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Scala example source code file (Internals.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Internals.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, flagset, list, noflags, option, position, symbol, tree, type, use

The Internals.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect
package api

import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.language.higherKinds

 *  <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span>
 *  This trait assembles APIs occasionally necessary for performing low-level operations on reflection artifacts.
 *  See [[Internals#InternalApi]] for more information about nature, usefulness and compatibility guarantees of these APIs.
 *  @group ReflectionAPI
trait Internals { self: Universe =>

  /** @see [[InternalApi]]
   *  @group Internal
  val internal: Internal

  /** @see [[InternalApi]]
   *  @group Internal
  type Internal <: InternalApi

  /** Reflection API exhibits a tension inherent to experimental things:
   *  on the one hand we want it to grow into a beautiful and robust API,
   *  but on the other hand we have to deal with immaturity of underlying mechanisms
   *  by providing not very pretty solutions to enable important use cases.
   *  In Scala 2.10, which was our first stab at reflection API, we didn't have a systematic
   *  approach to dealing with this tension, sometimes exposing too much of internals (e.g. Symbol.deSkolemize)
   *  and sometimes exposing too little (e.g. there's still no facility to change owners, to do typing
   *  transformations, etc). This resulted in certain confusion with some internal APIs
   *  living among public ones, scaring the newcomers, and some internal APIs only available via casting,
   *  which requires intimate knowledge of the compiler and breaks compatibility guarantees.
   *  This led to creation of the `internal` API module for the reflection API, which
   *  provides advanced APIs necessary for macros that push boundaries of the state of the art,
   *  clearly demarcating them from the more or less straightforward rest and
   *  providing compatibility guarantees on par with the rest of the reflection API
   *  (full compatibility within minor releases, best effort towards backward compatibility within major releases,
   *  clear replacement path in case of rare incompatible changes in major releases).
   *  The `internal` module itself (the value that implements [[InternalApi]]) isn't defined here,
   *  in [[scala.reflect.api.Universe]], but is provided on per-implementation basis. Runtime API endpoint
   *  ([[scala.reflect.runtime.universe]]) provides `universe.compat: InternalApi`, whereas compile-time API endpoints
   *  (instances of [[scala.reflect.macros.Context]]) provide `c.compat: ContextInternalApi`, which extends `InternalApi`
   *  with additional universe-specific and context-specific functionality.
   *  @group Internal
  trait InternalApi { internal =>
    /** This is an internal implementation module.
    val reificationSupport: ReificationSupportApi

    /** Creates an importer that moves reflection artifacts between universes.
     *  @see [[Importer]]
    // SI-6241: move importers to a mirror
    def createImporter(from0: Universe): Importer { val from: from0.type }

     * Convert a [[scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#TypeTag]] to a [[scala.reflect.Manifest]].
     * Compiler usually generates these conversions automatically, when a type tag for a type `T` is in scope,
     * and an implicit of type `Manifest[T]` is requested, but this method can also be called manually.
     * For example:
     * {{{
     * typeTagToManifest(scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror, implicitly[TypeTag[String]])
     * }}}
     * @group TagInterop
    def typeTagToManifest[T: ClassTag](mirror: Any, tag: Universe#TypeTag[T]): Manifest[T] =
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This universe does not support tag -> manifest conversions. Use a JavaUniverse, e.g. the scala.reflect.runtime.universe.")

     * Convert a [[scala.reflect.Manifest]] to a [[scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#TypeTag]].
     * Compiler usually generates these conversions automatically, when a manifest for a type `T` is in scope,
     * and an implicit of type `TypeTag[T]` is requested, but this method can also be called manually.
     * For example:
     * {{{
     * manifestToTypeTag(scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror, implicitly[Manifest[String]])
     * }}}
     * @group TagInterop
    def manifestToTypeTag[T](mirror: Any, manifest: Manifest[T]): Universe#TypeTag[T] =
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This universe does not support manifest -> tag conversions. Use a JavaUniverse, e.g. the scala.reflect.runtime.universe.")

    /** Create a new scope with the given initial elements.
    def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope

    /** Extracts free term symbols from a tree that is reified or contains reified subtrees.
    def freeTerms(tree: Tree): List[FreeTermSymbol]

    /** Extracts free type symbols from a tree that is reified or contains reified subtrees.
    def freeTypes(tree: Tree): List[FreeTypeSymbol]

    /** Substitute symbols in `to` for corresponding occurrences of references to
     *  symbols `from` in this type.
    def substituteSymbols(tree: Tree, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Tree

    /** Substitute types in `to` for corresponding occurrences of references to
     *  symbols `from` in this tree.
    def substituteTypes(tree: Tree, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Tree

    /** Substitute given tree `to` for occurrences of nodes that represent
     *  `C.this`, where `C` referes to the given class `clazz`.
    def substituteThis(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol, to: Tree): Tree

    /** A factory method for `ClassDef` nodes.
    def classDef(sym: Symbol, impl: Template): ClassDef

