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Scala example source code file (BCodeTypes.scala)

This example Scala source code file (BCodeTypes.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, btype, collection, double, int, list, long, nosymbol, set, symbol, tracked

The BCodeTypes.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend.jvm

import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }

 *  Utilities to mediate between types as represented in Scala ASTs and ASM trees.
 *  @author  Miguel Garcia,
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class BCodeTypes extends BCodeIdiomatic {

  import global._

  // when compiling the Scala library, some assertions don't hold (e.g., scala.Boolean has null superClass although it's not an interface)
  val isCompilingStdLib = !(settings.sourcepath.isDefault)

  val srBoxedUnit  = brefType("scala/runtime/BoxedUnit")

  // special names
  var StringReference             : BType = null
  var ThrowableReference          : BType = null
  var jlCloneableReference        : BType = null // java/lang/Cloneable
  var jlNPEReference              : BType = null // java/lang/NullPointerException
  var jioSerializableReference    : BType = null // java/io/Serializable
  var scalaSerializableReference  : BType = null // scala/Serializable
  var classCastExceptionReference : BType = null // java/lang/ClassCastException

  /* A map from scala primitive type-symbols to BTypes */
  var primitiveTypeMap: Map[Symbol, BType] = null
  /* A map from scala type-symbols for Nothing and Null to (runtime version) BTypes */
  var phantomTypeMap:   Map[Symbol, BType] = null
  /* Maps the method symbol for a box method to the boxed type of the result.
   *  For example, the method symbol for ``) is mapped to the BType `Ljava/lang/Integer;`. */
  var boxResultType:    Map[Symbol, BType] = null
  /* Maps the method symbol for an unbox method to the primitive type of the result.
   *  For example, the method symbol for `Byte.unbox()`) is mapped to the BType BYTE. */
  var unboxResultType:  Map[Symbol, BType] = null

  var hashMethodSym: Symbol = null // scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.hash

  var AndroidParcelableInterface: Symbol = null
  var AndroidCreatorClass       : Symbol = null // this is an inner class, use asmType() to get hold of its BType while tracking in innerClassBufferASM

  var BeanInfoAttr: Symbol = null

  /* The Object => String overload. */
  var String_valueOf: Symbol = null

  var ArrayInterfaces: Set[Tracked] = null

  // scala.FunctionX and scala.runtim.AbstractFunctionX
  val FunctionReference                 = new Array[Tracked](definitions.MaxFunctionArity + 1)
  val AbstractFunctionReference         = new Array[Tracked](definitions.MaxFunctionArity + 1)
  val abstractFunctionArityMap = mutable.Map.empty[BType, Int]

  var PartialFunctionReference:         BType = null // scala.PartialFunction
  var AbstractPartialFunctionReference: BType = null // scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction

  var BoxesRunTime: BType = null

   * must-single-thread
  def initBCodeTypes() {
    import definitions._

    primitiveTypeMap =
        UnitClass     -> UNIT,
        BooleanClass  -> BOOL,
        CharClass     -> CHAR,
        ByteClass     -> BYTE,
        ShortClass    -> SHORT,
        IntClass      -> INT,
        LongClass     -> LONG,
        FloatClass    -> FLOAT,
        DoubleClass   -> DOUBLE

    phantomTypeMap =
        NothingClass -> RT_NOTHING,
        NullClass    -> RT_NULL,
        NothingClass -> RT_NOTHING, // we map on purpose to RT_NOTHING, getting rid of the distinction compile-time vs. runtime for NullClass.
        NullClass    -> RT_NULL     // ditto.

    boxResultType =
      for((csym, msym) <- currentRun.runDefinitions.boxMethod)
      yield (msym -> classLiteral(primitiveTypeMap(csym)))

    unboxResultType =
      for((csym, msym) <- currentRun.runDefinitions.unboxMethod)
      yield (msym -> primitiveTypeMap(csym))

