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Scala example source code file (ConstantOptimization.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ConstantOptimization.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, boolean, compiler, contents, impossible, list, map, nil, nsc, possible, singlepossible, state, unknown

The ConstantOptimization.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  James Iry

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend.opt

import scala.annotation.tailrec

 * ConstantOptimization uses abstract interpretation to approximate for
 * each instruction what constants a variable or stack slot might hold
 * or cannot hold. From this it will eliminate unreachable conditionals
 * where only one branch is reachable, e.g. to eliminate unnecessary
 * null checks.
 * With some more work it could be extended to
 * - cache stable values (final fields, modules) in locals
 * - replace the copy propagation in ClosureElilmination
 * - fold constants
 * - eliminate unnecessary stores and loads
 * - propagate knowledge gathered from conditionals for further optimization
abstract class ConstantOptimization extends SubComponent {
  import global._
  import icodes._
  import icodes.opcodes._

  val phaseName = "constopt"

  /** Create a new phase */
  override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new ConstantOptimizationPhase(p)

  override val enabled: Boolean = settings.YconstOptimization

   * The constant optimization phase.
  class ConstantOptimizationPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {

    def name = phaseName

    override def apply(c: IClass) {
      if (settings.YconstOptimization) {
        val analyzer = new ConstantOptimizer
        analyzer optimizeClass c

  class ConstantOptimizer {
    def optimizeClass(cls: IClass) {
      log(s"Analyzing ${cls.methods.size} methods in $cls.")
      cls.methods foreach { m =>

    def optimizeMethod(m: IMethod) {
      if (m.hasCode) {
        log(s"Analyzing ${m.symbol}")
        val replacementInstructions = interpretMethod(m)
        for (block <- m.blocks) {
          if (replacementInstructions contains block) {
            val instructions = replacementInstructions(block)
            block.replaceInstruction(block.lastInstruction, instructions)

     * A single possible (or impossible) datum that can be held in Contents
    private sealed abstract class Datum
     * A constant datum
    private case class Const(c: Constant) extends Datum {
      def isIntAssignable = c.tag >= BooleanTag && c.tag <= IntTag
      def toInt = c.tag match {
        case BooleanTag => if (c.booleanValue) 1 else 0
        case _ => c.intValue

       * True if this constant would compare to other as true under primitive eq
      override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
        case oc @ Const(o) => (this eq oc) || (if (this.isIntAssignable && oc.isIntAssignable) this.toInt == oc.toInt else c.value == o.value)
        case _ => false

       * Hash code consistent with equals
      override def hashCode = if (this.isIntAssignable) this.toInt else c.hashCode

     * A datum that has been Boxed via a BOX instruction
    private case class Boxed(c: Datum) extends Datum

     * The knowledge we have about the abstract state of one location in terms
     * of what constants it might or cannot hold. Forms a lower
     * lattice where lower elements in the lattice indicate less knowledge.
     * With the following partial ordering (where '>' indicates more precise knowledge)
     * Possible(xs) > Possible(xs + y)
     * Possible(xs) > Impossible(ys)
     * Impossible(xs + y) > Impossible(xs)
     * and the following merges, which indicate merging knowledge from two paths through
     * the code,
     * // left must be 1 or 2, right must be 2 or 3 then we must have a 1, 2 or 3
     * Possible(xs) merge Possible(ys) => Possible(xs union ys)
     * // Left says can't be 2 or 3, right says can't be 3 or 4
     * // then it's not 3 (it could be 2 from the right or 4 from the left)
     * Impossible(xs) merge Impossible(ys) => Impossible(xs intersect ys)
     * // Left says it can't be 2 or 3, right says it must be 3 or 4, then
     * // it can't be 2 (left rules out 4 and right says 3 is possible)
     * Impossible(xs) merge Possible(ys) => Impossible(xs -- ys)
     * Intuitively, Possible(empty) says that a location can't hold anything,
     * it's uninitialized. However, Possible(empty) never appears in the code.
     * Conversely, Impossible(empty) says nothing is impossible, it could be
     * anything. Impossible(empty) is given a synonym UNKNOWN and is used
     * for, e.g., the result of an arbitrary method call.
    private sealed abstract class Contents {
       * Join this Contents with another coming from another path. Join enforces
       * the lattice structure. It is symmetrical and never moves upward in the
       * lattice
      final def merge(other: Contents): Contents = if (this eq other) this else (this, other) match {
        case (Possible(possible1), Possible(possible2)) =>
          Possible(possible1 union possible2)
        case (Impossible(impossible1), Impossible(impossible2)) =>
          Impossible(impossible1 intersect impossible2)
        case (Impossible(impossible), Possible(possible)) =>
          Impossible(impossible -- possible)
        case (Possible(possible), Impossible(impossible)) =>
          Impossible(impossible -- possible)
      // TODO we could have more fine-grained knowledge, e.g. know that 0 < x < 3. But for now equality/inequality is a good start.
      def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean
      def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean
    private def SingleImpossible(x: Datum) = new Impossible(Set(x))