    /** A factory method for `ModuleDef` nodes.
    def moduleDef(sym: Symbol, impl: Template): ModuleDef

    /** A factory method for `ValDef` nodes.
    def valDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): ValDef

    /** A factory method for `ValDef` nodes.
    def valDef(sym: Symbol): ValDef

    /** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
    def defDef(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree): DefDef

    /** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
    def defDef(sym: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree): DefDef

    /** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
    def defDef(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, rhs: Tree): DefDef

    /** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
    def defDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): DefDef

    /** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
    def defDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: List[List[Symbol]] => Tree): DefDef

    /** A factory method for `TypeDef` nodes.
    def typeDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): TypeDef

    /** A factory method for `TypeDef` nodes.
    def typeDef(sym: Symbol): TypeDef

    /** A factory method for `LabelDef` nodes.
    def labelDef(sym: Symbol, params: List[Symbol], rhs: Tree): LabelDef

    /** Does this symbol represent a free term captured by reification?
     *  If yes, `isTerm` is also guaranteed to be true.
    def isFreeTerm(symbol: Symbol): Boolean

    /** This symbol cast to a free term symbol.
     *  @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isFreeTerm` is false.
    def asFreeTerm(symbol: Symbol): FreeTermSymbol

    /** Does this symbol represent a free type captured by reification?
     *  If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
    def isFreeType(symbol: Symbol): Boolean

    /** This symbol cast to a free type symbol.
     *  @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isFreeType` is false.
    def asFreeType(symbol: Symbol): FreeTypeSymbol

    def newTermSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TermSymbol

    def newModuleAndClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): (ModuleSymbol, ClassSymbol)

    def newMethodSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): MethodSymbol

    def newTypeSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TypeSymbol

    def newClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): ClassSymbol

    def newFreeTerm(name: String, value: => Any, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null): FreeTermSymbol

    def newFreeType(name: String, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol

    /** Does this symbol or its underlying type represent a typechecking error?
    def isErroneous(symbol: Symbol): Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a skolem?
     *  Skolems are used during typechecking to represent type parameters viewed from inside their scopes.
    def isSkolem(symbol: Symbol): Boolean

    /** If this symbol is a skolem, its corresponding type parameter, otherwise the symbol itself.
     *  [[!msg/scala-internals/0j8laVNTQsI/kRXMF_c8bGsJ To quote Martin Odersky]],
     *  skolems are synthetic type "constants" that are copies of existentially bound or universally
     *  bound type variables. E.g. if one is inside the right-hand side of a method:
     *  {{{
     *  def foo[T](x: T) = ... foo[List[T]]....
     *  }}}
     *  the skolem named `T` refers to the unknown type instance of `T` when `foo` is called. It needs to be different
     *  from the type parameter because in a recursive call as in the `foo[List[T]]` above the type parameter gets
     *  substituted with `List[T]`, but the ''type skolem'' stays what it is.
     *  The other form of skolem is an ''existential skolem''. Say one has a function
     *  {{{
     *  def bar(xs: List[T] forSome { type T }) = xs.head
     *  }}}
     *  then each occurrence of `xs` on the right will have type `List[T']` where `T'` is a fresh copy of `T`.
    def deSkolemize(symbol: Symbol): Symbol

    /** Forces all outstanding completers associated with this symbol.
     *  After this call returns, the symbol becomes immutable and thread-safe.
    def initialize(symbol: Symbol): symbol.type

    /** Calls [[initialize]] on the owner and all the value and type parameters of the symbol.
    def fullyInitialize(symbol: Symbol): symbol.type

    /** Calls [[initialize]] on all the value and type parameters of the type.
    def fullyInitialize(tp: Type): tp.type

    /** Calls [[initialize]] on all the symbols that the scope consists of.
    def fullyInitialize(scope: Scope): scope.type

    /** Returns internal flags associated with the symbol.
    def flags(symbol: Symbol): FlagSet

    /** A creator for `ThisType` types.
    def thisType(sym: Symbol): Type

    /** A creator for `SingleType` types.
    def singleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type

    /** A creator for `SuperType` types.
    def superType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type): Type

    /** A creator for `ConstantType` types.
    def constantType(value: Constant): ConstantType

    /** A creator for `TypeRef` types.
    def typeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type

    /** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
    def refinedType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope): RefinedType

    /** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
    def refinedType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol): RefinedType

    /** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
    def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type

    /** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
    def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol, decls: Scope): Type

    /** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
    def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol, decls: Scope, pos: Position): Type

    /** A creator for intersection type where intersections of a single type are
     *  replaced by the type itself.
    def intersectionType(tps: List[Type]): Type

    /** A creator for intersection type where intersections of a single type are
     *  replaced by the type itself, and repeated parent classes are merged.
     *  !!! Repeated parent classes are not merged - is this a bug in the
     *  comment or in the code?
    def intersectionType(tps: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type

    /** A creator for `ClassInfoType` types.
    def classInfoType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, typeSymbol: Symbol): ClassInfoType

    /** A creator for `MethodType` types.
    def methodType(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): MethodType

