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Java example source code file (JavaCompilation.gmk)

This example Java source code file (JavaCompilation.gmk) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

check, dquote, echo, find, jar, mkdir, newline, now, oracle, sed, space, the, this

The JavaCompilation.gmk Java example source code

# Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
# or visit if you need additional information or have any
# questions.

# This makefile is much simpler now that it can use the smart javac wrapper
# for dependency tracking between java packages and incremental compiles.
# It could be even more simple if we added support for incremental jar updates
# directly from the smart javac wrapper.

# Cleaning/copying properties here is not a good solution. The properties
# should be cleaned/copied by a annotation processor in sjavac.

# When you read this source. Remember that $(sort ...) has the side effect
# of removing duplicates. It is actually this side effect that is
# desired whenever sort is used below!

ifeq (,$(_MAKEBASE_GMK))
  $(error You must include MakeBase.gmk prior to including JavaCompilation.gmk)


define SetupJavaCompiler
  # This is the name of the compiler setup.
  # param 2-9 are named args.
  #   JVM:=The jvm used to run the javac/javah command
  #   JAVAC:=The javac jar and bootstrap classpath changes, or just bin/javac if JVM is left out
  #   FLAGS:=Flags to be supplied to javac
  #   SERVER_DIR:=Use a javac server (-XDserver) and store the server related files here
  #   SERVER_JVM:=Use this JVM for the server. Defaults to the JVM above.
  $(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $($i),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
  $(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupJavaCompiler($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
  $(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupJavaCompiler, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))

  # The port file contains the tcp/ip on which the server listens
  # and the cookie necessary to talk to the server.
  # You can use a different JVM to run the background javac server.
  ifeq ($$($1_SERVER_JVM),)
    # It defaults to the same JVM that is used to start the javac command.

define SetupArchive
  # param 1 is for example ARCHIVE_MYPACKAGE
  # param 2 are the dependecies
  # param 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are named args.
  #   SRCS:=List of directories in where to find files to add to archive
  #   SUFFIXES:=File suffixes to include in jar
  #   INCLUDES:=List of directories/packages in SRCS that should be included
  #   EXCLUDES:=List of directories/packages in SRCS that should be excluded
  #   EXCLUDE_FILES:=List of files in SRCS that should be excluded
  #   EXTRA_FILES:=List of files in SRCS that should be included regardless of suffix match.
  #   JAR:=Jar file to create
  #   MANIFEST:=Optional manifest file template.
  #   JARMAIN:=Optional main class to add to manifest
  #   JARINDEX:=true means generate the index in the jar file.
  #   SKIP_METAINF:=Set to prevent contents of an META-INF directory to be automatically
  #       added to the archive.
  #   EXTRA_MANIFEST_ATTR:=Extra attribute to add to manifest.
  #   CHECK_COMPRESS_JAR Check the COMPRESS_JAR variable

  # NOTE: $2 is dependencies, not a named argument!
  $(foreach i,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $($i),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
  $(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupArchive($1),<dependencies>,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
  $(if $(findstring $(LOG_LEVEL),trace), $(info *[2] <dependencies> = $(strip $2)))
  $(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupArchive, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))

  $1_JARMAIN:=$(strip $$($1_JARMAIN))
  $1_JARNAME:=$$(notdir $$($1_JAR))
  $1_MANIFEST_FILE:=$$(dir $$($1_JAR))_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_manifest
  $1_DELETESS_FILE:=$$(dir $$($1_JAR))_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_deletess
  $1_DELETES_FILE:=$$(dir $$($1_JAR))_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_deletes
  $1_BIN:=$$(dir $$($1_JAR))

