Scala example source code file (TreeInfo.scala)
The TreeInfo.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package ast /** This class ... * * @author Martin Odersky * @version 1.0 */ abstract class TreeInfo extends scala.reflect.internal.TreeInfo { val global: Global import global._ import definitions._ // arg1.op(arg2) returns (arg1, op.symbol, arg2) object BinaryOp { def unapply(t: Tree): Option[(Tree, Symbol, Tree)] = t match { case Apply(sel @ Select(arg1, _), arg2 :: Nil) => Some((arg1, sel.symbol, arg2)) case _ => None } } // recv.op[T1, ...] returns (recv, op.symbol, type argument types) object TypeApplyOp { def unapply(t: Tree): Option[(Tree, Symbol, List[Type])] = t match { case TypeApply(sel @ Select(recv, _), targs) => Some((recv, sel.symbol, targs map (_.tpe))) case _ => None } } // x.asInstanceOf[T] returns (x, typeOf[T]) object AsInstanceOf { def unapply(t: Tree): Option[(Tree, Type)] = t match { case Apply(TypeApplyOp(recv, Object_asInstanceOf, tpe :: Nil), Nil) => Some((recv, tpe)) case _ => None } } // Extractors for value classes. object ValueClass { def isValueClass(tpe: Type) = enteringErasure(tpe.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass) def valueUnbox(tpe: Type) = enteringErasure(tpe.typeSymbol.derivedValueClassUnbox) // B.unbox. Returns B. object Unbox { def unapply(t: Tree): Option[Tree] = t match { case Apply(sel @ Select(ref, _), Nil) if valueUnbox(ref.tpe) == sel.symbol => Some(ref) case _ => None } } // new B(v). Returns B and v. object Box { def unapply(t: Tree): Option[(Tree, Type)] = t match { case Apply(sel @ Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), v :: Nil) => Some((v, tpt.tpe.finalResultType)) case _ => None } } // (new B(v)).unbox. returns v. object BoxAndUnbox { def unapply(t: Tree): Option[Tree] = t match { case Unbox(Box(v, tpe)) if isValueClass(tpe) => Some(v) case _ => None } } // new B(v1) op new B(v2) where op is == or !=. Returns v1, op, v2. object BoxAndCompare { def unapply(t: Tree): Option[(Tree, Symbol, Tree)] = t match { case BinaryOp(Box(v1, tpe1), op @ (Object_== | Object_!=), Box(v2, tpe2)) if isValueClass(tpe1) && tpe1 =:= tpe2 => Some((v1, op, v2)) case _ => None } } } // TODO these overrides, and the slow trickle of bugs that they solve (e.g. SI-8479), // suggest that we should pursue an alternative design in which the DocDef nodes // are eliminated from the tree before typer, and instead are modelled as tree // attachments. /** Is tree legal as a member definition of an interface? */ override def isInterfaceMember(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match { case DocDef(_, definition) => isInterfaceMember(definition) case _ => super.isInterfaceMember(tree) } override def isConstructorWithDefault(t: Tree) = t match { case DocDef(_, definition) => isConstructorWithDefault(definition) case _ => super.isConstructorWithDefault(t) } /** Is tree a pure (i.e. non-side-effecting) definition? */ override def isPureDef(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match { case DocDef(_, definition) => isPureDef(definition) case _ => super.isPureDef(tree) } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala TreeInfo.scala source code file: |
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