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Scala example source code file (

This example Scala source code file ( is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

character, charsequence, consolereader, illegalargumentexception, inputstream, ioexception, normal, string, stringbuilder, writer

The Scala example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Marc Prud'hommeaux. All rights reserved.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.


import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiOutputStream;

import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.*;

 * A reader for console applications. It supports custom tab-completion,
 * saveable command history, and command line editing. On some platforms,
 * platform-specific commands will need to be issued before the reader will
 * function properly. See {@link jline.Terminal#init} for convenience
 * methods for issuing platform-specific setup commands.
 * @author <a href="">Marc Prud'hommeaux</a>
 * @author <a href="">Jason Dillon</a>
public class ConsoleReader
    public static final String JLINE_NOBELL = "jline.nobell";

    public static final String JLINE_EXPANDEVENTS = "jline.expandevents";

    public static final char BACKSPACE = '\b';

    public static final char RESET_LINE = '\r';

    public static final char KEYBOARD_BELL = '\07';

    public static final char NULL_MASK = 0;

    public static final int TAB_WIDTH = 4;

    private static final ResourceBundle
        resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle(CandidateListCompletionHandler.class.getName());

    private final Terminal terminal;

    private InputStream in;

    private final Writer out;

    private final CursorBuffer buf = new CursorBuffer();

    private String prompt;

    private boolean bellEnabled = true;

    private boolean expandEvents = false;

    private Character mask;

    private Character echoCharacter;

    private StringBuffer searchTerm = null;

    private String previousSearchTerm = "";

    private int searchIndex = -1;

    public ConsoleReader(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out, final InputStream bindings, final Terminal term) throws
    { = in;
        this.terminal = term != null ? term : TerminalFactory.get();
        this.out = new PrintWriter(getTerminal().wrapOutIfNeeded(out));
        this.keyBindings = loadKeyBindings(bindings);

        setBellEnabled(!Configuration.getBoolean(JLINE_NOBELL, false));
        setExpandEvents(Configuration.getBoolean(JLINE_EXPANDEVENTS, false));

     * @deprecated use {@link #ConsoleReader(InputStream, OutputStream, InputStream, Terminal)}
     * to let the terminal wrap the output stream if needed.
    public ConsoleReader(final InputStream in, final Writer out, final InputStream bindings, final Terminal term) throws
    { = in;
        this.out = out;
        this.terminal = term != null ? term : TerminalFactory.get();
        this.keyBindings = loadKeyBindings(bindings);

        setBellEnabled(!Configuration.getBoolean(JLINE_NOBELL, false));

     * @deprecated use {@link #ConsoleReader(InputStream, OutputStream, InputStream, Terminal)}
     * to let the terminal wrap the output stream if needed.
    public ConsoleReader(final InputStream in, final Writer out, final Terminal term) throws IOException {
        this(in, out, null, term);

     * @deprecated use {@link #ConsoleReader(InputStream, OutputStream, InputStream, Terminal)}
     * to let the terminal wrap the output stream if needed.
    public ConsoleReader(final InputStream in, final Writer out) throws IOException
        this(in, out, null, null);

     * Create a new reader using {@link FileDescriptor#in} for input and
     * {@link System#out} for output.
     * <p/>
     * {@link FileDescriptor#in} is used because it has a better chance of not being buffered.
    public ConsoleReader() throws IOException {
        this(new FileInputStream(, System.out, null, null );

    // FIXME: Only used for tests

    void setInput(final InputStream in) { = in;

    public InputStream getInput() {
        return in;

    public Writer getOutput() {
        return out;

    public Terminal getTerminal() {
        return terminal;

    public CursorBuffer getCursorBuffer() {
        return buf;

    public void setBellEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
        this.bellEnabled = enabled;

    public boolean isBellEnabled() {
        return bellEnabled;

    public void setExpandEvents(final boolean expand) {
        this.expandEvents = expand;

    public boolean getExpandEvents() {
        return expandEvents;

    public void setPrompt(final String prompt) {
        this.prompt = prompt;

    public String getPrompt() {
        return prompt;

     * Set the echo character. For example, to have "*" entered when a password is typed:
     * <p/>
     * <pre>
     * myConsoleReader.setEchoCharacter(new Character('*'));
     * </pre>
     * <p/>
     * Setting the character to
     * <p/>
     * <pre>
     * null
     * </pre>
     * <p/>
     * will restore normal character echoing. Setting the character to
     * <p/>
     * <pre>
     * new Character(0)
     * </pre>
     * <p/>
     * will cause nothing to be echoed.
     * @param c the character to echo to the console in place of the typed character.
    public void setEchoCharacter(final Character c) {
        this.echoCharacter = c;

     * Returns the echo character.
    public Character getEchoCharacter() {
        return echoCharacter;

     * Erase the current line.
     * @return false if we failed (e.g., the buffer was empty)
    protected final boolean resetLine() throws IOException {
        if (buf.cursor == 0) {
            return false;


        return true;

    int getCursorPosition() {
        // FIXME: does not handle anything but a line with a prompt absolute position
        String prompt = getPrompt();
        return ((prompt == null) ? 0 : stripAnsi(lastLine(prompt)).length()) + buf.cursor;

     * Returns the text after the last '\n'.
     * prompt is returned if no '\n' characters are present.
     * null is returned if prompt is null.
    private String lastLine(String str) {
        if (str == null) return "";
        int last = str.lastIndexOf("\n");

        if (last >= 0) {
            return str.substring(last + 1, str.length());

        return str;

    private String stripAnsi(String str) {
        if (str == null) return "";
        try {
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            AnsiOutputStream aos = new AnsiOutputStream(baos);
            return baos.toString();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return str;