    // boxed classes are looked up in the `exemplars` map by jvmWiseLUB().
    // Other than that, they aren't needed there (e.g., `isSubtypeOf()` special-cases boxed classes, similarly for others).
    val boxedClasses = List(BoxedBooleanClass, BoxedCharacterClass, BoxedByteClass, BoxedShortClass, BoxedIntClass, BoxedLongClass, BoxedFloatClass, BoxedDoubleClass)
    for(csym <- boxedClasses) {
      val key = brefType(csym.javaBinaryName.toTypeName)
      val tr  = buildExemplar(key, csym)
      symExemplars.put(csym, tr)
      exemplars.put(tr.c, tr)

    // reversePrimitiveMap = (primitiveTypeMap map { case (s, pt) => (s.tpe, pt) } map (_.swap)).toMap

    hashMethodSym = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.hash_)

    // TODO avoiding going through through missingHook for every line in the REPL:
    AndroidParcelableInterface = rootMirror.getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable")
    AndroidCreatorClass        = rootMirror.getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable$Creator")

    // the following couldn't be an eager vals in Phase constructors:
    // that might cause cycles before Global has finished initialization.
    BeanInfoAttr = rootMirror.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanInfo")

    String_valueOf = {
      getMember(StringModule, nme.valueOf) filter (sym => match {
          case List(pt) => pt.typeSymbol == ObjectClass
          case _        => false


    StringReference             = exemplar(StringClass).c
    StringBuilderReference      = exemplar(StringBuilderClass).c
    ThrowableReference          = exemplar(ThrowableClass).c
    jlCloneableReference        = exemplar(JavaCloneableClass).c
    jlNPEReference              = exemplar(NullPointerExceptionClass).c
    jioSerializableReference    = exemplar(JavaSerializableClass).c
    scalaSerializableReference  = exemplar(SerializableClass).c
    classCastExceptionReference = exemplar(ClassCastExceptionClass).c

     *  The bytecode emitter special-cases String concatenation, in that three methods of `JCodeMethodN`
     *  ( `genStartConcat()` , `genStringConcat()` , and `genEndConcat()` )
     *  don't obtain the method descriptor of the callee via `asmMethodType()` (as normally done)
     *  but directly emit callsites on StringBuilder using literal constant for method descriptors.
     *  In order to make sure those method descriptors are available as BTypes, they are initialized here.
    BType.getMethodType("()V")                   // necessary for JCodeMethodN.genStartConcat
    BType.getMethodType("()Ljava/lang/String;")  // necessary for JCodeMethodN.genEndConcat

    PartialFunctionReference    = exemplar(PartialFunctionClass).c
    for(idx <- 0 to definitions.MaxFunctionArity) {
      FunctionReference(idx)           = exemplar(FunctionClass(idx))
      AbstractFunctionReference(idx)   = exemplar(AbstractFunctionClass(idx))
      abstractFunctionArityMap        += (AbstractFunctionReference(idx).c -> idx)
      AbstractPartialFunctionReference = exemplar(AbstractPartialFunctionClass).c

    // later a few analyses (e.g. refreshInnerClasses) will look up BTypes based on descriptors in instructions
    // we make sure those BTypes can be found via lookup as opposed to creating them on the fly.
    BoxesRunTime = brefType("scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime")
    asmBoxTo.values   foreach { mnat: MethodNameAndType => BType.getMethodType(mnat.mdesc) }
    asmUnboxTo.values foreach { mnat: MethodNameAndType => BType.getMethodType(mnat.mdesc) }


   * must-single-thread
  def clearBCodeTypes() {

  val PublicStatic      = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC
  val PublicStaticFinal = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL


  // ------------------------------------------------
  // accessory maps tracking the isInterface, innerClasses, superClass, and supportedInterfaces relations,
  // allowing answering `conforms()` without resorting to typer.
  // ------------------------------------------------

  val exemplars       = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[BType,  Tracked]
  val symExemplars    = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Symbol, Tracked]