  ifeq (,$$($1_SUFFIXES))
    # No suffix was set, default to classes.
  # Convert suffixes to a find expression
  # On windows, a lot of includes/excludes risk making the command line too long, so
  # writing the grep patterns to files.
  ifneq (,$$($1_INCLUDES))
    $1_GREP_INCLUDE_PATTERNS:=$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS), \
        $$(addprefix $$(src)/,$$($1_INCLUDES)))
    # If there are a lot of include patterns, output to file to shorten command lines
    ifeq ($$(word 20,$$($1_GREP_INCLUDE_PATTERNS)),)
      $1_GREP_INCLUDES:=| $(GREP) $$(patsubst %,$(SPACE)-e$(SPACE)$(DQUOTE)%$(DQUOTE),$$($1_GREP_INCLUDE_PATTERNS))
      $1_GREP_INCLUDE_OUTPUT:=$(RM) $$($1_BIN)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_include $$(NEWLINE) \
          $$(call ListPathsSafely,$1_GREP_INCLUDE_PATTERNS,\n, \
          >> $$($1_BIN)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_include)
      $1_GREP_INCLUDES:=| $(GREP) -f $$($1_BIN)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_include
  ifneq (,$$($1_EXCLUDES)$$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES))
    $1_GREP_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS:=$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS),$$(addprefix $$(src)/, \
        $$($1_EXCLUDES) $$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES)))
    # If there are a lot of include patterns, output to file to shorten command lines
    ifeq ($$(word 20,$$($1_GREP_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS)),)
      $1_GREP_EXCLUDES:=| $(GREP) -v $$(patsubst %,$(SPACE)-e$(SPACE)$(DQUOTE)%$(DQUOTE),$$($1_GREP_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS))
      $1_GREP_EXCLUDE_OUTPUT=$(RM) $$($1_BIN)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_exclude $$(NEWLINE) \
          $$(call ListPathsSafely,$1_GREP_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS,\n, \
          >> $$($1_BIN)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_exclude)
      $1_GREP_EXCLUDES:=| $(GREP) -v -f $$($1_BIN)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_exclude

  # Check if this jar needs to have its index generated.
  ifneq (,$$($1_JARINDEX))
    $1_JARINDEX = (cd $$(dir $$@) && $(JAR) -i $$(notdir $$@))
    $1_JARINDEX = true
  # When this macro is run in the same makefile as the java compilation, dependencies are
  # transfered in make variables. When the macro is run in a different makefile than the
  # java compilation, the dependencies need to be found in the filesystem.
  ifneq (,$2)
    $1_DEPS:=$$(filter $$(addprefix %,$$($1_SUFFIXES)), \
        $$(call CacheFind,$$($1_SRCS)))
    ifneq (,$$($1_GREP_INCLUDE_PATTERNS))
      $1_DEPS:=$$(filter $$(addsuffix %,$$($1_GREP_INCLUDE_PATTERNS)),$$($1_DEPS))
    ifneq (,$$($1_GREP_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS))
      $1_DEPS:=$$(filter-out $$(addsuffix %,$$($1_GREP_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS)),$$($1_DEPS))
    # The subst of \ is needed because $ has to be escaped with \ in EXTRA_FILES for the command
    # lines, but not here for use in make dependencies.
    $1_DEPS+=$$(subst \,,$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS),$$(addprefix $$(src)/,$$($1_EXTRA_FILES))))
    ifeq (,$$($1_SKIP_METAINF))
      $1_DEPS+=$$(call CacheFind,$$(wildcard $$(addsuffix /META-INF,$$($1_SRCS))))

  # Utility macros, to make the shell script receipt somewhat easier to decipher.

  # The capture contents macro finds all files (matching the patterns, typically
  # .class and .prp) that are newer than the jar-file, ie the new content to be put into the jar.
  $1_CAPTURE_CONTENTS=$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS), \
      (($(FIND) $$(src) -type f -a \( $$($1_FIND_PATTERNS) \) -a -newer $$@ $$($1_GREP_INCLUDES) \
          $$($1_GREP_EXCLUDES) | $(SED) 's|$$(src)/||g' && \
      $(ECHO) $$(subst $$(src)/,,$$($1_EXTRA_FILES))) > \
      $$(src)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_contents) $$(NEWLINE))
  # The capture metainf macro finds all files below the META-INF directory that are newer than the jar-file.
  ifeq (,$$($1_SKIP_METAINF))
    $1_CAPTURE_METAINF =$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS),($(FIND) $$(src)/META-INF -type f -a -newer $$@ 2> /dev/null | $(SED) 's|$$(src)/||g' >> $$(src)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_contents ) $$(NEWLINE))
  # The capture deletes macro finds all deleted files and concatenates them. The resulting file
  # tells us what to remove from the jar-file.
  $1_CAPTURE_DELETES=$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS),($(FIND) $$(src) -name _the.package.deleted -newer $$@ -exec $(SED) 's|$$(src)||g' \{\} >> $$($1_DELETES_FILE) \;) $$(NEWLINE))
  # The update contents macro updates the jar file with the previously capture contents.
  # xargs is used to trim the whitespace from the contents file, to see if it is empty.
  $1_UPDATE_CONTENTS=$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS), \
      (cd $$(src) && \
       if [ -n "`$(CAT) _the.$$($1_JARNAME)_contents | $(XARGS)`" ]; then \
         $(ECHO) "  updating" `$(WC) -l _the.$$($1_JARNAME)_contents | $(AWK) '{ print $$$$1 }'` files && \
         $(JAR) $$($1_JAR_UPDATE_OPTIONS) $$@ @_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_contents; \
       fi) $$(NEWLINE))
  # The s-variants of the above macros are used when the jar is created from scratch.
  $1_SCAPTURE_CONTENTS=$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS), \
      (($(FIND) $$(src) -type f -a \( $$($1_FIND_PATTERNS) \) $$($1_GREP_INCLUDES) \
          $$($1_GREP_EXCLUDES) | $(SED) 's|$$(src)/||g' && \
      $$(subst $$(src)/,,$(ECHO) $$($1_EXTRA_FILES))) > \
      $$(src)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_contents) $$(NEWLINE))

