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Scala example source code file (Kinds.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Kinds.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, collection, head, kind, kinderrors, list, nil, string, stringstate, symbol, type

The Kinds.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps.{ countAsString, countElementsAsString }

trait Kinds {
  self: SymbolTable =>

  import definitions._

  private type SymPair = ((Symbol, Symbol)) // ((Argument, Parameter))

  case class KindErrors(
         arity: List[SymPair] = Nil,
      variance: List[SymPair] = Nil,
    strictness: List[SymPair] = Nil
  ) {
    def isEmpty = arity.isEmpty && variance.isEmpty && strictness.isEmpty

    def arityError(syms: SymPair)      = copy(arity = arity :+ syms)
    def varianceError(syms: SymPair)   = copy(variance = variance :+ syms)
    def strictnessError(syms: SymPair) = copy(strictness = strictness :+ syms)

    def ++(errs: KindErrors) = KindErrors(
      arity ++ errs.arity,
      variance ++ errs.variance,
      strictness ++ errs.strictness
    // @M TODO this method is duplicated all over the place (varianceString)
    private def varStr(s: Symbol): String =
      if (s.isCovariant) "covariant"
      else if (s.isContravariant) "contravariant"
      else "invariant"

    private def qualify(a0: Symbol, b0: Symbol): String = if (a0.toString != b0.toString) "" else {
      if((a0 eq b0) || (a0.owner eq b0.owner)) ""
      else {
        var a = a0; var b = b0
        while ( == { a = a.owner; b = b.owner}
        if (a.locationString ne "") " (" + a.locationString.trim + ")" else ""
    private def kindMessage(a: Symbol, p: Symbol)(f: (String, String) => String): String =
      f(a+qualify(a,p), p+qualify(p,a))

    // Normally it's nicer to print nothing rather than '>: Nothing <: Any' all over
    // the place, but here we need it for the message to make sense.
    private def strictnessMessage(a: Symbol, p: Symbol) =
      kindMessage(a, p)("%s's bounds%s are stricter than %s's declared bounds%s".format(
        _,, _, match {
          case tb @ TypeBounds(_, _) if tb.isEmptyBounds  => " >: Nothing <: Any"
          case tb                                         => "" + tb

    private def varianceMessage(a: Symbol, p: Symbol) =
      kindMessage(a, p)("%s is %s, but %s is declared %s".format(_, varStr(a), _, varStr(p)))

    private def arityMessage(a: Symbol, p: Symbol) =
      kindMessage(a, p)("%s has %s, but %s has %s".format(
        _, countElementsAsString(a.typeParams.length, "type parameter"),
        _, countAsString(p.typeParams.length))

    private def buildMessage(xs: List[SymPair], f: (Symbol, Symbol) => String) = (
      if (xs.isEmpty) ""
      else xs map f.tupled mkString ("\n", ", ", "")

    def errorMessage(targ: Type, tparam: Symbol): String = (
        (targ+"'s type parameters do not match "+tparam+"'s expected parameters:")
      + buildMessage(arity, arityMessage)
      + buildMessage(variance, varianceMessage)
      + buildMessage(strictness, strictnessMessage)
  val NoKindErrors = KindErrors(Nil, Nil, Nil)

  // TODO: this desperately needs to be cleaned up
  // plan: split into kind inference and subkinding
  // every Type has a (cached) Kind
  def kindsConform(tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], pre: Type, owner: Symbol): Boolean =
    checkKindBounds0(tparams, targs, pre, owner, explainErrors = false).isEmpty

  /** Check whether `sym1`'s variance conforms to `sym2`'s variance.
   *  If `sym2` is invariant, `sym1`'s variance is irrelevant. Otherwise they must be equal.
  private def variancesMatch(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = (
    || sym1.variance == sym2.variance