    /** A creator for `NullaryMethodType` types.
    def nullaryMethodType(resultType: Type): NullaryMethodType

    /** A creator for type parameterizations that strips empty type parameter lists.
     *  Use this factory method to indicate the type has kind * (it's a polymorphic value)
     *  until we start tracking explicit kinds equivalent to typeFun (except that the latter requires tparams nonEmpty).
    def polyType(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): PolyType

    /** A creator for `ExistentialType` types.
    def existentialType(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): ExistentialType

    /** A creator for existential types. This generates:
     *  {{{
     *    tpe1 where { tparams }
     *  }}}
     *  where `tpe1` is the result of extrapolating `tpe` with regard to `tparams`.
     *  Extrapolating means that type variables in `tparams` occurring
     *  in covariant positions are replaced by upper bounds, (minus any
     *  SingletonClass markers), type variables in `tparams` occurring in
     *  contravariant positions are replaced by upper bounds, provided the
     *  resulting type is legal with regard to stability, and does not contain
     *  any type variable in `tparams`.
     *  The abstraction drops all type parameters that are not directly or
     *  indirectly referenced by type `tpe1`. If there are no remaining type
     *  parameters, simply returns result type `tpe`.
     *  @group TypeCreators
    def existentialAbstraction(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe0: Type): Type

    /** A creator for `AnnotatedType` types.
    def annotatedType(annotations: List[Annotation], underlying: Type): AnnotatedType

    /** A creator for `TypeBounds` types.
    def typeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type): TypeBounds

    /** A creator for `BoundedWildcardType` types.
    def boundedWildcardType(bounds: TypeBounds): BoundedWildcardType

    /** Syntactic conveniences for additional internal APIs for trees, symbols and types */
    type Decorators <: DecoratorApi

    /** @see [[Decorators]] */
    val decorators: Decorators

    /** @see [[Decorators]] */
    trait DecoratorApi {
      /** Extension methods for trees */
      type TreeDecorator[T <: Tree] <: TreeDecoratorApi[T]

      /** @see [[TreeDecorator]] */
      implicit def treeDecorator[T <: Tree](tree: T): TreeDecorator[T]

      /** @see [[TreeDecorator]] */
      class TreeDecoratorApi[T <: Tree](val tree: T) {
        /** @see [[internal.freeTerms]] */
        def freeTerms: List[FreeTermSymbol] = internal.freeTerms(tree)

        /** @see [[internal.freeTypes]] */
        def freeTypes: List[FreeTypeSymbol] = internal.freeTypes(tree)

        /** @see [[internal.substituteSymbols]] */
        def substituteSymbols(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Tree = internal.substituteSymbols(tree, from, to)

        /** @see [[internal.substituteTypes]] */
        def substituteTypes(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Tree = internal.substituteTypes(tree, from, to)

        /** @see [[internal.substituteThis]] */
        def substituteThis(clazz: Symbol, to: Tree): Tree = internal.substituteThis(tree, clazz, to)

      /** Extension methods for symbols */
      type SymbolDecorator[T <: Symbol] <: SymbolDecoratorApi[T]

      /** @see [[SymbolDecorator]] */
      implicit def symbolDecorator[T <: Symbol](symbol: T): SymbolDecorator[T]

      /** @see [[SymbolDecorator]] */
      class SymbolDecoratorApi[T <: Symbol](val symbol: T) {
        /** @see [[internal.isFreeTerm]] */
        def isFreeTerm: Boolean = internal.isFreeTerm(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.asFreeTerm]] */
        def asFreeTerm: FreeTermSymbol = internal.asFreeTerm(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.isFreeType]] */
        def isFreeType: Boolean = internal.isFreeType(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.asFreeType]] */
        def asFreeType: FreeTypeSymbol = internal.asFreeType(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.newTermSymbol]] */
        def newTermSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TermSymbol = internal.newTermSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

        /** @see [[internal.newModuleAndClassSymbol]] */
        def newModuleAndClassSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): (ModuleSymbol, ClassSymbol) = internal.newModuleAndClassSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

        /** @see [[internal.newMethodSymbol]] */
        def newMethodSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): MethodSymbol = internal.newMethodSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

        /** @see [[internal.newTypeSymbol]] */
        def newTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TypeSymbol = internal.newTypeSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

        /** @see [[internal.newClassSymbol]] */
        def newClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): ClassSymbol = internal.newClassSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

        /** @see [[internal.isErroneous]] */
        def isErroneous: Boolean = internal.isErroneous(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.isSkolem]] */
        def isSkolem: Boolean = internal.isSkolem(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.deSkolemize]] */
        def deSkolemize: Symbol = internal.deSkolemize(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.initialize]] */
        def initialize: T = internal.initialize(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.fullyInitialize]] */
        def fullyInitialize: T = internal.fullyInitialize(symbol)

        /** @see [[internal.flags]] */
        def flags: FlagSet = internal.flags(symbol)

      /** Extension methods for types */
      type TypeDecorator[T <: Type] <: TypeDecoratorApi[T]