  ifeq (,$$($1_SKIP_METAINF))
    $1_SCAPTURE_METAINF=$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS), \
        ($(FIND) $$(src)/META-INF -type f 2> /dev/null | $(SED) 's|$$(src)/||g' >> \
        $$(src)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_contents) $$(NEWLINE))
  $1_SUPDATE_CONTENTS=$$(foreach src,$$($1_SRCS), \
      (cd $$(src) && $(JAR) $$($1_JAR_UPDATE_OPTIONS) $$@ @$$(src)/_the.$$($1_JARNAME)_contents) $$(NEWLINE))

  # Use a slightly shorter name for logging, but with enough path to identify this jar.
  $1_NAME:=$$(subst $$(OUTPUT_ROOT)/,,$$($1_JAR))

  ifneq (,$$($1_CHECK_COMPRESS_JAR))
    $1_JAR_CREATE_OPTIONS := c0fm
    $1_JAR_UPDATE_OPTIONS := u0f
    ifeq ($(COMPRESS_JARS), true)
      $1_JAR_CREATE_OPTIONS := cfm
      $1_JAR_UPDATE_OPTIONS := uf
    $1_JAR_CREATE_OPTIONS := cfm

  # Here is the rule that creates/updates the jar file.
  $$($1_JAR) : $$($1_DEPS)
	$(MKDIR) -p $$($1_BIN)
	$$(if $$($1_MANIFEST), \
	  $(SED) -e "s#@@RELEASE@@#$(RELEASE)#" \
	      -e "s#@@COMPANY_NAME@@#$(COMPANY_NAME)#" $$($1_MANIFEST) > $$($1_MANIFEST_FILE) \
	, \
	  $(RM) $$($1_MANIFEST_FILE) && $(TOUCH) $$($1_MANIFEST_FILE))
	$$(if $$($1_JARMAIN),$(ECHO) "Main-Class: $$(strip $$($1_JARMAIN))" >> $$($1_MANIFEST_FILE))
	$$(if $$(wildcard $$@), \
	  $(ECHO) Modifying $$($1_NAME) $$(NEWLINE) \
	  $(RM) $$($1_DELETES_FILE) $$(NEWLINE) \
	  $(CAT) $$($1_DELETES_FILE) > $$($1_DELETESS_FILE) $$(NEWLINE) \
	  if [ -s $$($1_DELETESS_FILE) ]; then \
	    $(ECHO) "  deleting" `$(WC) -l $$($1_DELETESS_FILE) | $(AWK) '{ print $$$$1 }'` files && \
	    $(ZIP) -q -d $$@ `$(CAT) $$($1_DELETESS_FILE)` ; \
	  fi $$(NEWLINE) \
	  $$($1_UPDATE_CONTENTS) true $$(NEWLINE) \
	  $$($1_JARINDEX) && true \
	, \
	  $(ECHO) Creating $$($1_NAME) && $(JAR) $$($1_JAR_CREATE_OPTIONS) $$@ $$($1_MANIFEST_FILE) $$(NEWLINE) \
	  $$($1_JARINDEX) && true )


define SetupZipArchive
  # param 1 is for example ZIP_MYSOURCE
  # param 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are named args.
  $(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $($i),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
  $(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupZipArchive($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
  $(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupZipArchive, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))