     * Move the cursor position to the specified absolute index.
    public final boolean setCursorPosition(final int position) throws IOException {
        return moveCursor(position - buf.cursor) != 0;

     * Set the current buffer's content to the specified {@link String}. The
     * visual console will be modified to show the current buffer.
     * @param buffer the new contents of the buffer.
    private void setBuffer(final String buffer) throws IOException {
        // don't bother modifying it if it is unchanged
        if (buffer.equals(buf.buffer.toString())) {

        // obtain the difference between the current buffer and the new one
        int sameIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0, l1 = buffer.length(), l2 = buf.buffer.length(); (i < l1)
            && (i < l2); i++) {
            if (buffer.charAt(i) == buf.buffer.charAt(i)) {
            else {

        int diff = buf.cursor - sameIndex;
        if (diff < 0) { // we can't backspace here so try from the end of the buffer
            diff = buf.buffer.length() - sameIndex;

        backspace(diff); // go back for the differences
        killLine(); // clear to the end of the line
        buf.buffer.setLength(sameIndex); // the new length
        putString(buffer.substring(sameIndex)); // append the differences

    private void setBuffer(final CharSequence buffer) throws IOException {

     * Output put the prompt + the current buffer
    public final void drawLine() throws IOException {
        String prompt = getPrompt();
        if (prompt != null) {


        if (buf.length() != buf.cursor) { // not at end of line
            back(buf.length() - buf.cursor - 1);
        // force drawBuffer to check for weird wrap (after clear screen)

     * Clear the line and redraw it.
    public final void redrawLine() throws IOException {
//        flush();

     * Clear the buffer and add its contents to the history.
     * @return the former contents of the buffer.
    final String finishBuffer() throws IOException { // FIXME: Package protected because used by tests
        String str = buf.buffer.toString();

        if (expandEvents) {
            str = expandEvents(str);

        // we only add it to the history if the buffer is not empty
        // and if mask is null, since having a mask typically means
        // the string was a password. We clear the mask after this call
        if (str.length() > 0) {
            if (mask == null && isHistoryEnabled()) {
            else {
                mask = null;


        buf.cursor = 0;

        return str;

     * Expand event designator such as !!, !#, !3, etc...
     * See
     * @param str
     * @return
    protected String expandEvents(String str) throws IOException {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
            char c = str.charAt(i);
            switch (c) {
                case '!':
                    if (i + 1 < str.length()) {
                        c = str.charAt(++i);
                        boolean neg = false;
                        String rep = null;
                        int i1, idx;
                        switch (c) {
                            case '!':
                                if (history.size() == 0) {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("!!: event not found");
                                rep = history.get(history.index() - 1).toString();
                            case '#':
                            case '?':
                                i1 = str.indexOf('?', i + 1);
                                if (i1 < 0) {
                                    i1 = str.length();
                                String sc = str.substring(i + 1, i1);
                                i = i1;
                                idx = searchBackwards(sc);
                                if (idx < 0) {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("!?" + sc + ": event not found");
                                } else {
                                    rep = history.get(idx).toString();
                            case ' ':
                            case '\t':
                            case '-':
                                neg = true;
                                // fall through
                            case '0':
                            case '1':
                            case '2':
                            case '3':
                            case '4':
                            case '5':
                            case '6':
                            case '7':
                            case '8':
                            case '9':
                                i1 = i;
                                for (; i < str.length(); i++) {
                                    c = str.charAt(i);
                                    if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
                                idx = 0;
                                try {
                                    idx = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(i1, i));
                                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException((neg ? "!-" : "!") + str.substring(i1, i) + ": event not found");
                                if (neg) {
                                    if (idx < history.size()) {
                                        rep = (history.get(history.index() - idx)).toString();
                                    } else {
                                        throw new IllegalArgumentException((neg ? "!-" : "!") + str.substring(i1, i) + ": event not found");
                                } else {
                                    if (idx >= history.index() - history.size() && idx < history.index()) {
                                        rep = (history.get(idx)).toString();
                                    } else {
                                        throw new IllegalArgumentException((neg ? "!-" : "!") + str.substring(i1, i) + ": event not found");
                                String ss = str.substring(i);
                                i = str.length();
                                idx = searchBackwards(ss, history.index(), true);
                                if (idx < 0) {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("!" + ss + ": event not found");
                                } else {
                                    rep = history.get(idx).toString();
                        if (rep != null) {
                    } else {
                case '^':
                    if (i == 0) {
                        int i1 = str.indexOf('^', i + 1);
                        int i2 = str.indexOf('^', i1 + 1);
                        if (i2 < 0) {
                            i2 = str.length();
                        if (i1 > 0 && i2 > 0) {
                            String s1 = str.substring(i + 1, i1);
                            String s2 = str.substring(i1 + 1, i2);
                            String s = history.get(history.index() - 1).toString().replace(s1, s2);
                            i = i2 + 1;
        String result = sb.toString();
        if (!str.equals(result)) {
        return result;


     * Write out the specified string to the buffer and the output stream.
    public final void putString(final CharSequence str) throws IOException {

     * Output the specified character, both to the buffer and the output stream.
    private void putChar(final int c, final boolean print) throws IOException {
        buf.write((char) c);

        if (print) {
            if (mask == null) {
                // no masking
            else if (mask == NULL_MASK) {
                // Don't print anything
            else {


