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Scala example source code file (TypeComparers.scala)

This example Scala source code file (TypeComparers.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, boolean, collection, methodtype, noprefix, polytype, singletontype, singletype, symbol, type, typeref, typevar

The TypeComparers.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect
package internal
package tpe

import scala.collection.{ mutable }
import util.{ Statistics, TriState }
import scala.annotation.tailrec

trait TypeComparers {
  self: SymbolTable =>
  import definitions._
  import TypesStats._

  private final val LogPendingSubTypesThreshold = TypeConstants.DefaultLogThreshhold

  private val _pendingSubTypes = new mutable.HashSet[SubTypePair]
  def pendingSubTypes = _pendingSubTypes

  final case class SubTypePair(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) {
    // SI-8146 we used to implement equality here in terms of pairwise =:=.
    //         But, this was inconsistent with hashCode, which was based on the
    //         Type#hashCode, based on the structure of types, not the meaning.
    //         Now, we use `Type#{equals,hashCode}` as the (consistent) basis for
    //         detecting cycles (aka keeping subtyping decidable.)
    //         I added a tests to show that we detect the cycle: neg/t8146-no-finitary*

    override def toString = tp1+" <:<? "+tp2

  private var _subsametypeRecursions: Int = 0
  def subsametypeRecursions = _subsametypeRecursions
  def subsametypeRecursions_=(value: Int) = _subsametypeRecursions = value

  private def isUnifiable(pre1: Type, pre2: Type) = (
       (isEligibleForPrefixUnification(pre1) || isEligibleForPrefixUnification(pre2))
    && (pre1 =:= pre2)

  /** Returns true iff we are past phase specialize,
    *  sym1 and sym2 are two existential skolems with equal names and bounds,
    *  and pre1 and pre2 are equal prefixes
  private def isSameSpecializedSkolem(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, pre1: Type, pre2: Type) = {
    sym1.isExistentialSkolem && sym2.isExistentialSkolem && == &&
      phase.specialized && =:= &&
      pre1 =:= pre2

  private def isSubPre(pre1: Type, pre2: Type, sym: Symbol) =
    if ((pre1 ne pre2) && (pre1 ne NoPrefix) && (pre2 ne NoPrefix) && pre1 <:< pre2) {
      if (settings.debug) println(s"new isSubPre $sym: $pre1 <:< $pre2")
    } else

  private def equalSymsAndPrefixes(sym1: Symbol, pre1: Type, sym2: Symbol, pre2: Type): Boolean = (
    if (sym1 == sym2)
      sym1.hasPackageFlag || sym1.owner.hasPackageFlag || phase.erasedTypes || pre1 =:= pre2
      ( == && isUnifiable(pre1, pre2)

  def isDifferentType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = try {
    subsametypeRecursions += 1
    undoLog undo { // undo type constraints that arise from operations in this block
      !isSameType1(tp1, tp2)
  } finally {
    subsametypeRecursions -= 1
    // XXX AM TODO: figure out when it is safe and needed to clear the log -- the commented approach below is too eager (it breaks #3281, #3866)
    // it doesn't help to keep separate recursion counts for the three methods that now share it
    // if (subsametypeRecursions == 0) undoLog.clear()

  def isDifferentTypeConstructor(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = !isSameTypeConstructor(tp1, tp2)

  private def isSameTypeConstructor(tr1: TypeRef, tr2: TypeRef): Boolean = (
       (tr1.sym == tr2.sym)
    && !isDifferentType(tr1.pre, tr2.pre)
  private def isSameTypeConstructor(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = (
    && tp2.isInstanceOf[TypeRef]
    && isSameTypeConstructor(tp1.asInstanceOf[TypeRef], tp2.asInstanceOf[TypeRef])

