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Scala example source code file (Duration.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Duration.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

concurrent, double, duration, finiteduration, inf, infinite, long, string, time, timeunit, undefined, zero

The Duration.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.concurrent.duration

import java.lang.{ Double => JDouble, Long => JLong }
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.language.postfixOps

object Duration {

   * Construct a Duration from the given length and unit. Observe that nanosecond precision may be lost if
   *  - the unit is NANOSECONDS
   *  - and the length has an absolute value greater than 2^53
   * Infinite inputs (and NaN) are converted into [[Duration.Inf]], [[Duration.MinusInf]] and [[Duration.Undefined]], respectively.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length was finite but the resulting duration cannot be expressed as a [[FiniteDuration]]
  def apply(length: Double, unit: TimeUnit): Duration     = fromNanos(unit.toNanos(1) * length)

   * Construct a finite duration from the given length and time unit. The unit given is retained
   * throughout calculations as long as possible, so that it can be retrieved later.
  def apply(length: Long, unit: TimeUnit): FiniteDuration = new FiniteDuration(length, unit)

   * Construct a finite duration from the given length and time unit, where the latter is
   * looked up in a list of string representation. Valid choices are:
   * `d, day, h, hour, min, minute, s, sec, second, ms, milli, millisecond, µs, micro, microsecond, ns, nano, nanosecond`
   * and their pluralized forms (for every but the first mentioned form of each unit, i.e. no "ds", but "days").
  def apply(length: Long, unit: String): FiniteDuration   = new FiniteDuration(length,  Duration.timeUnit(unit))

  // Double stores 52 bits mantissa, but there is an implied '1' in front, making the limit 2^53
  private[this] final val maxPreciseDouble = 9007199254740992d

   * Parse String into Duration.  Format is `"<length><unit>"`, where
   * whitespace is allowed before, between and after the parts. Infinities are
   * designated by `"Inf"`, `"PlusInf"`, `"+Inf"` and `"-Inf"` or `"MinusInf"`.
   * @throws NumberFormatException if format is not parseable
  def apply(s: String): Duration = {
    val s1: String = s filterNot (_.isWhitespace)
    s1 match {
      case "Inf" | "PlusInf" | "+Inf" => Inf
      case "MinusInf" | "-Inf"        => MinusInf
      case _                          =>
        val unitName = s1.reverse takeWhile (_.isLetter) reverse;
        timeUnit get unitName match {
          case Some(unit) =>
            val valueStr = s1 dropRight unitName.length
            val valueD = JDouble.parseDouble(valueStr)
            if (valueD >= -maxPreciseDouble && valueD <= maxPreciseDouble) Duration(valueD, unit)
            else Duration(JLong.parseLong(valueStr), unit)
          case _          => throw new NumberFormatException("format error " + s)

  // "ms milli millisecond" -> List("ms", "milli", "millis", "millisecond", "milliseconds")
  private[this] def words(s: String) = (s.trim split "\\s+").toList
  private[this] def expandLabels(labels: String): List[String] = {
    val hd :: rest = words(labels)
    hd :: rest.flatMap(s => List(s, s + "s"))
  private[this] val timeUnitLabels = List(
    DAYS         -> "d day",
    HOURS        -> "h hour",
    MINUTES      -> "min minute",
    SECONDS      -> "s sec second",
    MILLISECONDS -> "ms milli millisecond",
    MICROSECONDS -> "µs micro microsecond",
    NANOSECONDS  -> "ns nano nanosecond"

  // TimeUnit => standard label
  protected[duration] val timeUnitName: Map[TimeUnit, String] =
    timeUnitLabels.toMap mapValues (s => words(s).last) toMap

  // Label => TimeUnit
  protected[duration] val timeUnit: Map[String, TimeUnit] =
    timeUnitLabels flatMap { case (unit, names) => expandLabels(names) map (_ -> unit) } toMap

   * Extract length and time unit out of a string, where the format must match the description for [[Duration$.apply(String):Duration apply(String)]].
   * The extractor will not match for malformed strings or non-finite durations.
  def unapply(s: String): Option[(Long, TimeUnit)] =
    ( try Some(apply(s)) catch { case _: RuntimeException => None } ) flatMap unapply

   * Extract length and time unit out of a duration, if it is finite.
  def unapply(d: Duration): Option[(Long, TimeUnit)] =
    if (d.isFinite()) Some((d.length, d.unit)) else None