     * Redraw the rest of the buffer from the cursor onwards. This is necessary
     * for inserting text into the buffer.
     * @param clear the number of characters to clear after the end of the buffer
    private void drawBuffer(final int clear) throws IOException {
        // debug ("drawBuffer: " + clear);
        if (buf.cursor == buf.length() && clear == 0) {
        } else {
            char[] chars = buf.buffer.substring(buf.cursor).toCharArray();
            if (mask != null) {
                Arrays.fill(chars, mask);
            if (getTerminal().hasWeirdWrap()) {
                // need to determine if wrapping will occur:
                int width = getTerminal().getWidth();
                int pos = getCursorPosition();
                for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
                    if ((pos + i + 1) % width == 0) {
                        print(32); // move cursor to next line by printing dummy space
                        print(13); // CR / not newline.
            } else {
            clearAhead(clear, chars.length);
            if (getTerminal().isAnsiSupported()) {
                if (chars.length > 0) {
            } else {
        if (getTerminal().hasWeirdWrap()) {
            int width = getTerminal().getWidth();
            // best guess on whether the cursor is in that weird location...
            // Need to do this without calling ansi cursor location methods
            // otherwise it breaks paste of wrapped lines in xterm.
            if (getCursorPosition() > 0 && (getCursorPosition() % width == 0)
                    && buf.cursor == buf.length() && clear == 0) {
                // the following workaround is reverse-engineered from looking
                // at what bash sent to the terminal in the same situation
                print(32); // move cursor to next line by printing dummy space
                print(13); // CR / not newline.

     * Redraw the rest of the buffer from the cursor onwards. This is necessary
     * for inserting text into the buffer.
    private void drawBuffer() throws IOException {

     * Clear ahead the specified number of characters without moving the cursor.
     * @param num the number of characters to clear
     * @param delta the difference between the internal cursor and the screen
     * cursor - if > 0, assume some stuff was printed and weird wrap has to be
     * checked
    private void clearAhead(final int num, int delta) throws IOException {
        if (num == 0) {

        if (getTerminal().isAnsiSupported()) {
            int width = getTerminal().getWidth();
            int screenCursorCol = getCursorPosition() + delta;
            // clear current line
            // if cursor+num wraps, then we need to clear the line(s) below too
            int curCol = screenCursorCol % width;
            int endCol = (screenCursorCol + num - 1) % width;
            int lines = num / width;
            if (endCol < curCol) lines++;
            for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {

        // print blank extra characters
        print(' ', num);

        // we need to flush here so a "clever" console doesn't just ignore the redundancy
        // of a space followed by a backspace.
//        flush();

        // reset the visual cursor

//        flush();

     * Move the visual cursor backwards without modifying the buffer cursor.
    protected void back(final int num) throws IOException {
        if (num == 0) return;
        if (getTerminal().isAnsiSupported()) {
            int width = getTerminal().getWidth();
            int cursor = getCursorPosition();
            int realCursor = cursor + num;
            int realCol  = realCursor % width;
            int newCol = cursor % width;
            int moveup = num / width;
            int delta = realCol - newCol;
            if (delta < 0) moveup++;
            if (moveup > 0) {
                printAnsiSequence(moveup + "A");
            printAnsiSequence((1 + newCol) + "G");
        print(BACKSPACE, num);
//        flush();

     * Flush the console output stream. This is important for printout out single characters (like a backspace or
     * keyboard) that we want the console to handle immediately.
    public void flush() throws IOException {

    private int backspaceAll() throws IOException {
        return backspace(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

     * Issue <em>num</em> backspaces.
     * @return the number of characters backed up
    private int backspace(final int num) throws IOException {
        if (buf.cursor == 0) {
            return 0;

        int count = 0;

        int termwidth = getTerminal().getWidth();
        int lines = getCursorPosition() / termwidth;
        count = moveCursor(-1 * num) * -1;
        buf.buffer.delete(buf.cursor, buf.cursor + count);
        if (getCursorPosition() / termwidth != lines) {
            if (getTerminal().isAnsiSupported()) {
                // debug("doing backspace redraw: " + getCursorPosition() + " on " + termwidth + ": " + lines);
                // if cursor+num wraps, then we need to clear the line(s) below too
                // last char printed is one pos less than cursor so we subtract
                // one
                // TODO: fixme (does not work - test with reverse search with wrapping line and CTRL-E)
                int endCol = (getCursorPosition() + num - 1) % termwidth;
                int curCol = getCursorPosition() % termwidth;
                if (endCol < curCol) lines++;
                for (int i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
                for (int i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
                return count;

        return count;

     * Issue a backspace.
     * @return true if successful
    public boolean backspace() throws IOException {
        return backspace(1) == 1;

    protected boolean moveToEnd() throws IOException {
        return moveCursor(buf.length() - buf.cursor) > 0;