     * The location is known to have one of a set of values.
    private case class Possible(possible: Set[Datum]) extends Contents {
      assert(possible.nonEmpty, "Contradiction: had an empty possible set indicating an uninitialized location")
      def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
        // two Possibles might be equal if they have any possible members in common
        case Possible(possible2) => (possible intersect possible2).nonEmpty
        // a possible can be equal to an impossible if the impossible doesn't rule
        // out all the possibilities
        case Impossible(possible2) => (possible -- possible2).nonEmpty
      def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this ne other) && (other match {
        // two Possibles might not be equal if either has possible members that the other doesn't
        case Possible(possible2) => (possible -- possible2).nonEmpty || (possible2 -- possible).nonEmpty
        case Impossible(_) => true
    private def SinglePossible(x: Datum) = new Possible(Set(x))

     * The location is known to not have any of a set of values value (e.g null).
    private case class Impossible(impossible: Set[Datum]) extends Contents {
      def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
        case Possible(_) => other mightEqual this
        case _ => true
      def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
        case Possible(_) => other mightNotEqual this
        case _ => true

     * Our entire knowledge about the contents of all variables and the stack. It forms
     * a lattice primarily driven by the lattice structure of Contents.
     * In addition to the rules of contents, State has the following properties:
     * - The merge of two sets of locals holds the merges of locals found in the intersection
     * of the two sets of locals. Locals not found in a
     * locals map are thus possibly uninitialized and attempting to load them results
     * in an error.
     * - The stack heights of two states must match otherwise it's an error to merge them
     * State is immutable in order to aid in structure sharing of local maps and stacks
    private case class State(locals: Map[Local, Contents], stack: List[Contents]) {
      def mergeLocals(olocals: Map[Local, Contents]): Map[Local, Contents] = if (locals eq olocals) locals else Map((for {
        key <- (locals.keySet intersect olocals.keySet).toSeq
      } yield (key, locals(key) merge olocals(key))): _*)

      def merge(other: State): State = if (this eq other) this else {
        @tailrec def mergeStacks(l: List[Contents], r: List[Contents], out: List[Contents]): List[Contents] = (l, r) match {
          case (Nil, Nil) => out.reverse
          case (l, r) if l eq r => out.reverse ++ l
          case (lhead :: ltail, rhead :: rtail) => mergeStacks(ltail, rtail, (lhead merge rhead) :: out)
          case _ => sys.error("Mismatched stack heights")

        val newLocals = mergeLocals(other.locals)

        val newStack = if (stack eq other.stack) stack else mergeStacks(stack, other.stack, Nil)
        State(newLocals, newStack)

       * Peek at the top of the stack without modifying it. Error if the stack is empty
      def peek(n: Int): Contents = stack(n)
       * Push contents onto a stack
      def push(contents: Contents): State = this copy (stack = contents :: stack)
       * Drop n elements from the stack
      def drop(number: Int): State = this copy (stack = stack drop number)
       * Store the top of the stack into the specified local. An error if the stack
       * is empty
      def store(variable: Local): State = {
        val contents = stack.head
        val newVariables = locals + ((variable, contents))
        new State(newVariables, stack.tail)
       * Load the specified local onto the top of the stack. An error the the local is uninitialized.
      def load(variable: Local): State = {
        val contents: Contents = locals.getOrElse(variable, sys.error(s"$variable is not initialized"))
       * A copy of this State with an empty stack
      def cleanStack: State = if (stack.isEmpty) this else this copy (stack = Nil)