  /** Check well-kindedness of type application (assumes arities are already checked) -- @M
   * This check is also performed when abstract type members become concrete (aka a "type alias") -- then tparams.length==1
   * (checked one type member at a time -- in that case, prefix is the name of the type alias)
   * Type application is just like value application: it's "contravariant" in the sense that
   * the type parameters of the supplied type arguments must conform to the type parameters of
   * the required type parameters:
   *   - their bounds must be less strict
   *   - variances must match (here, variances are absolute, the variance of a type parameter does not influence the variance of its higher-order parameters)
   *   - @M TODO: are these conditions correct,sufficient&necessary?
   *  e.g. class Iterable[t, m[+x <: t]] --> the application Iterable[Int, List] is okay, since
   *       List's type parameter is also covariant and its bounds are weaker than <: Int
  def checkKindBounds0(
    tparams: List[Symbol],
    targs: List[Type],
    pre: Type,
    owner: Symbol,
    explainErrors: Boolean
  ): List[(Type, Symbol, KindErrors)] = {

    // instantiate type params that come from outside the abstract type we're currently checking
    def transform(tp: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type = tp.asSeenFrom(pre, clazz)

    // check that the type parameters hkargs to a higher-kinded type conform to the
    // expected params hkparams
    def checkKindBoundsHK(
      hkargs:        List[Symbol],
      arg:           Symbol,
      param:         Symbol,
      paramowner:    Symbol,
      underHKParams: List[Symbol],
      withHKArgs:    List[Symbol]
    ): KindErrors = {

      var kindErrors: KindErrors = NoKindErrors
      def bindHKParams(tp: Type) = tp.substSym(underHKParams, withHKArgs)
      // @M sometimes hkargs != arg.typeParams, the symbol and the type may
      // have very different type parameters
      val hkparams = param.typeParams

      def kindCheck(cond: Boolean, f: KindErrors => KindErrors) {
        if (!cond)
          kindErrors = f(kindErrors)

      if (settings.debug) {
        log("checkKindBoundsHK expected: "+ param +" with params "+ hkparams +" by definition in "+ paramowner)
        log("checkKindBoundsHK supplied: "+ arg +" with params "+ hkargs +" from "+ owner)
        log("checkKindBoundsHK under params: "+ underHKParams +" with args "+ withHKArgs)

      if (!sameLength(hkargs, hkparams)) {
        // Any and Nothing are kind-overloaded
        if (arg == AnyClass || arg == NothingClass) NoKindErrors
        // shortcut: always set error, whether explainTypesOrNot
        else return kindErrors.arityError(arg -> param)
      else foreach2(hkargs, hkparams) { (hkarg, hkparam) =>
        if (hkparam.typeParams.isEmpty && hkarg.typeParams.isEmpty) { // base-case: kind *
          kindCheck(variancesMatch(hkarg, hkparam), _ varianceError (hkarg -> hkparam))
          // instantiateTypeParams(tparams, targs)
          //   higher-order bounds, may contain references to type arguments
          // substSym(hkparams, hkargs)
          //   these types are going to be compared as types of kind *
          // Their arguments use different symbols, but are
          // conceptually the same. Could also replace the types by
          // polytypes, but can't just strip the symbols, as ordering
          // is lost then.
          val declaredBounds     = transform(, targs).bounds, paramowner)
          val declaredBoundsInst = transform(bindHKParams(declaredBounds), owner)
          val argumentBounds     = transform(, owner)

          kindCheck(declaredBoundsInst <:< argumentBounds, _ strictnessError (hkarg -> hkparam))

            "checkKindBoundsHK base case: " + hkparam +
            " declared bounds: " + declaredBounds +
            " after instantiating earlier hkparams: " + declaredBoundsInst + "\n" +
            "checkKindBoundsHK base case: "+ hkarg +
            " has bounds: " + argumentBounds
        else {
          hkarg.initialize // SI-7902 otherwise hkarg.typeParams yields List(NoSymbol)!
          debuglog("checkKindBoundsHK recursing to compare params of "+ hkparam +" with "+ hkarg)
          kindErrors ++= checkKindBoundsHK(
            underHKParams ++ hkparam.typeParams,
            withHKArgs ++ hkarg.typeParams
        if (!explainErrors && !kindErrors.isEmpty)
          return kindErrors
      if (explainErrors) kindErrors
      else NoKindErrors

