Scala example source code file (UnixTerminal.java)
The UnixTerminal.java Scala example source code/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Marc Prud'hommeaux. All rights reserved. * * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software. */ package scala.tools.jline; import scala.tools.jline.console.Key; import scala.tools.jline.internal.Configuration; import scala.tools.jline.internal.Log; import scala.tools.jline.internal.ReplayPrefixOneCharInputStream; import scala.tools.jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static scala.tools.jline.UnixTerminal.UnixKey.*; import static scala.tools.jline.console.Key.*; /** * Terminal that is used for unix platforms. Terminal initialization * is handled by issuing the <em>stty</em> command against the * <em>/dev/tty</em> file to disable character echoing and enable * character input. All known unix systems (including * Linux and Macintosh OS X) support the <em>stty</em>), so this * implementation should work for an reasonable POSIX system. * * @author <a href="mailto:mwp1@cornell.edu">Marc Prud'hommeaux</a> * @author <a href="mailto:dwkemp@gmail.com">Dale Kemp</a> * @author <a href="mailto:jason@planet57.com">Jason Dillon</a> * @author <a href="mailto:jbonofre@apache.org">Jean-Baptiste Onofré</a> * @since 2.0 */ public class UnixTerminal extends TerminalSupport { private final TerminalLineSettings settings = new TerminalLineSettings(); private final ReplayPrefixOneCharInputStream replayStream; private final InputStreamReader replayReader; public UnixTerminal() throws Exception { super(true); this.replayStream = new ReplayPrefixOneCharInputStream(Configuration.getInputEncoding()); this.replayReader = new InputStreamReader(replayStream, replayStream.getEncoding()); } protected TerminalLineSettings getSettings() { return settings; } /** * Remove line-buffered input by invoking "stty -icanon min 1" * against the current terminal. */ @Override public void init() throws Exception { super.init(); setAnsiSupported(true); // set the console to be character-buffered instead of line-buffered settings.set("-icanon min 1"); setEchoEnabled(false); } /** * Restore the original terminal configuration, which can be used when * shutting down the console reader. The ConsoleReader cannot be * used after calling this method. */ @Override public void restore() throws Exception { settings.restore(); super.restore(); // print a newline after the terminal exits. // this should probably be a configurable. System.out.println(); } /** * Returns the value of <tt>stty columns</tt> param. */ @Override public int getWidth() { int w = settings.getProperty("columns"); return w < 1 ? DEFAULT_WIDTH : w; } /** * Returns the value of <tt>stty rows>/tt> param. */ @Override public int getHeight() { int h = settings.getProperty("rows"); return h < 1 ? DEFAULT_HEIGHT : h; } @Override public synchronized void setEchoEnabled(final boolean enabled) { try { if (enabled) { settings.set("echo"); } else { settings.set("-echo"); } super.setEchoEnabled(enabled); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Failed to ", (enabled ? "enable" : "disable"), " echo: ", e); } } @Override public int readVirtualKey(final InputStream in) throws IOException { int c = readCharacter(in); if (Key.valueOf(c) == DELETE && settings.getProperty("erase") == DELETE.code) { c = BACKSPACE.code; } UnixKey key = UnixKey.valueOf(c); // in Unix terminals, arrow keys are represented by a sequence of 3 characters. E.g., the up arrow key yields 27, 91, 68 if (key == ARROW_START) { // also the escape key is 27 thats why we read until we have something different than 27 // this is a bugfix, because otherwise pressing escape and than an arrow key was an undefined state while (key == ARROW_START) { c = readCharacter(in); key = UnixKey.valueOf(c); } if (key == ARROW_PREFIX || key == O_PREFIX) { c = readCharacter(in); key = UnixKey.valueOf(c); if (key == ARROW_UP) { return CTRL_P.code; } else if (key == ARROW_DOWN) { return CTRL_N.code; } else if (key == ARROW_LEFT) { return CTRL_B.code; } else if (key == ARROW_RIGHT) { return CTRL_F.code; } else if (key == HOME_CODE) { return CTRL_A.code; } else if (key == END_CODE) { return CTRL_E.code; } else if (key == DEL_THIRD) { readCharacter(in); // read 4th & ignore return DELETE.code; } } else if (c == 'b') { // alt-b: go back a word return CTRL_O.code; // PREV_WORD } else if (c == 'f') { // alt-f: go forward a word return CTRL_T.code; // NEXT_WORD } else if (key == DEL) { // alt-backspace: delete previous word return CTRL_W.code; // DELETE_PREV_WORD } else if (c == 'd') { // alt-d: delete next word return CTRL_X.code; // DELETE_NEXT_WORD } } // handle unicode characters, thanks for a patch from amyi@inf.ed.ac.uk if (c > 128) { // handle unicode characters longer than 2 bytes, // thanks to Marc.Herbert@continuent.com replayStream.setInput(c, in); // replayReader = new InputStreamReader(replayStream, encoding); c = replayReader.read(); } return c; } /** * Unix keys. */ public static enum UnixKey { ARROW_START(27), ARROW_PREFIX(91), ARROW_LEFT(68), ARROW_RIGHT(67), ARROW_UP(65), ARROW_DOWN(66), O_PREFIX(79), HOME_CODE(72), END_CODE(70), DEL_THIRD(51), DEL_SECOND(126), DEL(127); public final short code; UnixKey(final int code) { this.code = (short) code; } private static final Map<Short, UnixKey> codes; static { Map<Short, UnixKey> map = new HashMap<Short, UnixKey>(); for (UnixKey key : UnixKey.values()) { map.put(key.code, key); } codes = map; } public static UnixKey valueOf(final int code) { return codes.get((short) code); } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala UnixTerminal.java source code file: |
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