  /** Do `tp1` and `tp2` denote equivalent types? */
  def isSameType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = try {
    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(sametypeCount)
    subsametypeRecursions += 1
    //OPT cutdown on Function0 allocation
    //    undoLog undoUnless {
    //      isSameType1(tp1, tp2)
    //    }

    val before = undoLog.log
    var result = false
    try {
      result = isSameType1(tp1, tp2)
    finally if (!result) undoLog.undoTo(before)
  finally {
    subsametypeRecursions -= 1
    // XXX AM TODO: figure out when it is safe and needed to clear the log -- the commented approach below is too eager (it breaks #3281, #3866)
    // it doesn't help to keep separate recursion counts for the three methods that now share it
    // if (subsametypeRecursions == 0) undoLog.clear()

  // @pre: at least one argument has annotations
  private def sameAnnotatedTypes(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = (
       annotationsConform(tp1, tp2)
    && annotationsConform(tp2, tp1)
    && (tp1.withoutAnnotations =:= tp2.withoutAnnotations)
  // We flush out any AnnotatedTypes before calling isSameType2 because
  // unlike most other subclasses of Type, we have to allow for equivalence of any
  // combination of { tp1, tp2 } { is, is not } an AnnotatedType - this because the
  // logic of "annotationsConform" is arbitrary and unknown.
  private def isSameType1(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = typeRelationPreCheck(tp1, tp2) match {
    case state if state.isKnown                                  => state.booleanValue
    case _ if typeHasAnnotations(tp1) || typeHasAnnotations(tp2) => sameAnnotatedTypes(tp1, tp2)
    case _                                                       => isSameType2(tp1, tp2)

  private def isSameHKTypes(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = (
    && tp2.isHigherKinded
    && (tp1.normalize =:= tp2.normalize)
  private def isSameTypeRef(tr1: TypeRef, tr2: TypeRef) = (
       equalSymsAndPrefixes(tr1.sym, tr1.pre, tr2.sym, tr2.pre)
    && (isSameHKTypes(tr1, tr2) || isSameTypes(tr1.args, tr2.args))

  private def isSameSingletonType(tp1: SingletonType, tp2: SingletonType): Boolean = {
    // We don't use dealiasWiden here because we are looking for the SAME type,
    // and widening leads to a less specific type. The logic is along the lines of
    // dealiasAndFollowUnderlyingAsLongAsTheTypeIsEquivalent. This method is only
    // called after a surface comparison has failed, so if chaseDealiasedUnderlying
    // does not produce a type other than tp1 and tp2, return false.
    @tailrec def chaseDealiasedUnderlying(tp: Type): Type = tp.underlying.dealias match {
      case next: SingletonType if tp ne next => chaseDealiasedUnderlying(next)
      case _                                 => tp
    val origin1 = chaseDealiasedUnderlying(tp1)
    val origin2 = chaseDealiasedUnderlying(tp2)
    ((origin1 ne tp1) || (origin2 ne tp2)) && (origin1 =:= origin2)

  private def isSameMethodType(mt1: MethodType, mt2: MethodType) = (
       isSameTypes(mt1.paramTypes, mt2.paramTypes)
    && (mt1.resultType =:= mt2.resultType.substSym(mt2.params, mt1.params))
    && (mt1.isImplicit == mt2.isImplicit)

  private def equalTypeParamsAndResult(tparams1: List[Symbol], res1: Type, tparams2: List[Symbol], res2: Type) = {
    def subst(info: Type) = info.substSym(tparams2, tparams1)
    // corresponds does not check length of two sequences before checking the predicate,
    // but SubstMap assumes it has been checked (SI-2956)
    (     sameLength(tparams1, tparams2)
      && (tparams1 corresponds tparams2)((p1, p2) => methodHigherOrderTypeParamsSameVariance(p1, p2) && =:= subst(
      && (res1 =:= subst(res2))