    // some precomputed constants
    private val NULL = Const(Constant(null: Any))
    private val UNKNOWN = Impossible(Set.empty)
    private val NOT_NULL = SingleImpossible(NULL)
    private val CONST_UNIT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(())))
    private val CONST_FALSE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(false)))
    private val CONST_ZERO_BYTE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Byte)))
    private val CONST_ZERO_SHORT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Short)))
    private val CONST_ZERO_CHAR = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Char)))
    private val CONST_ZERO_INT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Int)))
    private val CONST_ZERO_LONG = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Long)))
    private val CONST_ZERO_FLOAT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0.0f)))
    private val CONST_ZERO_DOUBLE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0.0d)))
    private val CONST_NULL = SinglePossible(NULL)

     * Given a TypeKind, figure out what '0' for it means in order to interpret CZJUMP
    private def getZeroOf(k: TypeKind): Contents = k match {
      case UNIT => CONST_UNIT
      case BOOL => CONST_FALSE
      case BYTE => CONST_ZERO_BYTE
      case CHAR => CONST_ZERO_CHAR
      case INT => CONST_ZERO_INT
      case LONG => CONST_ZERO_LONG
      case REFERENCE(_) => CONST_NULL
      case ARRAY(_) => CONST_NULL
      case BOXED(_) => CONST_NULL
      case ConcatClass => abort("no zero of ConcatClass")

    // normal locals can't be null, so we use null to mean the magic 'this' local
    private val THIS_LOCAL: Local = null

     * interpret a single instruction to find its impact on the abstract state
    private def interpretInst(in: State, inst: Instruction): State = {
      // pop the consumed number of values off the `in` state's stack, producing a new state
      def dropConsumed: State = in drop inst.consumed

      inst match {
        case THIS(_) =>
          in load THIS_LOCAL

        case CONSTANT(k) =>
          // treat NaN as UNKNOWN because NaN must never equal NaN
          val const = if (k.isNaN) UNKNOWN
          else SinglePossible(Const(k))
          in push const

        case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(_) | LOAD_FIELD(_, _) | CALL_PRIMITIVE(_) =>
          dropConsumed push UNKNOWN

        case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
          // TODO if a local is known to hold a constant then we can replace this instruction with a push of that constant
          in load local

        case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
          in store local

        case STORE_THIS(_) =>
          // if a local is already known to have a constant and we're replacing with the same constant then we can
          // replace this with a drop
          in store THIS_LOCAL

        case CALL_METHOD(_, _) =>
          // TODO we could special case implementations of equals that are known, e.g. String#equals
          // We could turn Possible(string constants).equals(Possible(string constants) into an eq check
          // We could turn nonConstantString.equals(constantString) into constantString.equals(nonConstantString)
          //  and eliminate the null check that likely precedes this call
          val initial = dropConsumed
          (0 until inst.produced).foldLeft(initial) { case (know, _) => know push UNKNOWN }

        case BOX(_) =>
          val value = in peek 0
          // we simulate boxing by, um, boxing the possible/impossible contents
          // so if we have Possible(1,2) originally then we'll end up with
          // a Possible(Boxed(1), Boxed(2))
          // Similarly, if we know the input is not a 0 then we'll know the
          // output is not a Boxed(0)
          val newValue = value match {
            case Possible(values) => Possible(values map Boxed)
            case Impossible(values) => Impossible(values map Boxed)
          dropConsumed push newValue

        case UNBOX(_) =>
          val value = in peek 0
          val newValue = value match {
            // if we have a Possible, then all the possibilities
            // should themselves be Boxes. In that
            // case we can merge them to figure out what the UNBOX will produce
            case Possible(inners) =>
              assert(inners.nonEmpty, "Empty possible set indicating an uninitialized location")
              val sanitized: Set[Contents] = (inners map {
                case Boxed(content) => SinglePossible(content)
                case _ => UNKNOWN
              sanitized reduce (_ merge _)
            // if we have an impossible then the thing that's impossible
            // should be a box. We'll unbox that to see what we get
            case unknown@Impossible(inners) =>
              if (inners.isEmpty) {
              } else {
                val sanitized: Set[Contents] = (inners map {
                  case Boxed(content) => SingleImpossible(content)
                  case _ => UNKNOWN
                sanitized reduce (_ merge _)
          dropConsumed push newValue

        case LOAD_MODULE(_) | NEW(_) | LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
          in push NOT_NULL

