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Scala example source code file (Trees.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Trees.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

list, modifiers, name, null, option, symbol, template, tree, unit, use

The Trees.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky
package scala
package reflect
package api

 * <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span>
 * This trait defines the node types used in Scala abstract syntax trees (AST) and operations on them.
 * Trees are the basis for Scala's abstract syntax that is used to represent programs. They are also called
 * abstract syntax trees and commonly abbreviated as ASTs.
 * In Scala reflection, APIs that produce or use `Tree`s are:
 *   - '''Annotations''' which use trees to represent their arguments, exposed in [[scala.reflect.api.Annotations#scalaArgs Annotation.scalaArgs]].
 *   - '''[[scala.reflect.api.Universe#reify reify]]''', a special method on [[scala.reflect.api.Universe]] that takes an expression and returns an AST which represents the expression.
 *   - '''Macros and runtime compilation with toolboxes''' which both use trees as their program representation medium.
 *  Trees are immutable, except for three fields
 *  [[Trees#TreeApi.pos pos]], [[Trees#TreeApi.symbol symbol]], and [[Trees#TreeApi.tpe tpe]], which are assigned when a tree is typechecked
 *  to attribute it with the information gathered by the typechecker.
 *  === Examples ===
 *  The following creates an AST representing a literal 5 in Scala source code:
 *  {{{
 *    Literal(Constant(5))
 *  }}}
 *  The following creates an AST representing `print("Hello World")`:
 *  {{{
 *    Apply(Select(Select(This(newTypeName("scala")), newTermName("Predef")), newTermName("print")), List(Literal(Constant("Hello World"))))
 *  }}}
 *  The following creates an AST from a literal 5, and then uses `showRaw` to print it in a readable format.
 *  {{{
 *    import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{ reify, showRaw }
 *    print( showRaw( reify{5}.tree ) )` // prints Literal(Constant(5))
 *  }}}
 *  For more information about `Tree`s, see the [[ Reflection Guide: Symbols, Trees, Types]].
 *  @groupname Traversal Tree Traversal and Transformation
 *  @groupprio Traversal 1
 *  @groupprio Factories 1
 *  @groupname Copying   Tree Copying
 *  @groupprio Copying   1
 *  @contentDiagram hideNodes "*Api"
 *  @group ReflectionAPI
trait Trees { self: Universe =>

  /** The type of Scala abstract syntax trees.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Tree >: Null <: AnyRef with TreeApi

  /** The API that all trees support.
   *  The main source of information about trees is the [[scala.reflect.api.Trees]] page.
   *  @group API
  trait TreeApi extends Product { this: Tree =>
    /** Does this tree represent a definition? (of a method, of a class, etc) */
    def isDef: Boolean

    /** Is this tree one of the empty trees?
     *  Empty trees are: the `EmptyTree` null object and `TypeTree` instances that don't carry a type.
     *  @see `canHaveAttrs`
    def isEmpty: Boolean

    /** Is this tree not an empty tree?
     *  @see `isEmpty`
    def nonEmpty: Boolean

    /** Can this tree carry attributes (i.e. symbols, types or positions)?
     *  Typically the answer is yes, except for the `EmptyTree` null object and
     *  two special singletons: `noSelfType` and `pendingSuperCall`.
    def canHaveAttrs: Boolean

    /** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a term.
    def isTerm: Boolean

    /** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a type.
    def isType: Boolean

    /** Position of the tree. */
    def pos: Position

    /** Type of the tree.
     *  Upon creation most trees have their `tpe` set to `null`.
     *  Types are typically assigned to trees during typechecking.
     *  Some node factory methods set `tpe` immediately after creation.
     *  When the typechecker encounters a tree with a non-null tpe,
     *  it will assume it to be correct and not check it again. This means one has
     *  to be careful not to erase the `tpe` field of subtrees.
    def tpe: Type

    /** Symbol of the tree.
     *  For most trees symbol is `null`. In `SymTree`s,
     *  it is overridden and implemented with a var, initialized to `NoSymbol`.
     *  Trees which are not `SymTree`s but which carry symbols do so by
     *  overriding `def symbol` to forward it elsewhere.  Examples:
     *    - `Super(qual, _)`              has `qual`'s symbol,
     *    - `Apply(fun, args)`            has `fun`'s symbol,
     *    - `TypeApply(fun, args)`        has `fun`'s symbol,
     *    - `AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)`  has `tpt`'s symbol,
     *    - `TypeTree(tpe)`               has `tpe`'s `typeSymbol`, if `tpe != null`.
    def symbol: Symbol

    /** Provides an alternate if tree is empty
     *  @param  alt  The alternate tree
     *  @return If this tree is non empty, this tree, otherwise `alt`.
    def orElse(alt: => Tree): Tree

    /** Apply `f` to each subtree */
    def foreach(f: Tree => Unit): Unit

    /** Find all subtrees matching predicate `p`. Same as `filter` */
    def withFilter(f: Tree => Boolean): List[Tree]

    /** Find all subtrees matching predicate `p`. Same as `withFilter` */
    def filter(f: Tree => Boolean): List[Tree]

    /** Apply `pf' to each subtree on which the function is defined and collect the results.
    def collect[T](pf: PartialFunction[Tree, T]): List[T]

    /** Returns optionally first tree (in a preorder traversal) which satisfies predicate `p`,
     *  or None if none exists.
    def find(p: Tree => Boolean): Option[Tree]

    /** Is there exists a part of this tree which satisfies predicate `p`? */
    def exists(p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean

    /** Do all parts of this tree satisfy predicate `p`? */
    def forAll(p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean

    /** Tests whether two trees are structurall equal.
     *  Note that `==` on trees is reference equality.
    def equalsStructure(that : Tree): Boolean

    /** The direct child trees of this tree.
     *  EmptyTrees are always omitted.  Lists are flattened.
    def children: List[Tree]

    /** Make a copy of this tree, keeping all attributes,
     *  except that all positions are focused (so nothing
     *  in this tree will be found when searching by position).
    def duplicate: this.type

    /** Obtains string representation of a tree */
    override def toString: String = treeToString(this)

  /** Obtains string representation of a tree
   *  @group Trees
  protected def treeToString(tree: Tree): String

  /** The empty tree
   *  @group Trees
  val EmptyTree: Tree

  /** A tree for a term.  Not all trees representing terms are TermTrees; use isTerm
   *  to reliably identify terms.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type TermTree >: Null <: TermTreeApi with Tree

  /** The API that all term trees support
   *  @group API
  trait TermTreeApi extends TreeApi { this: TermTree =>

  /** A tree for a type. Not all trees representing types are TypTrees; use isType
   *  to reliably identify types.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type TypTree >: Null <: TypTreeApi with Tree

  /** The API that all typ trees support
   *  @group API
  trait TypTreeApi extends TreeApi { this: TypTree =>

  /** A tree that carries a symbol, e.g. by defining it (`DefTree`) or by referring to it (`RefTree`).
   *  Such trees start their life naked, returning `NoSymbol`, but after being typechecked without errors
   *  they hold non-empty symbols.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type SymTree >: Null <: SymTreeApi with Tree

  /** The API that all sym trees support
   *  @group API
  trait SymTreeApi extends TreeApi { this: SymTree =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def symbol: Symbol

  /** A tree that carries a name, e.g. by defining it (`DefTree`) or by referring to it (`RefTree`).
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type NameTree >: Null <: NameTreeApi with Tree

  /** The API that all name trees support
   *  @group API
  trait NameTreeApi extends TreeApi { this: NameTree =>
    /** The underlying name.
     *  For example, the `List` part of `Ident(TermName("List"))`.
    def name: Name

