As a Christian, will I go to hell if I vote for Donald Trump in 2024?

A few years ago a Christian friend asked me, “Do you think I’ll go to hell if I vote for Donald Trump?”

I had to think about that for a little while, and my first response was, “I don’t think any mortal human being is qualified to answer that question,” and then I followed that up with, “But, if you’re even asking that question, you’re obviously concerned that you will go to hell if you vote for Trump, and I can guarantee you from my own experience, that will be something you will think about when you are dying.”

I know a little about being on a death bed

As I’ve written here many times before, because of a rare blood disease named MCAS, I have now passed out ten times and had four cardiac events, and when you think you might be dying, all of these thoughts will come back to you.

An 80+ Christian friend worries about going to hell

Also, as I’ve written here recently, one of the main thoughts of an 85-year-old Christian friend is whether or not he is going to go to hell. I have no idea what he has done in his life that makes him say that, but I do know that he is incredibly active in his Christian church, and spends many hours every week volunteering for various church events and causes. I also think that he might have voted for Trump in 2016, so it’s possible that’s what he’s trying to attone for before he dies, but I can only guess at that until he’s willing to talk about this more.


So again, if you’re asking yourself, “Will I go to hell if I vote for Donald Trump in 2024?”, my opinion is (a) no mortal human can answer that question, but (b) if you’re asking that question, you’re obviously concerned about it, and (c) I can guarantee you that you will think about this on your death bed.