     * Delete the character at the current position and redraw the remainder of the buffer.
    private boolean deleteCurrentCharacter() throws IOException {
        if (buf.length() == 0 || buf.cursor == buf.length()) {
            return false;

        return true;

    private boolean previousWord() throws IOException {
        while (isDelimiter(buf.charLeftOfCursor()) && (moveCursor(-1) != 0)) {
            // nothing

        while (!isDelimiter(buf.charLeftOfCursor()) && (moveCursor(-1) != 0)) {
            // nothing

        return true;

    private boolean nextWord() throws IOException {
        while (isDelimiter(buf.charAtCursor()) && (moveCursor(1) != 0)) {
            // nothing

        while (!isDelimiter(buf.charAtCursor()) && (moveCursor(1) != 0)) {
            // nothing

        return true;

    private boolean deletePreviousWord() throws IOException {
        while (isDelimiter(buf.charLeftOfCursor()) && backspace()) {
            // nothing

        while (!isDelimiter(buf.charLeftOfCursor()) && backspace()) {
            // nothing

        return true;

    private boolean deleteNextWord() throws IOException {
        while (isDelimiter(buf.charAtCursor()) && deleteCurrentCharacter()) {
            // nothing

        while (!isDelimiter(buf.charAtCursor()) && deleteCurrentCharacter()) {
            // nothing

        return true;

     * Move the cursor <i>where</i> characters.
     * @param num   If less than 0, move abs(<i>where</i>) to the left, otherwise move <i>where</i> to the right.
     * @return      The number of spaces we moved
    public int moveCursor(final int num) throws IOException {
        int where = num;

        if ((buf.cursor == 0) && (where <= 0)) {
            return 0;

        if ((buf.cursor == buf.buffer.length()) && (where >= 0)) {
            return 0;

        if ((buf.cursor + where) < 0) {
            where = -buf.cursor;
        else if ((buf.cursor + where) > buf.buffer.length()) {
            where = buf.buffer.length() - buf.cursor;


        return where;

     * Move the cursor <i>where</i> characters, without checking the current buffer.
     * @param where the number of characters to move to the right or left.
    private void moveInternal(final int where) throws IOException {
        // debug ("move cursor " + where + " ("
        // + buf.cursor + " => " + (buf.cursor + where) + ")");
        buf.cursor += where;

        if (getTerminal().isAnsiSupported()) {
            if (where < 0) {
            } else {
                int width = getTerminal().getWidth();
                int cursor = getCursorPosition();
                int oldLine = (cursor - where) / width;
                int newLine = cursor / width;
                if (newLine > oldLine) {
                    if (getTerminal().hasWeirdWrap()) {
                        // scroll up if at bottom
                        // note:
                        //   on rxvt cywgin getTerminal().getHeight() is incorrect
                        //   MacOs xterm does not seem to support scrolling
                        if (getCurrentAnsiRow() == getTerminal().getHeight()) {
                            printAnsiSequence((newLine - oldLine) + "S");
                    printAnsiSequence((newLine - oldLine) + "B");
                printAnsiSequence(1 +(cursor % width) + "G");
//            flush();

        char c;

        if (where < 0) {
            int len = 0;
            for (int i = buf.cursor; i < buf.cursor - where; i++) {
                if (buf.buffer.charAt(i) == '\t') {
                    len += TAB_WIDTH;
                else {

            char chars[] = new char[len];
            Arrays.fill(chars, BACKSPACE);

        else if (buf.cursor == 0) {
        else if (mask != null) {
            c = mask;
        else {
            print(buf.buffer.substring(buf.cursor - where, buf.cursor).toCharArray());

        // null character mask: don't output anything
        if (mask == NULL_MASK) {

        print(c, Math.abs(where));

    // FIXME: replace() is not used

    public final boolean replace(final int num, final String replacement) {
        buf.buffer.replace(buf.cursor - num, buf.cursor, replacement);
        try {
            drawBuffer(Math.max(0, num - replacement.length()));
        catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    // Key reading

     * Read a character from the console.
     * @return the character, or -1 if an EOF is received.
    public final int readVirtualKey() throws IOException {
        int c = getTerminal().readVirtualKey(in);

        Log.trace("Keystroke: ", c);

        // clear any echo characters

        return c;

     * Clear the echoed characters for the specified character code.
    private int clearEcho(final int c) throws IOException {
        // if the terminal is not echoing, then ignore
        if (!getTerminal().isEchoEnabled()) {
            return 0;

        // otherwise, clear
        int num = countEchoCharacters((char) c);

        return num;

    private int countEchoCharacters(final char c) {
        // tabs as special: we need to determine the number of spaces
        // to cancel based on what out current cursor position is
        if (c == 9) {
            int tabStop = 8; // will this ever be different?
            int position = getCursorPosition();

            return tabStop - (position % tabStop);

        return getPrintableCharacters(c).length();

     * Return the number of characters that will be printed when the specified
     * character is echoed to the screen
     * Adapted from cat by Torbjorn Granlund, as repeated in stty by David MacKenzie.
    private StringBuilder getPrintableCharacters(final char ch) {
        StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();

        if (ch >= 32) {
            if (ch < 127) {
            else if (ch == 127) {
            else {

                if (ch >= (128 + 32)) {
                    if (ch < (128 + 127)) {
                        sbuff.append((char) (ch - 128));
                    else {
                else {
                    sbuff.append((char) (ch - 128 + 64));
        else {
            sbuff.append((char) (ch + 64));

        return sbuff;

    public final int readCharacter(final char... allowed) throws IOException {
        // if we restrict to a limited set and the current character is not in the set, then try again.
        char c;

        Arrays.sort(allowed); // always need to sort before binarySearch

        while (Arrays.binarySearch(allowed, c = (char) readVirtualKey()) < 0) {
            // nothing

        return c;

    // Key Bindings

    public static final String JLINE_COMPLETION_THRESHOLD = "jline.completion.threshold";

    public static final String JLINE_KEYBINDINGS = "jline.keybindings";

    public static final String JLINEBINDINGS_PROPERTIES = "";