  /** A tree which references a symbol-carrying entity.
   *  References one, as opposed to defining one; definitions
   *  are in DefTrees.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type RefTree >: Null <: RefTreeApi with SymTree with NameTree

  /** The API that all ref trees support
   *  @group API
  trait RefTreeApi extends SymTreeApi with NameTreeApi { this: RefTree =>
    /** The qualifier of the reference.
     *  For example, the `Ident(TermName("scala"))` part of `Select(Ident(TermName("scala")), TermName("List"))`.
     *  `EmptyTree` for `Ident` instances.
    def qualifier: Tree

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: Name

  /** The constructor/extractor for `RefTree` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val RefTree: RefTreeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `RefTree(qual, name)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to either Ident, Select or SelectFromTypeTree.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class RefTreeExtractor {
    def apply(qualifier: Tree, name: Name): RefTree
    def unapply(refTree: RefTree): Option[(Tree, Name)]

  /** A tree representing a symbol-defining entity:
   *    1) A declaration or a definition (type, class, object, package, val, var, or def)
   *    2) `Bind` that is used to represent binding occurrences in pattern matches
   *    3) `LabelDef` that is used internally to represent while loops
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type DefTree >: Null <: DefTreeApi with SymTree with NameTree

  /** The API that all def trees support
   *  @group API
  trait DefTreeApi extends SymTreeApi with NameTreeApi { this: DefTree =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: Name

  /** Common base class for all member definitions: types, classes,
   *  objects, packages, vals and vars, defs.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type MemberDef >: Null <: MemberDefApi with DefTree

  /** The API that all member defs support
   *  @group API
  trait MemberDefApi extends DefTreeApi { this: MemberDef =>
    /** Modifiers of the declared member. */
    def mods: Modifiers

  /** A packaging, such as `package pid { stats }`
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type PackageDef >: Null <: PackageDefApi with MemberDef

  /** The constructor/extractor for `PackageDef` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val PackageDef: PackageDefExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `PackageDef(pid, stats)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    `package` pid { stats }
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class PackageDefExtractor {
    def apply(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef
    def unapply(packageDef: PackageDef): Option[(RefTree, List[Tree])]

  /** The API that all package defs support
   *  @group API
  trait PackageDefApi extends MemberDefApi { this: PackageDef =>
    /** The (possibly, fully-qualified) name of the package. */
    def pid: RefTree

    /** Body of the package definition. */
    def stats: List[Tree]

  /** A common base class for class and object definitions.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type ImplDef >: Null <: ImplDefApi with MemberDef

  /** The API that all impl defs support
   *  @group API
  trait ImplDefApi extends MemberDefApi { this: ImplDef =>
    /** The body of the definition. */
    def impl: Template

  /** A class definition.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type ClassDef >: Null <: ClassDefApi with ImplDef

  /** The constructor/extractor for `ClassDef` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val ClassDef: ClassDefExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    mods `class` name [tparams] impl
   *  Where impl stands for:
   *    `extends` parents { defs }
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ClassDefExtractor {
    def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template): ClassDef
    def unapply(classDef: ClassDef): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Template)]

    /** @see [[InternalApi.classDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.classDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, impl: Template)(implicit token: CompatToken): ClassDef = internal.classDef(sym, impl)

  /** The API that all class defs support
   *  @group API
  trait ClassDefApi extends ImplDefApi { this: ClassDef =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def mods: Modifiers

    /** The name of the class. */
    def name: TypeName

    /** The type parameters of the class. */
    def tparams: List[TypeDef]

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def impl: Template

  /** An object definition, e.g. `object Foo`.  Internally, objects are
   *  quite frequently called modules to reduce ambiguity.
   *  Eliminated by compiler phase refcheck.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type ModuleDef >: Null <: ModuleDefApi with ImplDef

  /** The constructor/extractor for `ModuleDef` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val ModuleDef: ModuleDefExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ModuleDef(mods, name, impl)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    mods `object` name impl
   *  Where impl stands for:
   *    `extends` parents { defs }
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ModuleDefExtractor {
    def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, impl: Template): ModuleDef
    def unapply(moduleDef: ModuleDef): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, Template)]

    /** @see [[InternalApi.moduleDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.moduleDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, impl: Template)(implicit token: CompatToken): ModuleDef = internal.moduleDef(sym, impl)

  /** The API that all module defs support
   *  @group API
  trait ModuleDefApi extends ImplDefApi { this: ModuleDef =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def mods: Modifiers

    /** The name of the module. */
    def name: TermName

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def impl: Template

  /** A common base class for ValDefs and DefDefs.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type ValOrDefDef >: Null <: ValOrDefDefApi with MemberDef

  /** The API that all val defs and def defs support
   *  @group API
  trait ValOrDefDefApi extends MemberDefApi { this: ValOrDefDef =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: TermName

    /** The type ascribed to the definition.
     *  An empty `TypeTree` if the type hasn't been specified explicitly
     *  and is supposed to be inferred.
    def tpt: Tree

    /** The body of the definition.
     *  The `EmptyTree` is the body is empty (e.g. for abstract members).
    def rhs: Tree

  /** Broadly speaking, a value definition.  All these are encoded as ValDefs:
   *   - immutable values, e.g. "val x"
   *   - mutable values, e.g. "var x" - the MUTABLE flag set in mods
   *   - lazy values, e.g. "lazy val x" - the LAZY flag set in mods
   *   - method parameters, see vparamss in [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#DefDef]] - the PARAM flag is set in mods
   *   - explicit self-types, e.g. class A { self: Bar => }
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type ValDef >: Null <: ValDefApi with ValOrDefDef

  /** The constructor/extractor for `ValDef` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val ValDef: ValDefExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to any of the following Scala code:
   *    mods `val` name: tpt = rhs
   *    mods `var` name: tpt = rhs
   *    mods name: tpt = rhs        // in signatures of function and method definitions
   *    self: Bar =>                // self-types
   *  If the type of a value is not specified explicitly (i.e. is meant to be inferred),
   *  this is expressed by having `tpt` set to `TypeTree()` (but not to an `EmptyTree`!).
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ValDefExtractor {
    def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef
    def unapply(valDef: ValDef): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, Tree, Tree)]

    /** @see [[InternalApi.valDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.valDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): ValDef = internal.valDef(sym, rhs)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.valDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.valDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol)(implicit token: CompatToken): ValDef = internal.valDef(sym)

  /** The API that all val defs support
   *  @group API
  trait ValDefApi extends ValOrDefDefApi { this: ValDef =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def mods: Modifiers

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: TermName

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def tpt: Tree

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def rhs: Tree

  /** A method or macro definition.
   *  @param name   The name of the method or macro. Can be a type name in case this is a type macro
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type DefDef >: Null <: DefDefApi with ValOrDefDef

  /** The constructor/extractor for `DefDef` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val DefDef: DefDefExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    mods `def` name[tparams](vparams_1)...(vparams_n): tpt = rhs
   *  If the return type is not specified explicitly (i.e. is meant to be inferred),
   *  this is expressed by having `tpt` set to `TypeTree()` (but not to an `EmptyTree`!).
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class DefDefExtractor {
    def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef
    def unapply(defDef: DefDef): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, List[TypeDef], List[List[ValDef]], Tree, Tree)]

    /** @see [[InternalApi.defDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, mods, vparamss, rhs)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.defDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, vparamss, rhs)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.defDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, mods, rhs)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.defDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, rhs)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.defDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.defDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, rhs: List[List[Symbol]] => Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): DefDef = internal.defDef(sym, rhs)

  /** The API that all def defs support
   *  @group API
  trait DefDefApi extends ValOrDefDefApi { this: DefDef =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def mods: Modifiers

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: TermName

    /** The type parameters of the method. */
    def tparams: List[TypeDef]