  // SI-2066 This prevents overrides with incompatible variance in higher order type parameters.
  private def methodHigherOrderTypeParamsSameVariance(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = {
    def ignoreVariance(sym: Symbol) = !(sym.isHigherOrderTypeParameter && sym.logicallyEnclosingMember.isMethod)
    !settings.isScala211 || ignoreVariance(sym1) || ignoreVariance(sym2) || sym1.variance == sym2.variance

  private def methodHigherOrderTypeParamsSubVariance(low: Symbol, high: Symbol) =
    !settings.isScala211 || methodHigherOrderTypeParamsSameVariance(low, high) || low.variance.isInvariant

  def isSameType2(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = {
    def retry(lhs: Type, rhs: Type) = ((lhs ne tp1) || (rhs ne tp2)) && isSameType(lhs, rhs)

    /*  Here we highlight those unfortunate type-like constructs which
     *  are hidden bundles of mutable state, cruising the type system picking
     *  up any type constraints naive enough to get into their hot rods.
    def mutateNonTypeConstructs(lhs: Type, rhs: Type) = lhs match {
      case BoundedWildcardType(bounds)         => bounds containsType rhs
      case tv @ TypeVar(_, _)                  => tv.registerTypeEquality(rhs, typeVarLHS = lhs eq tp1)
      case TypeRef(tv @ TypeVar(_, _), sym, _) => tv.registerTypeSelection(sym, rhs)
      case _                                   => false
    /*  SingletonType receives this additional scrutiny because there are
     *  a variety of Types which must be treated as equivalent even if they
     *  arrive in different guises. For instance, object Foo in the following
     *  might appear in (at least) the four given below.
     *    package pkg { object Foo ; type Bar = Foo.type }
     *  ModuleClassTypeRef(pkg.type, Foo: ModuleClassSymbol, Nil)
     *  ThisType(Foo: ModuleClassSymbol)
     *  SingleType(pkg.type, Foo: ModuleSymbol)
     *  AliasTypeRef(NoPrefix, sym: AliasSymbol, Nil) where is one of the above
    def sameSingletonType = tp1 match {
      case tp1: SingletonType => tp2 match {
        case tp2: SingletonType => isSameSingletonType(tp1, tp2)
        case _                  => false
      case _ => false

    /*  Those false cases certainly are ugly. There's a proposed SIP to deuglify it.
    def sameTypeAndSameCaseClass = tp1 match {
      case tp1: TypeRef               => tp2 match { case tp2: TypeRef               => isSameTypeRef(tp1, tp2)                              ; case _ => false }
      case tp1: MethodType            => tp2 match { case tp2: MethodType            => isSameMethodType(tp1, tp2)                           ; case _ => false }
      case RefinedType(ps1, decls1)   => tp2 match { case RefinedType(ps2, decls2)   => isSameTypes(ps1, ps2) && (decls1 isSameScope decls2) ; case _ => false }
      case SingleType(pre1, sym1)     => tp2 match { case SingleType(pre2, sym2)     => equalSymsAndPrefixes(sym1, pre1, sym2, pre2)         ; case _ => false }
      case PolyType(ps1, res1)        => tp2 match { case PolyType(ps2, res2)        => equalTypeParamsAndResult(ps1, res1, ps2, res2)       ; case _ => false }
      case ExistentialType(qs1, res1) => tp2 match { case ExistentialType(qs2, res2) => equalTypeParamsAndResult(qs1, res1, qs2, res2)       ; case _ => false }
      case ThisType(sym1)             => tp2 match { case ThisType(sym2)             => sym1 == sym2                                         ; case _ => false }
      case ConstantType(c1)           => tp2 match { case ConstantType(c2)           => c1 == c2                                             ; case _ => false }
      case NullaryMethodType(res1)    => tp2 match { case NullaryMethodType(res2)    => res1 =:= res2                                        ; case _ => false }
      case TypeBounds(lo1, hi1)       => tp2 match { case TypeBounds(lo2, hi2)       => lo1 =:= lo2 && hi1 =:= hi2                           ; case _ => false }
      case _                          => false