        case CREATE_ARRAY(_, _) =>
          dropConsumed push NOT_NULL

        case IS_INSTANCE(_) =>
          // TODO IS_INSTANCE is going to be followed by a C(Z)JUMP
          // and if IS_INSTANCE/C(Z)JUMP the branch for "true" can
          // know that whatever was checked was not a null
          // see the TODO on CJUMP for more information about propagating null
          // information
          // TODO if the top of stack is guaranteed null then we can eliminate this IS_INSTANCE check and
          // replace with a constant false, but how often is a knowable null checked for instanceof?
          // TODO we could track type information and statically know to eliminate IS_INSTANCE
          // which might be a nice win under specialization
          dropConsumed push UNKNOWN // it's actually a Possible(true, false) but since the following instruction
        // will be a conditional jump comparing to true or false there
        // nothing to be gained by being more precise

        case CHECK_CAST(_) =>
          // TODO we could track type information and statically know to eliminate CHECK_CAST
          // but that's probably not a huge win

        case DUP(_) =>
          val value = in peek 0
          in push value


        case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) =>

        case JUMP(_) | CJUMP(_, _, _, _) | CZJUMP(_, _, _, _) | RETURN(_) | THROW(_) | SWITCH(_, _) =>
          dumpClassesAndAbort("Unexpected block ending instruction: " + inst)
     * interpret the last instruction of a block which will be jump, a conditional branch, a throw, or a return.
     * It will result in a map from target blocks to the input state computed for that block. It
     * also computes a replacement list of instructions
    private def interpretLast(in: State, inst: Instruction): (Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
      def canSwitch(in1: Contents, tagSet: List[Int]) = {
        in1 mightEqual Possible(tagSet.toSet map { tag: Int => Const(Constant(tag)) })

      /* common code for interpreting CJUMP and CZJUMP */
      def interpretConditional(kind: TypeKind, val1: Contents, val2: Contents, success: BasicBlock, failure: BasicBlock, cond: TestOp): (Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
        // TODO use reaching analysis to update the state in the two branches
        // e.g. if the comparison was checking null equality on local x
        // then the in the success branch we know x is null and
        // on the failure branch we know it is not
        // in fact, with copy propagation we could propagate that knowledge
        // back through a chain of locations
        // TODO if we do all that we need to be careful in the
        // case that success and failure are the same target block
        // because we're using a Map and don't want one possible state to clobber the other
        // alternative mayb we should just replace the conditional with a jump if both targets are the same

        def mightEqual = val1 mightEqual val2
        def mightNotEqual = val1 mightNotEqual val2
        def guaranteedEqual = mightEqual && !mightNotEqual

        def succPossible = cond match {
          case EQ => mightEqual
          case NE => mightNotEqual
          case LT | GT => !guaranteedEqual // if the two are guaranteed to be equal then they can't be LT/GT
          case LE | GE => true

        def failPossible = cond match {
          case EQ => mightNotEqual
          case NE => mightEqual
          case LT | GT => true
          case LE | GE => !guaranteedEqual // if the two are guaranteed to be equal then they must be LE/GE

        val out = in drop inst.consumed

        var result = Map[BasicBlock, State]()
        if (succPossible) {
          result += ((success, out))

        if (failPossible) {
          result += ((failure, out))

        val replacements = if (result.size == 1) List.fill(inst.consumed)(DROP(kind)) :+ JUMP(result.keySet.head)
        else inst :: Nil

        (result, replacements)

      inst match {
        case JUMP(whereto) =>
          (Map((whereto, in)), inst :: Nil)

        case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
          val in1 = in peek 0
          val in2 = in peek 1
          interpretConditional(kind, in1, in2, success, failure, cond)

        case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
          val in1 = in peek 0
          val in2 = getZeroOf(kind)
          interpretConditional(kind, in1, in2, success, failure, cond)

        case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
          val in1 = in peek 0
          val reachableNormalLabels = tags zip labels collect { case (tagSet, label) if canSwitch(in1, tagSet) => label }
          val reachableLabels = if (tags.isEmpty) {
            assert(labels.size == 1, s"When SWITCH node has empty array of tags it should have just one (default) label: $labels")
          } else if (labels.lengthCompare(tags.length) > 0) {
            // if we've got an extra label then it's the default
            val defaultLabel = labels.last
            // see if the default is reachable by seeing if the input might be out of the set
            // of all tags
            val allTags = Possible(tags.flatten.toSet map { tag: Int => Const(Constant(tag)) })
            if (in1 mightNotEqual allTags) {
              reachableNormalLabels :+ defaultLabel
            } else {
          } else {
          // TODO similar to the comment in interpretConditional, we should update our the State going into each
          // branch based on which tag is being matched. Also, just like interpretConditional, if target blocks
          // are the same we need to merge State rather than clobber

