Scala example source code file (MatchCodeGen.scala)
The MatchCodeGen.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * * Copyright 2011-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Adriaan Moors */ package scala.tools.nsc.transform.patmat import scala.tools.nsc.symtab.Flags.SYNTHETIC import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position /** Factory methods used by TreeMakers to make the actual trees. * * We have two modes in which to emit trees: optimized (the default) * and pure (aka "virtualized": match is parametric in its monad). */ trait MatchCodeGen extends Interface { import global._ import definitions._ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // generate actual trees /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// trait CodegenCore extends MatchMonadInterface { private var ctr = 0 def freshName(prefix: String) = {ctr += 1; vpmName.counted(prefix, ctr)} // assert(owner ne null); assert(owner ne NoSymbol) def freshSym(pos: Position, tp: Type = NoType, prefix: String = "x") = NoSymbol.newTermSymbol(freshName(prefix), pos, newFlags = SYNTHETIC) setInfo tp def newSynthCaseLabel(name: String) = NoSymbol.newLabel(freshName(name), NoPosition) setFlag treeInfo.SYNTH_CASE_FLAGS // codegen relevant to the structure of the translation (how extractors are combined) trait AbsCodegen { def matcher(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, restpe: Type)(cases: List[Casegen => Tree], matchFailGen: Option[Tree => Tree]): Tree // local / context-free def _asInstanceOf(b: Symbol, tp: Type): Tree def _equals(checker: Tree, binder: Symbol): Tree def _isInstanceOf(b: Symbol, tp: Type): Tree def drop(tgt: Tree)(n: Int): Tree def index(tgt: Tree)(i: Int): Tree def mkZero(tp: Type): Tree def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree } // structure trait Casegen extends AbsCodegen { import CODE._ def one(res: Tree): Tree def flatMap(prev: Tree, b: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree def flatMapCond(cond: Tree, res: Tree, nextBinder: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree def flatMapGuard(cond: Tree, next: Tree): Tree def ifThenElseZero(c: Tree, thenp: Tree): Tree = IF (c) THEN thenp ELSE zero protected def zero: Tree } def codegen: AbsCodegen abstract class CommonCodegen extends AbsCodegen { import CODE._ def fun(arg: Symbol, body: Tree): Tree = Function(List(ValDef(arg)), body) def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = (REF(binder) DOT nme.productAccessorName(i)) // make tree that accesses the i'th component of the tuple referenced by binder def index(tgt: Tree)(i: Int): Tree = tgt APPLY (LIT(i)) // Right now this blindly calls drop on the result of the unapplySeq // unless it verifiably has no drop method (this is the case in particular // with Array.) You should not actually have to write a method called drop // for name-based matching, but this was an expedient route for the basics. def drop(tgt: Tree)(n: Int): Tree = { def callDirect = fn(tgt, nme.drop, LIT(n)) def callRuntime = Apply(REF(currentRun.runDefinitions.traversableDropMethod), tgt :: LIT(n) :: Nil) def needsRuntime = (tgt.tpe ne null) && (typeOfMemberNamedDrop(tgt.tpe) == NoType) if (needsRuntime) callRuntime else callDirect } // NOTE: checker must be the target of the ==, that's the patmat semantics for ya def _equals(checker: Tree, binder: Symbol): Tree = checker MEMBER_== REF(binder) // the force is needed mainly to deal with the GADT typing hack (we can't detect it otherwise as tp nor pt need contain an abstract type, we're just casting wildly) def _asInstanceOf(b: Symbol, tp: Type): Tree = if (b.info <:< tp) REF(b) else gen.mkCastPreservingAnnotations(REF(b), tp) def _isInstanceOf(b: Symbol, tp: Type): Tree = gen.mkIsInstanceOf(REF(b), tp.withoutAnnotations, any = true, wrapInApply = false) def mkZero(tp: Type): Tree = gen.mkConstantZero(tp) match { case Constant(null) => gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Literal(Constant(null)), tp, any = true, wrapInApply = false) // the magic incantation is true/false here case const => Literal(const) } } } trait PureMatchMonadInterface extends MatchMonadInterface { val matchStrategy: Tree import CODE._ def _match(n: Name): SelectStart = matchStrategy DOT n // TODO: error message private lazy val oneType = typer.typedOperator(_match(vpmName.one)).tpe override def pureType(tp: Type): Type = firstParamType(appliedType(oneType, tp :: Nil)) } trait PureCodegen extends CodegenCore with PureMatchMonadInterface { def codegen: AbsCodegen = pureCodegen object pureCodegen extends CommonCodegen with Casegen { import CODE._ //// methods in MatchingStrategy (the monad companion) -- used directly in translation // __match.runOrElse(`scrut`)(`scrutSym` => `matcher`) // TODO: consider catchAll, or virtualized matching will break in exception handlers def matcher(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, restpe: Type)(cases: List[Casegen => Tree], matchFailGen: Option[Tree => Tree]): Tree = _match(vpmName.runOrElse) APPLY (scrut) APPLY (fun(scrutSym, cases map (f => f(this)) reduceLeft typedOrElse)) // __match.one(`res`) def one(res: Tree): Tree = (_match(vpmName.one)) (res) // __match.zero protected def zero: Tree = _match(vpmName.zero) // __match.guard(`c`, `then`) def guard(c: Tree, thenp: Tree): Tree = _match(vpmName.guard) APPLY (c, thenp) //// methods in the monad instance -- used