    (    sameTypeAndSameCaseClass
      || sameSingletonType
      || mutateNonTypeConstructs(tp1, tp2)
      || mutateNonTypeConstructs(tp2, tp1)
      || retry(normalizePlus(tp1), normalizePlus(tp2))

  def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Depth = Depth.AnyDepth): Boolean = try {
    subsametypeRecursions += 1

    //OPT cutdown on Function0 allocation
    //    undoLog undoUnless { // if subtype test fails, it should not affect constraints on typevars
    //      if (subsametypeRecursions >= LogPendingSubTypesThreshold) {
    //        val p = new SubTypePair(tp1, tp2)
    //        if (pendingSubTypes(p))
    //          false
    //        else
    //          try {
    //            pendingSubTypes += p
    //            isSubType2(tp1, tp2, depth)
    //          } finally {
    //            pendingSubTypes -= p
    //          }
    //      } else {
    //        isSubType2(tp1, tp2, depth)
    //      }
    //    }

    val before = undoLog.log
    var result = false

    try result = { // if subtype test fails, it should not affect constraints on typevars
      if (subsametypeRecursions >= LogPendingSubTypesThreshold) {
        val p = new SubTypePair(tp1, tp2)
        if (pendingSubTypes(p))
          false // see neg/t8146-no-finitary*
          try {
            pendingSubTypes += p
            isSubType1(tp1, tp2, depth)
          } finally {
            pendingSubTypes -= p
      } else {
        isSubType1(tp1, tp2, depth)
    } finally if (!result) undoLog.undoTo(before)

  } finally {
    subsametypeRecursions -= 1
    // XXX AM TODO: figure out when it is safe and needed to clear the log -- the commented approach below is too eager (it breaks #3281, #3866)
    // it doesn't help to keep separate recursion counts for the three methods that now share it
    // if (subsametypeRecursions == 0) undoLog.clear()

  /** Check whether the subtype or type equivalence relationship
   *  between the argument is predetermined. Returns a tri-state
   *  value: True means the arguments are always sub/same types,
   *  False means they never are, and Unknown means the caller
   *  will have to figure things out.
  private def typeRelationPreCheck(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): TriState = {
    def isTrue = (
         (tp1 eq tp2)
      || isErrorOrWildcard(tp1)
      || isErrorOrWildcard(tp2)
      || (tp1 eq NoPrefix) && tp2.typeSymbol.isPackageClass // !! I do not see how this would be warranted by the spec
      || (tp2 eq NoPrefix) && tp1.typeSymbol.isPackageClass // !! I do not see how this would be warranted by the spec
    // isFalse, assuming !isTrue
    def isFalse = (
         (tp1 eq NoType)
      || (tp2 eq NoType)
      || (tp1 eq NoPrefix)
      || (tp2 eq NoPrefix)

    if (isTrue) TriState.True
    else if (isFalse) TriState.False
    else TriState.Unknown

  private def isSubType1(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Depth): Boolean = typeRelationPreCheck(tp1, tp2) match {
    case state if state.isKnown                                  => state.booleanValue
    case _ if typeHasAnnotations(tp1) || typeHasAnnotations(tp2) => annotationsConform(tp1, tp2) && (tp1.withoutAnnotations <:< tp2.withoutAnnotations)
    case _                                                       => isSubType2(tp1, tp2, depth)

  private def isPolySubType(tp1: PolyType, tp2: PolyType): Boolean = {
    val PolyType(tparams1, res1) = tp1
    val PolyType(tparams2, res2) = tp2

    sameLength(tparams1, tparams2) && {
      // fast-path: polymorphic method type -- type params cannot be captured
      val isMethod = tparams1.head.owner.isMethod
      //@M for an example of why we need to generate fresh symbols otherwise, see neg/tcpoly_ticket2101.scala
      val substitutes = if (isMethod) tparams1 else cloneSymbols(tparams1)
      def sub1(tp: Type) = if (isMethod) tp else tp.substSym(tparams1, substitutes)
      def sub2(tp: Type) = tp.substSym(tparams2, substitutes)
      def cmp(p1: Symbol, p2: Symbol) = (
            methodHigherOrderTypeParamsSubVariance(p2, p1)
         && sub2( <:< sub1(