     * The map for logical operations.
    private final short[] keyBindings;

    private short[] loadKeyBindings(InputStream input) throws IOException {
        if (input == null) {
            try {
                File file = new File(Configuration.getUserHome(), JLINEBINDINGS_PROPERTIES);

                String path = Configuration.getString(JLINE_KEYBINDINGS);
                if (path != null) {
                    file = new File(path);

                if (file.isFile()) {
                    Log.debug("Loading user bindings from: ", file);
                    input = new FileInputStream(file);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Log.error("Failed to load user bindings", e);

        if (input == null) {
            Log.debug("Using default bindings");
            input = getTerminal().getDefaultBindings();

        short[] keyBindings = new short[Character.MAX_VALUE * 2];

        Arrays.fill(keyBindings, Operation.UNKNOWN.code);

        // Loads the key bindings. Bindings file is in the format:
        // keycode: operation name

        if (input != null) {
            input = new BufferedInputStream(input);
            Properties p = new Properties();

            for (Object key : p.keySet()) {
                String val = (String) key;

                try {
                    short code = Short.parseShort(val);
                    String name = p.getProperty(val);
                    Operation op = Operation.valueOf(name);
                    keyBindings[code] = op.code;
                catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    Log.error("Failed to convert binding code: ", val, e);

            // hardwired arrow key bindings
            // keybindings[VK_UP] = PREV_HISTORY;
            // keybindings[VK_DOWN] = NEXT_HISTORY;
            // keybindings[VK_LEFT] = PREV_CHAR;
            // keybindings[VK_RIGHT] = NEXT_CHAR;

        return keyBindings;

    int getKeyForAction(final short logicalAction) {
        for (int i = 0; i < keyBindings.length; i++) {
            if (keyBindings[i] == logicalAction) {
                return i;

        return -1;

    int getKeyForAction(final Operation op) {
        assert op != null;
        return getKeyForAction(op.code);

    public void printBindings() {
        System.out.println("printBindings(): keyBindings.length = " + keyBindings.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < keyBindings.length; i++) {
            if (keyBindings[i] != Operation.UNKNOWN.code) {
                System.out.println("keyBindings[" + i + "] = " + keyBindings[i]);

     * Reads the console input and returns an array of the form [raw, key binding].
    private int[] readBinding() throws IOException {
        int c = readVirtualKey();

        if (c == -1) {
            return null;

        // extract the appropriate key binding
        short code = keyBindings[c];

        Log.trace("Translated: ", c, " -> ", code);

        return new int[]{c, code};

    // Line Reading

     * Read the next line and return the contents of the buffer.
    public String readLine() throws IOException {
        return readLine((String) null);

     * Read the next line with the specified character mask. If null, then
     * characters will be echoed. If 0, then no characters will be echoed.
    public String readLine(final Character mask) throws IOException {
        return readLine(null, mask);

    public String readLine(final String prompt) throws IOException {
        return readLine(prompt, null);

     * Read a line from the <i>in</i> {@link InputStream}, and return the line
     * (without any trailing newlines).
     * @param prompt    The prompt to issue to the console, may be null.
     * @return          A line that is read from the terminal, or null if there was null input (e.g., <i>CTRL-D</i>
 *                      was pressed).
    public String readLine(String prompt, final Character mask) throws IOException {
        // prompt may be null
        // mask may be null

        // FIXME: This blows, each call to readLine will reset the console's state which doesn't seem very nice.
        this.mask = mask;
        if (prompt != null) {
        else {
            prompt = getPrompt();

        try {
            if (!getTerminal().isSupported()) {
                beforeReadLine(prompt, mask);

            if (prompt != null && prompt.length() > 0) {

            // if the terminal is unsupported, just use plain-java reading
            if (!getTerminal().isSupported()) {
                return readLine(in);

            String originalPrompt = this.prompt;

            final int NORMAL = 1;
            final int SEARCH = 2;
            int state = NORMAL;

            boolean success = true;

            while (true) {
                int[] next = readBinding();

                if (next == null) {
                    return null;

                int c = next[0];
                // int code = next[1];
                Operation code = Operation.valueOf(next[1]);

                if (c == -1) {
                    return null;

                // Search mode.
                // Note that we have to do this first, because if there is a command
                // not linked to a search command, we leave the search mode and fall
                // through to the normal state.
                if (state == SEARCH) {
                    int cursorDest = -1;

                    switch (code) {
                        // This doesn't work right now, it seems CTRL-G is not passed
                        // down correctly. :(
                        case ABORT:
                            state = NORMAL;

                        case SEARCH_PREV:
                            if (searchTerm.length() == 0) {

                            if (searchIndex == -1) {
                                searchIndex = searchBackwards(searchTerm.toString());
                            } else {
                                searchIndex = searchBackwards(searchTerm.toString(), searchIndex);

                        case DELETE_PREV_CHAR:
                            if (searchTerm.length() > 0) {
                                searchTerm.deleteCharAt(searchTerm.length() - 1);
                                searchIndex = searchBackwards(searchTerm.toString());

                        case UNKNOWN:
                            searchIndex = searchBackwards(searchTerm.toString());

                            // Set buffer and cursor position to the found string.
                            if (searchIndex != -1) {
                                // set cursor position to the found string
                                cursorDest = history.current().toString().indexOf(searchTerm.toString());
                            state = NORMAL;

