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Scala example source code file (AnnotationInfos.scala)

This example Scala source code file (AnnotationInfos.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, annotationinfo, arrayannotarg, classfileannotarg, collection, immutable, list, nil, self, symbol, tree, type

The AnnotationInfos.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import pickling.ByteCodecs
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.language.postfixOps

/** AnnotationInfo and its helpers */
trait AnnotationInfos extends api.Annotations { self: SymbolTable =>
  import definitions._
  import treeInfo._

  // Common annotation code between Symbol and Type.
  // For methods altering the annotation list, on Symbol it mutates
  // the Symbol's field directly.  For Type, a new AnnotatedType is
  // created which wraps the original type.
  trait Annotatable[Self] {
    /** The annotations on this type. */
    def annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]                     // Annotations on this type.
    def setAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Self    // Replace annotations with argument list.
    def withAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Self   // Add annotations to this type.
    def filterAnnotations(p: AnnotationInfo => Boolean): Self // Retain only annotations meeting the condition.
    def withoutAnnotations: Self                              // Remove all annotations from this type.

    def staticAnnotations = annotations filter (_.isStatic)

    /** Symbols of any @throws annotations on this symbol.
    def throwsAnnotations(): List[Symbol] = annotations collect {
      case ThrownException(exc) => exc

    def addThrowsAnnotation(throwableSym: Symbol): Self = {
      val throwableTpe = if (throwableSym.isMonomorphicType) throwableSym.tpe else {
        debuglog(s"Encountered polymorphic exception `${throwableSym.fullName}` while parsing class file.")
        // in case we encounter polymorphic exception the best we can do is to convert that type to
        // monomorphic one by introducing existentials, see SI-7009 for details
        existentialAbstraction(throwableSym.typeParams, throwableSym.tpe)
      this withAnnotation AnnotationInfo(appliedType(ThrowsClass, throwableTpe), List(Literal(Constant(throwableTpe))), Nil)

    /** Tests for, get, or remove an annotation */
    def hasAnnotation(cls: Symbol): Boolean =
      //OPT inlined from exists to save on #closures; was:  annotations exists (_ matches cls)
      dropOtherAnnotations(annotations, cls) ne Nil

    def getAnnotation(cls: Symbol): Option[AnnotationInfo] =
      //OPT inlined from exists to save on #closures; was:  annotations find (_ matches cls)
      dropOtherAnnotations(annotations, cls) match {
        case ann :: _ => Some(ann)
        case _ => None

    def removeAnnotation(cls: Symbol): Self = filterAnnotations(ann => !(ann matches cls))

    final def withAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): Self = withAnnotations(List(annot))

    @tailrec private
    def dropOtherAnnotations(anns: List[AnnotationInfo], cls: Symbol): List[AnnotationInfo] = anns match {
      case ann :: rest => if (ann matches cls) anns else dropOtherAnnotations(rest, cls)
      case Nil => Nil

  /** Arguments to classfile annotations (which are written to
   *  bytecode as java annotations) are either:
   *  - constants
   *  - arrays of constants
   *  - or nested classfile annotations
  sealed abstract class ClassfileAnnotArg extends Product with JavaArgumentApi
  implicit val JavaArgumentTag = ClassTag[ClassfileAnnotArg](classOf[ClassfileAnnotArg])
  case object UnmappableAnnotArg extends ClassfileAnnotArg

  /** Represents a compile-time Constant (`Boolean`, `Byte`, `Short`,
   *  `Char`, `Int`, `Long`, `Float`, `Double`, `String`, `java.lang.Class` or
   *  an instance of a Java enumeration value).
  case class LiteralAnnotArg(const: Constant)
  extends ClassfileAnnotArg with LiteralArgumentApi {
    def value = const
    override def toString = const.escapedStringValue
  object LiteralAnnotArg extends LiteralArgumentExtractor

  /** Represents an array of classfile annotation arguments */
  case class ArrayAnnotArg(args: Array[ClassfileAnnotArg])
  extends ClassfileAnnotArg with ArrayArgumentApi {
    override def toString = args.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
  object ArrayAnnotArg extends ArrayArgumentExtractor