      /** @see [[TypeDecorator]] */
      implicit def typeDecorator[T <: Type](tp: T): TypeDecorator[T]

      /** @see [[TypeDecorator]] */
      implicit class TypeDecoratorApi[T <: Type](val tp: T) {
        /** @see [[internal.fullyInitialize]] */
        def fullyInitialize: T = internal.fullyInitialize(tp)

  /** This is an internal implementation class.
   *  @group Internal
  // this API abstracts away the functionality necessary for reification and quasiquotes
  // it's too gimmicky and unstructured to be exposed directly in the universe
  // but we need it in a publicly available place for reification to work
  trait ReificationSupportApi {
    /** Selects type symbol with given simple name `name` from the defined members of `owner`.
    def selectType(owner: Symbol, name: String): TypeSymbol

    /** Selects term symbol with given name and type from the defined members of prefix type
    def selectTerm(owner: Symbol, name: String): TermSymbol

    /** Selects overloaded method symbol with given name and index
    def selectOverloadedMethod(owner: Symbol, name: String, index: Int): MethodSymbol

    /** A fresh symbol with given name `name`, position `pos` and flags `flags` that has
     *  the current symbol as its owner.
    def newNestedSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, pos: Position, flags: FlagSet, isClass: Boolean): Symbol

    def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope

    /** Create a fresh free term symbol.
     *  @param   name   the name of the free variable
     *  @param   value  the value of the free variable at runtime
     *  @param   flags  (optional) flags of the free variable
     *  @param   origin debug information that tells where this symbol comes from
    def newFreeTerm(name: String, value: => Any, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null): FreeTermSymbol

    /** Create a fresh free type symbol.
     *  @param   name   the name of the free variable
     *  @param   flags  (optional) flags of the free variable
     *  @param   origin debug information that tells where this symbol comes from
    def newFreeType(name: String, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol

    /** Set symbol's type signature to given type.
     *  @return the symbol itself
    def setInfo[S <: Symbol](sym: S, tpe: Type): S

    /** Set symbol's annotations to given annotations `annots`.
    def setAnnotations[S <: Symbol](sym: S, annots: List[Annotation]): S

    def mkThis(sym: Symbol): Tree

    def mkSelect(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select

    def mkIdent(sym: Symbol): Ident

    def mkTypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree

    def ThisType(sym: Symbol): Type

    def SingleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type

    def SuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type): Type

    def ConstantType(value: Constant): ConstantType

    def TypeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type

    def RefinedType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, typeSymbol: Symbol): RefinedType

    def ClassInfoType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, typeSymbol: Symbol): ClassInfoType

    def MethodType(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): MethodType

    def NullaryMethodType(resultType: Type): NullaryMethodType

    def PolyType(typeParams: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): PolyType

    def ExistentialType(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): ExistentialType

    def AnnotatedType(annotations: List[Annotation], underlying: Type): AnnotatedType

    def TypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type): TypeBounds

    def BoundedWildcardType(bounds: TypeBounds): BoundedWildcardType

    def thisPrefix(sym: Symbol): Type

    def setType[T <: Tree](tree: T, tpe: Type): T

    def setSymbol[T <: Tree](tree: T, sym: Symbol): T

    def toStats(tree: Tree): List[Tree]

    def mkAnnotation(tree: Tree): Tree

    def mkAnnotation(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree]

    def mkRefineStat(stat: Tree): Tree

    def mkRefineStat(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree]

    def mkPackageStat(stat: Tree): Tree

    def mkPackageStat(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree]

    def mkEarlyDef(defn: Tree): Tree

    def mkEarlyDef(defns: List[Tree]): List[Tree]

    def mkRefTree(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol): Tree

    def freshTermName(prefix: String): TermName

    def freshTypeName(prefix: String): TypeName

    val ImplicitParams: ImplicitParamsExtractor

    trait ImplicitParamsExtractor {
      def apply(paramss: List[List[Tree]], implparams: List[Tree]): List[List[Tree]]
      def unapply(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Some[(List[List[ValDef]], List[ValDef])]

    val ScalaDot: ScalaDotExtractor

    trait ScalaDotExtractor {
      def apply(name: Name): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Name]

    val FlagsRepr: FlagsReprExtractor

    trait FlagsReprExtractor {
      def apply(value: Long): FlagSet
      def unapply(flags: Long): Some[Long]

    val SyntacticTypeApplied: SyntacticTypeAppliedExtractor
    val SyntacticAppliedType: SyntacticTypeAppliedExtractor

    trait SyntacticTypeAppliedExtractor {
      def apply(tree: Tree, targs: List[Tree]): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]

    val SyntacticApplied: SyntacticAppliedExtractor

    trait SyntacticAppliedExtractor {
      def apply(tree: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, List[List[Tree]])]

    val SyntacticClassDef: SyntacticClassDefExtractor

    trait SyntacticClassDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[Tree],
                constrMods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[Tree]],
                earlyDefs: List[Tree], parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ClassDef
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Modifiers, List[List[ValDef]],
                                       List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]

