Scala example source code file (AsmNode.scala)
The AsmNode.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.tools.partest import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.tools.asm import asm._ import asm.tree._ import java.lang.reflect.Modifier sealed trait AsmNode[+T] { def node: T def access: Int def desc: String def name: String def signature: String def attrs: List[Attribute] def visibleAnnotations: List[AnnotationNode] def invisibleAnnotations: List[AnnotationNode] def characteristics = f"$name%15s $desc%-30s$accessString$sigString" def erasedCharacteristics = f"$name%15s $desc%-30s$accessString" private def accessString = if (access == 0) "" else " " + Modifier.toString(access) private def sigString = if (signature == null) "" else " " + signature override def toString = characteristics } object AsmNode { type AsmMethod = AsmNode[MethodNode] type AsmField = AsmNode[FieldNode] type AsmMember = AsmNode[_] implicit class ClassNodeOps(val node: ClassNode) { def fieldsAndMethods: List[AsmMember] = { val xs: List[AsmMember] = ( node.methods.asScala.toList.map(x => (x: AsmMethod)) ++ node.fields.asScala.toList.map(x => (x: AsmField)) ) xs sortBy (_.characteristics) } } implicit class AsmMethodNode(val node: MethodNode) extends AsmNode[MethodNode] { def access: Int = node.access def desc: String = node.desc def name: String = node.name def signature: String = node.signature def attrs: List[Attribute] = node.attrs.asScala.toList def visibleAnnotations: List[AnnotationNode] = node.visibleAnnotations.asScala.toList def invisibleAnnotations: List[AnnotationNode] = node.invisibleAnnotations.asScala.toList } implicit class AsmFieldNode(val node: FieldNode) extends AsmNode[FieldNode] { def access: Int = node.access def desc: String = node.desc def name: String = node.name def signature: String = node.signature def attrs: List[Attribute] = node.attrs.asScala.toList def visibleAnnotations: List[AnnotationNode] = node.visibleAnnotations.asScala.toList def invisibleAnnotations: List[AnnotationNode] = node.invisibleAnnotations.asScala.toList } def apply(node: MethodNode): AsmMethodNode = new AsmMethodNode(node) def apply(node: FieldNode): AsmFieldNode = new AsmFieldNode(node) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala AsmNode.scala source code file: |
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