   * Construct a possibly infinite or undefined Duration from the given number of nanoseconds.
   *  - `Double.PositiveInfinity` is mapped to [[Duration.Inf]]
   *  - `Double.NegativeInfinity` is mapped to [[Duration.MinusInf]]
   *  - `Double.NaN` is mapped to [[Duration.Undefined]]
   *  - `-0d` is mapped to [[Duration.Zero]] (exactly like `0d`)
   * The semantics of the resulting Duration objects matches the semantics of their Double
   * counterparts with respect to arithmetic operations.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length was finite but the resulting duration cannot be expressed as a [[FiniteDuration]]
  def fromNanos(nanos: Double): Duration = {
    if (nanos.isInfinite)
      if (nanos > 0) Inf else MinusInf
    else if (nanos.isNaN)
    else if (nanos > Long.MaxValue || nanos < Long.MinValue)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("trying to construct too large duration with " + nanos + "ns")
      fromNanos((nanos + 0.5).toLong)

  private[this] final val  µs_per_ns = 1000L
  private[this] final val  ms_per_ns =  µs_per_ns * 1000
  private[this] final val   s_per_ns =  ms_per_ns * 1000
  private[this] final val min_per_ns =   s_per_ns * 60
  private[this] final val   h_per_ns = min_per_ns * 60
  private[this] final val   d_per_ns =   h_per_ns * 24

   * Construct a finite duration from the given number of nanoseconds. The
   * result will have the coarsest possible time unit which can exactly express
   * this duration.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException for `Long.MinValue` since that would lead to inconsistent behavior afterwards (cannot be negated)
  def fromNanos(nanos: Long): FiniteDuration = {
         if (nanos %   d_per_ns == 0) Duration(nanos /   d_per_ns, DAYS)
    else if (nanos %   h_per_ns == 0) Duration(nanos /   h_per_ns, HOURS)
    else if (nanos % min_per_ns == 0) Duration(nanos / min_per_ns, MINUTES)
    else if (nanos %   s_per_ns == 0) Duration(nanos /   s_per_ns, SECONDS)
    else if (nanos %  ms_per_ns == 0) Duration(nanos /  ms_per_ns, MILLISECONDS)
    else if (nanos %  µs_per_ns == 0) Duration(nanos /  µs_per_ns, MICROSECONDS)
    else Duration(nanos, NANOSECONDS)

   * Preconstructed value of `0.days`.
  // unit as coarse as possible to keep (_ + Zero) sane unit-wise
  val Zero: FiniteDuration = new FiniteDuration(0, DAYS)

   * The Undefined value corresponds closely to Double.NaN:
   *  - it is the result of otherwise invalid operations
   *  - it does not equal itself (according to `equals()`)
   *  - it compares greater than any other Duration apart from itself (for which `compare` returns 0)
   * The particular comparison semantics mirror those of Double.NaN.
   * '''''Use `eq` when checking an input of a method against this value.'''''
  val Undefined: Infinite = new Infinite {
    override def toString = "Duration.Undefined"
    override def equals(other: Any) = false
    override def +(other: Duration): Duration = this
    override def -(other: Duration): Duration = this
    override def *(factor: Double): Duration  = this
    override def /(factor: Double): Duration  = this
    override def /(other: Duration): Double   = Double.NaN
    def compare(other: Duration) = if (other eq this) 0 else 1
    def unary_- : Duration = this
    def toUnit(unit: TimeUnit): Double = Double.NaN

  sealed abstract class Infinite extends Duration {
    def +(other: Duration): Duration = other match {
      case x if x eq Undefined      => Undefined
      case x: Infinite if x ne this => Undefined
      case _                        => this
    def -(other: Duration): Duration = other match {
      case x if x eq Undefined      => Undefined
      case x: Infinite if x eq this => Undefined
      case _                        => this

    def *(factor: Double): Duration =
      if (factor == 0d || factor.isNaN) Undefined
      else if (factor < 0d) -this
      else this
    def /(divisor: Double): Duration =
      if (divisor.isNaN || divisor.isInfinite) Undefined
      else if ((divisor compare 0d) < 0) -this
      else this
    def /(divisor: Duration): Double = divisor match {
      case _: Infinite => Double.NaN
      case x           => Double.PositiveInfinity * (if ((this > Zero) ^ (divisor >= Zero)) -1 else 1)