      (tparams1 corresponds tparams2)(cmp) && (sub1(res1) <:< sub2(res2))
  // This is looking for situations such as B.this.x.type <:< B.super.x.type.
  // If it's a ThisType on the lhs and a SuperType on the right, and they originate
  // in the same class, and the 'x' in the ThisType has in its override chain
  // the 'x' in the SuperType, then the types conform.
  private def isThisAndSuperSubtype(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = (tp1, tp2) match {
    case (SingleType(ThisType(lpre), v1), SingleType(SuperType(ThisType(rpre), _), v2)) => (lpre == rpre) && (v1.overrideChain contains v2)
    case _                                                                              => false

  // @assume tp1.isHigherKinded || tp2.isHigherKinded
  def isHKSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Depth): Boolean = {
    def isSub(ntp1: Type, ntp2: Type) = (ntp1.withoutAnnotations, ntp2.withoutAnnotations) match {
      case (TypeRef(_, AnyClass, _), _)                                     => false                    // avoid some warnings when Nothing/Any are on the other side
      case (_, TypeRef(_, NothingClass, _))                                 => false
      case (pt1: PolyType, pt2: PolyType)                                   => isPolySubType(pt1, pt2)  // @assume both .isHigherKinded (both normalized to PolyType)
      case (_: PolyType, MethodType(ps, _)) if ps exists (_.tpe.isWildcard) => false                    // don't warn on HasMethodMatching on right hand side
      case _                                                                =>                          // @assume !(both .isHigherKinded) thus cannot be subtypes
        def tp_s(tp: Type): String = f"$tp%-20s ${util.shortClassOfInstance(tp)}%s"
        devWarning(s"HK subtype check on $tp1 and $tp2, but both don't normalize to polytypes:\n  tp1=${tp_s(ntp1)}\n  tp2=${tp_s(ntp2)}")

    (    tp1.typeSymbol == NothingClass       // @M Nothing is subtype of every well-kinded type
      || tp2.typeSymbol == AnyClass           // @M Any is supertype of every well-kinded type (@PP: is it? What about continuations plugin?)
      || isSub(tp1.normalize, tp2.normalize) && annotationsConform(tp1, tp2)  // @M! normalize reduces higher-kinded case to PolyType's

  /** Does type `tp1` conform to `tp2`? */
  private def isSubType2(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Depth): Boolean = {
    def retry(lhs: Type, rhs: Type) = ((lhs ne tp1) || (rhs ne tp2)) && isSubType(lhs, rhs, depth)

    if (isSingleType(tp1) && isSingleType(tp2) || isConstantType(tp1) && isConstantType(tp2))
      return (tp1 =:= tp2) || isThisAndSuperSubtype(tp1, tp2) || retry(tp1.underlying, tp2)

    if (tp1.isHigherKinded || tp2.isHigherKinded)
      return isHKSubType(tp1, tp2, depth)