  # To avoid running find over too large sets of files, which causes make to crash
  # on some configurations (cygwin), use INCLUDES and INCLUDE_FILES to build a set
  # of directories to run find in, if available.
  ifneq ($$($1_INCLUDES)$$($1_INCLUDE_FILES),)
    $1_FIND_LIST := $$(wildcard $$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC), \
        $$(addprefix $$i/,$$($1_INCLUDES) $$($1_INCLUDE_FILES))))
    $1_FIND_LIST := $$($1_SRC)

  # Find all files in the source tree.
  $1_ALL_SRCS := $$(call not-containing,_the.,$$(call CacheFind,$$($1_FIND_LIST)))

  # Filter on suffixes if set
  ifneq ($$($1_SUFFIXES),)
    $1_ALL_SRCS := $$(filter $$(addprefix %, $$($1_SUFFIXES)), $$($1_ALL_SRCS))

  ifneq ($$($1_INCLUDES),)
    ifneq ($$($1_SUFFIXES),)
      $1_ZIP_INCLUDES := $$(foreach s,$$($1_SUFFIXES), \
          $$(addprefix -i$(SPACE)$(DQUOTE),$$(addsuffix /*$$s$(DQUOTE),$$($1_INCLUDES))))
      $1_ZIP_INCLUDES := $$(addprefix -i$(SPACE)$(DQUOTE),$$(addsuffix /*$(DQUOTE),$$($1_INCLUDES)))
  ifneq ($$($1_INCLUDE_FILES),)
    $1_ZIP_INCLUDES += $$(addprefix -i$(SPACE),$$($1_INCLUDE_FILES))
  ifneq ($$($1_EXCLUDES),)
    $1_SRC_EXCLUDES := $$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(addprefix $$i/,$$(addsuffix /%,$$($1_EXCLUDES))))
    $1_ZIP_EXCLUDES := $$(addprefix -x$(SPACE)$(DQUOTE),$$(addsuffix /*$(DQUOTE),$$($1_EXCLUDES)))
    $1_ALL_SRCS := $$(filter-out $$($1_SRC_EXCLUDES),$$($1_ALL_SRCS))

  # Use a slightly shorter name for logging, but with enough path to identify this zip.
  $1_NAME:=$$(subst $$(OUTPUT_ROOT)/,,$$($1_ZIP))

  # Now $1_ALL_SRCS should contain all sources that are going to be put into the zip.
  # I.e. the zip -i and -x options should match the filtering done in the makefile.
  # Explicitly excluded files can be given with absolute path. The patsubst solution
  # isn't perfect but the likelyhood of an absolute path to match something in a src
  # dir is very small.
  # If zip has nothing to do, it returns 12 and would fail the build. Check for 12
  # and only fail if it's not.
  $$($1_ZIP) : $$($1_ALL_SRCS) $$($1_EXTRA_DEPS)
	$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
	$(ECHO) Updating $$($1_NAME)
	$$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),(cd $$i && $(ZIP) -qru $$@ . $$($1_ZIP_INCLUDES) $$($1_ZIP_EXCLUDES) -x \*_the.\* $$(addprefix -x$(SPACE),$$(patsubst $$i/%,%,$$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES))) || test "$$$$?" = "12" )$$(NEWLINE)) true
	$(TOUCH) $$@

define add_file_to_copy
  # param 1 = BUILD_MYPACKAGE
  # parma 2 = The source file to copy.
  # Remove the source prefix.
  $$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(eval $$(call remove_string,$$i,$2_TARGET)))
  # Now we can setup the depency that will trigger the copying.
  $$($1_BIN)$$($2_TARGET) : $2
	$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
	$(CP) $$< $$@
	$(CHMOD) -f ug+w $$@

  # And do not forget this target
  $1_ALL_COPY_TARGETS += $$($1_BIN)$$($2_TARGET)

# This macro is used only for properties files that are to be
# copied over to the classes directory in cleaned form:
# Previously this was inconsistently done in different repositories.
# This is the new clean standard. Though it is to be superseded by
# a standard annotation processor from with sjavac.
define add_file_to_copy_and_clean
  # param 1 = BUILD_MYPACKAGE
  # parma 2 = The source file to copy and clean.
  # Remove the source prefix.
  $$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(eval $$(call remove_string,$$i,$2_TARGET)))
  # Now we can setup the depency that will trigger the copying.
  $$($1_BIN)$$($2_TARGET) : $2
	$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
	$(CAT) $$< | $(SED) -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\\:/g' -e 's/\([^\\]\)=/\1\\=/g' -e 's/#.*/#/g' \
	    | $(SED) -f "$(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/support/unicode2x.sed" \
	    | $(SED) -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$$$$/d' \
	        -e :a -e '/\\$$$$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' \
	        -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$$$$//' \
	        -e 's/\\=/=/' | LANG=C $(SORT) > $$@
	$(CHMOD) -f ug+w $$@