  /** Represents a nested classfile annotation */
  case class NestedAnnotArg(annInfo: AnnotationInfo)
  extends ClassfileAnnotArg with NestedArgumentApi {
    // The nested annotation should not have any Scala annotation arguments
    assert(annInfo.args.isEmpty, annInfo.args)
    def annotation = annInfo
    override def toString = annInfo.toString
  object NestedAnnotArg extends NestedArgumentExtractor

  type JavaArgument = ClassfileAnnotArg
  type LiteralArgument = LiteralAnnotArg
  val LiteralArgument = LiteralAnnotArg
  implicit val LiteralArgumentTag = ClassTag[LiteralAnnotArg](classOf[LiteralAnnotArg])
  type ArrayArgument = ArrayAnnotArg
  val ArrayArgument = ArrayAnnotArg
  implicit val ArrayArgumentTag = ClassTag[ArrayAnnotArg](classOf[ArrayAnnotArg])
  type NestedArgument = NestedAnnotArg
  val NestedArgument = NestedAnnotArg
  implicit val NestedArgumentTag = ClassTag[NestedAnnotArg](classOf[NestedAnnotArg])

  /** A specific annotation argument that encodes an array of bytes as an
   *  array of `Long`. The type of the argument declared in the annotation
   *  must be `String`. This specialised class is used to encode Scala
   *  signatures for reasons of efficiency, both in term of class-file size
   *  and in term of compiler performance.
   *  Details about the storage format of pickles at the bytecode level (classfile annotations) can be found in SIP-10.
  case class ScalaSigBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]) extends ClassfileAnnotArg {
    override def toString = (bytes map { byte => (byte & 0xff).toHexString }).mkString("[ ", " ", " ]")
    lazy val sevenBitsMayBeZero: Array[Byte] = {

    /* In order to store a byte array (the pickle) using a bytecode-level annotation,
     * the most compact representation is used (which happens to be string-constant and not byte array as one would expect).
     * However, a String constant in a classfile annotation is limited to a maximum of 65535 characters.
     * Method `fitsInOneString` tells us whether the pickle can be held by a single classfile-annotation of string-type.
     * Otherwise an array of strings will be used.
    def fitsInOneString: Boolean = {
      // due to escaping, a zero byte in a classfile-annotation of string-type takes actually two characters.
      val numZeros = (sevenBitsMayBeZero count { b => b == 0 })

      (sevenBitsMayBeZero.length + numZeros) <= 65535

    def sigAnnot: Type =
      if (fitsInOneString)

    private def mapToNextModSevenBits(src: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
      var i = 0
      val srclen = src.length
      while (i < srclen) {
        val in = src(i)
        src(i) = (if (in == 0x7f) 0.toByte else (in + 1).toByte)
        i += 1

  object AnnotationInfo {
    def marker(atp: Type): AnnotationInfo =
      apply(atp, Nil, Nil)

    def lazily(lazyInfo: => AnnotationInfo) =
      new LazyAnnotationInfo(lazyInfo)

    def apply(atp: Type, args: List[Tree], assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]): AnnotationInfo =
      new CompleteAnnotationInfo(atp, args, assocs)

    def unapply(info: AnnotationInfo): Option[(Type, List[Tree], List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)])] =
      Some((info.atp, info.args, info.assocs))

  class CompleteAnnotationInfo(
    val atp: Type,
    val args: List[Tree],
    val assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]
  ) extends AnnotationInfo {
    // Classfile annot: args empty. Scala annot: assocs empty.
    assert(args.isEmpty || assocs.isEmpty, atp)

    // necessary for reification, see Reifiers.scala for more info
    private var orig: Tree = EmptyTree
    def original = orig
    def setOriginal(t: Tree): this.type = {
      orig = t
      this setPos t.pos

    override def toString = completeAnnotationToString(this)

  private[scala] def completeAnnotationToString(annInfo: AnnotationInfo) = {
    import annInfo._
    val s_args = if (!args.isEmpty) args.mkString("(", ", ", ")") else ""
    val s_assocs = if (!assocs.isEmpty) (assocs map { case (x, y) => x+" = "+y } mkString ("(", ", ", ")")) else ""

  /** Symbol annotations parsed in `Namer` (typeCompleter of
   *  definitions) have to be lazy (#1782)
  final class LazyAnnotationInfo(lazyInfo: => AnnotationInfo) extends AnnotationInfo {
    private var forced = false
    private lazy val forcedInfo = try lazyInfo finally forced = true

    def atp: Type                               = forcedInfo.atp
    def args: List[Tree]                        = forcedInfo.args
    def assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)] = forcedInfo.assocs
    def original: Tree                          = forcedInfo.original
    def setOriginal(t: Tree): this.type         = { forcedInfo.setOriginal(t); this }