    val SyntacticTraitDef: SyntacticTraitDefExtractor

    trait SyntacticTraitDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[Tree],
                earlyDefs: List[Tree], parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ClassDef
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef],
                                       List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]

    val SyntacticObjectDef: SyntacticObjectDefExtractor

    trait SyntacticObjectDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, earlyDefs: List[Tree],
                parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ModuleDef
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]

    val SyntacticPackageObjectDef: SyntacticPackageObjectDefExtractor

    trait SyntacticPackageObjectDefExtractor {
      def apply(name: TermName, earlyDefs: List[Tree],
                parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): PackageDef
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(TermName, List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]

    val SyntacticTuple: SyntacticTupleExtractor
    val SyntacticTupleType: SyntacticTupleExtractor

    trait SyntacticTupleExtractor {
      def apply(args: List[Tree]): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]]

    val SyntacticBlock: SyntacticBlockExtractor

    trait SyntacticBlockExtractor {
      def apply(stats: List[Tree]): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]]

    val SyntacticNew: SyntacticNewExtractor

    trait SyntacticNewExtractor {
      def apply(earlyDefs: List[Tree], parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]

    val SyntacticFunctionType: SyntacticFunctionTypeExtractor

    trait SyntacticFunctionTypeExtractor {
      def apply(argtpes: List[Tree], restpe: Tree): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)]

    val SyntacticFunction: SyntacticFunctionExtractor

    trait SyntacticFunctionExtractor {
      def apply(params: List[Tree], body: Tree): Function

      def unapply(tree: Function): Option[(List[ValDef], Tree)]

    val SyntacticDefDef: SyntacticDefDefExtractor

    trait SyntacticDefDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[Tree],
                vparamss: List[List[Tree]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, List[TypeDef], List[List[ValDef]], Tree, Tree)]

    val SyntacticValDef: SyntacticValDefExtractor
    val SyntacticVarDef: SyntacticValDefExtractor

    trait SyntacticValDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, Tree, Tree)]

    val SyntacticPatDef: SyntacticPatDefExtractor

    trait SyntacticPatDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, pat: Tree, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): List[ValDef]

    val SyntacticAssign: SyntacticAssignExtractor

    trait SyntacticAssignExtractor {
      def apply(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

    val SyntacticValFrom: SyntacticValFromExtractor

    trait SyntacticValFromExtractor {
      def apply(pat: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

    val SyntacticValEq: SyntacticValEqExtractor

    trait SyntacticValEqExtractor {
      def apply(pat: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

    val SyntacticFilter: SyntacticFilterExtractor

    trait SyntacticFilterExtractor {
      def apply(test: Tree): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree)]

    val SyntacticEmptyTypeTree: SyntacticEmptyTypeTreeExtractor

    trait SyntacticEmptyTypeTreeExtractor {
      def apply(): TypeTree
      def unapply(tt: TypeTree): Boolean

    val SyntacticFor: SyntacticForExtractor
    val SyntacticForYield: SyntacticForExtractor

    trait SyntacticForExtractor {
      def apply(enums: List[Tree], body: Tree): Tree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)]

    def UnliftListElementwise[T](unliftable: Unliftable[T]): UnliftListElementwise[T]
    trait UnliftListElementwise[T] {
      def unapply(lst: List[Tree]): Option[List[T]]

    def UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T](unliftable: Unliftable[T]): UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T]
    trait UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T] {
      def unapply(lst: List[List[Tree]]): Option[List[List[T]]]

    val SyntacticPartialFunction: SyntacticPartialFunctionExtractor
    trait SyntacticPartialFunctionExtractor {
      def apply(cases: List[Tree]): Match
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[CaseDef]]

    val SyntacticMatch: SyntacticMatchExtractor
    trait SyntacticMatchExtractor {
      def apply(scrutinee: Tree, cases: List[Tree]): Match
      def unapply(tree: Match): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef])]

    val SyntacticTry: SyntacticTryExtractor
    trait SyntacticTryExtractor {
      def apply(block: Tree, catches: List[Tree], finalizer: Tree): Try
      def unapply(tree: Try): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef], Tree)]

    val SyntacticTermIdent: SyntacticTermIdentExtractor
    trait SyntacticTermIdentExtractor {
      def apply(name: TermName, isBackquoted: Boolean = false): Ident
      def unapply(id: Ident): Option[(TermName, Boolean)]

    val SyntacticTypeIdent: SyntacticTypeIdentExtractor
    trait SyntacticTypeIdentExtractor {
      def apply(name: TypeName): Ident
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[TypeName]

    val SyntacticImport: SyntacticImportExtractor
    trait SyntacticImportExtractor {
      def apply(expr: Tree, selectors: List[Tree]): Import
      def unapply(imp: Import): Some[(Tree, List[Tree])]

    val SyntacticSelectType: SyntacticSelectTypeExtractor
    trait SyntacticSelectTypeExtractor {
      def apply(qual: Tree, name: TypeName): Select
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TypeName)]