    final def isFinite() = false

    private[this] def fail(what: String) = throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$what not allowed on infinite Durations")
    final def length: Long    = fail("length")
    final def unit: TimeUnit  = fail("unit")
    final def toNanos: Long   = fail("toNanos")
    final def toMicros: Long  = fail("toMicros")
    final def toMillis: Long  = fail("toMillis")
    final def toSeconds: Long = fail("toSeconds")
    final def toMinutes: Long = fail("toMinutes")
    final def toHours: Long   = fail("toHours")
    final def toDays: Long    = fail("toDays")

    final def toCoarsest: Duration = this

   * Infinite duration: greater than any other (apart from Undefined) and not equal to any other
   * but itself. This value closely corresponds to Double.PositiveInfinity,
   * matching its semantics in arithmetic operations.
  val Inf: Infinite = new Infinite {
    override def toString = "Duration.Inf"
    def compare(other: Duration) = other match {
      case x if x eq Undefined => -1 // Undefined != Undefined
      case x if x eq this      => 0  // `case Inf` will include null checks in the byte code
      case _                   => 1
    def unary_- : Duration = MinusInf
    def toUnit(unit: TimeUnit): Double = Double.PositiveInfinity

   * Infinite duration: less than any other and not equal to any other
   * but itself. This value closely corresponds to Double.NegativeInfinity,
   * matching its semantics in arithmetic operations.
  val MinusInf: Infinite = new Infinite {
    override def toString = "Duration.MinusInf"
    def compare(other: Duration) = if (other eq this) 0 else -1
    def unary_- : Duration = Inf
    def toUnit(unit: TimeUnit): Double = Double.NegativeInfinity

  // Java Factories

   * Construct a finite duration from the given length and time unit. The unit given is retained
   * throughout calculations as long as possible, so that it can be retrieved later.
  def create(length: Long, unit: TimeUnit): FiniteDuration = apply(length, unit)
   * Construct a Duration from the given length and unit. Observe that nanosecond precision may be lost if
   *  - the unit is NANOSECONDS
   *  - and the length has an absolute value greater than 2^53
   * Infinite inputs (and NaN) are converted into [[Duration.Inf]], [[Duration.MinusInf]] and [[Duration.Undefined]], respectively.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length was finite but the resulting duration cannot be expressed as a [[FiniteDuration]]
  def create(length: Double, unit: TimeUnit): Duration     = apply(length, unit)
   * Construct a finite duration from the given length and time unit, where the latter is
   * looked up in a list of string representation. Valid choices are:
   * `d, day, h, hour, min, minute, s, sec, second, ms, milli, millisecond, µs, micro, microsecond, ns, nano, nanosecond`
   * and their pluralized forms (for every but the first mentioned form of each unit, i.e. no "ds", but "days").
  def create(length: Long, unit: String): FiniteDuration   = apply(length, unit)
   * Parse String into Duration.  Format is `"<length><unit>"`, where
   * whitespace is allowed before, between and after the parts. Infinities are
   * designated by `"Inf"`, `"PlusInf"`, `"+Inf"` and `"-Inf"` or `"MinusInf"`.
   * @throws NumberFormatException if format is not parseable
  def create(s: String): Duration                          = apply(s)

   * The natural ordering of durations matches the natural ordering for Double, including non-finite values.
  implicit object DurationIsOrdered extends Ordering[Duration] {
    def compare(a: Duration, b: Duration) = a compare b