   *  Typically, a question about a BType can be answered only by using the BType as lookup key in one or more maps.
   *  A `Tracked` object saves time by holding together information required to answer those questions:
   *    - `sc`     denotes the bytecode-level superclass if any, null otherwise
   *    - `ifaces` denotes the interfaces explicitly declared.
   *               Not included are those transitively supported, but the utility method `allLeafIfaces()` can be used for that.
   *    - `innersChain` denotes the containing classes for a non-package-level class `c`, null otherwise.
   *               Note: the optimizer may inline anonymous closures, thus eliding those inner classes
   *               (no physical class file is emitted for elided classes).
   *               Before committing `innersChain` to bytecode, cross-check with the list of elided classes (SI-6546).
   *  All methods of this class can-multi-thread
  case class Tracked(c: BType, flags: Int, sc: Tracked, ifaces: Array[Tracked], innersChain: Array[InnerClassEntry]) {

    // not a case-field because we initialize it only for JVM classes we emit.
    private var _directMemberClasses: List[BType] = null

    def directMemberClasses: List[BType] = {
      assert(_directMemberClasses != null, s"getter directMemberClasses() invoked too early for $c")

    def directMemberClasses_=(bs: List[BType]) {
      if (_directMemberClasses != null) {
        // TODO we enter here when both mirror class and plain class are emitted for the same ModuleClassSymbol.
        assert(_directMemberClasses == bs.sortBy(
      _directMemberClasses = bs.sortBy(

    /* `isCompilingStdLib` saves the day when compiling:
     *     (1) scala.Nothing (the test `c.isNonSpecial` fails for it)
     *     (2) scala.Boolean (it has null superClass and is not an interface)
    assert(c.isNonSpecial || isCompilingStdLib /*(1)*/, s"non well-formed plain-type: $this")
        if (sc == null) { (c == ObjectReference) || isInterface || isCompilingStdLib /*(2)*/ }
        else            { (c != ObjectReference) && !sc.isInterface }
      , "non well-formed plain-type: " + this
    assert(ifaces.forall(i => i.c.isNonSpecial && i.isInterface), s"non well-formed plain-type: $this")

    import asm.Opcodes._
    def hasFlags(mask: Int) = (flags & mask) != 0
    def isInterface  = hasFlags(ACC_INTERFACE)
    def isFinal      = hasFlags(ACC_FINAL)
    def isInnerClass = { innersChain != null }
    def isLambda = {
      // ie isLCC || isTraditionalClosureClass
      isFinal && (c.getSimpleName.contains(tpnme.ANON_FUN_NAME.toString)) && isFunctionType(c)

    /* can-multi-thread */
    def superClasses: List[Tracked] = {
      if (sc == null) Nil else sc :: sc.superClasses

    /* can-multi-thread */
    def isSubtypeOf(other: BType): Boolean = {
      assert(other.isNonSpecial, "so called special cases have to be handled in BCodeTypes.conforms()")

      if (c == other) return true;

      val otherIsIface = exemplars.get(other).isInterface

      if (this.isInterface) {
        if (other == ObjectReference) return true;
        if (!otherIsIface) return false;
      else {
        if (sc != null && sc.isSubtypeOf(other)) return true;
        if (!otherIsIface) return false;

      var idx = 0
      while (idx < ifaces.length) {
        if (ifaces(idx).isSubtypeOf(other)) return true;
        idx += 1


     *  The `ifaces` field lists only those interfaces declared by `c`
     *  From the set of all supported interfaces, this method discards those which are supertypes of others in the set.
    def allLeafIfaces: Set[Tracked] = {
      if (sc == null) { ifaces.toSet }
      else { minimizeInterfaces(ifaces.toSet ++ sc.allLeafIfaces) }