    /** The parameter lists of the method. */
    def vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def tpt: Tree

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def rhs: Tree

  /** An abstract type, a type parameter, or a type alias.
   *  Eliminated by erasure.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type TypeDef >: Null <: TypeDefApi with MemberDef

  /** The constructor/extractor for `TypeDef` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val TypeDef: TypeDefExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    mods `type` name[tparams] = rhs
   *    mods `type` name[tparams] >: lo <: hi
   *  First usage illustrates `TypeDefs` representing type aliases and type parameters.
   *  Second usage illustrates `TypeDefs` representing abstract types,
   *  where lo and hi are both `TypeBoundsTrees` and `Modifier.deferred` is set in mods.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class TypeDefExtractor {
    def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree): TypeDef
    def unapply(typeDef: TypeDef): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Tree)]

    /** @see [[InternalApi.typeDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.typeDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): TypeDef = internal.typeDef(sym, rhs)

    /** @see [[InternalApi.typeDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.typeDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol)(implicit token: CompatToken): TypeDef = internal.typeDef(sym)

  /** The API that all type defs support
   *  @group API
  trait TypeDefApi extends MemberDefApi { this: TypeDef =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def mods: Modifiers

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: TypeName

    /** The type parameters of this type definition. */
    def tparams: List[TypeDef]

    /** The body of the definition.
     *  The `EmptyTree` is the body is empty (e.g. for abstract type members).
    def rhs: Tree

  /** A labelled expression.  Not expressible in language syntax, but
   *  generated by the compiler to simulate while/do-while loops, and
   *  also by the pattern matcher.
   *  The label acts much like a nested function, where `params` represents
   *  the incoming parameters.  The symbol given to the LabelDef should have
   *  a MethodType, as if it were a nested function.
   *  Jumps are apply nodes attributed with a label's symbol.  The
   *  arguments from the apply node will be passed to the label and
   *  assigned to the Idents.
   *  Forward jumps within a block are allowed.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type LabelDef >: Null <: LabelDefApi with DefTree with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `LabelDef` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val LabelDef: LabelDefExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `LabelDef(name, params, rhs)`.
   *  This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code.
   *  It is used for tailcalls and like.
   *  For example, while/do are desugared to label defs as follows:
   *  {{{
   *    while (cond) body ==> LabelDef(\$L, List(), if (cond) { body; L\$() } else ())
   *  }}}
   *  {{{
   *    do body while (cond) ==> LabelDef(\$L, List(), body; if (cond) L\$() else ())
   *  }}}
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class LabelDefExtractor {
    def apply(name: TermName, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree): LabelDef
    def unapply(labelDef: LabelDef): Option[(TermName, List[Ident], Tree)]

    /** @see [[InternalApi.labelDef]] */
    @deprecated("Use `internal.labelDef` instead", "2.11.0")
    def apply(sym: Symbol, params: List[Symbol], rhs: Tree)(implicit token: CompatToken): LabelDef = internal.labelDef(sym, params, rhs)

  /** The API that all label defs support
   *  @group API
  trait LabelDefApi extends DefTreeApi with TermTreeApi { this: LabelDef =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: TermName

    /** Label's parameters - names that can be used in the body of the label.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#LabelDefExtractor]].
    def params: List[Ident]

    /** The body of the label.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#LabelDefExtractor]].
    def rhs: Tree

  /** Import selector (not a tree, but a component of the `Import` tree)
   *  Representation of an imported name its optional rename and their optional positions
   *  Eliminated by typecheck.
   * @param name      the imported name
   * @param namePos   its position or -1 if undefined
   * @param rename    the name the import is renamed to (== name if no renaming)
   * @param renamePos the position of the rename or -1 if undefined
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type ImportSelector >: Null <: AnyRef with ImportSelectorApi

  /** The constructor/extractor for `ImportSelector` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val ImportSelector: ImportSelectorExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ImportSelector(name:, namePos, rename, renamePos)`.
   *  This is not an AST node, it is used as a part of the `Import` node.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ImportSelectorExtractor {
    def apply(name: Name, namePos: Int, rename: Name, renamePos: Int): ImportSelector
    def unapply(importSelector: ImportSelector): Option[(Name, Int, Name, Int)]

  /** The API that all import selectors support
   *  @group API
  trait ImportSelectorApi { this: ImportSelector =>
    /** The imported name. */
    def name: Name

    /** Offset of the position of the importing part of the selector in the source file.
     *  Is equal to -1 is the position is unknown.
    def namePos: Int

    /** The name the import is renamed to.
     *  Is equal to `name` if it's not a renaming import.
    def rename: Name

    /** Offset of the position of the renaming part of the selector in the source file.
     *  Is equal to -1 is the position is unknown.
    def renamePos: Int

  /** Import clause
   *  @param expr
   *  @param selectors
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Import >: Null <: ImportApi with SymTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Import` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Import: ImportExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Import(expr, selectors)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    import expr.{selectors}
   *  Selectors are a list of ImportSelectors, which conceptually are pairs of names (from, to).
   *  The last (and maybe only name) may be a nme.WILDCARD. For instance:
   *    import qual.{x, y => z, _}
   *  Would be represented as:
   *    Import(qual, List(("x", "x"), ("y", "z"), (WILDCARD, null)))
   *  The symbol of an `Import` is an import symbol @see Symbol.newImport.
   *  It's used primarily as a marker to check that the import has been typechecked.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ImportExtractor {
    def apply(expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]): Import
    def unapply(import_ : Import): Option[(Tree, List[ImportSelector])]

  /** The API that all imports support
   *  @group API
  trait ImportApi extends SymTreeApi { this: Import =>
    /** The qualifier of the import.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#ImportExtractor]].
    def expr: Tree

    /** The selectors of the import.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#ImportExtractor]].
    def selectors: List[ImportSelector]

  /** Instantiation template of a class or trait
   *  @param parents
   *  @param body
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Template >: Null <: TemplateApi with SymTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Template` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Template: TemplateExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Template(parents, self, body)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    `extends` parents { self => body }
   *  In case when the self-type annotation is missing, it is represented as
   *  an empty value definition with nme.WILDCARD as name and NoType as type.
   *  The symbol of a template is a local dummy. @see Symbol.newLocalDummy
   *  The owner of the local dummy is the enclosing trait or class.
   *  The local dummy is itself the owner of any local blocks. For example:
   *    class C {
   *      def foo { // owner is C
   *        def bar  // owner is local dummy
   *      }
   *    }
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class TemplateExtractor {
    def apply(parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]): Template
    def unapply(template: Template): Option[(List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]

  /** The API that all templates support
   *  @group API
  trait TemplateApi extends SymTreeApi { this: Template =>
    /** Superclasses of the template. */
    def parents: List[Tree]

    /** Self type of the template.
     *  Is equal to `noSelfType` if the self type is not specified.
    def self: ValDef

    /** Body of the template.
    def body: List[Tree]

  /** Block of expressions (semicolon separated expressions)
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Block >: Null <: BlockApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Block` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Block: BlockExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Block(stats, expr)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    { stats; expr }
   *  If the block is empty, the `expr` is set to `Literal(Constant(()))`.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class BlockExtractor {
    def apply(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block
    def unapply(block: Block): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)]

  /** The API that all blocks support
   *  @group API
  trait BlockApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Block =>
    /** All, but the last, expressions in the block.
     *  Can very well be an empty list.
    def stats: List[Tree]