 * <h2>Utility for working with java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit durations.</h2>
 * '''''This class is not meant as a general purpose representation of time, it is
 * optimized for the needs of `scala.concurrent`.'''''
 * <h2>Basic Usage</h2>
 * <p/>
 * Examples:
 * {{{
 * import scala.concurrent.duration._
 * val duration = Duration(100, MILLISECONDS)
 * val duration = Duration(100, "millis")
 * duration.toNanos
 * duration < 1.second
 * duration <= Duration.Inf
 * }}}
 * '''''Invoking inexpressible conversions (like calling `toSeconds` on an infinite duration) will throw an IllegalArgumentException.'''''
 * <p/>
 * Implicits are also provided for Int, Long and Double. Example usage:
 * {{{
 * import scala.concurrent.duration._
 * val duration = 100 millis
 * }}}
 * '''''The DSL provided by the implicit conversions always allows construction of finite durations, even for infinite Double inputs; use Duration.Inf instead.'''''
 * Extractors, parsing and arithmetic are also included:
 * {{{
 * val d = Duration("1.2 µs")
 * val Duration(length, unit) = 5 millis
 * val d2 = d * 2.5
 * val d3 = d2 + 1.millisecond
 * }}}
 * <h2>Handling of Time Units</h2>
 * Calculations performed on finite durations always retain the more precise unit of either operand, no matter
 * whether a coarser unit would be able to exactly express the same duration. This means that Duration can be
 * used as a lossless container for a (length, unit) pair if it is constructed using the corresponding methods
 * and no arithmetic is performed on it; adding/subtracting durations should in that case be done with care.
 * <h2>Correspondence to Double Semantics</h2>
 * The semantics of arithmetic operations on Duration are two-fold:
 *  - exact addition/subtraction with nanosecond resolution for finite durations, independent of the summands' magnitude
 *  - isomorphic to `java.lang.Double` when it comes to infinite or undefined values
 * The conversion between Duration and Double is done using [[Duration.toUnit]] (with unit NANOSECONDS)
 * and [[Duration$.fromNanos(Double):Duration Duration.fromNanos(Double)]].
 * <h2>Ordering</h2>
 * The default ordering is consistent with the ordering of Double numbers, which means that Undefined is
 * considered greater than all other durations, including [[Duration.Inf]].
 * @define exc @throws IllegalArgumentException when invoked on a non-finite duration
 * @define ovf @throws IllegalArgumentException in case of a finite overflow: the range of a finite duration is +-(2^63-1)ns, and no conversion to infinite durations takes place.
sealed abstract class Duration extends Serializable with Ordered[Duration] {
   * Obtain the length of this Duration measured in the unit obtained by the `unit` method.
   * $exc
  def length: Long
   * Obtain the time unit in which the length of this duration is measured.
   * $exc
  def unit: TimeUnit
   * Return the length of this duration measured in whole nanoseconds, rounding towards zero.
   * $exc
  def toNanos: Long
   * Return the length of this duration measured in whole microseconds, rounding towards zero.
   * $exc
  def toMicros: Long
   * Return the length of this duration measured in whole milliseconds, rounding towards zero.
   * $exc
  def toMillis: Long
   * Return the length of this duration measured in whole seconds, rounding towards zero.
   * $exc
  def toSeconds: Long
   * Return the length of this duration measured in whole minutes, rounding towards zero.
   * $exc
  def toMinutes: Long
   * Return the length of this duration measured in whole hours, rounding towards zero.
   * $exc
  def toHours: Long
   * Return the length of this duration measured in whole days, rounding towards zero.
   * $exc
  def toDays: Long
   * Return the number of nanoseconds as floating point number, scaled down to the given unit.
   * The result may not precisely represent this duration due to the Double datatype's inherent
   * limitations (mantissa size effectively 53 bits). Non-finite durations are represented as
   *  - [[Duration.Undefined]] is mapped to Double.NaN
   *  - [[Duration.Inf]] is mapped to Double.PositiveInfinity
   *  - [[Duration.MinusInf]] is mapped to Double.NegativeInfinity
  def toUnit(unit: TimeUnit): Double

   * Return the sum of that duration and this. When involving non-finite summands the semantics match those
   * of Double.
   * $ovf
  def +(other: Duration): Duration
   * Return the difference of that duration and this. When involving non-finite summands the semantics match those
   * of Double.
   * $ovf
  def -(other: Duration): Duration
   * Return this duration multiplied by the scalar factor. When involving non-finite factors the semantics match those
   * of Double.
   * $ovf
  def *(factor: Double): Duration
   * Return this duration divided by the scalar factor. When involving non-finite factors the semantics match those
   * of Double.
   * $ovf
  def /(divisor: Double): Duration
   * Return the quotient of this and that duration as floating-point number. The semantics are
   * determined by Double as if calculating the quotient of the nanosecond lengths of both factors.
  def /(divisor: Duration): Double
   * Negate this duration. The only two values which are mapped to themselves are [[Duration.Zero]] and [[Duration.Undefined]].
  def unary_- : Duration
   * This method returns whether this duration is finite, which is not the same as
   * `!isInfinite` for Double because this method also returns `false` for [[Duration.Undefined]].
  def isFinite(): Boolean
   * Return the smaller of this and that duration as determined by the natural ordering.
  def min(other: Duration): Duration = if (this < other) this else other
   * Return the larger of this and that duration as determined by the natural ordering.
  def max(other: Duration): Duration = if (this > other) this else other