     *  This type may not support in its entirety the interface given by the argument, however it may support some of its super-interfaces.
     *  We visualize each such supported subset of the argument's functionality as a "branch". This method returns all such branches.
     *  In other words, let Ri be a branch supported by `ib`,
     *  this method returns all Ri such that this <:< Ri, where each Ri is maximally deep.
    def supportedBranches(ib: Tracked): Set[Tracked] = {
      assert(ib.isInterface, s"Non-interface argument: $ib")

      val result: Set[Tracked] =
        if (this.isSubtypeOf(ib.c)) { Set(ib) }
        else { ib.ifaces.toSet[Tracked].flatMap( bi => supportedBranches(bi) ) }



    override def toString = { c.toString }


  /* must-single-thread */
  final def isDeprecated(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { sym.annotations exists (_ matches definitions.DeprecatedAttr) }

  /* must-single-thread */
  final def hasInternalName(sym: Symbol) = { sym.isClass || (sym.isModule && !sym.isMethod) }

  /* must-single-thread */
  def getSuperInterfaces(csym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = {

    // Additional interface parents based on annotations and other cues
    def newParentForAttr(ann: AnnotationInfo): Symbol = ann.symbol match {
      case definitions.RemoteAttr => definitions.RemoteInterfaceClass
      case _                      => NoSymbol

    /* Drop redundant interfaces (which are implemented by some other parent) from the immediate parents.
     *  In other words, no two interfaces in the result are related by subtyping.
     *  This method works on Symbols, a similar one (not duplicate) works on Tracked instances.
    def minimizeInterfaces(lstIfaces: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
      var rest   = lstIfaces
      var leaves = List.empty[Symbol]
      while (!rest.isEmpty) {
        val candidate = rest.head
        val nonLeaf = leaves exists { lsym => lsym isSubClass candidate }
        if (!nonLeaf) {
          leaves = candidate :: (leaves filterNot { lsym => candidate isSubClass lsym })
        rest = rest.tail


    val superInterfaces0: List[Symbol] = csym.mixinClasses
    val superInterfaces = existingSymbols(superInterfaces0 ++

    assert(!superInterfaces.contains(NoSymbol), s"found NoSymbol among: ${superInterfaces.mkString}")
    assert(superInterfaces.forall(s => s.isInterface || s.isTrait), s"found non-interface among: ${superInterfaces.mkString}")


   * Records the superClass and supportedInterfaces relations,
   * so that afterwards queries can be answered without resorting to typer.
   * This method does not add to `innerClassBufferASM`, use `internalName()` or `asmType()` or `toTypeKind()` for that.
   * On the other hand, this method does record the inner-class status of the argument, via `buildExemplar()`.
   * must-single-thread
  final def exemplar(csym0: Symbol): Tracked = {
    assert(csym0 != NoSymbol, "NoSymbol can't be tracked")

    val csym = {
      if (csym0.isJavaDefined && csym0.isModuleClass) csym0.linkedClassOfClass
      else if (csym0.isModule) csym0.moduleClass
      else csym0 // we track only module-classes and plain-classes

    assert(!primitiveTypeMap.contains(csym) || isCompilingStdLib, s"primitive types not tracked here: ${csym.fullName}")
    assert(!phantomTypeMap.contains(csym), s"phantom types not tracked here: ${csym.fullName}")

    val opt = symExemplars.get(csym)
    if (opt != null) {
      return opt

    val key = brefType(csym.javaBinaryName.toTypeName)
    assert(key.isNonSpecial || isCompilingStdLib, s"Not a class to track: ${csym.fullName}")

    // TODO accomodate the fix for SI-5031 of
    // TODO Weaken this assertion? buildExemplar() needs to be updated, too. In the meantime, pos/t5031_3 has been moved to test/disabled/pos.
    val whatWasInExemplars = exemplars.get(key)
    assert(whatWasInExemplars == null, "Maps `symExemplars` and `exemplars` got out of synch.")
    val tr = buildExemplar(key, csym)
    symExemplars.put(csym, tr)
    if (csym != csym0) { symExemplars.put(csym0, tr) }
    exemplars.put(tr.c, tr) // tr.c is the hash-consed, internalized, canonical representative for csym's key.

  val EMPTY_TRACKED_ARRAY  = Array.empty[Tracked]

