Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Docs.scala)
The Docs.scala Play Framework example source code/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.File import java.net.URLClassLoader import org.webjars.{ FileSystemCache, WebJarExtractor } object Docs { val Webjars = config("webjars").hide val apiDocsInclude = SettingKey[Boolean]("api-docs-include", "Whether this sub project should be included in the API docs") val apiDocsIncludeManaged = SettingKey[Boolean]("api-docs-include-managed", "Whether managed sources from this project should be included in the API docs") val apiDocsScalaSources = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("api-docs-scala-sources", "All the scala sources for all projects") val apiDocsJavaSources = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("api-docs-java-sources", "All the Java sources for all projects") val apiDocsClasspath = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("api-docs-classpath", "The classpath for API docs generation") val apiDocs = TaskKey[File]("api-docs", "Generate the API docs") val extractWebjars = TaskKey[File]("extract-webjars", "Extract webjar contents") lazy val settings = Seq( apiDocsInclude := false, apiDocsIncludeManaged := false, apiDocsScalaSources <<= (thisProjectRef, buildStructure) flatMap allSources(Compile, ".scala"), apiDocsClasspath <<= (thisProjectRef, buildStructure) flatMap allClasspaths, apiDocsJavaSources <<= (thisProjectRef, buildStructure) flatMap allSources(Compile, ".java"), apiDocs <<= (apiDocsScalaSources, apiDocsJavaSources, apiDocsClasspath, baseDirectory in ThisBuild, target, compilers, streams, scalaVersion) map apiDocsTask, ivyConfigurations += Webjars, extractWebjars <<= extractWebjarContents, mappings in (Compile, packageBin) <++= (baseDirectory, apiDocs, extractWebjars, version) map { (base, apiBase, webjars, playVersion) => // Include documentation and API docs in main binary JAR val docBase = base / "../../../documentation" val raw = (docBase \ "manual" ** "*") +++ (docBase \ "style" ** "*") val filtered = raw.filter(_.getName != ".DS_Store") val docMappings = filtered.get pair rebase(docBase, "play/docs/content/") val apiDocMappings = (apiBase ** "*").get pair rebase(apiBase, "play/docs/content/api") // The play version is added so that resource paths are versioned val webjarMappings = webjars.*** pair rebase(webjars, "play/docs/content/webjars/" + playVersion) docMappings ++ apiDocMappings ++ webjarMappings } ) def apiDocsTask(scalaSources: Seq[File], javaSources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], buildBase: File, target: File, compilers: Compiler.Compilers, streams: TaskStreams, scalaVersion: String): File = { val targetDir = new File(target, "scala-" + CrossVersion.binaryScalaVersion(scalaVersion)) val version = BuildSettings.buildVersion val sourceTree = if (version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) { BuildSettings.sourceCodeBranch } else { version } val apiTarget = new File(targetDir, "apidocs") val scalaCache = new File(targetDir, "scalaapidocs.cache") val javaCache = new File(targetDir, "javaapidocs.cache") val label = "Play " + BuildSettings.buildVersion val options = Seq( // Note, this is used by the doc-source-url feature to determine the relative path of a given source file. // If it's not a prefix of a the absolute path of the source file, the absolute path of that file will be put // into the FILE_SOURCE variable below, which is definitely not what we want. // Hence it needs to be the base directory for the build, not the base directory for the play-docs project. "-sourcepath", buildBase.getAbsolutePath, "-doc-source-url", "https://github.com/playframework/playframework/tree/" + sourceTree + "/framework€{FILE_PATH}.scala") val scaladoc = Doc.scaladoc(label, scalaCache, compilers.scalac) // Since there is absolutely no documentation on what the arguments here should be aside from their types, here // are the parameter names of the method that does eventually get called: // (sources, classpath, outputDirectory, options, maxErrors, log) scaladoc(scalaSources, classpath, apiTarget / "scala", options, 10, streams.log) val javadocOptions = Seq( "-windowtitle", label, "-notimestamp", "-subpackages", "play", "-exclude", "play.api:play.core" ) val javadoc = Doc.javadoc(label, javaCache, compilers.javac) javadoc(javaSources, classpath, apiTarget / "java", javadocOptions, 10, streams.log) apiTarget } def allSources(conf: Configuration, extension: String)(projectRef: ProjectRef, structure: BuildStructure): Task[Seq[File]] = { val projects = allApiProjects(projectRef.build, structure) val sourceTasks = projects map { ref => def taskFromProject[T](task: TaskKey[T]) = task in conf in ref get structure.data // Get all the Scala sources (not the Java ones) val filteredSources = taskFromProject(sources).map(_.map(_.filter(_.name.endsWith(extension)))) // Join them val tasks = filteredSources.toSeq tasks.join.map(_.flatten) } sourceTasks.join.map(_.flatten) } /** * Get all projects in the given build that have `apiDocsInclude` set to `true`. * Recursively searches aggregated projects starting from the root project. */ def allApiProjects(build: URI, structure: BuildStructure): Seq[ProjectRef] = { def aggregated(projectRef: ProjectRef): Seq[ProjectRef] = { val project = Project.getProject(projectRef, structure) val childRefs = project.toSeq.flatMap(_.aggregate) childRefs flatMap { childRef => val includeApiDocs = (apiDocsInclude in childRef).get(structure.data).getOrElse(false) if (includeApiDocs) childRef +: aggregated(childRef) else aggregated(childRef) } } val rootProjectId = Load.getRootProject(structure.units)(build) val rootProjectRef = ProjectRef(build, rootProjectId) aggregated(rootProjectRef) } def allClasspaths(projectRef: ProjectRef, structure: BuildStructure): Task[Seq[File]] = { val projects = allApiProjects(projectRef.build, structure) val tasks = projects flatMap { dependencyClasspath in Compile in _ get structure.data } tasks.join.map(_.flatten.map(_.data).distinct) } // Note: webjars are extracted without versions def extractWebjarContents: Def.Initialize[Task[File]] = (update, target, streams) map { (report, targetDir, s) => val webjars = report.matching(configurationFilter(name = Webjars.name)) val webjarsDir = targetDir / "webjars" val cache = new FileSystemCache(s.cacheDirectory / "webjars-cache") val classLoader = new URLClassLoader(Path.toURLs(webjars), null) val extractor = new WebJarExtractor(cache, classLoader) extractor.extractAllWebJarsTo(webjarsDir) cache.save() webjarsDir } } Other Play Framework source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Docs.scala source code file: |
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