  // Java API

   * Return this duration divided by the scalar factor. When involving non-finite factors the semantics match those
   * of Double.
   * $ovf
  def div(divisor: Double)    = this / divisor
   * Return the quotient of this and that duration as floating-point number. The semantics are
   * determined by Double as if calculating the quotient of the nanosecond lengths of both factors.
  def div(other: Duration)   = this / other
  def gt(other: Duration)    = this > other
  def gteq(other: Duration)  = this >= other
  def lt(other: Duration)    = this < other
  def lteq(other: Duration)  = this <= other
   * Return the difference of that duration and this. When involving non-finite summands the semantics match those
   * of Double.
   * $ovf
  def minus(other: Duration) = this - other
   * Return this duration multiplied by the scalar factor. When involving non-finite factors the semantics match those
   * of Double.
   * $ovf
  def mul(factor: Double)    = this * factor
   * Negate this duration. The only two values which are mapped to themselves are [[Duration.Zero]] and [[Duration.Undefined]].
  def neg()                  = -this
   * Return the sum of that duration and this. When involving non-finite summands the semantics match those
   * of Double.
   * $ovf
  def plus(other: Duration)  = this + other
   * Return duration which is equal to this duration but with a coarsest Unit, or self in case it is already the coarsest Unit
   * <p/>
   * Examples:
   * {{{
   * Duration(60, MINUTES).toCoarsest // Duration(1, HOURS)
   * Duration(1000, MILLISECONDS).toCoarsest // Duration(1, SECONDS)
   * Duration(48, HOURS).toCoarsest // Duration(2, DAYS)
   * Duration(5, SECONDS).toCoarsest // Duration(5, SECONDS)
   * }}}
  def toCoarsest: Duration

object FiniteDuration {

  implicit object FiniteDurationIsOrdered extends Ordering[FiniteDuration] {
    def compare(a: FiniteDuration, b: FiniteDuration) = a compare b

  def apply(length: Long, unit: TimeUnit) = new FiniteDuration(length, unit)
  def apply(length: Long, unit: String)   = new FiniteDuration(length, Duration.timeUnit(unit))

  // limit on abs. value of durations in their units
  private final val max_ns = Long.MaxValue
  private final val max_µs = max_ns  / 1000
  private final val max_ms = max_µs  / 1000
  private final val max_s  = max_ms  / 1000
  private final val max_min= max_s   / 60
  private final val max_h  = max_min / 60
  private final val max_d  = max_h   / 24

 * This class represents a finite duration. Its addition and subtraction operators are overloaded to retain
 * this guarantee statically. The range of this class is limited to +-(2^63-1)ns, which is roughly 292 years.
final class FiniteDuration(val length: Long, val unit: TimeUnit) extends Duration {
  import FiniteDuration._
  import Duration._

  private[this] def bounded(max: Long) = -max <= length && length <= max

  require(unit match {
       * enforce the 2^63-1 ns limit, must be pos/neg symmetrical because of unary_-
      case NANOSECONDS  ⇒ bounded(max_ns)
      case MICROSECONDS ⇒ bounded(max_µs)
      case MILLISECONDS ⇒ bounded(max_ms)
      case SECONDS      ⇒ bounded(max_s)
      case MINUTES      ⇒ bounded(max_min)
      case HOURS        ⇒ bounded(max_h)
      case DAYS         ⇒ bounded(max_d)
      case _ ⇒
        val v = DAYS.convert(length, unit)
        -max_d <= v && v <= max_d
    }, "Duration is limited to +-(2^63-1)ns (ca. 292 years)")

  def toNanos   = unit.toNanos(length)
  def toMicros  = unit.toMicros(length)
  def toMillis  = unit.toMillis(length)
  def toSeconds = unit.toSeconds(length)
  def toMinutes = unit.toMinutes(length)
  def toHours   = unit.toHours(length)
  def toDays    = unit.toDays(length)
  def toUnit(u: TimeUnit) = toNanos.toDouble / NANOSECONDS.convert(1, u)

   * Construct a [[Deadline]] from this duration by adding it to the current instant ``.
  def fromNow: Deadline = + this

  private[this] def unitString = timeUnitName(unit) + ( if (length == 1) "" else "s" )
  override def toString = "" + length + " " + unitString

  def compare(other: Duration) = other match {
    case x: FiniteDuration => toNanos compare x.toNanos
    case _                 => -(other compare this)

