstructorCalls() throws IOException {
        assert tool != null;

        String code = "package test; public class Test {public Test() {super();}}";

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
        CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        SourcePositions pos = Trees.instance(ct).getSourcePositions();

        MethodTree method =
                (MethodTree) ((ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0)).getMembers().get(0);
        ExpressionStatementTree es =
                (ExpressionStatementTree) method.getBody().getStatements().get(0);

        final int esStartPos = code.indexOf(es.toString());
        final int esEndPos = esStartPos + es.toString().length();
                esStartPos, pos.getStartPosition(cut, es));
                esEndPos, pos.getEndPosition(cut, es));

        MethodInvocationTree mit = (MethodInvocationTree) es.getExpression();

        final int mitStartPos = code.indexOf(mit.toString());
        final int mitEndPos = mitStartPos + mit.toString().length();
                mitStartPos, pos.getStartPosition(cut, mit));
                mitEndPos, pos.getEndPosition(cut, mit));

        final int methodStartPos = mitStartPos;
        final int methodEndPos = methodStartPos + mit.getMethodSelect().toString().length();
                methodStartPos, pos.getStartPosition(cut, mit.getMethodSelect()));
                methodEndPos, pos.getEndPosition(cut, mit.getMethodSelect()));

    void testPositionForEnumModifiers() throws IOException {
        final String theString = "public";
        String code = "package test; " + theString + " enum Test {A;}";

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
        CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        SourcePositions pos = Trees.instance(ct).getSourcePositions();

        ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
        ModifiersTree mt = clazz.getModifiers();
        int spos = code.indexOf(theString);
        int epos = spos + theString.length();
                spos, pos.getStartPosition(cut, mt));
                epos, pos.getEndPosition(cut, mt));

    void testNewClassWithEnclosing() throws IOException {

        final String theString = " d()";
        String code = "package test; class Test { " +
                "class d {} private void method() { " +
                "Object o = " + theString + "; } }";

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
        CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        SourcePositions pos = Trees.instance(ct).getSourcePositions();

        ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
        ExpressionTree est =
                ((VariableTree) ((MethodTree) clazz.getMembers().get(1)).getBody().getStatements().get(0)).getInitializer();

        final int spos = code.indexOf(theString);
        final int epos = spos + theString.length();
                spos, pos.getStartPosition(cut, est));
                epos, pos.getEndPosition(cut, est));

    void testPreferredPositionForBinaryOp() throws IOException {

        String code = "package test; public class Test {"
                + "private void test() {"
                + "Object o = null; boolean b = o != null && o instanceof String;"
                + "} private Test() {}}";

        CompilationUnitTree cut = getCompilationUnitTree(code);
        ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
        MethodTree method = (MethodTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0);
        VariableTree condSt = (VariableTree) method.getBody().getStatements().get(1);
        BinaryTree cond = (BinaryTree) condSt.getInitializer();

        JCTree condJC = (JCTree) cond;
        int condStartPos = code.indexOf("&&");
                condStartPos, condJC.pos);

    void testErrorRecoveryForEnhancedForLoop142381() throws IOException {

        String code = "package test; class Test { " +
                "private void method() { " +
                "java.util.Set<String> s = null; for (a : s) {} } }";

        final List<Diagnostic errors =
                new LinkedList<Diagnostic();

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null,
                new DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject>() {
            public void report(Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> diagnostic) {
        }, null, null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));

        CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();

        ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
        StatementTree forStatement =
                ((MethodTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0)).getBody().getStatements().get(1);

                Kind.ENHANCED_FOR_LOOP, forStatement.getKind());
        assertFalse("testErrorRecoveryForEnhancedForLoop142381", errors.isEmpty());

    void testPositionAnnotationNoPackage187551() throws IOException {

        String code = "\n@interface Test {}";

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));

        CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
        Trees t = Trees.instance(ct);

                1, t.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut, clazz));

    void testPositionsSane1() throws IOException {
        performPositionsSanityTest("package test; class Test { " +
                "private void method() { " +
                "java.util.List<? extends java.util.List l; " +
                "} }");

    void testPositionsSane2() throws IOException {
        performPositionsSanityTest("package test; class Test { " +
                "private void method() { " +
                "java.util.List<? super java.util.List l; " +
                "} }");

    void testPositionsSane3() throws IOException {
        performPositionsSanityTest("package test; class Test { " +
                "private void method() { " +
                "java.util.List<? super java.util.List l; } }");

    private void performPositionsSanityTest(String code) throws IOException {

        final List<Diagnostic errors =
                new LinkedList<Diagnostic();