    /** The last expression in the block. */
    def expr: Tree

  /** Case clause in a pattern match.
   *  (except for occurrences in switch statements).
   *  Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher)
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type CaseDef >: Null <: CaseDefApi with Tree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `CaseDef` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val CaseDef: CaseDefExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `CaseDef(pat, guard, body)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    `case` pat `if` guard => body
   *  If the guard is not present, the `guard` is set to `EmptyTree`.
   *  If the body is not specified, the `body` is set to `Literal(Constant(()))`
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class CaseDefExtractor {
    def apply(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef
    def unapply(caseDef: CaseDef): Option[(Tree, Tree, Tree)]

  /** The API that all case defs support
   *  @group API
  trait CaseDefApi extends TreeApi { this: CaseDef =>
    /** The pattern of the pattern matching clause. */
    def pat: Tree

    /** The guard of the pattern matching clause.
     *  Is equal to `EmptyTree` if the guard is not specified.
    def guard: Tree

    /** The body of the pattern matching clause.
     *  Is equal to `Literal(Constant(()))` if the body is not specified.
    def body: Tree

  /** Alternatives of patterns.
   * Eliminated by compiler phases Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher),
   * except for
   *  occurrences in encoded Switch stmt (i.e. remaining Match(CaseDef(...)))
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Alternative >: Null <: AlternativeApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Alternative` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Alternative: AlternativeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Alternative(trees)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    pat1 | ... | patn
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class AlternativeExtractor {
    def apply(trees: List[Tree]): Alternative
    def unapply(alternative: Alternative): Option[List[Tree]]

  /** The API that all alternatives support
   *  @group API
  trait AlternativeApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Alternative =>
    /** Alternatives of the pattern matching clause. */
    def trees: List[Tree]

  /** Repetition of pattern.
   *  Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Star >: Null <: StarApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Star` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Star: StarExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Star(elem)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    pat*
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class StarExtractor {
    def apply(elem: Tree): Star
    def unapply(star: Star): Option[Tree]

  /** The API that all stars support
   *  @group API
  trait StarApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Star =>
    /** The quantified pattern. */
    def elem: Tree

  /** Bind a variable to a rhs pattern.
   * Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
   *  @param name
   *  @param body
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Bind >: Null <: BindApi with DefTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Bind` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Bind: BindExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Bind(name, body)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    pat*
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class BindExtractor {
    def apply(name: Name, body: Tree): Bind
    def unapply(bind: Bind): Option[(Name, Tree)]

  /** The API that all binds support
   *  @group API
  trait BindApi extends DefTreeApi { this: Bind =>
    /** The name that can be used to refer to this fragment of the matched expression.
     *  The `list` part of the `list @ List(x, y)`.
    def name: Name

    /** The pattern that represents this fragment of the matched expression.
     *  The `List(x, y)` part of the `list @ List(x, y)`.
     *  Is equal to `EmptyTree` if the pattern is not specified as in `case x => x`.
    def body: Tree

   * Used to represent `unapply` methods in pattern matching.
   *  For example:
   *  {{{
   *    2 match { case Foo(x) => x }
   *  }}}
   *  Is represented as:
   *  {{{
   *    Match(
   *      Literal(Constant(2)),
   *      List(
   *        CaseDef(
   *          UnApply(
   *            // a dummy node that carries the type of unapplication to patmat
   *            // the <unapply-selector> here doesn't have an underlying symbol
   *            // it only has a type assigned, therefore after `untypecheck` this tree is no longer typeable
   *            Apply(Select(Ident(Foo), newTermName("unapply")), List(Ident(newTermName("<unapply-selector>")))),
   *            // arguments of the unapply => nothing synthetic here
   *            List(Bind(newTermName("x"), Ident(nme.WILDCARD)))),
   *          EmptyTree,
   *          Ident(newTermName("x")))))
   *  }}}
   * Introduced by typer. Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type UnApply >: Null <: UnApplyApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `UnApply` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val UnApply: UnApplyExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `UnApply(fun, args)`.
   *  This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code,
   *  and is introduced when typechecking pattern matches and `try` blocks.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class UnApplyExtractor {
    def apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): UnApply
    def unapply(unApply: UnApply): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]

  /** The API that all unapplies support
   *  @group API
  trait UnApplyApi extends TermTreeApi { this: UnApply =>
    /** A dummy node that carries the type of unapplication.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#UnApplyExtractor]].
    def fun: Tree

    /** The arguments of the unapplication.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#UnApplyExtractor]].
    def args: List[Tree]

  /** Anonymous function, eliminated by compiler phase lambdalift
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Function >: Null <: FunctionApi with TermTree with SymTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Function` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Function: FunctionExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Function(vparams, body)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    vparams => body
   *  The symbol of a Function is a synthetic TermSymbol.
   *  It is the owner of the function's parameters.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class FunctionExtractor {
    def apply(vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree): Function
    def unapply(function: Function): Option[(List[ValDef], Tree)]

  /** The API that all functions support
   *  @group API
  trait FunctionApi extends TermTreeApi with SymTreeApi { this: Function =>
    /** The list of parameters of the function.
    def vparams: List[ValDef]

    /** The body of the function.
    def body: Tree

  /** Assignment
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Assign >: Null <: AssignApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Assign` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Assign: AssignExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Assign(lhs, rhs)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    lhs = rhs
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class AssignExtractor {
    def apply(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Assign
    def unapply(assign: Assign): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

  /** The API that all assigns support
   *  @group API
  trait AssignApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Assign =>
    /** The left-hand side of the assignment.
    def lhs: Tree

    /** The right-hand side of the assignment.
    def rhs: Tree

  /** Either an assignment or a named argument. Only appears in argument lists,
   *  eliminated by compiler phase typecheck (doTypedApply), resurrected by reifier.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type AssignOrNamedArg >: Null <: AssignOrNamedArgApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `AssignOrNamedArg` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val AssignOrNamedArg: AssignOrNamedArgExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *  {{{
   *    m.f(lhs = rhs)
   *  }}}
   *  {{{
   *    @annotation(lhs = rhs)
   *  }}}
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class AssignOrNamedArgExtractor {
    def apply(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): AssignOrNamedArg
    def unapply(assignOrNamedArg: AssignOrNamedArg): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

  /** The API that all assigns support
   *  @group API
  trait AssignOrNamedArgApi extends TermTreeApi { this: AssignOrNamedArg =>
    /** The left-hand side of the expression.
    def lhs: Tree

    /** The right-hand side of the expression.
    def rhs: Tree

  /** Conditional expression
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type If >: Null <: IfApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `If` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val If: IfExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `If(cond, thenp, elsep)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    `if` (cond) thenp `else` elsep
   *  If the alternative is not present, the `elsep` is set to `Literal(Constant(()))`.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class IfExtractor {
    def apply(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree): If
    def unapply(if_ : If): Option[(Tree, Tree, Tree)]

  /** The API that all ifs support
   *  @group API
  trait IfApi extends TermTreeApi { this: If =>
    /** The condition of the if.
    def cond: Tree

    /** The main branch of the if.
    def thenp: Tree

    /** The alternative of the if.
     *  Is equal to `Literal(Constant(()))` if not specified.
    def elsep: Tree

  /** - Pattern matching expression  (before compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10)
   *  - Switch statements            (after compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10)
   *  After compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10, cases will satisfy the following constraints:
   *  - all guards are `EmptyTree`,
   *  - all patterns will be either `Literal(Constant(x:Int))`
   *    or `Alternative(lit|...|lit)`
   *  - except for an "otherwise" branch, which has pattern
   *    `Ident(nme.WILDCARD)`
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Match >: Null <: MatchApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Match` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Match: MatchExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Match(selector, cases)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    selector `match` { cases }
   * `Match` is also used in pattern matching assignments like `val (foo, bar) = baz`.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class MatchExtractor {
    def apply(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]): Match
    def unapply(match_ : Match): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef])]