  # And do not forget this target

define remove_string
  $2 := $$(subst $1,,$$($2))

define replace_space_with_pathsep
  $1:=$(subst $(SPACE),$(PATH_SEP),$(strip $(patsubst %,%,$2)))

define SetupJavaCompilation
  # param 1 is for example BUILD_MYPACKAGE
  # param 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 are named args.
  #   SETUP:=must point to a previously setup java compiler, for example: SETUP:=BOOTJAVAC
  #   JVM:=path to ..bin/java
  #   ADD_JAVAC_FLAGS:=javac flags to append to the default ones.
  #   SRC:=one or more directories to search for sources
  #   BIN:=store classes here
  # means will only compile java files in or any of its sub-packages.
  # means will do not compile java files in or any of its sub-packages.
  #   COPY:=.prp means copy all prp files to the corresponding package in BIN.
  # means copy and clean all properties file to the corresponding package in BIN.
  #   COPY_FILES:=myapp/foo/setting.txt means copy this file over to the package myapp/foo
  #   SRCZIP:=Create a based on the found sources and copied files.
  #   INCLUDE_FILES:="com/sun/" means only compile this file!
  #   EXCLUDE_FILES:="com/sun/" means do not compile this particular file!
  #       "" means do not compile SolarisFoobar, wherever it is found.
  #   JAVAC_SOURCE_PATH_OVERRIDE:=This forces an explicit -sourcepath to javac instead of the complete
  #       source roots from SRC. This is sometimes needed when compiling specific subsets of the source.
  #   HEADERS:=path to directory where all generated c-headers are written.
  #   DEPENDS:=Extra dependecy
  $(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $($i),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
  $(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupJavaCompilation($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
  $(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupJavaCompilation, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))

  # Extract the info from the java compiler setup.
  $1_JVM := $$($$($1_SETUP)_JVM)
  $1_JAVAC := $$($$($1_SETUP)_JAVAC)
  ifeq ($$($1_JAVAC),)
    $$(error The Java compilation $1 refers to a non-existant java compiler setup $$($1_SETUP))
  $1_SERVER_JVM := $$($$($1_SETUP)_SERVER_JVM)

  # Handle addons and overrides.
  $1_SRC:=$$(call ADD_SRCS,$$($1_SRC))
  # Make sure the dirs exist.
  $$(foreach d,$$($1_SRC), $$(if $$(wildcard $$d),,$$(error SRC specified to SetupJavaCompilation $1 contains missing directory $$d)))
  $$(eval $$(call MakeDir,$$($1_BIN)))
  # Find all files in the source trees.
  $1_ALL_SRCS += $$(filter-out $(OVR_SRCS),$$(call CacheFind,$$($1_SRC)))
  # Extract the java files.
  ifneq ($$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES),)
    $1_EXCLUDE_FILES_PATTERN:=$$(addprefix %,$$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES))
  $1_SRCS := $$(filter-out $$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES_PATTERN),$$(filter,$$($1_ALL_SRCS)))
  ifneq ($$($1_INCLUDE_FILES),)
    $1_INCLUDE_FILES:=$$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(addprefix $$i/,$$($1_INCLUDE_FILES)))
    $1_SRCS := $$(filter $$($1_INCLUDE_FILES), $$($1_SRCS))

  # Now we have a list of all java files to compile: $$($1_SRCS)

  # Create the corresponding smart javac wrapper command line.
  $1_SJAVAC_ARGS:=$$(addprefix -x ,$$(addsuffix .*,$$(subst /,.,$$($1_EXCLUDES)))) \
      $$(addprefix -i ,$$(addsuffix .*,$$(subst /,.,$$($1_INCLUDES)))) \
      $$(addprefix -xf *,$$(strip $$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES))) \
      $$(addprefix -if *,$$(strip $$($1_INCLUDE_FILES))) \
      -src "$$(subst $$(SPACE),$$(PATH_SEP),$$(strip $$($1_SRC)))"