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null,
                new DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject>() {

            public void report(Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> diagnostic) {
        }, null, null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));

        final CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        final Trees trees = Trees.instance(ct);

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {

            private long parentStart = 0;
            private long parentEnd = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

            public Void scan(Tree node, Void p) {
                if (node == null) {
                    return null;

                long start = trees.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut, node);

                if (start == (-1)) {
                    return null; // synthetic tree
                assertTrue(node.toString() + ":" + start + "/" + parentStart,
                        parentStart <= start);

                long prevParentStart = parentStart;

                parentStart = start;

                long end = trees.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(cut, node);

                assertTrue(node.toString() + ":" + end + "/" + parentEnd,
                        end <= parentEnd);

                long prevParentEnd = parentEnd;

                parentEnd = end;

                super.scan(node, p);

                parentStart = prevParentStart;
                parentEnd = prevParentEnd;

                return null;

            private void assertTrue(String message, boolean b) {
                if (!b) fail(message);
        }.scan(cut, null);

    void testCorrectWilcardPositions1() throws IOException {
        performWildcardPositionsTest("package test; import java.util.List; " +
                "class Test { private void method() { List<? extends List l; } }",

                Arrays.asList("List<? extends List l;",
                "List<? extends List",
                "? extends List<? extends String>",
                "List<? extends String>",
                "? extends String",

    void testCorrectWilcardPositions2() throws IOException {
        performWildcardPositionsTest("package test; import java.util.List; "
                + "class Test { private void method() { List<? super List l; } }",
                Arrays.asList("List<? super List l;",
                "List<? super List",
                "? super List<? super String>",
                "List<? super String>",
                "? super String",

    void testCorrectWilcardPositions3() throws IOException {
        performWildcardPositionsTest("package test; import java.util.List; " +
                "class Test { private void method() { List<? super List l; } }",

                Arrays.asList("List<? super List l;",
                "List<? super List",
                "? super List<?>",

    void testCorrectWilcardPositions4() throws IOException {
        performWildcardPositionsTest("package test; import java.util.List; " +
                "class Test { private void method() { " +
                "List<? extends List> l; } }",

                Arrays.asList("List<? extends List> l;",
                "List<? extends List>",
                "? extends List<? extends List",
                "List<? extends List",
                "? extends List<? extends String>",
                "List<? extends String>",
                "? extends String",

    void testCorrectWilcardPositions5() throws IOException {
        performWildcardPositionsTest("package test; import java.util.List; " +
                "class Test { private void method() { " +
                "List<? extends List> l; } }",
                Arrays.asList("List<? extends List> l;",
                "List<? extends List>",
                "? extends List<? extends List",
                "List<? extends List",
                "? extends List<? extends String   >",
                "List<? extends String   >",
                "? extends String",

    void performWildcardPositionsTest(final String code,
            List<String> golden) throws IOException {

        final List<Diagnostic errors =
                new LinkedList<Diagnostic();

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null,
                new DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject>() {
                    public void report(Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> diagnostic) {
                }, null, null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));

        final CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        final List<String> content = new LinkedList();
        final Trees trees = Trees.instance(ct);

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
            public Void scan(Tree node, Void p) {
                if (node == null) {
                    return null;
                long start = trees.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut, node);

                if (start == (-1)) {
                    return null; // synthetic tree
                long end = trees.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(cut, node);
                String s = code.substring((int) start, (int) end);

                return super.scan(node, p);
        }.scan(((MethodTree) ((ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0)).getMembers().get(0)).getBody().getStatements().get(0), null);


    void testStartPositionForMethodWithoutModifiers() throws IOException {

        String code = "package t; class Test { <T> void t() {} }";

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
        CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
        MethodTree mt = (MethodTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0);
        Trees t = Trees.instance(ct);
        int start = (int) t.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut, mt);
        int end = (int) t.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(cut, mt);

                "<T> void t() {}", code.substring(start, end));

    void testVariableInIfThen1() throws IOException {

        String code = "package t; class Test { " +
                "private static void t(String name) { " +
                "if (name != null) String nn = name.trim(); } }";

        DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> coll =
                new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, coll, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));


        List<String> codes = new LinkedList();

        for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d : coll.getDiagnostics()) {


   void testVariableInIfThen2() throws IOException {

        String code = "package t; class Test { " +
                "private static void t(String name) { " +
                "if (name != null) class X {} } }";
        DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> coll =
                new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, coll, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));


        List<String> codes = new LinkedList();

        for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d : coll.getDiagnostics()) {

                Arrays.<String>asList("compiler.err.class.not.allowed"), codes);

    void testVariableInIfThen3() throws IOException {

        String code = "package t; class Test { "+
                "private static void t() { " +
                "if (true) abstract class F {} }}";
        DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> coll =
                new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, coll, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));