   * must-single-thread
  private def buildExemplar(key: BType, csym: Symbol): Tracked = {
    val sc =
     if (csym.isImplClass) definitions.ObjectClass
     else csym.superClass
      if (csym == definitions.ObjectClass)
        sc == NoSymbol
      else if (csym.isInterface)
        sc == definitions.ObjectClass
        ((sc != NoSymbol) && !sc.isInterface) || isCompilingStdLib,
      "superClass out of order"
    val ifaces    = getSuperInterfaces(csym) map exemplar;
    val ifacesArr =
     if (ifaces.isEmpty) EMPTY_TRACKED_ARRAY
     else {
      val arr = new Array[Tracked](ifaces.size)

    val flags = mkFlags(
      if (isDeprecated(csym)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag

    val tsc = if (sc == NoSymbol) null else exemplar(sc)

    val innersChain = saveInnerClassesFor(csym, key)

    Tracked(key, flags, tsc, ifacesArr, innersChain)

  // ---------------- utilities around interfaces represented by Tracked instances. ----------------

  /*  Drop redundant interfaces (those which are implemented by some other).
   *  In other words, no two interfaces in the result are related by subtyping.
   *  This method works on Tracked elements, a similar one (not duplicate) works on Symbols.
  def minimizeInterfaces(lstIfaces: Set[Tracked]): Set[Tracked] = {
    var rest   = lstIfaces.toList
    var leaves = List.empty[Tracked]
    while (!rest.isEmpty) {
      val candidate = rest.head
      val nonLeaf = leaves exists { leaf => leaf.isSubtypeOf(candidate.c) }
      if (!nonLeaf) {
        leaves = candidate :: (leaves filterNot { leaf => candidate.isSubtypeOf(leaf.c) })
      rest = rest.tail


  def allInterfaces(is: Iterable[Tracked]): Boolean = { is forall { i => i.isInterface } }
  def nonInterfaces(is: Iterable[Tracked]): Iterable[Tracked] = { is filterNot { i => i.isInterface } }

  def checkAllInterfaces(ifaces: Iterable[Tracked]) {
    assert(allInterfaces(ifaces), s"Non-interfaces: ${nonInterfaces(ifaces).mkString}")

   * Subtype check `a <:< b` on BTypes that takes into account the JVM built-in numeric promotions (e.g. BYTE to INT).
   * Its operation can be visualized more easily in terms of the Java bytecode type hierarchy.
   * This method used to be called, in the ICode world, TypeKind.<:<()
   * can-multi-thread
  final def conforms(a: BType, b: BType): Boolean = {
    if (a.isArray) { // may be null
      /* Array subtyping is covariant here, as in Java bytecode. Also necessary for Java interop. */
      if ((b == jlCloneableReference)     ||
          (b == jioSerializableReference) ||
          (b == AnyRefReference))    { true  }
      else if (b.isArray)            { conforms(a.getComponentType, b.getComponentType) }
      else                           { false }
    else if (a.isBoxed) { // may be null
      if (b.isBoxed)                 { a == b }
      else if (b == AnyRefReference) { true   }
      else if (!(b.hasObjectSort))   { false  }
      else                           { exemplars.get(a).isSubtypeOf(b) } // e.g., java/lang/Double conforms to java/lang/Number
    else if (a.isNullType) { // known to be null
      if (b.isNothingType)      { false }
      else if (b.isValueType)   { false }
      else                      { true  }
    else if (a.isNothingType) { // known to be Nothing
    else if (a.isUnitType) {
    else if (a.hasObjectSort) { // may be null
      if (a.isNothingType)      { true  }
      else if (b.hasObjectSort) { exemplars.get(a).isSubtypeOf(b) }
      else if (b.isArray)       { a.isNullType } // documentation only, because `if(a.isNullType)` (above) covers this case already.
      else                      { false }
    else {

      def msg = s"(a: $a, b: $b)"

      assert(a.isNonUnitValueType, s"a isn't a non-Unit value type. $msg")
      assert(b.isValueType, s"b isn't a value type. $msg")