                    // if we're still in search mode, print the search status
                    if (state == SEARCH) {
                        if (searchTerm.length() == 0) {
                            printSearchStatus("", "");
                            searchIndex = -1;
                        } else {
                            if (searchIndex == -1) {
                            } else {
                                printSearchStatus(searchTerm.toString(), history.get(searchIndex).toString());
                    // otherwise, restore the line
                    else {
                        restoreLine(originalPrompt, cursorDest);

                if (state == NORMAL) {
                    switch (code) {
                        case EXIT: // ctrl-d
                            if (buf.buffer.length() == 0) {
                                return null;
                            } else {
                                success = deleteCurrentCharacter();

                        case COMPLETE: // tab
                            success = complete();

                        case MOVE_TO_BEG:
                            success = setCursorPosition(0);

                        case KILL_LINE: // CTRL-K
                            success = killLine();

                        case CLEAR_SCREEN: // CTRL-L
                            success = clearScreen();

                        case KILL_LINE_PREV: // CTRL-U
                            success = resetLine();

                        case NEWLINE: // enter
                            println(); // output newline
                            return finishBuffer();

                        case DELETE_PREV_CHAR: // backspace
                            success = backspace();

                        case DELETE_NEXT_CHAR: // delete
                            success = deleteCurrentCharacter();

                        case MOVE_TO_END:
                            success = moveToEnd();

                        case PREV_CHAR:
                            success = moveCursor(-1) != 0;

                        case NEXT_CHAR:
                            success = moveCursor(1) != 0;

                        case NEXT_HISTORY:
                            success = moveHistory(true);

                        case PREV_HISTORY:
                            success = moveHistory(false);

                        case ABORT:
                        case REDISPLAY:

                        case PASTE:
                            success = paste();

                        case DELETE_PREV_WORD:
                            success = deletePreviousWord();

                        case DELETE_NEXT_WORD:
                            success = deleteNextWord();

                        case PREV_WORD:
                            success = previousWord();

                        case NEXT_WORD:
                            success = nextWord();

                        case START_OF_HISTORY:
                            success = history.moveToFirst();
                            if (success) {

                        case END_OF_HISTORY:
                            success = history.moveToLast();
                            if (success) {

                        case CLEAR_LINE:

                        case INSERT:

                        case SEARCH_PREV: // CTRL-R
                            if (searchTerm != null) {
                                previousSearchTerm = searchTerm.toString();
                            searchTerm = new StringBuffer(buf.buffer);
                            state = SEARCH;
                            if (searchTerm.length() > 0) {
                                searchIndex = searchBackwards(searchTerm.toString());
                                if (searchIndex == -1) {
                                        searchIndex > -1 ? history.get(searchIndex).toString() : "");
                            } else {
                                searchIndex = -1;
                                printSearchStatus("", "");

                        case UNKNOWN:
                            if (c != 0) { // ignore null chars
                                ActionListener action = triggeredActions.get((char) c);
                                if (action != null) {
                                else {
                                    putChar(c, true);
                            else {
                                success = false;

                    if (!success) {

        finally {
            if (!getTerminal().isSupported()) {

     * Read a line for unsupported terminals.
    private String readLine(final InputStream in) throws IOException {
        StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();

        while (true) {
            int i =;

            if (i == -1 || i == '\n' || i == '\r') {
                return buff.toString();

            buff.append((char) i);

        // return new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (in)).readLine ();

    // Completion

    private final List<Completer> completers = new LinkedList<Completer>();

    private CompletionHandler completionHandler = new CandidateListCompletionHandler();

     * Add the specified {@link jline.console.completer.Completer} to the list of handlers for tab-completion.
     * @param completer the {@link jline.console.completer.Completer} to add
     * @return true if it was successfully added
    public boolean addCompleter(final Completer completer) {
        return completers.add(completer);

     * Remove the specified {@link jline.console.completer.Completer} from the list of handlers for tab-completion.
     * @param completer     The {@link Completer} to remove
     * @return              True if it was successfully removed
    public boolean removeCompleter(final Completer completer) {
        return completers.remove(completer);

     * Returns an unmodifiable list of all the completers.
    public Collection<Completer> getCompleters() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(completers);

    public void setCompletionHandler(final CompletionHandler handler) {
        assert handler != null;
        this.completionHandler = handler;

    public CompletionHandler getCompletionHandler() {
        return this.completionHandler;

     * Use the completers to modify the buffer with the appropriate completions.
     * @return true if successful
    protected boolean complete() throws IOException {
        // debug ("tab for (" + buf + ")");
        if (completers.size() == 0) {
            return false;

        List<CharSequence> candidates = new LinkedList<CharSequence>();
        String bufstr = buf.buffer.toString();
        int cursor = buf.cursor;

        int position = -1;

        for (Completer comp : completers) {
            if ((position = comp.complete(bufstr, cursor, candidates)) != -1) {

        return candidates.size() != 0 && getCompletionHandler().complete(this, candidates, position);

     * The number of tab-completion candidates above which a warning will be
     * prompted before showing all the candidates.
    private int autoprintThreshold = Integer.getInteger(JLINE_COMPLETION_THRESHOLD, 100); // same default as bash

     * @param threshold the number of candidates to print without issuing a warning.
    public void setAutoprintThreshold(final int threshold) {
        this.autoprintThreshold = threshold;

     * @return the number of candidates to print without issuing a warning.
    public int getAutoprintThreshold() {
        return autoprintThreshold;

    private boolean paginationEnabled;