    /* First try, on the right:
     *   - unwrap Annotated types, BoundedWildcardTypes,
     *   - bind TypeVars  on the right, if lhs is not Annotated nor BoundedWildcard
     *   - handle common cases for first-kind TypeRefs on both sides as a fast path.
    def firstTry = tp2 match {
      // fast path: two typerefs, none of them HK
      case tr2: TypeRef =>
        tp1 match {
          case tr1: TypeRef =>
            // TODO - dedicate a method to TypeRef/TypeRef subtyping.
            // These typerefs are pattern matched up and down far more
            // than is necessary.
            val sym1 = tr1.sym
            val sym2 = tr2.sym
            val pre1 = tr1.pre
            val pre2 = tr2.pre
            (((if (sym1 == sym2) phase.erasedTypes || sym1.owner.hasPackageFlag || isSubType(pre1, pre2, depth)
            else ( == && !sym1.isModuleClass && !sym2.isModuleClass &&
              (isUnifiable(pre1, pre2) ||
                isSameSpecializedSkolem(sym1, sym2, pre1, pre2) ||
                sym2.isAbstractType && isSubPre(pre1, pre2, sym2)))) &&
              isSubArgs(tr1.args, tr2.args, sym1.typeParams, depth))
              sym2.isClass && {
                val base = tr1 baseType sym2
                (base ne tr1) && isSubType(base, tr2, depth)
              thirdTryRef(tr1, tr2))
          case _ =>
      case AnnotatedType(_, _) =>
        isSubType(tp1.withoutAnnotations, tp2.withoutAnnotations, depth) &&
          annotationsConform(tp1, tp2)
      case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
        isSubType(tp1, bounds.hi, depth)
      case tv2 @ TypeVar(_, constr2) =>
        tp1 match {
          case AnnotatedType(_, _) | BoundedWildcardType(_) =>
          case _ =>
            tv2.registerBound(tp1, isLowerBound = true)
      case _ =>

    /* Second try, on the left:
     *   - unwrap AnnotatedTypes, BoundedWildcardTypes,
     *   - bind typevars,
     *   - handle existential types by skolemization.
    def secondTry = tp1 match {
      case AnnotatedType(_, _) =>
        isSubType(tp1.withoutAnnotations, tp2.withoutAnnotations, depth) &&
          annotationsConform(tp1, tp2)
      case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
        isSubType(tp1.bounds.lo, tp2, depth)
      case tv @ TypeVar(_,_) =>
        tv.registerBound(tp2, isLowerBound = false)
      case ExistentialType(_, _) =>
        try {
          skolemizationLevel += 1
          isSubType(tp1.skolemizeExistential, tp2, depth)
        } finally {
          skolemizationLevel -= 1
      case _ =>

    def thirdTryRef(tp1: Type, tp2: TypeRef): Boolean = {
      val sym2 = tp2.sym
      def retry(lhs: Type, rhs: Type)   = isSubType(lhs, rhs, depth)
      def abstractTypeOnRight(lo: Type) = isDifferentTypeConstructor(tp2, lo) && retry(tp1, lo)
      def classOnRight                  = (
        if (isRawType(tp2)) retry(tp1, rawToExistential(tp2))
        else if (sym2.isRefinementClass) retry(tp1,
        else fourthTry
      sym2 match {
        case SingletonClass                   => tp1.isStable || fourthTry
        case _: ClassSymbol                   => classOnRight
        case _: TypeSymbol if sym2.isDeferred => abstractTypeOnRight(tp2.bounds.lo) || fourthTry
        case _: TypeSymbol                    => retry(tp1.normalize, tp2.normalize)
        case _                                => fourthTry