    val SyntacticSelectTerm: SyntacticSelectTermExtractor
    trait SyntacticSelectTermExtractor {
      def apply(qual: Tree, name: TermName): Select
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TermName)]

    val SyntacticCompoundType: SyntacticCompoundTypeExtractor
    trait SyntacticCompoundTypeExtractor {
      def apply(parents: List[Tree], defns: List[Tree]): CompoundTypeTree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], List[Tree])]

    val SyntacticSingletonType: SyntacitcSingletonTypeExtractor
    trait SyntacitcSingletonTypeExtractor {
      def apply(tree: Tree): SingletonTypeTree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree]

    val SyntacticTypeProjection: SyntacticTypeProjectionExtractor
    trait SyntacticTypeProjectionExtractor {
      def apply(qual: Tree, name: TypeName): SelectFromTypeTree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TypeName)]

    val SyntacticAnnotatedType: SyntacticAnnotatedTypeExtractor
    trait SyntacticAnnotatedTypeExtractor {
      def apply(tpt: Tree, annot: Tree): Annotated
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

    val SyntacticExistentialType: SyntacticExistentialTypeExtractor
    trait SyntacticExistentialTypeExtractor {
      def apply(tpt: Tree, where: List[Tree]): ExistentialTypeTree
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[MemberDef])]

  @deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport` instead", "2.11.0")
  val build: ReificationSupportApi

  @deprecated("Use `internal.ReificationSupportApi` instead", "2.11.0")
  type BuildApi = ReificationSupportApi

  /** This trait provides support for importers, a facility to migrate reflection artifacts between universes.
   * ''Note: this trait should typically be used only rarely.''
   *  Reflection artifacts, such as [[scala.reflect.api.Symbols Symbols]] and [[scala.reflect.api.Types Types]],
   *  are contained in [[scala.reflect.api.Universe Universe]]s. Typically all processing happens
   *  within a single `Universe` (e.g. a compile-time macro `Universe` or a runtime reflection `Universe`), but sometimes
   *  there is a need to migrate artifacts from one `Universe` to another. For example, runtime compilation works by
   *  importing runtime reflection trees into a runtime compiler universe, compiling the importees and exporting the
   *  result back.
   *  Reflection artifacts are firmly grounded in their `Universe`s, which is reflected by the fact that types of artifacts
   *  from different universes are not compatible. By using `Importer`s, however, they be imported from one universe
   *  into another. For example, to import `` from the source `Universe` to the target `Universe`,
   *  an importer will first check whether the entire owner chain exists in the target `Universe`.
   *  If it does, then nothing else will be done. Otherwise, the importer will recreate the entire owner chain
   *  and will import the corresponding type signatures into the target `Universe`.
   *  Since importers match `Symbol` tables of the source and the target `Universe`s using plain string names,
   *  it is programmer's responsibility to make sure that imports don't distort semantics, e.g., that
   *  `` in the source `Universe` means the same that `` does in the target `Universe`.
   *  === Example ===
   *  Here's how one might implement a macro that performs compile-time evaluation of its argument
   *  by using a runtime compiler to compile and evaluate a tree that belongs to a compile-time compiler:
   *  {{{
   *  def staticEval[T](x: T) = macro staticEval[T]
   *  def staticEval[T](c: scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context)(x: c.Expr[T]) = {
   *    // creates a runtime reflection universe to host runtime compilation
   *    import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
   *    val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(c.libraryClassLoader)
   *    import
   *    val toolBox = mirror.mkToolBox()
   *    // runtime reflection universe and compile-time macro universe are different
   *    // therefore an importer is needed to bridge them
   *    // currently mkImporter requires a cast to correctly assign the path-dependent types
   *    val importer0 = ru.internal.mkImporter(c.universe)
   *    val importer = importer0.asInstanceOf[ru.internal.Importer { val from: c.universe.type }]
   *    // the created importer is used to turn a compiler tree into a runtime compiler tree
   *    // both compilers use the same classpath, so semantics remains intact
   *    val imported = importer.importTree(tree)
   *    // after the tree is imported, it can be evaluated as usual
   *    val tree = toolBox.untypecheck(imported.duplicate)
   *    val valueOfX = toolBox.eval(imported).asInstanceOf[T]
   *    ...
   *  }
   *  }}}
   *  @group Internal
  // SI-6241: move importers to a mirror
  trait Importer {
    /** The source universe of reflection artifacts that will be processed.
     *  The target universe is universe that created this importer with `mkImporter`.
    val from: Universe

    /** An importer that works in reverse direction, namely:
     *  imports reflection artifacts from the current universe to the universe specified in `from`.
    val reverse: from.Importer { val from: self.type }

    /** In the current universe, locates or creates a symbol that corresponds to the provided symbol in the source universe.
     *  If necessary imports the owner chain, companions, type signature, annotations and attachments.
    def importSymbol(sym: from.Symbol): Symbol

    /** In the current universe, locates or creates a type that corresponds to the provided type in the source universe.
     *  If necessary imports the underlying symbols, annotations, scopes and trees.
    def importType(tpe: from.Type): Type