      (a eq b) || (a match {
        case BOOL | BYTE | SHORT | CHAR => b == INT || b == LONG // TODO Actually, BOOL does NOT conform to LONG. Even with adapt().
        case _                          => a == b

  /* The maxValueType of (Char, Byte) and of (Char, Short) is Int, to encompass the negative values of Byte and Short. See ticket #2087.
   * can-multi-thread
  def maxValueType(a: BType, other: BType): BType = {
    assert(a.isValueType, "maxValueType() is defined only for 1st arg valuetypes (2nd arg doesn't matter).")

    def uncomparable: Nothing = {
      abort(s"Uncomparable BTypes: $a with $other")

    if (a.isNothingType)      return other;
    if (other.isNothingType)  return a;
    if (a == other)           return a;

    a match {

      case UNIT => uncomparable
      case BOOL => uncomparable

      case BYTE =>
        if (other == CHAR)             INT
        else if (other.isNumericType)  other
        else                           uncomparable

      case SHORT =>
        other match {
          case BYTE                          => SHORT
          case CHAR                          => INT
          case INT  | LONG  | FLOAT | DOUBLE => other
          case _                             => uncomparable

      case CHAR =>
        other match {
          case BYTE | SHORT                 => INT
          case INT  | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE => other
          case _                            => uncomparable

      case INT =>
        other match {
          case BYTE | SHORT | CHAR   => INT
          case LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE => other
          case _                     => uncomparable

      case LONG =>
        if (other.isIntegralType)   LONG
        else if (other.isRealType)  DOUBLE
        else                        uncomparable

      case FLOAT =>
        if (other == DOUBLE)           DOUBLE
        else if (other.isNumericType)  FLOAT
        else                           uncomparable

      case DOUBLE =>
        if (other.isNumericType)  DOUBLE
        else                      uncomparable

      case _ => uncomparable

  /* Takes promotions of numeric primitives into account.
   *  can-multi-thread
  final def maxType(a: BType, other: BType): BType = {
    if (a.isValueType) { maxValueType(a, other) }
    else {
      if (a.isNothingType)     return other;
      if (other.isNothingType) return a;
      if (a == other)          return a;
       // Approximate `lub`. The common type of two references is always AnyRef.
       // For 'real' least upper bound wrt to subclassing use method 'lub'.
      assert(a.isArray || a.isBoxed || a.hasObjectSort, s"This is not a valuetype and it's not something else, what is it? $a")
      // TODO For some reason, ICode thinks `REFERENCE(...).maxType(BOXED(whatever))` is `uncomparable`. Here, that has maxType AnyRefReference.
      //      BTW, when swapping arguments, ICode says BOXED(whatever).maxType(REFERENCE(...)) == AnyRefReference, so I guess the above was an oversight in REFERENCE.maxType()
      if (other.isRefOrArrayType) { AnyRefReference }
      else                        { abort(s"Uncomparable BTypes: $a with $other") }

   *  Whether the argument is a subtype of
   *    scala.PartialFunction[-A, +B] extends (A => B)
   *  N.B.: this method returns true for a scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction
   *  can-multi-thread
  def isPartialFunctionType(t: BType): Boolean = {
    (t.hasObjectSort) && exemplars.get(t).isSubtypeOf(PartialFunctionReference)

   *  Whether the argument is a subtype of scala.FunctionX where 0 <= X <= definitions.MaxFunctionArity
   *  can-multi-thread
  def isFunctionType(t: BType): Boolean = {
    if (!t.hasObjectSort) return false
    var idx = 0
    val et: Tracked = exemplars.get(t)
    while (idx <= definitions.MaxFunctionArity) {
      if (et.isSubtypeOf(FunctionReference(idx).c)) {
        return true
      idx += 1

   * must-single-thread
  def isTopLevelModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
    exitingPickler { sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isNestedClass }

   * must-single-thread
  def isStaticModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
    sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isLifted

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // ---------------- InnerClasses attribute (JVMS 4.7.6) ----------------
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    (asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE   | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED |
     asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE | asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT  | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)

   * @param name the internal name of an inner class.
   * @param outerName the internal name of the class to which the inner class belongs.
   *                  May be `null` for non-member inner classes (ie for a Java local class or a Java anonymous class).
   * @param innerName the (simple) name of the inner class inside its enclosing class. It's `null` for anonymous inner classes.
   * @param access the access flags of the inner class as originally declared in the enclosing class.
  case class InnerClassEntry(name: String, outerName: String, innerName: String, access: Int) {
    assert(name != null, "Null isn't good as class name in an InnerClassEntry.")