directly in translation // `prev`.flatMap(`b` => `next`) def flatMap(prev: Tree, b: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree = (prev DOT vpmName.flatMap)(fun(b, next)) // `thisCase`.orElse(`elseCase`) def typedOrElse(thisCase: Tree, elseCase: Tree): Tree = (thisCase DOT vpmName.orElse) APPLY (elseCase) // __match.guard(`cond`, `res`).flatMap(`nextBinder` => `next`) def flatMapCond(cond: Tree, res: Tree, nextBinder: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree = flatMap(guard(cond, res), nextBinder, next) // __match.guard(`guardTree`, ()).flatMap((_: P[Unit]) => `next`) def flatMapGuard(guardTree: Tree, next: Tree): Tree = flatMapCond(guardTree, CODE.UNIT, freshSym(guardTree.pos, pureType(UnitTpe)), next) } } trait OptimizedCodegen extends CodegenCore with TypedSubstitution with MatchMonadInterface { override def codegen: AbsCodegen = optimizedCodegen // when we know we're targetting Option, do some inlining the optimizer won't do // for example, `o.flatMap(f)` becomes `if(o == None) None else f(o.get)`, similarly for orElse and guard // this is a special instance of the advanced inlining optimization that takes a method call on // an object of a type that only has two concrete subclasses, and inlines both bodies, guarded by an if to distinguish the two cases object optimizedCodegen extends CommonCodegen { import CODE._ /** Inline runOrElse and get rid of Option allocations * * runOrElse(scrut: scrutTp)(matcher): resTp = matcher(scrut) getOrElse ${catchAll(`scrut`)} * the matcher's optional result is encoded as a flag, keepGoing, where keepGoing == true encodes result.isEmpty, * if keepGoing is false, the result Some(x) of the naive translation is encoded as matchRes == x */ def matcher(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, restpe: Type)(cases: List[Casegen => Tree], matchFailGen: Option[Tree => Tree]): Tree = { val matchRes = NoSymbol.newValueParameter(newTermName("x"), NoPosition, newFlags = SYNTHETIC) setInfo restpe.withoutAnnotations val matchEnd = newSynthCaseLabel("matchEnd") setInfo MethodType(List(matchRes), restpe) def newCaseSym = newSynthCaseLabel("case") setInfo MethodType(Nil, restpe) var _currCase = newCaseSym val caseDefs = cases map { (mkCase: Casegen => Tree) => val currCase = _currCase val nextCase = newCaseSym _currCase = nextCase LabelDef(currCase, Nil, mkCase(new OptimizedCasegen(matchEnd, nextCase))) } // must compute catchAll after caseLabels (side-effects nextCase) // catchAll.isEmpty iff no synthetic default case needed (the (last) user-defined case is a default) // if the last user-defined case is a default, it will never jump to the next case; it will go immediately to matchEnd val catchAllDef = matchFailGen map { matchFailGen => val scrutRef = scrutSym.fold(EmptyTree: Tree)(REF) // for alternatives LabelDef(_currCase, Nil, matchEnd APPLY (matchFailGen(scrutRef))) } toList // at most 1 element // scrutSym == NoSymbol when generating an alternatives matcher val scrutDef = scrutSym.fold(List[Tree]())(ValDef(_, scrut) :: Nil) // for alternatives // the generated block is taken apart in TailCalls under the following assumptions // the assumption is once we encounter a case, the remainder of the block will consist of cases // the prologue may be empty, usually it is the valdef that stores the scrut // val (prologue, cases) = stats span (s => !s.isInstanceOf[LabelDef]) Block( scrutDef ++ caseDefs ++ catchAllDef, LabelDef(matchEnd, List(matchRes), REF(matchRes)) ) } class OptimizedCasegen(matchEnd: Symbol, nextCase: Symbol) extends CommonCodegen with Casegen { def matcher(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, restpe: Type)(cases: List[Casegen => Tree], matchFailGen: Option[Tree => Tree]): Tree = optimizedCodegen.matcher(scrut, scrutSym, restpe)(cases, matchFailGen) // only used to wrap the RHS of a body // res: T // returns MatchMonad[T] def one(res: Tree): Tree = matchEnd APPLY (res) // a jump to a case label is special-cased in typedApply protected def zero: Tree = nextCase APPLY () // prev: MatchMonad[T] // b: T // next: MatchMonad[U] // returns MatchMonad[U] def flatMap(prev: Tree, b: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree = { val prevSym = freshSym(prev.pos, prev.tpe, "o") BLOCK( ValDef(prevSym, prev), // must be isEmpty and get as we don't control the target of the call (prev is an extractor call) ifThenElseZero( NOT(prevSym DOT vpmName.isEmpty), Substitution(b, prevSym DOT vpmName.get)(next) ) ) } // cond: Boolean // res: T // nextBinder: T // next == MatchMonad[U] // returns MatchMonad[U] def flatMapCond(cond: Tree, res: Tree, nextBinder: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree = { val rest = ( // only emit a local val for `nextBinder` if it's actually referenced in `next` if (next.exists(_.symbol eq nextBinder)) BLOCK(ValDef(nextBinder, res), next) else next ) ifThenElseZero(cond, rest) } // guardTree: Boolean // next: MatchMonad[T] // returns MatchMonad[T] def flatMapGuard(guardTree: Tree, next: Tree): Tree = ifThenElseZero(guardTree, next) def flatMapCondStored(cond: Tree, condSym: Symbol, res: Tree, nextBinder: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree = ifThenElseZero(cond, BLOCK( condSym === mkTRUE, nextBinder === res, next )) } } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala MatchCodeGen.scala source code file: |
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