    /** In the current universe, creates a tree that corresponds to the provided tree in the source universe.
     *  If necessary imports the underlying symbols, types and attachments.
    def importTree(tree: from.Tree): Tree

    /** In the current universe, creates a position that corresponds to the provided position in the source universe.
    def importPosition(pos: from.Position): Position

  @deprecated("Use `internal.createImporter` instead", "2.11.0")
  def mkImporter(from0: Universe): Importer { val from: from0.type } = internal.createImporter(from0)

  /** Marks underlying reference to id as boxed.
   *  <b>Precondition:<\b> id must refer to a captured variable
   *  A reference such marked will refer to the boxed entity, no dereferencing
   *  with `.elem` is done on it.
   *  This tree node can be emitted by macros such as reify that call referenceCapturedVariable.
   *  It is eliminated in LambdaLift, where the boxing conversion takes place.
   *  @group Internal
   *  @template
  type ReferenceToBoxed >: Null <: ReferenceToBoxedApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `ReferenceToBoxed` instances.
   *  @group Internal
  val ReferenceToBoxed: ReferenceToBoxedExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ReferenceToBoxed(ident)`.
   *  This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code,
   *  and is emitted by macros to reference capture vars directly without going through `elem`.
   *  For example:
   *    var x = ...
   *    fun { x }
   *  Will emit:
   *    Ident(x)
   *  Which gets transformed to:
   *    Select(Ident(x), "elem")
   *  If `ReferenceToBoxed` were used instead of Ident, no transformation would be performed.
   *  @group Internal
  abstract class ReferenceToBoxedExtractor {
    def apply(ident: Ident): ReferenceToBoxed
    def unapply(referenceToBoxed: ReferenceToBoxed): Option[Ident]

  /** The API that all references support
   *  @group Internal
  trait ReferenceToBoxedApi extends TermTreeApi { this: ReferenceToBoxed =>
    /** The underlying reference. */
    def ident: Tree

  /** Tag that preserves the identity of `ReferenceToBoxed` in the face of erasure.
   *  Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
   *  @group Internal
  implicit val ReferenceToBoxedTag: ClassTag[ReferenceToBoxed]

  /** The type of free terms introduced by reification.
   *  @group Internal
   *  @template
  type FreeTermSymbol >: Null <: FreeTermSymbolApi with TermSymbol

  /** The API of free term symbols.
   *  The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
   *  @group Internal
  trait FreeTermSymbolApi extends TermSymbolApi { this: FreeTermSymbol =>
    /** The place where this symbol has been spawned
     *  @group FreeTerm
    def origin: String

    /** The valus this symbol refers to
     *  @group FreeTerm
    def value: Any

  /** Tag that preserves the identity of `FreeTermSymbol` in the face of erasure.
   *  Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
   *  @group Internal
  implicit val FreeTermSymbolTag: ClassTag[FreeTermSymbol]

  /** The type of free types introduced by reification.
   *  @group Internal
   *  @template
  type FreeTypeSymbol >: Null <: FreeTypeSymbolApi with TypeSymbol

  /** The API of free type symbols.
   *  The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
   *  @group Internal
  trait FreeTypeSymbolApi extends TypeSymbolApi { this: FreeTypeSymbol =>
    /** The place where this symbol has been spawned
     *  @group FreeType
    def origin: String

  /** Tag that preserves the identity of `FreeTermSymbol` in the face of erasure.
   *  Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
   *  @group Internal
  implicit val FreeTypeSymbolTag: ClassTag[FreeTypeSymbol]

  /** Provides enrichments to ensure source compatibility between Scala 2.10 and Scala 2.11.
   *  If in your reflective program for Scala 2.10 you've used something that's now become an internal API,
   *  a single `compat._` import will fix things for you.
   *  @group Internal
  val compat: Compat

  /** @see [[compat]]
   *  @group Internal
  type Compat <: CompatApi

  /** Presence of an implicit value of this type in scope
   *  indicates that source compatibility with Scala 2.10 has been enabled.
   *  @group Internal
  @scala.annotation.implicitNotFound("This method has been removed from the public API. Import compat._ or migrate away.")
  class CompatToken

  /** @see [[compat]]
   *  @group Internal
  trait CompatApi {
    /** @see [[CompatToken]] */
    implicit val token = new CompatToken

    /** @see [[InternalApi.typeTagToManifest]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.typeTagToManifest` instead", "2.11.0")
    def typeTagToManifest[T: ClassTag](mirror: Any, tag: Universe#TypeTag[T]): Manifest[T] =
      internal.typeTagToManifest(mirror, tag)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.manifestToTypeTag]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.manifestToTypeTag` instead", "2.11.0")
    def manifestToTypeTag[T](mirror: Any, manifest: Manifest[T]): Universe#TypeTag[T] =
      internal.manifestToTypeTag(mirror, manifest)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.newScopeWith]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.newScopeWith` instead", "2.11.0")
    def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope =
      internal.newScopeWith(elems: _*)