    if (settings.debug && (tparams.nonEmpty || targs.nonEmpty)) log(
      "checkKindBounds0(" + tparams + ", " + targs + ", " + pre + ", "
      + owner + ", " + explainErrors + ")"

    flatMap2(tparams, targs) { (tparam, targ) =>
      // Prevent WildcardType from causing kind errors, as typevars may be higher-order
      if (targ == WildcardType) Nil else {
        // force symbol load for #4205
        // @M must use the typeParams of the *type* targ, not of the *symbol* of targ!!
        val tparamsHO = targ.typeParams
        if (targ.isHigherKinded || tparam.typeParams.nonEmpty) {
          // NOTE: *not* targ.typeSymbol, which normalizes
          val kindErrors = checkKindBoundsHK(
            tparamsHO, targ.typeSymbolDirect, tparam,
            tparam.owner, tparam.typeParams, tparamsHO
          if (kindErrors.isEmpty) Nil else {
            if (explainErrors) List((targ, tparam, kindErrors))
            // Return as soon as an error is seen if there's nothing to explain.
            else return List((NoType, NoSymbol, NoKindErrors))
        else Nil

   * The data structure describing the kind of a given type.
   * Proper types are represented using ProperTypeKind.
   * Type constructors are reprented using TypeConKind.
  abstract class Kind {
    import Kind.StringState
    def description: String
    def order: Int
    def bounds: TypeBounds

    /** Scala syntax notation of this kind.
     * Proper types are expresses as A.
     * Type constructors are expressed as F[k1 >: lo <: hi, k2, ...] where k1, k2, ... are parameter kinds.
     * If the bounds exists at any level, it preserves the type variable names. Otherwise,
     * it uses prescribed letters for each level: A, F, X, Y, Z.
    def scalaNotation: String

    /** Kind notation used in
     * Proper types are expressed as *.
     * Type constructors are expressed * -> *(lo, hi) -(+)-> *.
    def starNotation: String

    /** Contains bounds either as part of itself or its arguments.
    def hasBounds: Boolean = !bounds.isEmptyBounds

    private[internal] def buildState(sym: Symbol, v: Variance)(s: StringState): StringState
  object Kind {
    private[internal] sealed trait ScalaNotation
    private[internal] sealed case class Head(order: Int, n: Option[Int], alias: Option[String]) extends ScalaNotation {
      override def toString: String = {
        alias getOrElse {
          typeAlias(order) +"")
      private def typeAlias(x: Int): String =
        x match {
          case 0 => "A"
          case 1 => "F"
          case 2 => "X"
          case 3 => "Y"
          case 4 => "Z"
          case n if n < 12 => ('O'.toInt - 5 + n).toChar.toString
          case _ => "V"
    private[internal] sealed case class Text(value: String) extends ScalaNotation {
      override def toString: String = value
    private[internal] case class StringState(tokens: Seq[ScalaNotation]) {
      override def toString: String = tokens.mkString
      def append(value: String): StringState = StringState(tokens :+ Text(value))
      def appendHead(order: Int, sym: Symbol): StringState = {
        val n = countByOrder(order) + 1
        val alias = if (sym eq NoSymbol) None
                    else Some(sym.nameString)
        StringState(tokens :+ Head(order, Some(n), alias))
      def countByOrder(o: Int): Int = tokens count {
        case Head(`o`, _, _) => true
        case t               => false
      // Replace Head(o, Some(1), a) with Head(o, None, a) if countByOrder(o) <= 1, so F1[A] becomes F[A]
      def removeOnes: StringState = {
        val maxOrder = (tokens map {
          case Head(o, _, _) => o
          case _             => 0
        StringState((tokens /: (0 to maxOrder)) { (ts: Seq[ScalaNotation], o: Int) =>
          if (countByOrder(o) <= 1)
            ts map {
              case Head(`o`, _, a) => Head(o, None, a)
              case t               => t
          else ts
      // Replace Head(o, n, Some(_)) with Head(o, n, None), so F[F] becomes F[A].
      def removeAlias: StringState = {
        StringState(tokens map {
          case Head(o, n, Some(_)) => Head(o, n, None)
          case t                   => t
    private[internal] object StringState {
      def empty: StringState = StringState(Seq())
    def FromParams(tparams: List[Symbol]): Type = GenPolyType(tparams, AnyTpe)
    def Wildcard: Type                          = WildcardType
  class ProperTypeKind(val bounds: TypeBounds) extends Kind {
    import Kind.StringState
    val description: String = "This is a proper type."
    val order = 0
    private[internal] def buildState(sym: Symbol, v: Variance)(s: StringState): StringState = {
      s.append(v.symbolicString).appendHead(order, sym).append(bounds.scalaNotation(_.toString))
    def scalaNotation: String = Kind.Head(order, None, None) + bounds.scalaNotation(_.toString)
    def starNotation: String = "*" + bounds.starNotation(_.toString)
  object ProperTypeKind {
    def apply: ProperTypeKind = this(TypeBounds.empty)
    def apply(bounds: TypeBounds): ProperTypeKind = new ProperTypeKind(bounds)
    def unapply(ptk: ProperTypeKind): Some[TypeBounds] = Some(ptk.bounds)