        List<String> codes = new LinkedList();

        for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d : coll.getDiagnostics()) {

                Arrays.<String>asList("compiler.err.class.not.allowed"), codes);

    void testVariableInIfThen4() throws IOException {

        String code = "package t; class Test { "+
                "private static void t(String name) { " +
                "if (name != null) interface X {} } }";
        DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> coll =
                new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, coll, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));


        List<String> codes = new LinkedList();

        for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d : coll.getDiagnostics()) {

                Arrays.<String>asList("compiler.err.class.not.allowed"), codes);

    void testVariableInIfThen5() throws IOException {

        String code = "package t; class Test { "+
                "private static void t() { " +
                "if (true) } }";
        DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> coll =
                new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, coll, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));


        List<String> codes = new LinkedList();

        for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d : coll.getDiagnostics()) {


    // see javac bug #6882235, NB bug #98234:
    void testMissingExponent() throws IOException {

        String code = "\nclass Test { { System.err.println(0e); } }";

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));


    void testTryResourcePos() throws IOException {

        final String code = "package t; class Test { " +
                "{ try ( in = null) { } } }";

        CompilationUnitTree cut = getCompilationUnitTree(code);

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
            public Void visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void p) {
                if ("in".contentEquals(node.getName())) {
                    JCTree.JCVariableDecl var = (JCTree.JCVariableDecl) node;
                    assertEquals("testTryResourcePos", "in = null) { } } }",
                return super.visitVariable(node, p);
        }.scan(cut, null);

    void testVarPos() throws IOException {

        final String code = "package t; class Test { " +
                "{ in = null; } }";

        CompilationUnitTree cut = getCompilationUnitTree(code);

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {

            public Void visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void p) {
                if ("in".contentEquals(node.getName())) {
                    JCTree.JCVariableDecl var = (JCTree.JCVariableDecl) node;
                    assertEquals("testVarPos","in = null; } }",
                return super.visitVariable(node, p);
        }.scan(cut, null);

    // expected erroneous tree: int x = y;(ERROR);
    void testOperatorMissingError() throws IOException {

        String code = "package test; public class ErrorTest { "
                + "void method() { int x = y  z } }";
        CompilationUnitTree cut = getCompilationUnitTree(code);
        final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<String> expectedValues =
                new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("[z]"));

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
            public Void visitErroneous(ErroneousTree node, Void p) {
                return null;

        }.scan(cut, null);

        assertEquals("testSwitchError: The Erroneous tree "
                + "error values: " + values
                + " do not match expected error values: "
                + expectedValues, values, expectedValues);

    // expected erroneous tree:  String s = (ERROR);
    void testMissingParenthesisError() throws IOException {

        String code = "package test; public class ErrorTest { "
                + "void f() {String s = new String; } }";
        CompilationUnitTree cut = getCompilationUnitTree(code);
        final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<String> expectedValues =
                new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("[new String()]"));

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
            public Void visitErroneous(ErroneousTree node, Void p) {
                return null;
        }.scan(cut, null);

        assertEquals("testSwitchError: The Erroneous tree "
                + "error values: " + values
                + " do not match expected error values: "
                + expectedValues, values, expectedValues);

    // expected erroneous tree: package test; (ERROR)(ERROR)
    void testMissingClassError() throws IOException {

        String code = "package Test; clas ErrorTest {  "
                + "void f() {String s = new String(); } }";
        CompilationUnitTree cut = getCompilationUnitTree(code);
        final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<String> expectedValues =
                new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("[, clas]", "[]"));

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
            public Void visitErroneous(ErroneousTree node, Void p) {
                return null;
        }.scan(cut, null);

        assertEquals("testSwitchError: The Erroneous tree "
                + "error values: " + values
                + " do not match expected error values: "
                + expectedValues, values, expectedValues);

    // expected erroneous tree: void m1(int i) {(ERROR);{(ERROR);}
    void testSwitchError() throws IOException {

        String code = "package test; public class ErrorTest { "
                + "int numDays; void m1(int i) { switchh {i} { case 1: "
                + "numDays = 31; break; } } }";
        CompilationUnitTree cut = getCompilationUnitTree(code);
        final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<String> expectedValues =
                new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("[switchh]", "[i]"));

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
            public Void visitErroneous(ErroneousTree node, Void p) {
                return null;
        }.scan(cut, null);

        assertEquals("testSwitchError: The Erroneous tree "
                + "error values: " + values
                + " do not match expected error values: "
                + expectedValues, values, expectedValues);