  # Prepend the source/bin path to the filter expressions.
  ifneq ($$($1_INCLUDES),)
    $1_SRC_INCLUDES := $$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(addprefix $$i/,$$(addsuffix /%,$$($1_INCLUDES))))
    $1_SRCS := $$(filter $$($1_SRC_INCLUDES),$$($1_SRCS))
  ifneq ($$($1_EXCLUDES),)
    $1_SRC_EXCLUDES := $$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(addprefix $$i/,$$(addsuffix /%,$$($1_EXCLUDES))))
    $1_SRCS := $$(filter-out $$($1_SRC_EXCLUDES),$$($1_SRCS))

  # Find all files to be copied from source to bin.
  ifneq (,$$($1_COPY))
    # Search for all files to be copied.
    $1_ALL_COPIES := $$(filter $$(addprefix %,$$($1_COPY)),$$($1_ALL_SRCS))
    # Copy these explicitly
    $1_ALL_COPIES += $$($1_COPY_FILES)
    # Copy must also respect filters.
    ifneq (,$$($1_INCLUDES))
      $1_ALL_COPIES := $$(filter $$($1_SRC_INCLUDES),$$($1_ALL_COPIES))
    ifneq (,$$($1_EXCLUDES))
      $1_ALL_COPIES := $$(filter-out $$($1_SRC_EXCLUDES),$$($1_ALL_COPIES))
    ifneq (,$$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES))
      $1_ALL_COPIES := $$(filter-out $$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES_PATTERN),$$($1_ALL_COPIES))
    # All files below META-INF are always copied.
    $1_ALL_COPIES += $$(filter $$(addsuffix /META-INF%,$$($1_SRC)),$$($1_ALL_SRCS))
    ifneq (,$$($1_ALL_COPIES))
      # Yep, there are files to be copied!
          $$(foreach i,$$($1_ALL_COPIES),$$(eval $$(call add_file_to_copy,$1,$$i)))
      # Now we can depend on $$($1_ALL_COPY_TARGETS) to copy all files!

  # Find all property files to be copied and cleaned from source to bin.
  ifneq (,$$($1_CLEAN))
    # Search for all files to be copied.
    $1_ALL_CLEANS := $$(filter $$(addprefix %,$$($1_CLEAN)),$$($1_ALL_SRCS))
    # Copy and clean must also respect filters.
    ifneq (,$$($1_INCLUDES))
      $1_ALL_CLEANS := $$(filter $$($1_SRC_INCLUDES),$$($1_ALL_CLEANS))
    ifneq (,$$($1_EXCLUDES))
      $1_ALL_CLEANS := $$(filter-out $$($1_SRC_EXCLUDES),$$($1_ALL_CLEANS))
    ifneq (,$$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES))
      $1_ALL_CLEANS := $$(filter-out $$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES_PATTERN),$$($1_ALL_CLEANS))
    ifneq (,$$($1_ALL_CLEANS))
      # Yep, there are files to be copied and cleaned!
          $$(foreach i,$$($1_ALL_CLEANS),$$(eval $$(call add_file_to_copy_and_clean,$1,$$i)))
      # Now we can depend on $$($1_ALL_COPY_CLEAN_TARGETS) to copy all files!

  # Prep the source paths.
    $$(eval $$(call replace_space_with_pathsep,$1_SRCROOTSC,$$($1_JAVAC_SOURCE_PATH_OVERRIDE)))
    $$(eval $$(call replace_space_with_pathsep,$1_SRCROOTSC,$$($1_SRC)))

  # Create a sed expression to remove the source roots and to replace / with .
  # and remove .java at the end.
  $1_REWRITE_INTO_CLASSES:=$$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),-e 's|$$i/||g') -e 's|/|.|g' -e 's|.java$$$$||g'

  ifeq ($$($1_DISABLE_SJAVAC)x$$(ENABLE_SJAVAC),xyes)
    ifneq (,$$($1_HEADERS))
      $1_HEADERS_ARG := -h $$($1_HEADERS)

    # Using sjavac to compile.
    $1 := $$($1_ALL_COPY_TARGETS) $$($1_ALL_COPY_CLEAN_TARGETS) $$($1_BIN)/javac_state

    # Create SJAVAC variable form JAVAC variable. Expects $1_JAVAC to be
    # "bootclasspathprepend -cp .../javac.jar"
    # and javac is simply replaced with sjavac.