    // We should always be able to print things without forcing them.
    override def toString = if (forced) forcedInfo.toString else "@<?>"

    override def pos: Position = if (forced) forcedInfo.pos else NoPosition

    override def completeInfo(): Unit = forcedInfo

  /** Typed information about an annotation. It can be attached to either
   *  a symbol or an annotated type.
   *  Annotations are written to the classfile as Java annotations
   *  if `atp` conforms to `ClassfileAnnotation` (the classfile parser adds
   *  this interface to any Java annotation class).
   *  Annotations are pickled (written to scala symtab attribute in the
   *  classfile) if `atp` inherits form `StaticAnnotation`.
   *  `args` stores arguments to Scala annotations, represented as typed
   *  trees. Note that these trees are not transformed by any phases
   *  following the type-checker.
   *  `assocs` stores arguments to classfile annotations as name-value pairs.
  abstract class AnnotationInfo extends AnnotationApi {
    def atp: Type
    def args: List[Tree]
    def assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]

    def tpe = atp
    def scalaArgs = args
    def javaArgs = ListMap(assocs: _*)

    // necessary for reification, see Reifiers.scala for more info
    def original: Tree
    def setOriginal(t: Tree): this.type

    // see annotationArgRewriter
    lazy val isTrivial = atp.isTrivial && !hasArgWhich(_.isInstanceOf[This])

    private var rawpos: Position = NoPosition
    def pos = rawpos
    def setPos(pos: Position): this.type = { // Syncnote: Setpos inaccessible to reflection, so no sync in rawpos necessary.
      rawpos = pos

    // Forces LazyAnnotationInfo, no op otherwise
    def completeInfo(): Unit = ()

    /** Annotations annotating annotations are confusing so I drew
     *  an example.  Given the following code:
     *  class A {
     *    @(deprecated @setter) @(inline @getter)
     *    var x: Int = 0
     *  }
     *  For the setter `x_=` in A, annotations contains one AnnotationInfo =
     *    List(deprecated @setter)
     *  The single AnnotationInfo in that list, i.e. `@(deprecated @setter)`, has metaAnnotations =
     *    List(setter)
     *  Similarly, the getter `x` in A has an @inline annotation, which has
     *  metaAnnotations = List(getter).
    def symbol = atp.typeSymbol

    /** These are meta-annotations attached at the use site; they
     *  only apply to this annotation usage.  For instance, in
     *    `@(deprecated @setter @field) val ...`
     *  metaAnnotations = List(setter, field).
    def metaAnnotations: List[AnnotationInfo] = atp match {
      case AnnotatedType(metas, _) => metas
      case _                       => Nil

    /** The default kind of members to which this annotation is attached.
     *  For instance, for scala.deprecated defaultTargets =
     *    List(getter, setter, beanGetter, beanSetter).
    def defaultTargets = symbol.annotations map (_.symbol) filter isMetaAnnotation
    // Test whether the typeSymbol of atp conforms to the given class.
    def matches(clazz: Symbol) = !symbol.isInstanceOf[StubSymbol] && (symbol isNonBottomSubClass clazz)
    // All subtrees of all args are considered.
    def hasArgWhich(p: Tree => Boolean) = args exists (_ exists p)

    /** Check whether the type or any of the arguments are erroneous */
    def isErroneous = atp.isErroneous || args.exists(_.isErroneous)

    def isStatic = symbol isNonBottomSubClass StaticAnnotationClass

    /** Check whether any of the arguments mention a symbol */
    def refsSymbol(sym: Symbol) = hasArgWhich(_.symbol == sym)

    def stringArg(index: Int) = constantAtIndex(index) map (_.stringValue)
    def intArg(index: Int)    = constantAtIndex(index) map (_.intValue)
    def symbolArg(index: Int) = argAtIndex(index) collect {
      case Apply(fun, Literal(str) :: Nil) if fun.symbol == definitions.Symbol_apply =>

    // !!! when annotation arguments are not literals, but any sort of
    // expression, there is a fair chance they will turn up here not as
    // Literal(const) but some arbitrary AST.
    def constantAtIndex(index: Int): Option[Constant] =
      argAtIndex(index) collect { case Literal(x) => x }

    def argAtIndex(index: Int): Option[Tree] =
      if (index < args.size) Some(args(index)) else None

    override def hashCode = atp.## + args.## + assocs.##
    override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
      case x: AnnotationInfo  => (atp == x.atp) && (args == x.args) && (assocs == x.assocs)
      case _                  => false

  type Annotation = AnnotationInfo
  object Annotation extends AnnotationExtractor {
    def apply(tpe: Type, scalaArgs: List[Tree], javaArgs: ListMap[Name, ClassfileAnnotArg]): Annotation =
      AnnotationInfo(tpe, scalaArgs, javaArgs.toList)
    def unapply(annotation: Annotation): Option[(Type, List[Tree], ListMap[Name, ClassfileAnnotArg])] =
      Some((annotation.tpe, annotation.scalaArgs, annotation.javaArgs))
  implicit val AnnotationTag = ClassTag[AnnotationInfo](classOf[AnnotationInfo])