    // expected erroneous tree: class ErrorTest {(ERROR)
    void testMethodError() throws IOException {

        String code = "package Test; class ErrorTest {  "
                + "static final void f) {String s = new String(); } }";
        CompilationUnitTree cut = cut = getCompilationUnitTree(code);

        final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<String> expectedValues =
                new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("[\nstatic final void f();]"));

        new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
            public Void visitErroneous(ErroneousTree node, Void p) {
                return null;
        }.scan(cut, null);

        assertEquals("testMethodError: The Erroneous tree "
                + "error value: " + values
                + " does not match expected error values: "
                + expectedValues, values, expectedValues);

     * The following tests do not work just yet with nb-javac nor javac,
     * they need further investigation, see CR: 7167356

    void testPositionBrokenSource126732a() throws IOException {
        String[] commands = new String[]{
            "return Runnable()",
            "do { } while (true)",
            "throw UnsupportedOperationException()",
            "assert true",
            "1 + 1",};

        for (String command : commands) {

            String code = "package test;\n"
                    + "public class Test {\n"
                    + "    public static void test() {\n"
                    + "        " + command + " {\n"
                    + "                new Runnable() {\n"
                    + "        };\n"
                    + "    }\n"
                    + "}";
            JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null,
                    null, null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
            CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();

            ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
            MethodTree method = (MethodTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0);
            List<? extends StatementTree> statements =

            StatementTree ret = statements.get(0);
            StatementTree block = statements.get(1);

            Trees t = Trees.instance(ct);
            int len = code.indexOf(command + " {") + (command + " ").length();
            assertEquals(command, len,
                    t.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(cut, ret));
            assertEquals(command, len,
                    t.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut, block));

    void testPositionBrokenSource126732b() throws IOException {
        String[] commands = new String[]{
            "break A",
            "continue ",
            "continue A",};

        for (String command : commands) {

            String code = "package test;\n"
                    + "public class Test {\n"
                    + "    public static void test() {\n"
                    + "        while (true) {\n"
                    + "            " + command + " {\n"
                    + "                new Runnable() {\n"
                    + "        };\n"
                    + "        }\n"
                    + "    }\n"
                    + "}";

            JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null,
                    null, null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
            CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();

            ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
            MethodTree method = (MethodTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0);
            List<? extends StatementTree> statements =
                    ((BlockTree) ((WhileLoopTree) method.getBody().getStatements().get(0)).getStatement()).getStatements();

            StatementTree ret = statements.get(0);
            StatementTree block = statements.get(1);

            Trees t = Trees.instance(ct);
            int len = code.indexOf(command + " {") + (command + " ").length();
            assertEquals(command, len,
                    t.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(cut, ret));
            assertEquals(command, len,
                    t.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut, block));

    void testStartPositionEnumConstantInit() throws IOException {

        String code = "package t; enum Test { AAA; }";

        JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, null, null, null,
                null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
        CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
        ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
        VariableTree enumAAA = (VariableTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0);
        Trees t = Trees.instance(ct);
        int start = (int) t.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut,

        assertEquals("testStartPositionEnumConstantInit", -1, start);

    void run(String[] args) throws Exception {
        int passed = 0, failed = 0;
        final Pattern p = (args != null && args.length > 0)
                ? Pattern.compile(args[0])
                : null;
        for (Method m : this.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) {
            boolean selected = (p == null)
                    ? m.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class)
                    : p.matcher(m.getName()).matches();
            if (selected) {
                try {
                    m.invoke(this, (Object[]) null);
                    System.out.println(m.getName() + ": OK");
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
                    System.out.printf("Test %s failed: %s %n", m, ex.getCause());
        System.out.printf("Passed: %d, Failed %d%n", passed, failed);
        if (failed > 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Tests failed: " + failed);
        if (passed == 0 && failed == 0) {
            throw new AssertionError("No test(s) selected: passed = " +
                    passed + ", failed = " + failed + " ??????????");

abstract class TestCase {

    void assertEquals(String message, int i, int pos) {
        if (i != pos) {

    void assertFalse(String message, boolean bvalue) {
        if (bvalue == true) {

    void assertEquals(String message, int i, long l) {
        if (i != l) {
            fail(message + ":" + i + ":" + l);

    void assertEquals(String message, Object o1, Object o2) {
        if (o1 != null && o2 != null && !o1.equals(o2)) {
        if (o1 == null && o2 != null) {

    void assertNotNull(Object o) {
        if (o == null) {

    void fail() {
        fail("test failed");

    void fail(String message) {
        throw new RuntimeException(message);

     * Indicates that the annotated method is a test method.
    public @interface Test {}

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