  class TypeConKind(val bounds: TypeBounds, val args: Seq[TypeConKind.Argument]) extends Kind {
    import Kind.StringState
    val order = (args map (_.kind.order)).max + 1
    def description: String =
      if (order == 1) "This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type."
      else  "This is a type constructor that takes type constructor(s): a higher-kinded type."
    override def hasBounds: Boolean = super.hasBounds || args.exists(_.kind.hasBounds)
    def scalaNotation: String = {
      val s = buildState(NoSymbol, Variance.Invariant)(StringState.empty).removeOnes
      val s2 = if (hasBounds) s
               else s.removeAlias
    private[internal] def buildState(sym: Symbol, v: Variance)(s0: StringState): StringState = {
      var s: StringState = s0
      s = s.append(v.symbolicString).appendHead(order, sym).append("[")
      args.zipWithIndex foreach { case (arg, i) =>
        s = arg.kind.buildState(arg.sym, arg.variance)(s)
        if (i != args.size - 1) {
          s = s.append(",")
      s = s.append("]").append(bounds.scalaNotation(_.toString))
    def starNotation: String = {
      import Variance._
      (args map { arg =>
        (if (arg.kind.order == 0) arg.kind.starNotation
        else "(" + arg.kind.starNotation + ")") +
        (if (arg.variance == Invariant) " -> "
        else " -(" + arg.variance.symbolicString + ")-> ")
      }).mkString + "*" + bounds.starNotation(_.toString)
  object TypeConKind {
    def apply(args: Seq[TypeConKind.Argument]): TypeConKind = this(TypeBounds.empty, args)
    def apply(bounds: TypeBounds, args: Seq[TypeConKind.Argument]): TypeConKind = new TypeConKind(bounds, args)
    def unapply(tck: TypeConKind): Some[(TypeBounds, Seq[TypeConKind.Argument])] = Some((tck.bounds, tck.args))
    case class Argument(variance: Variance, kind: Kind)(val sym: Symbol) {}

   * Starting from a Symbol (sym) or a Type (tpe), infer the kind that classifies it (sym.tpeHK/tpe).
  object inferKind {
    import TypeConKind.Argument

    abstract class InferKind {
      protected def infer(tpe: Type, owner: Symbol, topLevel: Boolean): Kind
      protected def infer(sym: Symbol, topLevel: Boolean): Kind = infer(sym.tpeHK, sym.owner, topLevel)
      def apply(sym: Symbol): Kind = infer(sym, true)
      def apply(tpe: Type, owner: Symbol): Kind = infer(tpe, owner, true)

    def apply(pre: Type): InferKind = new InferKind {
      protected def infer(tpe: Type, owner: Symbol, topLevel: Boolean): Kind = {
        val bounds = if (topLevel) TypeBounds.empty
                     else tpe.asSeenFrom(pre, owner).bounds
        if(!tpe.isHigherKinded) ProperTypeKind(bounds)
        else TypeConKind(bounds, tpe.typeParams map { p => Argument(p.variance, infer(p, false))(p) })

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Kinds.scala source code file:

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