  protected[scala] def annotationToTree(ann: Annotation): Tree = {
    def reverseEngineerArgs(): List[Tree] = {
      def reverseEngineerArg(jarg: ClassfileAnnotArg): Tree = jarg match {
        case LiteralAnnotArg(const) =>
          val tpe = if (const.tag == UnitTag) UnitTpe else ConstantType(const)
          Literal(const) setType tpe
        case ArrayAnnotArg(jargs) =>
          val args = jargs map reverseEngineerArg
          // TODO: I think it would be a good idea to typecheck Java annotations using a more traditional algorithm
          // sure, we can't typecheck them as is using the `new jann(foo = bar)` syntax (because jann is going to be an @interface)
          // however we can do better than `typedAnnotation` by desugaring the aforementioned expression to
          // something like `new jann() { override def annotatedType() = ...; override def foo = bar }`
          // and then using the results of that typecheck to produce a Java-compatible classfile entry
          // in that case we're going to have correctly typed Array.apply calls, however that's 2.12 territory
          // and for 2.11 exposing an untyped call to ArrayModule should suffice
          Apply(Ident(ArrayModule), args.toList)
        case NestedAnnotArg(ann: Annotation) =>
        case _ =>
      def reverseEngineerArgs(jargs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]): List[Tree] = jargs match {
        case (name, jarg) :: rest => AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(name), reverseEngineerArg(jarg)) :: reverseEngineerArgs(rest)
        case Nil => Nil
      if (ann.javaArgs.isEmpty) ann.scalaArgs
      else reverseEngineerArgs(ann.javaArgs.toList)

    // TODO: at the moment, constructor selection is unattributed, because AnnotationInfos lack necessary information
    // later on, in 2.12, for every annotation we could save an entire tree instead of just bits and pieces
    // but for 2.11 the current situation will have to do
    val ctorSelection = Select(New(TypeTree(ann.atp)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
    Apply(ctorSelection, reverseEngineerArgs()) setType ann.atp

  protected[scala] def treeToAnnotation(tree: Tree): Annotation = tree match {
    case Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) =>
      def encodeJavaArg(arg: Tree): ClassfileAnnotArg = arg match {
        case Literal(const) => LiteralAnnotArg(const)
        case Apply(ArrayModule, args) => ArrayAnnotArg(args map encodeJavaArg toArray)
        case Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) => NestedAnnotArg(treeToAnnotation(arg))
        case _ => throw new Exception("unexpected java argument shape $arg: literals, arrays and nested annotations are supported")
      def encodeJavaArgs(args: List[Tree]): List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)] = args match {
        case AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(name), arg) :: rest => (name, encodeJavaArg(arg)) :: encodeJavaArgs(rest)
        case arg :: rest => throw new Exception("unexpected java argument shape $arg: only AssignOrNamedArg trees are supported")
        case Nil => Nil
      val atp = tpt.tpe
      if (atp != null && (atp.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass StaticAnnotationClass)) AnnotationInfo(atp, args, Nil)
      else if (atp != null && (atp.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass ClassfileAnnotationClass)) AnnotationInfo(atp, Nil, encodeJavaArgs(args))
      else throw new Exception(s"unexpected annotation type $atp: only subclasses of StaticAnnotation and ClassfileAnnotation are supported")
    case _ =>
      throw new Exception("""unexpected tree shape: only q"new $annType(..$args)" is supported""")

  object UnmappableAnnotation extends CompleteAnnotationInfo(NoType, Nil, Nil)

  object ErroneousAnnotation extends CompleteAnnotationInfo(ErrorType, Nil, Nil)

  /** Extracts symbol of thrown exception from AnnotationInfo.
    * Supports both “old-style” `@throws(classOf[Exception])`
    * as well as “new-stye” `@throws[Exception]("cause")` annotations.
  object ThrownException {
    def unapply(ann: AnnotationInfo): Option[Symbol] = {
      ann match {
        case AnnotationInfo(tpe, _, _) if tpe.typeSymbol != ThrowsClass =>
        // old-style: @throws(classOf[Exception]) (which is throws[T](classOf[Exception]))
        case AnnotationInfo(_, List(Literal(Constant(tpe: Type))), _) =>
        // new-style: @throws[Exception], @throws[Exception]("cause")
        case AnnotationInfo(TypeRef(_, _, arg :: _), _, _) =>
        case AnnotationInfo(TypeRef(_, _, Nil), _, _) =>

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala AnnotationInfos.scala source code file:

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