  /** The API that all matches support
   *  @group API
  trait MatchApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Match =>
    /** The scrutinee of the pattern match. */
    def selector: Tree

    /** The arms of the pattern match. */
    def cases: List[CaseDef]

  /** Return expression
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Return >: Null <: ReturnApi with SymTree with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Return` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Return: ReturnExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Return(expr)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    `return` expr
   *  The symbol of a Return node is the enclosing method.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ReturnExtractor {
    def apply(expr: Tree): Return
    def unapply(return_ : Return): Option[Tree]

  /** The API that all returns support
   *  @group API
  trait ReturnApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Return =>
    /** The returned expression. */
    def expr: Tree

  /** Try catch node
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Try >: Null <: TryApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Try` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Try: TryExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Try(block, catches, finalizer)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    `try` block `catch` { catches } `finally` finalizer
   *  If the finalizer is not present, the `finalizer` is set to `EmptyTree`.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class TryExtractor {
    def apply(block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree): Try
    def unapply(try_ : Try): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef], Tree)]

  /** The API that all tries support
   *  @group API
  trait TryApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Try =>
    /** The protected block. */
    def block: Tree

    /** The `catch` pattern-matching clauses of the try. */
    def catches: List[CaseDef]

    /** The `finally` part of the try. */
    def finalizer: Tree

  /** Throw expression
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Throw >: Null <: ThrowApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Throw` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Throw: ThrowExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Throw(expr)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    `throw` expr
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ThrowExtractor {
    def apply(expr: Tree): Throw
    def unapply(throw_ : Throw): Option[Tree]

  /** The API that all tries support
   *  @group API
  trait ThrowApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Throw =>
    /** The thrown expression. */
    def expr: Tree

  /** Object instantiation
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type New >: Null <: NewApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `New` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val New: NewExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `New(tpt)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    `new` T
   *  This node always occurs in the following context:
   *    (`new` tpt).<init>[targs](args)
   *  For example, an AST representation of:
   *    new Example[Int](2)(3)
   *  is the following code:
   *    Apply(
   *      Apply(
   *        TypeApply(
   *          Select(New(TypeTree(typeOf[Example])), nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
   *          TypeTree(typeOf[Int])),
   *        List(Literal(Constant(2)))),
   *      List(Literal(Constant(3))))
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class NewExtractor {
    def apply(tpt: Tree): New
    def unapply(new_ : New): Option[Tree]

  /** The API that all news support
   *  @group API
  trait NewApi extends TermTreeApi { this: New =>
    /** The tree that represents the type being instantiated.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#NewExtractor]].
    def tpt: Tree

  /** Type annotation, eliminated by compiler phase cleanup
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Typed >: Null <: TypedApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Typed` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Typed: TypedExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Typed(expr, tpt)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    expr: tpt
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class TypedExtractor {
    def apply(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree): Typed
    def unapply(typed: Typed): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

  /** The API that all typeds support
   *  @group API
  trait TypedApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Typed =>
    /** The expression being ascribed with the type. */
    def expr: Tree

    /** The type being ascribed to the expression. */
    def tpt: Tree

  /** Common base class for Apply and TypeApply.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type GenericApply >: Null <: GenericApplyApi with TermTree

  /** The API that all applies support
   *  @group API
  trait GenericApplyApi extends TermTreeApi { this: GenericApply =>
    /** The target of the application. */
    def fun: Tree

    /** The arguments of the application. */
    def args: List[Tree]

  /* @PP: All signs point toward it being a requirement that args.nonEmpty,
   *  but I can't find that explicitly stated anywhere.  Unless your last name
   *  is odersky, you should probably treat it as true.
  /** Explicit type application.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type TypeApply >: Null <: TypeApplyApi with GenericApply

  /** The constructor/extractor for `TypeApply` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val TypeApply: TypeApplyExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `TypeApply(fun, args)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    fun[args]
   *  Should only be used with `fun` nodes which are terms, i.e. which have `isTerm` returning `true`.
   *  Otherwise `AppliedTypeTree` should be used instead.
   *    def foo[T] = ???
   *    foo[Int] // represented as TypeApply(Ident(<foo>), List(TypeTree(<Int>)))
   *    List[Int] as in `val x: List[Int] = ???`
   *    // represented as AppliedTypeTree(Ident(<List>), List(TypeTree(<Int>)))
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class TypeApplyExtractor {
    def apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): TypeApply
    def unapply(typeApply: TypeApply): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]

  /** The API that all type applies support
   *  @group API
  trait TypeApplyApi extends GenericApplyApi { this: TypeApply =>

  /** Value application
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Apply >: Null <: ApplyApi with GenericApply

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Apply` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Apply: ApplyExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Apply(fun, args)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    fun(args)
   *  For instance:
   *    fun[targs](args)
   *  Is expressed as:
   *    Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), args)
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ApplyExtractor {
    def apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Apply
    def unapply(apply: Apply): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]

  /** The API that all applies support
   *  @group API
  trait ApplyApi extends GenericApplyApi { this: Apply =>

  /** Super reference, where `qual` is the corresponding `this` reference.
   *  A super reference `C.super[M]` is represented as `Super(This(C), M)`.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Super >: Null <: SuperApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Super` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Super: SuperExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Super(qual, mix)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    C.super[M]
   *  Which is represented as:
   *    Super(This(C), M)
   *  If `mix` is empty, it is tpnme.EMPTY.
   *  The symbol of a Super is the class _from_ which the super reference is made.
   *  For instance in C.super(...), it would be C.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class SuperExtractor {
    def apply(qual: Tree, mix: TypeName): Super
    def unapply(super_ : Super): Option[(Tree, TypeName)]

  /** The API that all supers support
   *  @group API
  trait SuperApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Super =>
    /** The qualifier of the `super` expression.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#SuperExtractor]].
    def qual: Tree

    /** The selector of the `super` expression.
     *  See the example for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#SuperExtractor]].
    def mix: TypeName

  /** Self reference
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type This >: Null <: ThisApi with TermTree with SymTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `This` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val This: ThisExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `This(qual)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    qual.this
   *  The symbol of a This is the class to which the this refers.
   *  For instance in C.this, it would be C.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ThisExtractor {
    def apply(qual: TypeName): This
    def unapply(this_ : This): Option[TypeName]

  /** The API that all thises support
   *  @group API
  trait ThisApi extends TermTreeApi with SymTreeApi { this: This =>
    /** The qualifier of the `this` expression.
     *  For an unqualified `this` refers to the enclosing class.
    def qual: TypeName

  /** A member selection <qualifier> . <name>
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Select >: Null <: SelectApi with RefTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Select` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Select: SelectExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Select(qual, name)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    qualifier.selector
   *  Should only be used with `qualifier` nodes which are terms, i.e. which have `isTerm` returning `true`.
   *  Otherwise `SelectFromTypeTree` should be used instead.
   *    foo.Bar // represented as Select(Ident(<foo>), <Bar>)
   *    Foo#Bar // represented as SelectFromTypeTree(Ident(<Foo>), <Bar>)
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class SelectExtractor {
    def apply(qualifier: Tree, name: Name): Select
    def unapply(select: Select): Option[(Tree, Name)]

  /** The API that all selects support
   *  @group API
  trait SelectApi extends RefTreeApi { this: Select =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def qualifier: Tree

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: Name

  /** A reference to identifier `name`.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Ident >: Null <: IdentApi with RefTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Ident` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Ident: IdentExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Ident(qual, name)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    name
   *  Type checker converts idents that refer to enclosing fields or methods to selects.
   *  For example, name ==>
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class IdentExtractor {
    def apply(name: Name): Ident
    def unapply(ident: Ident): Option[Name]

