Scala example source code file (Mode.scala)
The Mode.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala package reflect package internal import scala.language.implicitConversions object Mode { private implicit def liftIntBitsToMode(bits: Int): Mode = apply(bits) def apply(bits: Int): Mode = new Mode(bits) /** NOmode, EXPRmode and PATTERNmode are mutually exclusive. */ final val NOmode: Mode = 0x000 final val EXPRmode: Mode = 0x001 final val PATTERNmode: Mode = 0x002 /** TYPEmode needs a comment. <-- XXX. */ final val TYPEmode: Mode = 0x004 /** SCCmode is orthogonal to above. When set we are * in the this or super constructor call of a constructor. */ final val SCCmode: Mode = 0x008 /** FUNmode is orthogonal to above. * When set we are looking for a method or constructor. */ final val FUNmode: Mode = 0x010 /** POLYmode is orthogonal to above. * When set expression types can be polymorphic. */ final val POLYmode: Mode = 0x020 /** QUALmode is orthogonal to above. When set * expressions may be packages and Java statics modules. */ final val QUALmode: Mode = 0x040 /** TAPPmode is set for the function/type constructor * part of a type application. When set we do not decompose PolyTypes. */ final val TAPPmode: Mode = 0x080 /** LHSmode is set for the left-hand side of an assignment. */ final val LHSmode: Mode = 0x400 /** BYVALmode is set when we are typing an expression * that occurs in a by-value position. An expression e1 is in by-value * position within expression e2 iff it will be reduced to a value at that * position during the evaluation of e2. Examples are by-value function * arguments or the conditional of an if-then-else clause. * This mode has been added to support continuations. */ final val BYVALmode: Mode = 0x8000 /** TYPEPATmode is set when we are typing a type in a pattern. */ final val TYPEPATmode: Mode = 0x10000 private val StickyModes: Mode = EXPRmode | PATTERNmode | TYPEmode private val StickyModesForFun: Mode = StickyModes | SCCmode final val MonoQualifierModes: Mode = EXPRmode | QUALmode final val PolyQualifierModes: Mode = EXPRmode | QUALmode | POLYmode final val OperatorModes: Mode = EXPRmode | POLYmode | TAPPmode | FUNmode /** Translates a mask of mode flags into something readable. */ private val modeNameMap = Map[Int, String]( // TODO why duplicate the bitmasks here, rather than just referring to this.EXPRmode etc? (1 << 0) -> "EXPRmode", (1 << 1) -> "PATTERNmode", (1 << 2) -> "TYPEmode", (1 << 3) -> "SCCmode", (1 << 4) -> "FUNmode", (1 << 5) -> "POLYmode", (1 << 6) -> "QUALmode", (1 << 7) -> "TAPPmode", (1 << 8) -> "<>", // formerly SUPERCONSTRmode (1 << 9) -> "<>", // formerly SNDTRYmode (1 << 10) -> "LHSmode", (1 << 11) -> "<>", (1 << 12) -> "<>", // formerly STARmode (1 << 13) -> "<>", // formerly ALTmode (1 << 14) -> "<>", // formerly HKmode (1 << 15) -> "BYVALmode", (1 << 16) -> "TYPEPATmode" ).map({ case (k, v) => Mode(k) -> v }) } import Mode._ final class Mode private (val bits: Int) extends AnyVal { def &(other: Mode): Mode = new Mode(bits & other.bits) def |(other: Mode): Mode = new Mode(bits | other.bits) def &~(other: Mode): Mode = new Mode(bits & ~(other.bits)) def onlyTypePat = this & TYPEPATmode def onlySticky = this & Mode.StickyModes def forFunMode = this & Mode.StickyModesForFun | FUNmode | POLYmode | BYVALmode def forTypeMode = if (typingPatternOrTypePat) TYPEmode | TYPEPATmode else TYPEmode def inAll(required: Mode) = (this & required) == required def inAny(required: Mode) = (this & required) != NOmode def inNone(prohibited: Mode) = (this & prohibited) == NOmode /** True if this mode matches every mode in the 'all' Mode, * and no modes in the 'none' Mode. */ def in(all: Mode = NOmode, none: Mode = NOmode) = inAll(all) && inNone(none) def inByValMode = inAll(BYVALmode) def inExprMode = inAll(EXPRmode) def inFunMode = inAll(FUNmode) def inPatternMode = inAll(PATTERNmode) def inPolyMode = inAll(POLYmode) def inQualMode = inAll(QUALmode) def inSccMode = inAll(SCCmode) def inTappMode = inAll(TAPPmode) def inTypeMode = inAll(TYPEmode) def typingExprByValue = inAll(EXPRmode | BYVALmode) def typingExprFun = inAll(EXPRmode | FUNmode) def typingExprNotFun = in(all = EXPRmode, none = FUNmode) def typingExprNotFunNotLhs = in(all = EXPRmode, none = FUNmode | LHSmode) def typingExprNotLhs = in(all = EXPRmode, none = LHSmode) def typingExprNotValue = in(all = EXPRmode, none = BYVALmode) def typingMonoExprByValue = in(all = EXPRmode | BYVALmode, none = POLYmode) def typingConstructorPattern = inAll(PATTERNmode | FUNmode) def typingPatternNotConstructor = in(all = PATTERNmode, none = FUNmode) def typingPatternOrTypePat = inAny(PATTERNmode | TYPEPATmode) override def toString = if (this == NOmode) "NOmode" else (modeNameMap filterKeys inAll).values.toList.sorted mkString "-" } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Mode.scala source code file: |
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