  // see
  private[this] def safeAdd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {
    if ((b > 0) && (a > Long.MaxValue - b) ||
        (b < 0) && (a < Long.MinValue - b)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("integer overflow")
    a + b
  private[this] def add(otherLength: Long, otherUnit: TimeUnit): FiniteDuration = {
    val commonUnit = if (otherUnit.convert(1, unit) == 0) unit else otherUnit
    val totalLength = safeAdd(commonUnit.convert(length, unit), commonUnit.convert(otherLength, otherUnit))
    new FiniteDuration(totalLength, commonUnit)

  def +(other: Duration) = other match {
    case x: FiniteDuration => add(x.length, x.unit)
    case _                 => other
  def -(other: Duration) = other match {
    case x: FiniteDuration => add(-x.length, x.unit)
    case _                 => other

  def *(factor: Double) =
    if (!factor.isInfinite) fromNanos(toNanos * factor)
    else if (factor.isNaN) Undefined
    else if ((factor > 0) ^ (this < Zero)) Inf
    else MinusInf

  def /(divisor: Double) =
    if (!divisor.isInfinite) fromNanos(toNanos / divisor)
    else if (divisor.isNaN) Undefined
    else Zero

  // if this is made a constant, then scalac will elide the conditional and always return +0.0, SI-6331
  private[this] def minusZero = -0d
  def /(divisor: Duration): Double =
    if (divisor.isFinite()) toNanos.toDouble / divisor.toNanos
    else if (divisor eq Undefined) Double.NaN
    else if ((length < 0) ^ (divisor > Zero)) 0d
    else minusZero

  // overloaded methods taking FiniteDurations, so that you can calculate while statically staying finite
  def +(other: FiniteDuration) = add(other.length, other.unit)
  def -(other: FiniteDuration) = add(-other.length, other.unit)
  def plus(other: FiniteDuration) = this + other
  def minus(other: FiniteDuration) = this - other
  def min(other: FiniteDuration) = if (this < other) this else other
  def max(other: FiniteDuration) = if (this > other) this else other

  // overloaded methods taking Long so that you can calculate while statically staying finite

   * Return the quotient of this duration and the given integer factor.
   * @throws ArithmeticException if the factor is 0
  def /(divisor: Long) = fromNanos(toNanos / divisor)

   * Return the product of this duration and the given integer factor.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the result would overflow the range of FiniteDuration
  def *(factor: Long) = new FiniteDuration(safeMul(length, factor), unit)

   * This method avoids the use of Long division, which saves 95% of the time spent,
   * by checking that there are enough leading zeros so that the result has a chance
   * to fit into a Long again; the remaining edge cases are caught by using the sign
   * of the product for overflow detection.
   * This method is not general purpose because it disallows the (otherwise legal)
   * case of Long.MinValue * 1, but that is okay for use in FiniteDuration, since
   * Long.MinValue is not a legal `length` anyway.
  private def safeMul(_a: Long, _b: Long): Long = {
    val a = scala.math.abs(_a)
    val b = scala.math.abs(_b)
    import java.lang.Long.{ numberOfLeadingZeros => leading }
    if (leading(a) + leading(b) < 64) throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiplication overflow")
    val product = a * b
    if (product < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiplication overflow")
    if (a == _a ^ b == _b) -product else product

   * Return the quotient of this duration and the given integer factor.
   * @throws ArithmeticException if the factor is 0
 def div(divisor: Long) = this / divisor

   * Return the product of this duration and the given integer factor.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the result would overflow the range of FiniteDuration
  def mul(factor: Long) = this * factor

  def unary_- = Duration(-length, unit)

  final def isFinite() = true

  final def toCoarsest: Duration = {
    def loop(length: Long, unit: TimeUnit): FiniteDuration = {
      def coarserOrThis(coarser: TimeUnit, divider: Int) =
        if (length % divider == 0) loop(length / divider, coarser)
        else if (unit == this.unit) this
        else FiniteDuration(length, unit)

      unit match {
        case DAYS => FiniteDuration(length, unit)
        case HOURS => coarserOrThis(DAYS, 24)
        case MINUTES => coarserOrThis(HOURS, 60)
        case SECONDS => coarserOrThis(MINUTES, 60)
        case MILLISECONDS => coarserOrThis(SECONDS, 1000)
        case MICROSECONDS => coarserOrThis(MILLISECONDS, 1000)
        case NANOSECONDS => coarserOrThis(MICROSECONDS, 1000)

    if (unit == DAYS || length == 0) this
    else loop(length, unit)

  override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
    case x: FiniteDuration => toNanos == x.toNanos
    case _                 => super.equals(other)
  override def hashCode = toNanos.toInt

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Duration.scala source code file:

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