    /** Scala 2.10 compatibility enrichments for BuildApi. */
    implicit class CompatibleBuildApi(api: BuildApi) {
      /** @see [[BuildApi.setInfo]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.setInfo` instead", "2.11.0")
      def setTypeSignature[S <: Symbol](sym: S, tpe: Type): S = internal.reificationSupport.setInfo(sym, tpe)

      /** @see [[BuildApi.FlagsRepr]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.FlagsRepr` instead", "2.11.0")
      def flagsFromBits(bits: Long): FlagSet = internal.reificationSupport.FlagsRepr(bits)

      /** @see [[BuildApi.noSelfType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `noSelfType` instead", "2.11.0")
      def emptyValDef: ValDef = noSelfType

      /** @see [[BuildApi.mkThis]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.mkThis` instead", "2.11.0")
      def This(sym: Symbol): Tree = internal.reificationSupport.mkThis(sym)

      /** @see [[BuildApi.mkSelect]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.mkSelect` instead", "2.11.0")
      def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select = internal.reificationSupport.mkSelect(qualifier, sym)

      /** @see [[BuildApi.mkIdent]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.mkIdent` instead", "2.11.0")
      def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident = internal.reificationSupport.mkIdent(sym)

      /** @see [[BuildApi.mkTypeTree]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.mkTypeTree` instead", "2.11.0")
      def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = internal.reificationSupport.mkTypeTree(tp)

    /** Scala 2.10 compatibility enrichments for Tree. */
    implicit class CompatibleTree(tree: Tree) {
      /** @see [[InternalApi.freeTerms]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.freeTerms` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def freeTerms: List[FreeTermSymbol] = internal.freeTerms(tree)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.freeTypes]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.freeTerms` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def freeTypes: List[FreeTypeSymbol] = internal.freeTypes(tree)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.substituteSymbols]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.substituteSymbols` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def substituteSymbols(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Tree = internal.substituteSymbols(tree, from, to)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.substituteTypes]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.substituteTypes` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def substituteTypes(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Tree = internal.substituteTypes(tree, from, to)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.substituteThis]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.substituteThis` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def substituteThis(clazz: Symbol, to: Tree): Tree = internal.substituteThis(tree, clazz, to)

    /** Scala 2.10 compatibility enrichments for Tree. */
    implicit class CompatibleSymbol(symbol: Symbol) {
      @deprecated("This API is unreliable. Use `isPrivateThis` or `isProtectedThis` instead", "2.11.0")
      def isLocal: Boolean = symbol.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.Symbols#Symbol].isLocal

      @deprecated("This API is unreliable. Use `overrides.nonEmpty` instead", "2.11.0")
      def isOverride: Boolean = symbol.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.Symbols#Symbol].isOverride

      /** @see [[InternalApi.isFreeTerm]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.isFreeTerm` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def isFreeTerm: Boolean = internal.isFreeTerm(symbol)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeTerm]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.asFreeTerm` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def asFreeTerm: FreeTermSymbol = internal.asFreeTerm(symbol)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.isFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.isFreeType` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def isFreeType: Boolean = internal.isFreeType(symbol)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.asFreeType` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def asFreeType: FreeTypeSymbol = internal.asFreeType(symbol)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.newTermSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def newTermSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TermSymbol = internal.newTermSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.newModuleAndClassSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def newModuleAndClassSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): (ModuleSymbol, ClassSymbol) = internal.newModuleAndClassSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.newMethodSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def newMethodSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): MethodSymbol = internal.newMethodSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.newTypeSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def newTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TypeSymbol = internal.newTypeSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.newClassSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def newClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): ClassSymbol = internal.newClassSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.isErroneous` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def isErroneous: Boolean = internal.isErroneous(symbol)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.isSkolem` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def isSkolem: Boolean = internal.isSkolem(symbol)

      /** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
      @deprecated("Use `internal.deSkolemize` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
      def deSkolemize: Symbol = internal.deSkolemize(symbol)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.singleType]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.singleType` instead", "2.11.0")
    def singleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type = internal.singleType(pre, sym)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.refinedType]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.refinedType` instead", "2.11.0")
    def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol, decls: Scope, pos: Position): Type = internal.refinedType(parents, owner, decls, pos)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.refinedType]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.refinedType` instead", "2.11.0")
    def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type = internal.refinedType(parents, owner)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.typeRef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.typeRef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def typeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type = internal.typeRef(pre, sym, args)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.intersectionType]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.intersectionType` instead", "2.11.0")
    def intersectionType(tps: List[Type]): Type = internal.intersectionType(tps)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.intersectionType]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.intersectionType` instead", "2.11.0")
    def intersectionType(tps: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type = internal.intersectionType(tps, owner)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.polyType]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.polyType` instead", "2.11.0")
    def polyType(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): Type = internal.polyType(tparams, tpe)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.existentialAbstraction]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.existentialAbstraction` instead", "2.11.0")
    def existentialAbstraction(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe0: Type): Type = internal.existentialAbstraction(tparams, tpe0)

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