  /** The API that all idents support
   *  @group API
  trait IdentApi extends RefTreeApi { this: Ident =>
    /** Was this ident created from a backquoted identifier? */
    def isBackquoted: Boolean

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: Name

  /** Literal
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Literal >: Null <: LiteralApi with TermTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Literal` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Literal: LiteralExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Literal(value)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    value
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class LiteralExtractor {
    def apply(value: Constant): Literal
    def unapply(literal: Literal): Option[Constant]

  /** The API that all literals support
   *  @group API
  trait LiteralApi extends TermTreeApi { this: Literal =>
    /** The compile-time constant underlying the literal. */
    def value: Constant

  /** A tree that has an annotation attached to it. Only used for annotated types and
   *  annotation ascriptions, annotations on definitions are stored in the Modifiers.
   *  Eliminated by typechecker (typedAnnotated), the annotations are then stored in
   *  an AnnotatedType.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type Annotated >: Null <: AnnotatedApi with Tree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Annotated` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val Annotated: AnnotatedExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Annotated(annot, arg)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    arg @annot    // for types
   *    arg: @annot   // for exprs
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class AnnotatedExtractor {
    def apply(annot: Tree, arg: Tree): Annotated
    def unapply(annotated: Annotated): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

  /** The API that all annotateds support
   *  @group API
  trait AnnotatedApi extends TreeApi { this: Annotated =>
    /** The annotation. */
    def annot: Tree

    /** The annotee. */
    def arg: Tree

  /** Singleton type, eliminated by RefCheck
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type SingletonTypeTree >: Null <: SingletonTypeTreeApi with TypTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `SingletonTypeTree` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val SingletonTypeTree: SingletonTypeTreeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `SingletonTypeTree(ref)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    ref.type
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class SingletonTypeTreeExtractor {
    def apply(ref: Tree): SingletonTypeTree
    def unapply(singletonTypeTree: SingletonTypeTree): Option[Tree]

  /** The API that all singleton type trees support
   *  @group API
  trait SingletonTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: SingletonTypeTree =>
    /** The underlying reference. */
    def ref: Tree

  /** Type selection <qualifier> # <name>, eliminated by RefCheck
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type SelectFromTypeTree >: Null <: SelectFromTypeTreeApi with TypTree with RefTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `SelectFromTypeTree` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val SelectFromTypeTree: SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    qualifier # selector
   *  Note: a path-dependent type p.T is expressed as p.type # T
   *  Should only be used with `qualifier` nodes which are types, i.e. which have `isType` returning `true`.
   *  Otherwise `Select` should be used instead.
   *    Foo#Bar // represented as SelectFromTypeTree(Ident(<Foo>), <Bar>)
   *    foo.Bar // represented as Select(Ident(<foo>), <Bar>)
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor {
    def apply(qualifier: Tree, name: TypeName): SelectFromTypeTree
    def unapply(selectFromTypeTree: SelectFromTypeTree): Option[(Tree, TypeName)]

  /** The API that all selects from type trees support
   *  @group API
  trait SelectFromTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi with RefTreeApi { this: SelectFromTypeTree =>
    /** @inheritdoc */
    def qualifier: Tree

    /** @inheritdoc */
    def name: TypeName

  /** Intersection type <parent1> with ... with <parentN> { <decls> }, eliminated by RefCheck
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type CompoundTypeTree >: Null <: CompoundTypeTreeApi with TypTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `CompoundTypeTree` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val CompoundTypeTree: CompoundTypeTreeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `CompoundTypeTree(templ)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    parent1 with ... with parentN { refinement }
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class CompoundTypeTreeExtractor {
    def apply(templ: Template): CompoundTypeTree
    def unapply(compoundTypeTree: CompoundTypeTree): Option[Template]

  /** The API that all compound type trees support
   *  @group API
  trait CompoundTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: CompoundTypeTree =>
    /** The template of the compound type - represents the parents, the optional self-type and the optional definitions. */
    def templ: Template

  /** Applied type <tpt> [ <args> ], eliminated by RefCheck
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type AppliedTypeTree >: Null <: AppliedTypeTreeApi with TypTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `AppliedTypeTree` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val AppliedTypeTree: AppliedTypeTreeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    tpt[args]
   *  Should only be used with `tpt` nodes which are types, i.e. which have `isType` returning `true`.
   *  Otherwise `TypeApply` should be used instead.
   *    List[Int] as in `val x: List[Int] = ???`
   *    // represented as AppliedTypeTree(Ident(<List>), List(TypeTree(<Int>)))
   *    def foo[T] = ???
   *    foo[Int] // represented as TypeApply(Ident(<foo>), List(TypeTree(<Int>)))
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class AppliedTypeTreeExtractor {
    def apply(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): AppliedTypeTree
    def unapply(appliedTypeTree: AppliedTypeTree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]

  /** The API that all applied type trees support
   *  @group API
  trait AppliedTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: AppliedTypeTree =>
    /** The target of the application. */
    def tpt: Tree

    /** The arguments of the application. */
    def args: List[Tree]

  /** Type bounds tree node
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type TypeBoundsTree >: Null <: TypeBoundsTreeApi with TypTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `TypeBoundsTree` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val TypeBoundsTree: TypeBoundsTreeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    >: lo <: hi
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class TypeBoundsTreeExtractor {
    def apply(lo: Tree, hi: Tree): TypeBoundsTree
    def unapply(typeBoundsTree: TypeBoundsTree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]

  /** The API that all type bound trees support
   *  @group API
  trait TypeBoundsTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: TypeBoundsTree =>
    /** The lower bound.
     *  Is equal to `Ident(<scala.Nothing>)` if not specified explicitly.
    def lo: Tree

    /** The upper bound.
     *  Is equal to `Ident(<scala.Any>)` if not specified explicitly.
    def hi: Tree

  /** Existential type tree node
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type ExistentialTypeTree >: Null <: ExistentialTypeTreeApi with TypTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `ExistentialTypeTree` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val ExistentialTypeTree: ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses)`.
   *  This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
   *    tpt forSome { whereClauses }
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor {
    def apply(tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[MemberDef]): ExistentialTypeTree
    def unapply(existentialTypeTree: ExistentialTypeTree): Option[(Tree, List[MemberDef])]

  /** The API that all existential type trees support
   *  @group API
  trait ExistentialTypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: ExistentialTypeTree =>
    /** The underlying type of the existential type. */
    def tpt: Tree

    /** The clauses of the definition of the existential type.
     *  Elements are one of the following:
     *    1) TypeDef with TypeBoundsTree right-hand side
     *    2) ValDef with empty right-hand side
    def whereClauses: List[MemberDef]

  /** A synthetic tree holding an arbitrary type.  Not to be confused with
   *  with TypTree, the trait for trees that are only used for type trees.
   *  TypeTree's are inserted in several places, but most notably in
   *  `RefCheck`, where the arbitrary type trees are all replaced by
   *  TypeTree's.
   *  @group Trees
   *  @template
  type TypeTree >: Null <: TypeTreeApi with TypTree

  /** The constructor/extractor for `TypeTree` instances.
   *  @group Extractors
  val TypeTree: TypeTreeExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `TypeTree()`.
   *  This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code,
   *  and is emitted by everywhere when we want to wrap a `Type` in a `Tree`.
   *  @group Extractors
  abstract class TypeTreeExtractor {
    def apply(): TypeTree
    def unapply(typeTree: TypeTree): Boolean

  /** The API that all type trees support
   *  @group API
  trait TypeTreeApi extends TypTreeApi { this: TypeTree =>
    /** The precursor of this tree.
     *  Is equal to `EmptyTree` if this type tree doesn't have precursors.
    def original: Tree