     * Whether to use pagination when the number of rows of candidates exceeds the height of the terminal.
    public void setPaginationEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
        this.paginationEnabled = enabled;

     * Whether to use pagination when the number of rows of candidates exceeds the height of the terminal.
    public boolean isPaginationEnabled() {
        return paginationEnabled;

    // History

    private History history = new MemoryHistory();

    public void setHistory(final History history) {
        this.history = history;

    public History getHistory() {
        return history;

    private boolean historyEnabled = true;

     * Whether or not to add new commands to the history buffer.
    public void setHistoryEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
        this.historyEnabled = enabled;

     * Whether or not to add new commands to the history buffer.
    public boolean isHistoryEnabled() {
        return historyEnabled;

     * Move up or down the history tree.
    private boolean moveHistory(final boolean next) throws IOException {
        if (next && ! {
            return false;
        else if (!next && !history.previous()) {
            return false;


        return true;

    // Printing

    public static final String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator");

     * Output the specified character to the output stream without manipulating the current buffer.
    private void print(final int c) throws IOException {
        if (c == '\t') {
            char chars[] = new char[TAB_WIDTH];
            Arrays.fill(chars, ' ');


     * Output the specified characters to the output stream without manipulating the current buffer.
    private void print(final char... buff) throws IOException {
        int len = 0;
        for (char c : buff) {
            if (c == '\t') {
                len += TAB_WIDTH;
            else {

        char chars[];
        if (len == buff.length) {
            chars = buff;
        else {
            chars = new char[len];
            int pos = 0;
            for (char c : buff) {
                if (c == '\t') {
                    Arrays.fill(chars, pos, pos + TAB_WIDTH, ' ');
                    pos += TAB_WIDTH;
                else {
                    chars[pos] = c;


    private void print(final char c, final int num) throws IOException {
        if (num == 1) {
        else {
            char[] chars = new char[num];
            Arrays.fill(chars, c);

     * Output the specified string to the output stream (but not the buffer).
    public final void print(final CharSequence s) throws IOException {
        assert s != null;

    public final void println(final CharSequence s) throws IOException {
        assert s != null;

     * Output a platform-dependent newline.
    public final void println() throws IOException {
//        flush();

    // Actions

     * Issue a delete.
     * @return true if successful
    public final boolean delete() throws IOException {
        return delete(1) == 1;

    // FIXME: delete(int) only used by above + the return is always 1 and num is ignored

     * Issue <em>num</em> deletes.
     * @return the number of characters backed up
    private int delete(final int num) throws IOException {
        // TODO: Try to use jansi for this

        /* Commented out because of DWA-2949:
        if (buf.cursor == 0) {
            return 0;

        buf.buffer.delete(buf.cursor, buf.cursor + 1);

        return 1;

     * Kill the buffer ahead of the current cursor position.
     * @return true if successful
    public boolean killLine() throws IOException {
        int cp = buf.cursor;
        int len = buf.buffer.length();

        if (cp >= len) {
            return false;

        int num = buf.buffer.length() - cp;
        clearAhead(num, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            buf.buffer.deleteCharAt(len - i - 1);

        return true;

     * Clear the screen by issuing the ANSI "clear screen" code.
    public boolean clearScreen() throws IOException {
        if (!getTerminal().isAnsiSupported()) {
            return false;

        // send the ANSI code to clear the screen

        // then send the ANSI code to go to position 1,1


        return true;

     * Issue an audible keyboard bell, if {@link #isBellEnabled} return true.
    public void beep() throws IOException {
        if (isBellEnabled()) {
            // need to flush so the console actually beeps

     * Paste the contents of the clipboard into the console buffer
     * @return true if clipboard contents pasted
    public boolean paste() throws IOException {
        Clipboard clipboard;
        try { // May throw ugly exception on system without X
            clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

        if (clipboard == null) {
            return false;

        Transferable transferable = clipboard.getContents(null);

        if (transferable == null) {
            return false;

        try {
            Object content = transferable.getTransferData(DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor);

            // This fix was suggested in bug #1060649 at
            // to get around the deprecated DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor, but it
            // raises a UnsupportedFlavorException on Mac OS X

            if (content == null) {
                try {
                    content = new DataFlavor().getReaderForText(transferable);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    // ignore

            if (content == null) {
                return false;

            String value;

            if (content instanceof Reader) {
                // TODO: we might want instead connect to the input stream
                // so we can interpret individual lines
                value = "";
                String line;

                BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader((Reader) content);
                while ((line = read.readLine()) != null) {
                    if (value.length() > 0) {
                        value += "\n";

                    value += line;
            else {
                value = content.toString();

            if (value == null) {
                return true;


            return true;
        catch (UnsupportedFlavorException e) {
            Log.error("Paste failed: ", e);

            return false;

    // Triggered Actions

    private final Map<Character, ActionListener> triggeredActions = new HashMap<Character, ActionListener>();

     * Adding a triggered Action allows to give another curse of action if a character passed the pre-processing.
     * <p/>
     * Say you want to close the application if the user enter q.
     * addTriggerAction('q', new ActionListener(){ System.exit(0); }); would do the trick.
    public void addTriggeredAction(final char c, final ActionListener listener) {
        triggeredActions.put(c, listener);