  /* For given symbol return a symbol corresponding to a class that should be declared as inner class.
   *  For example:
   *  class A {
   *    class B
   *    object C
   *  }
   *  then method will return:
   *    NoSymbol for A,
   *    the same symbol for A.B (corresponding to A$B class), and
   *    A$C$ symbol for A.C.
   * must-single-thread
  def innerClassSymbolFor(s: Symbol): Symbol =
    if (s.isClass) s else if (s.isModule) s.moduleClass else NoSymbol

   *  Computes the chain of inner-class (over the is-member-of relation) for the given argument.
   *  The resulting chain will be cached in `exemplars`.
   *  The chain thus cached is valid during this compiler run, see in contrast
   *  `innerClassBufferASM` for a cache that is valid only for the class being emitted.
   *  The argument can be any symbol, but given that this method is invoked only from `buildExemplar()`,
   *  in practice it has been vetted to be a class-symbol.
   *  Returns:
   *    - a non-empty array of entries for an inner-class argument.
   *      The array's first element is the outermost top-level class,
   *      the array's last element corresponds to csym.
   *    - null otherwise.
   *  This method does not add to `innerClassBufferASM`, use instead `exemplar()` for that.
   *  must-single-thread
  final def saveInnerClassesFor(csym: Symbol, csymTK: BType): Array[InnerClassEntry] = {

    val ics = innerClassSymbolFor(csym)
    if (ics == NoSymbol) {
      return null
    assert(ics == csym, s"Disagreement between innerClassSymbolFor() and exemplar()'s tracked symbol for the same input: ${csym.fullName}")

    var chain: List[Symbol] = Nil
    var x = ics
    while (x ne NoSymbol) {
      assert(x.isClass, s"not a class symbol: ${x.fullName}")
      val isInner = !x.rawowner.isPackageClass
      if (isInner) {
        chain ::= x
        x = innerClassSymbolFor(x.rawowner)
      } else {
        x = NoSymbol

    // now that we have all of `ics` , `csym` , and soon the inner-classes-chain, it's too tempting not to cache.
    if (chain.isEmpty) { null }
    else {
      val arr = new Array[InnerClassEntry](chain.size)
      (chain map toInnerClassEntry).copyToArray(arr)


   * must-single-thread
  private def toInnerClassEntry(innerSym: Symbol): InnerClassEntry = {

    /* The outer name for this inner class. Note that it returns null
     *  when the inner class should not get an index in the constant pool.
     *  That means non-member classes (anonymous). See Section 4.7.5 in the JVMS.
    def outerName(innerSym: Symbol): Name = {
      if (innerSym.originalEnclosingMethod != NoSymbol)
      else {
        val outerName = innerSym.rawowner.javaBinaryName
        if (isTopLevelModule(innerSym.rawowner)) nme.stripModuleSuffix(outerName)
        else outerName

    def innerName(innerSym: Symbol): String = {
      if (innerSym.isAnonymousClass || innerSym.isAnonymousFunction)
        innerSym.rawname + innerSym.moduleSuffix

    val flagsWithFinal: Int = mkFlags(
      if (innerSym.rawowner.hasModuleFlag) asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC else 0,
      if (isDeprecated(innerSym)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo-access flag
    val flags = if (innerSym.isModuleClass) flagsWithFinal & ~asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL else flagsWithFinal // For SI-5676, object overriding.