  /** An empty deferred value definition corresponding to:
   *    val _: _
   *  This is used as a placeholder in the `self` parameter Template if there is
   *  no definition of a self value of self type.
   *  @group Trees
  val noSelfType: ValDef

  @deprecated("Use `noSelfType` instead", "2.11.0")
  val emptyValDef: ValDef

  /** An empty superclass constructor call corresponding to:
   *    super.<init>()
   *  This is used as a placeholder in the primary constructor body in class templates
   *  to denote the insertion point of a call to superclass constructor after the typechecker
   *  figures out the superclass of a given template.
   *  @group Trees
  val pendingSuperCall: Apply

// ---------------------- factories ----------------------------------------------

  /** A factory method for `Block` nodes.
   *  Flattens directly nested blocks.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use q\"{..$stats}\" instead. Flatten directly nested blocks manually if needed", "2.10.1")
  def Block(stats: Tree*): Block

  /** A factory method for `CaseDef` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use cq\"$pat => $body\" instead", "2.10.1")
  def CaseDef(pat: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef

  /** A factory method for `Bind` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use the canonical Bind constructor to create a bind and then initialize its symbol manually", "2.10.1")
  def Bind(sym: Symbol, body: Tree): Bind

  /** A factory method for `Try` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Convert cases into casedefs and use q\"try $body catch { case ..$newcases }\" instead", "2.10.1")
  def Try(body: Tree, cases: (Tree, Tree)*): Try

  /** A factory method for `Throw` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use q\"throw new $tpe(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
  def Throw(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Throw

  /** Factory method for object creation `new tpt(args_1)...(args_n)`
   *  A `New(t, as)` is expanded to: `(new t).<init>(as)`
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use q\"new $tpt(...$argss)\" instead", "2.10.1")
  def New(tpt: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree

  /** 0-1 argument list new, based on a type.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use q\"new $tpe(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
  def New(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Tree

  /** 0-1 argument list new, based on a symbol.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use q\"new ${sym.toType}(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
  def New(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree

  /** A factory method for `Apply` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use q\"$sym(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
  def Apply(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree

  /** 0-1 argument list new, based on a type tree.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use q\"new $tpt(..$args)\" instead", "2.10.1")
  def ApplyConstructor(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree

  /** A factory method for `Super` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use q\"$sym.super[$mix].x\".qualifier instead", "2.10.1")
  def Super(sym: Symbol, mix: TypeName): Tree

  /** A factory method for `This` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  def This(sym: Symbol): Tree

  /** A factory method for `Select` nodes.
   *  The string `name` argument is assumed to represent a [[scala.reflect.api.Names#TermName `TermName`]].
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use Select(tree, TermName(name)) instead", "2.10.1")
  def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: String): Select

  /** A factory method for `Select` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select

  /** A factory method for `Ident` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  @deprecated("Use Ident(TermName(name)) instead", "2.10.1")
  def Ident(name: String): Ident

  /** A factory method for `Ident` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident

  /** A factory method for `TypeTree` nodes.
   *  @group Factories
  def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree

// ---------------------- copying ------------------------------------------------

  /** The type of standard (lazy) tree copiers.
   *  @template
   *  @group Copying
  type TreeCopier >: Null <: AnyRef with TreeCopierOps

  /** The standard (lazy) tree copier.
   *  @group Copying
  val treeCopy: TreeCopier = newLazyTreeCopier

  /** Creates a strict tree copier.
   *  @group Copying
  def newStrictTreeCopier: TreeCopier

  /** Creates a lazy tree copier.
   *  @group Copying
  def newLazyTreeCopier: TreeCopier

  /** The API of a tree copier.
   *  @group API
  abstract class TreeCopierOps {
    /** Creates a `ClassDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def ClassDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template): ClassDef

    /** Creates a `PackageDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def PackageDef(tree: Tree, pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef

    /** Creates a `ModuleDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def ModuleDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, impl: Template): ModuleDef

    /** Creates a `ValDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def ValDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef

    /** Creates a `DefDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def DefDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef

    /** Creates a `TypeDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def TypeDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree): TypeDef

    /** Creates a `LabelDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def LabelDef(tree: Tree, name: Name, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree): LabelDef

    /** Creates a `Import` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Import(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]): Import

    /** Creates a `Template` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Template(tree: Tree, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]): Template

    /** Creates a `Block` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Block(tree: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block

    /** Creates a `CaseDef` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def CaseDef(tree: Tree, pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef

    /** Creates a `Alternative` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Alternative(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]): Alternative

    /** Creates a `Star` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Star(tree: Tree, elem: Tree): Star

    /** Creates a `Bind` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Bind(tree: Tree, name: Name, body: Tree): Bind

    /** Creates a `UnApply` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def UnApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): UnApply

    /** Creates a `Function` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Function(tree: Tree, vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree): Function

    /** Creates a `Assign` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Assign(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Assign

    /** Creates a `AssignOrNamedArg` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def AssignOrNamedArg(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): AssignOrNamedArg

    /** Creates a `If` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def If(tree: Tree, cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree): If

    /** Creates a `Match` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Match(tree: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]): Match

    /** Creates a `Return` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Return(tree: Tree, expr: Tree): Return

    /** Creates a `Try` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Try(tree: Tree, block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree): Try

    /** Creates a `Throw` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Throw(tree: Tree, expr: Tree): Throw

    /** Creates a `New` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def New(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree): New

    /** Creates a `Typed` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Typed(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, tpt: Tree): Typed

    /** Creates a `TypeApply` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def TypeApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): TypeApply

    /** Creates a `Apply` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Apply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Apply

    /** Creates a `Super` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Super(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, mix: TypeName): Super

    /** Creates a `This` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def This(tree: Tree, qual: Name): This

    /** Creates a `Select` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Select(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name): Select

    /** Creates a `Ident` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Ident(tree: Tree, name: Name): Ident

    /** Creates a `RefTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def RefTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name): RefTree

    /** Creates a `ReferenceToBoxed` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def ReferenceToBoxed(tree: Tree, idt: Ident): ReferenceToBoxed

    /** Creates a `Literal` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Literal(tree: Tree, value: Constant): Literal

    /** Creates a `TypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def TypeTree(tree: Tree): TypeTree

    /** Creates a `Annotated` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def Annotated(tree: Tree, annot: Tree, arg: Tree): Annotated

    /** Creates a `SingletonTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree, ref: Tree): SingletonTypeTree

    /** Creates a `SelectFromTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name): SelectFromTypeTree

    /** Creates a `CompoundTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def CompoundTypeTree(tree: Tree, templ: Template): CompoundTypeTree

    /** Creates a `AppliedTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): AppliedTypeTree

    /** Creates a `TypeBoundsTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree): TypeBoundsTree

    /** Creates a `ExistentialTypeTree` node from the given components, having a given `tree` as a prototype.
     *  Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.
    def ExistentialTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[MemberDef]): ExistentialTypeTree

// ---------------------- traversing and transforming ------------------------------

  /** A class that implement a default tree traversal strategy: breadth-first component-wise.
   *  @group Traversal
  class Traverser {
    protected[scala] var currentOwner: Symbol = rootMirror.RootClass

    /** Traverse something which Trees contain, but which isn't a Tree itself. */
    def traverseName(name: Name): Unit                    = ()
    def traverseConstant(c: Constant): Unit               = ()
    def traverseImportSelector(sel: ImportSelector): Unit = ()
    def traverseModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Unit          = traverseAnnotations(mods.annotations)