    /* Third try, on the right:
     *   - decompose refined types.
     *   - handle typerefs and existentials.
     *   - handle left+right method types, polytypes, typebounds
    def thirdTry = tp2 match {
      case tr2: TypeRef =>
        thirdTryRef(tp1, tr2)
      case rt2: RefinedType =>
        (rt2.parents forall (isSubType(tp1, _, depth))) &&
          (rt2.decls forall (specializesSym(tp1, _, depth)))
      case et2: ExistentialType =>
        et2.withTypeVars(isSubType(tp1, _, depth), depth) || fourthTry
      case mt2: MethodType =>
        tp1 match {
          case mt1 @ MethodType(params1, res1) =>
            val params2 = mt2.params
            val res2 = mt2.resultType
            (sameLength(params1, params2) &&
              mt1.isImplicit == mt2.isImplicit &&
              matchingParams(params1, params2, mt1.isJava, mt2.isJava) &&
              isSubType(res1.substSym(params1, params2), res2, depth))
          // TODO: if mt1.params.isEmpty, consider NullaryMethodType?
          case _ =>
      case pt2 @ NullaryMethodType(_) =>
        tp1 match {
          // TODO: consider MethodType mt for which mt.params.isEmpty??
          case pt1 @ NullaryMethodType(_) =>
            isSubType(pt1.resultType, pt2.resultType, depth)
          case _ =>
      case TypeBounds(lo2, hi2) =>
        tp1 match {
          case TypeBounds(lo1, hi1) =>
            isSubType(lo2, lo1, depth) && isSubType(hi1, hi2, depth)
          case _ =>
      case _ =>

    /* Fourth try, on the left:
     *   - handle typerefs, refined types, and singleton types.
    def fourthTry = {
      def retry(lhs: Type, rhs: Type)  = isSubType(lhs, rhs, depth)
      def abstractTypeOnLeft(hi: Type) = isDifferentTypeConstructor(tp1, hi) && retry(hi, tp2)

      tp1 match {
        case tr1 @ TypeRef(pre1, sym1, _) =>
          def nullOnLeft = tp2 match {
            case TypeRef(_, sym2, _) => sym1 isBottomSubClass sym2
            case _                   => isSingleType(tp2) && retry(tp1, tp2.widen)
          def moduleOnLeft = tp2 match {
            case SingleType(pre2, sym2) => equalSymsAndPrefixes(sym1.sourceModule, pre1, sym2, pre2)
            case _                      => false
          def classOnLeft = (
            if (isRawType(tp1)) retry(rawToExistential(tp1), tp2)
            else if (sym1.isModuleClass) moduleOnLeft
            else sym1.isRefinementClass && retry(, tp2)
          sym1 match {
            case NothingClass                     => true
            case NullClass                        => nullOnLeft
            case _: ClassSymbol                   => classOnLeft
            case _: TypeSymbol if sym1.isDeferred => abstractTypeOnLeft(tp1.bounds.hi)
            case _: TypeSymbol                    => retry(tp1.normalize, tp2.normalize)
            case _                                => false
        case RefinedType(parents, _) => parents exists (retry(_, tp2))
        case _: SingletonType        => retry(tp1.underlying, tp2)
        case _                       => false


  def isWeakSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) =
    tp1.dealiasWiden match {
      case TypeRef(_, sym1, _) if isNumericValueClass(sym1) =>
        tp2.deconst.dealias match {
          case TypeRef(_, sym2, _) if isNumericValueClass(sym2) =>
            isNumericSubClass(sym1, sym2)
          case tv2 @ TypeVar(_, _) =>
            tv2.registerBound(tp1, isLowerBound = true, isNumericBound = true)
          case _ =>
            isSubType(tp1, tp2)
      case tv1 @ TypeVar(_, _) =>
        tp2.deconst.dealias match {
          case TypeRef(_, sym2, _) if isNumericValueClass(sym2) =>
            tv1.registerBound(tp2, isLowerBound = false, isNumericBound = true)
          case _ =>
            isSubType(tp1, tp2)
      case _ =>
        isSubType(tp1, tp2)

  def isNumericSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = (
    isNumericSubClass(primitiveBaseClass(tp1.dealiasWiden), primitiveBaseClass(tp2.dealias))

  /** If the given type has a primitive class among its base classes,
   *  the symbol of that class. Otherwise, NoSymbol.
  private def primitiveBaseClass(tp: Type): Symbol = {
    @tailrec def loop(bases: List[Symbol]): Symbol = bases match {
      case Nil     => NoSymbol
      case x :: xs => if (isPrimitiveValueClass(x)) x else loop(xs)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala TypeComparers.scala source code file:

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