    val jname = innerSym.javaBinaryName.toString // never null
    val oname = { // null when method-enclosed
      val on = outerName(innerSym)
      if (on == null) null else on.toString
    val iname = { // null for anonymous inner class
      val in = innerName(innerSym)
      if (in == null) null else in.toString

    InnerClassEntry(jname, oname, iname, flags)

  // --------------------------------------------
  // ---------------- Java flags ----------------
  // --------------------------------------------

   * can-multi-thread
  final def hasPublicBitSet(flags: Int) = ((flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC) != 0)

   * must-single-thread
  final def isRemote(s: Symbol) = (s hasAnnotation definitions.RemoteAttr)

   * Return the Java modifiers for the given symbol.
   * Java modifiers for classes:
   *  - public, abstract, final, strictfp (not used)
   * for interfaces:
   *  - the same as for classes, without 'final'
   * for fields:
   *  - public, private (*)
   *  - static, final
   * for methods:
   *  - the same as for fields, plus:
   *  - abstract, synchronized (not used), strictfp (not used), native (not used)
   *  (*) protected cannot be used, since inner classes 'see' protected members,
   *      and they would fail verification after lifted.
   * must-single-thread
  def javaFlags(sym: Symbol): Int = {
    // constructors of module classes should be private
    // PP: why are they only being marked private at this stage and not earlier?
    val privateFlag =
      sym.isPrivate || (sym.isPrimaryConstructor && isTopLevelModule(sym.owner))

    // Final: the only fields which can receive ACC_FINAL are eager vals.
    // Neither vars nor lazy vals can, because:
    // Source:
    // "Another problem is that the specification allows aggressive
    // optimization of final fields. Within a thread, it is permissible to
    // reorder reads of a final field with those modifications of a final
    // field that do not take place in the constructor."
    // A var or lazy val which is marked final still has meaning to the
    // scala compiler. The word final is heavily overloaded unfortunately;
    // for us it means "not overridable". At present you can't override
    // vars regardless; this may change.
    // The logic does not check .isFinal (which checks flags for the FINAL flag,
    // and includes symbols marked lateFINAL) instead inspecting rawflags so
    // we can exclude lateFINAL. Such symbols are eligible for inlining, but to
    // avoid breaking proxy software which depends on subclassing, we do not
    // emit ACC_FINAL.
    // Nested objects won't receive ACC_FINAL in order to allow for their overriding.

    val finalFlag = (
         (((sym.rawflags & symtab.Flags.FINAL) != 0) || isTopLevelModule(sym))
      && !sym.enclClass.isInterface
      && !sym.isClassConstructor
      && !sym.isMutable // lazy vals and vars both

    // Primitives are "abstract final" to prohibit instantiation
    // without having to provide any implementations, but that is an
    // illegal combination of modifiers at the bytecode level so
    // suppress final if abstract if present.
    import asm.Opcodes._
      if (privateFlag) ACC_PRIVATE else ACC_PUBLIC,
      if (sym.isDeferred || sym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_ABSTRACT else 0,
      if (sym.isInterface) ACC_INTERFACE else 0,
      if (finalFlag && !sym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_FINAL else 0,
      if (sym.isStaticMember) ACC_STATIC else 0,
      if (sym.isBridge) ACC_BRIDGE | ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0,
      if (sym.isArtifact) ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0,
      if (sym.isClass && !sym.isInterface) ACC_SUPER else 0,
      if (sym.hasEnumFlag) ACC_ENUM else 0,
      if (sym.isVarargsMethod) ACC_VARARGS else 0,
      if (sym.hasFlag(symtab.Flags.SYNCHRONIZED)) ACC_SYNCHRONIZED else 0

   * must-single-thread
  def javaFieldFlags(sym: Symbol) = {
    javaFlags(sym) | mkFlags(
      if (sym hasAnnotation definitions.TransientAttr) asm.Opcodes.ACC_TRANSIENT else 0,
      if (sym hasAnnotation definitions.VolatileAttr)  asm.Opcodes.ACC_VOLATILE  else 0,
      if (sym.isMutable) 0 else asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL

} // end of class BCodeTypes

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