    /** Traverses a single tree. */
    def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit              = itraverse(this, tree)
    def traversePattern(pat: Tree): Unit        = traverse(pat)
    def traverseGuard(guard: Tree): Unit        = traverse(guard)
    def traverseTypeAscription(tpt: Tree): Unit = traverse(tpt)
    // Special handling of noSelfType necessary for backward compat: existing
    // traversers break down when they see the unexpected tree.
    def traverseSelfType(self: ValDef): Unit    = if (self ne noSelfType) traverse(self)

    /** Traverses a list of trees. */
    def traverseTrees(trees: List[Tree]): Unit          = trees foreach traverse
    def traverseTypeArgs(args: List[Tree]): Unit        = traverseTrees(args)
    def traverseParents(parents: List[Tree]): Unit      = traverseTrees(parents)
    def traverseCases(cases: List[CaseDef]): Unit       = traverseTrees(cases)
    def traverseAnnotations(annots: List[Tree]): Unit   = traverseTrees(annots)

    /** Traverses a list of lists of trees. */
    def traverseTreess(treess: List[List[Tree]]): Unit    = treess foreach traverseTrees
    def traverseParams(params: List[Tree]): Unit          = traverseTrees(params)
    def traverseParamss(vparamss: List[List[Tree]]): Unit = vparamss foreach traverseParams

    /** Traverses a list of trees with a given owner symbol. */
    def traverseStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol) {
      stats foreach (stat =>
        if (exprOwner != currentOwner) atOwner(exprOwner)(traverse(stat))
        else traverse(stat)

    /** Performs a traversal with a given owner symbol. */
    def atOwner(owner: Symbol)(traverse: => Unit) {
      val prevOwner = currentOwner
      currentOwner = owner
      currentOwner = prevOwner

    /** Leave apply available in the generic traverser to do something else.
    def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = { traverse(tree); tree }

  /** Delegates the traversal strategy to `scala.reflect.internal.Trees`,
   *  because pattern matching on abstract types we have here degrades performance.
   *  @group Traversal
  protected def itraverse(traverser: Traverser, tree: Tree): Unit = throw new MatchError(tree)

  /** Provides an extension hook for the traversal strategy.
   *  Future-proofs against new node types.
   *  @group Traversal
  protected def xtraverse(traverser: Traverser, tree: Tree): Unit = throw new MatchError(tree)

  /** A class that implement a default tree transformation strategy: breadth-first component-wise cloning.
   *  @group Traversal
  abstract class Transformer {
    /** The underlying tree copier. */
    val treeCopy: TreeCopier = newLazyTreeCopier

    /** The current owner symbol. */
    protected[scala] var currentOwner: Symbol = rootMirror.RootClass

    /** The enclosing method of the currently transformed tree. */
    protected def currentMethod = {
      def enclosingMethod(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
        if (sym.isMethod || sym == NoSymbol) sym else enclosingMethod(sym.owner)

    /** The enclosing class of the currently transformed tree. */
    protected def currentClass = {
      def enclosingClass(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
        if (sym.isClass || sym == NoSymbol) sym else enclosingClass(sym.owner)

//    protected def currentPackage = currentOwner.enclosingTopLevelClass.owner

    /** Transforms a single tree. */
    def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = itransform(this, tree)

    /** Transforms a list of trees. */
    def transformTrees(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
      if (trees.isEmpty) Nil else trees mapConserve transform

    /** Transforms a `Template`. */
    def transformTemplate(tree: Template): Template =
      transform(tree: Tree).asInstanceOf[Template]
    /** Transforms a list of `TypeDef` trees. */
    def transformTypeDefs(trees: List[TypeDef]): List[TypeDef] =
      trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[TypeDef])
    /** Transforms a `ValDef`. */
    def transformValDef(tree: ValDef): ValDef =
      if (tree eq noSelfType) tree
      else transform(tree).asInstanceOf[ValDef]
    /** Transforms a list of `ValDef` nodes. */
    def transformValDefs(trees: List[ValDef]): List[ValDef] =
      trees mapConserve (transformValDef(_))
    /** Transforms a list of lists of `ValDef` nodes. */
    def transformValDefss(treess: List[List[ValDef]]): List[List[ValDef]] =
      treess mapConserve (transformValDefs(_))
    /** Transforms a list of `CaseDef` nodes. */
    def transformMemberDefs(trees: List[MemberDef]): List[MemberDef] =
      trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[MemberDef])
    def transformCaseDefs(trees: List[CaseDef]): List[CaseDef] =
      trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[CaseDef])
    /** Transforms a list of `Ident` nodes. */
    def transformIdents(trees: List[Ident]): List[Ident] =
      trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[Ident])
    /** Traverses a list of trees with a given owner symbol. */
    def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] =
      stats mapConserve (stat =>
        if (exprOwner != currentOwner && stat.isTerm) atOwner(exprOwner)(transform(stat))
        else transform(stat)) filter (EmptyTree != _)
    /** Transforms `Modifiers`. */
    def transformModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = {
      if (mods.annotations.isEmpty) mods
      else mods mapAnnotations transformTrees

    /** Transforms a tree with a given owner symbol. */
    def atOwner[A](owner: Symbol)(trans: => A): A = {
      val prevOwner = currentOwner
      currentOwner = owner
      val result = trans
      currentOwner = prevOwner

  /** Delegates the transformation strategy to `scala.reflect.internal.Trees`,
   *  because pattern matching on abstract types we have here degrades performance.
   *  @group Traversal
  protected def itransform(transformer: Transformer, tree: Tree): Tree = throw new MatchError(tree)

  /** Provides an extension hook for the transformation strategy.
   *  Future-proofs against new node types.
   *  @group Traversal
  protected def xtransform(transformer: Transformer, tree: Tree): Tree = throw new MatchError(tree)

  /** The type of tree modifiers (not a tree, but rather part of DefTrees).
   *  @group Traversal
  type Modifiers >: Null <: AnyRef with ModifiersApi

  /** The API that all Modifiers support
   *  @group API
  abstract class ModifiersApi {
    /** The underlying flags of the enclosing definition.
     *  Is equal to `NoFlags` if none are specified explicitly.
    def flags: FlagSet

    def hasFlag(flag: FlagSet): Boolean

    /** The visibility scope of the enclosing definition.
     *  Is equal to `tpnme.EMPTY` if none is specified explicitly.
    def privateWithin: Name

    /** The annotations of the enclosing definition.
     *  Empty list if none are specified explicitly.
    def annotations: List[Tree]

    /** Creates a new instance of `Modifiers` with
     *  the annotations transformed according to the given function.
    def mapAnnotations(f: List[Tree] => List[Tree]): Modifiers =
      Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, f(annotations))

  /** The constructor/extractor for `Modifiers` instances.
   *  @group Traversal
  val Modifiers: ModifiersExtractor

  @deprecated("Use ModifiersExtractor instead", "2.11.0")
  type ModifiersCreator = ModifiersExtractor

  /** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, annotations)`.
   *  Modifiers encapsulate flags, visibility annotations and Scala annotations for member definitions.
   *  @group Traversal
  abstract class ModifiersExtractor {
    def apply(): Modifiers = Modifiers(NoFlags, tpnme.EMPTY, List())
    def apply(flags: FlagSet, privateWithin: Name, annotations: List[Tree]): Modifiers
    def unapply(mods: Modifiers): Option[(FlagSet, Name, List[Tree])]

  /** The factory for `Modifiers` instances.
   *  @group Traversal
  def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet, privateWithin: Name): Modifiers = Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, List())

  /** The factory for `Modifiers` instances.
   *  @group Traversal
  def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet): Modifiers = Modifiers(flags, tpnme.EMPTY)

  /** An empty `Modifiers` object: no flags, empty visibility annotation and no Scala annotations.
   *  @group Traversal
  lazy val NoMods = Modifiers()

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