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Scala example source code file (Attachments.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Attachments.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

attachments, boolean, classtag, nonemptyattachments, null, option, p, pos, set, t

The Attachments.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect
package macros

 * <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span>
 *  Attachments provide a way to associate custom metadata with symbols and trees.
 *  Along with `symbol` and `tpe`, which represent core metadata of trees, each tree
 *  carries the `attachments` field that can store other metadata: compiler-defined (e.g. positions) or user-defined.
 *  Same story is true for symbols, which also have extensible metadata by the virtue
 *  of the same `attachments` field.
 *  Typically attachments just store a [[scala.reflect.api.Position]], but they can be extended to
 *  encompass arbitrary payloads. Payloads are stored in type-indexed slots, which can be read with `get[T]` and written
 *  with `update[T]` and `remove[T]`.
 *  This API doesn't have much use in the runtime reflection API (the [[scala.reflect.api]] package), but it might be of help
 *  for macro writers, providing a way to coordinate multiple macros operating on the same code. Therefore the `attachments`
 *  field is only declared in trees and symbols belonging to [[scala.reflect.macros.Universe]].
abstract class Attachments { self =>

  /** The position type of this attachment */
  type Pos >: Null

  /** The underlying position */
  def pos: Pos

  /** Creates a copy of this attachment with the position replaced by `newPos` */
  def withPos(newPos: Pos): Attachments { type Pos = self.Pos }

  /** The underlying payload with the guarantee that no two elements have the same type. */
  def all: Set[Any] = Set.empty

  private def matchesTag[T: ClassTag](datum: Any) =
    classTag[T].runtimeClass == datum.getClass

  /** An underlying payload of the given class type `T`. */
  def get[T: ClassTag]: Option[T] =
    (all filter matchesTag[T]).headOption.asInstanceOf[Option[T]]

  /** Check underlying payload contains an instance of type `T`. */
  def contains[T: ClassTag]: Boolean =
    !isEmpty && (all exists matchesTag[T])

  /** Creates a copy of this attachment with the payload slot of T added/updated with the provided value.
   *  Replaces an existing payload of the same type, if exists.
  def update[T: ClassTag](attachment: T): Attachments { type Pos = self.Pos } =
    new NonemptyAttachments[Pos](this.pos, remove[T].all + attachment)

  /** Creates a copy of this attachment with the payload of the given class type `T` removed. */
  def remove[T: ClassTag]: Attachments { type Pos = self.Pos } = {
    val newAll = all filterNot matchesTag[T]
    if (newAll.isEmpty) pos.asInstanceOf[Attachments { type Pos = self.Pos }]
    else new NonemptyAttachments[Pos](this.pos, newAll)

  def isEmpty: Boolean = true

// SI-7018: This used to be an inner class of `Attachments`, but that led to a memory leak in the
// IDE via $outer pointers.
private final class NonemptyAttachments[P >: Null](override val pos: P, override val all: Set[Any]) extends Attachments {
  type Pos = P
  def withPos(newPos: Pos) = new NonemptyAttachments(newPos, all)
  override def isEmpty: Boolean = false

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Attachments.scala source code file:

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