          // alternative, maybe we should simplify the SWITCH to not have same target labels
          val newState = in drop inst.consumed
          val result = Map(reachableLabels map { label => (label, newState) }: _*)
          if (reachableLabels.size == 1) (result, DROP(INT) :: JUMP(reachableLabels.head) :: Nil)
          else (result, inst :: Nil)

        // these instructions don't have target blocks
        // (exceptions are assumed to be reachable from all instructions)
        case RETURN(_) | THROW(_) =>
          (Map.empty, inst :: Nil)

        case _ =>
          dumpClassesAndAbort("Unexpected non-block ending instruction: " + inst)

     * Analyze a single block to find how it transforms an input state into a states for its successor blocks
     * Also computes a list of instructions to be used to replace its last instruction
    private def interpretBlock(in: State, block: BasicBlock): (Map[BasicBlock, State], Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
      debuglog(s"interpreting block $block")
      // number of instructions excluding the last one
      val normalCount = block.size - 1

      val exceptionState = in.cleanStack
      var normalExitState = in
      var idx = 0
      while (idx < normalCount) {
        val inst = block(idx)
        normalExitState = interpretInst(normalExitState, inst)
        if (normalExitState.locals ne exceptionState.locals)
          exceptionState.copy(locals = exceptionState mergeLocals normalExitState.locals)
        idx += 1

      val pairs = block.exceptionSuccessors map { b => (b, exceptionState) }
      val exceptionMap = Map(pairs: _*)

      val (normalExitMap, newInstructions) = interpretLast(normalExitState, block.lastInstruction)

      (normalExitMap, exceptionMap, newInstructions)

     * Analyze a single method to find replacement instructions
    private def interpretMethod(m: IMethod): Map[BasicBlock, List[Instruction]] = {
      import scala.collection.mutable.{ Set => MSet, Map => MMap }

      debuglog(s"interpreting method $m")
      var iterations = 0

      // initially we know that 'this' is not null and the params are initialized to some unknown value
      val initThis: Iterator[(Local, Contents)] = if (m.isStatic) Iterator.empty else Iterator.single((THIS_LOCAL, NOT_NULL))
      val initOtherLocals: Iterator[(Local, Contents)] = m.params.iterator map { param => (param, UNKNOWN) }
      val initialLocals: Map[Local, Contents] = Map((initThis ++ initOtherLocals).toSeq: _*)
      val initialState = State(initialLocals, Nil)

      // worklist of basic blocks to process, initially the start block
      val worklist = MSet(m.startBlock)
      // worklist of exception basic blocks. They're kept in a separate set so they can be
      // processed after normal flow basic blocks. That's because exception basic blocks
      // are more likely to have multiple predecessors and queueing them for later
      // increases the chances that they'll only need to be interpreted once
      val exceptionlist = MSet[BasicBlock]()
      // our current best guess at what the input state is for each block
      // initially we only know about the start block
      val inputState = MMap[BasicBlock, State]((m.startBlock, initialState))

      // update the inputState map based on new information from interpreting a block
      // When the input state of a block changes, add it back to the work list to be
      // reinterpreted
      def updateInputStates(outputStates: Map[BasicBlock, State], worklist: MSet[BasicBlock]) {
        for ((block, newState) <- outputStates) {
          val oldState = inputState get block
          val updatedState = oldState map (x => x merge newState) getOrElse newState
          if (oldState != Some(updatedState)) {
            worklist add block
            inputState(block) = updatedState

      // the instructions to be used as the last instructions on each block
      val replacements = MMap[BasicBlock, List[Instruction]]()

      while (worklist.nonEmpty || exceptionlist.nonEmpty) {
        if (worklist.isEmpty) {
          // once the worklist is empty, start processing exception blocks
          val block = exceptionlist.head
          exceptionlist remove block
          worklist add block
        } else {
          iterations += 1
          val block = worklist.head
          worklist remove block
          val (normalExitMap, exceptionMap, newInstructions) = interpretBlock(inputState(block), block)

          updateInputStates(normalExitMap, worklist)
          updateInputStates(exceptionMap, exceptionlist)
          replacements(block) = newInstructions

      debuglog(s"method $m with ${m.blocks.size} reached fixpoint in $iterations iterations")

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ConstantOptimization.scala source code file:

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