    // Formatted Output

     * Output the specified {@link Collection} in proper columns.
    public void printColumns(final Collection<? extends CharSequence> items) throws IOException {
        if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) {

        int width = getTerminal().getWidth();
        int height = getTerminal().getHeight();

        int maxWidth = 0;
        for (CharSequence item : items) {
            maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, item.length());
        Log.debug("Max width: ", maxWidth);

        int showLines;
        if (isPaginationEnabled()) {
            showLines = height - 1; // page limit
        else {
            showLines = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
        for (CharSequence item : items) {
            if ((buff.length() + maxWidth) > width) {

                if (--showLines == 0) {
                    // Overflow
                    int c = readVirtualKey();
                    if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
                        // one step forward
                        showLines = 1;
                    else if (c != 'q') {
                        // page forward
                        showLines = height - 1;

                    if (c == 'q') {
                        // cancel

            // NOTE: toString() is important here due to AnsiString being retarded
            for (int i = 0; i < (maxWidth + 3 - item.length()); i++) {
                buff.append(' ');

        if (buff.length() > 0) {

    // Non-supported Terminal Support

    private Thread maskThread;

    private void beforeReadLine(final String prompt, final Character mask) {
        if (mask != null && maskThread == null) {
            final String fullPrompt = "\r" + prompt
                + "                 "
                + "                 "
                + "                 "
                + "\r" + prompt;

            maskThread = new Thread()
                public void run() {
                    while (!interrupted()) {
                        try {
                            Writer out = getOutput();
                        catch (IOException e) {
                        catch (InterruptedException e) {


    private void afterReadLine() {
        if (maskThread != null && maskThread.isAlive()) {

        maskThread = null;

     * Erases the current line with the existing prompt, then redraws the line
     * with the provided prompt and buffer
     * @param prompt
     *            the new prompt
     * @param buffer
     *            the buffer to be drawn
     * @param cursorDest
     *            where you want the cursor set when the line has been drawn.
     *            -1 for end of line.
     * */
    public void resetPromptLine(String prompt, String buffer, int cursorDest) throws IOException {
        // move cursor to end of line

        // backspace all text, including prompt
        buf.cursor += this.prompt.length();
        this.prompt = "";

        this.prompt = prompt;

        // move cursor to destination (-1 will move to end of line)
        if (cursorDest < 0) cursorDest = buffer.length();


    public void printSearchStatus(String searchTerm, String match) throws IOException {
        String prompt = "(reverse-i-search)`" + searchTerm + "': ";
        String buffer = match;
        int cursorDest = match.indexOf(searchTerm);
        resetPromptLine(prompt, buffer, cursorDest);

    public void restoreLine(String originalPrompt, int cursorDest) throws IOException {
        // TODO move cursor to matched string
        String prompt = lastLine(originalPrompt);
        String buffer = buf.buffer.toString();
        resetPromptLine(prompt, buffer, cursorDest);

    // History search
     * Search backward in history from a given position.
     * @param searchTerm substring to search for.
     * @param startIndex the index from which on to search
     * @return index where this substring has been found, or -1 else.
    public int searchBackwards(String searchTerm, int startIndex) {
        return searchBackwards(searchTerm, startIndex, false);

     * Search backwards in history from the current position.
     * @param searchTerm substring to search for.
     * @return index where the substring has been found, or -1 else.
    public int searchBackwards(String searchTerm) {
        return searchBackwards(searchTerm, history.index());

    public int searchBackwards(String searchTerm, int startIndex, boolean startsWith) {
        ListIterator<History.Entry> it = history.entries(startIndex);
        while (it.hasPrevious()) {
            History.Entry e = it.previous();
            if (startsWith) {
                if (e.value().toString().startsWith(searchTerm)) {
                    return e.index();
            } else {
                if (e.value().toString().contains(searchTerm)) {
                    return e.index();
        return -1;

    // Helpers

     * Checks to see if the specified character is a delimiter. We consider a
     * character a delimiter if it is anything but a letter or digit.
     * @param c     The character to test
     * @return      True if it is a delimiter
    private boolean isDelimiter(final char c) {
        return !Character.isLetterOrDigit(c);

    private void printAnsiSequence(String sequence) throws IOException {
        flush(); // helps with step debugging

    // return column position, reported by the terminal
    private int getCurrentPosition() {
        // check for ByteArrayInputStream to disable for unit tests
        if (getTerminal().isAnsiSupported() && !(in instanceof ByteArrayInputStream)) {
            try {
                StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(8);
                // position is sent as <ESC>[{ROW};{COLUMN}R
                int r;
                while((r = > -1 && r != 'R') {
                    if (r != 27 && r != '[') {
                        b.append((char) r);
                String[] pos = b.toString().split(";");
                return Integer.parseInt(pos[1]);
            } catch (Exception x) {
                // no luck

        return -1; // TODO: throw exception instead?

    // return row position, reported by the terminal
    // needed to know whether to scroll up on cursor move in last col for weird
    // wrapping terminals - not tested for anything else
    private int getCurrentAnsiRow() {
        // check for ByteArrayInputStream to disable for unit tests
        if (getTerminal().isAnsiSupported() && !(in instanceof ByteArrayInputStream)) {
            try {
                StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(8);
                // position is sent as <ESC>[{ROW};{COLUMN}R
                int r;
                while((r = > -1 && r != 'R') {
                    if (r != 27 && r != '[') {
                        b.append((char) r);
                String[] pos = b.toString().split(";");
                return Integer.parseInt(pos[0]);
            } catch (Exception x) {
                // no luck

        return -1; // TODO: throw exception instead?

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