    # Set the $1_REMOTE to spawn a background javac server.
    $1_REMOTE:=--server:portfile=$$($1_SJAVAC_PORTFILE),id=$1,sjavac=$$(subst $$(SPACE),%20,$$(subst $$(COMMA),%2C,$$(strip $$($1_SERVER_JVM) $$($1_SJAVAC))))

    $$($1_BIN)/javac_state: $$($1_SRCS) $$($1_DEPENDS)
	$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
	$$(call ListPathsSafely,$1_SRCS,\n, >> $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch.tmp)
	$(ECHO) Compiling $1
	($$($1_JVM) $$($1_SJAVAC) \
	    $$($1_REMOTE) \
	    -j $(JOBS) \
	    --permit-unidentified-artifacts \
	    --permit-sources-without-package \
	    --compare-found-sources $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch.tmp \
	    --log=$(LOG_LEVEL) \
	    $$($1_SJAVAC_ARGS) \
	    $$($1_FLAGS) \
	    $$($1_HEADERS_ARG) \
	    -d $$($1_BIN) && \
	$(MV) $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch.tmp $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch)
    # Using plain javac to batch compile everything.
    $1 := $$($1_ALL_COPY_TARGETS) $$($1_ALL_COPY_CLEAN_TARGETS) $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch

    # When building in batch, put headers in a temp dir to filter out those that actually
    # changed before copying them to the real header dir.
    ifneq (,$$($1_HEADERS))
      $1_HEADERS_ARG := -h $$($1_HEADERS).tmp

      $$($1_HEADERS)/_the.$1_headers: $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch
		$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
		for f in `ls $$($1_HEADERS).tmp`; do \
		  if [ ! -f "$$($1_HEADERS)/$$$$f" ] || [ "`$(DIFF) $$($1_HEADERS)/$$$$f $$($1_HEADERS).tmp/$$$$f`" != "" ]; then \
		    $(CP) -f $$($1_HEADERS).tmp/$$$$f $$($1_HEADERS)/$$$$f; \
		  fi; \
		$(RM) -r $$($1_HEADERS).tmp
		$(TOUCH) $$@

      $1 += $$($1_HEADERS)/_the.$1_headers

    # When not using sjavac, pass along all sources to javac using an @file.
    $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch: $$($1_SRCS) $$($1_DEPENDS)
	$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
	$(RM) $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch.tmp
	$$(call ListPathsSafely,$1_SRCS,\n, >> $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch.tmp)
	$(ECHO) Compiling `$(WC) $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch.tmp | $(TR) -s ' ' | $(CUT) -f 2 -d ' '` files for $1
	($$($1_JVM) $$($1_JAVAC) $$($1_FLAGS) \
	    -implicit:none -sourcepath "$$($1_SRCROOTSC)" \
	    -d $$($1_BIN) $$($1_HEADERS_ARG) @$$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch.tmp && \
	$(MV) $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch.tmp $$($1_BIN)/_the.$1_batch)


  # Check if a jar file was specified, then setup the rules for the jar.
  ifneq (,$$($1_JAR))
    # If no suffixes was explicitly set for this jar file.
    # Use class and the cleaned/copied properties file suffixes as the default
    # for the types of files to be put into the jar.
    ifeq (,$$($1_SUFFIXES))
      $1_SUFFIXES:=.class $$($1_CLEAN) $$($1_COPY)

    $$(eval $$(call SetupArchive,ARCHIVE_$1,$$($1), \
        SRCS:=$$($1_BIN), \
        SUFFIXES:=$$($1_SUFFIXES), \
        EXCLUDE:=$$($1_EXCLUDES), \
        INCLUDES:=$$($1_INCLUDES), \
        JAR:=$$($1_JAR), \
        JARMAIN:=$$($1_JARMAIN), \
        MANIFEST:=$$($1_MANIFEST), \
        JARINDEX:=$$($1_JARINDEX), \
        HEADERS:=$$($1_HEADERS), \

  # Check if a srczip was specified, then setup the rules for the srczip.
  ifneq (,$$($1_SRCZIP))
    $$(eval $$(call SetupZipArchive,ARCHIVE_$1, \
        SRC:=$$($1_SRC), \
        ZIP:=$$($1_SRCZIP), \
        INCLUDES:=$$($1_INCLUDES), \
        EXCLUDES:=$$($1_EXCLUDES), \


Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java JavaCompilation.gmk source code file:

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