Scala example source code file (DocParser.scala)
The DocParser.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools package nsc package doc import reporters._ import scala.reflect.internal.util._ import DocParser.Parsed /** A very minimal global customized for extracting `DocDefs`. It stops * right after parsing so it can read `DocDefs` from source code which would * otherwise cause the compiler to go haywire. */ class DocParser(settings: nsc.Settings, reporter: Reporter) extends Global(settings, reporter) { def this(settings: Settings) = this(settings, new ConsoleReporter(settings)) def this() = this(new Settings(Console println _)) // the usual global initialization locally { new Run() } override protected def computeInternalPhases() { phasesSet += syntaxAnalyzer } /** Returns a list of `DocParser.Parseds`, which hold the DocDefs found * in the given code along with the surrounding trees. */ def docDefs(code: String) = { def loop(enclosing: List[Tree], tree: Tree): List[Parsed] = tree match { case x: PackageDef => x.stats flatMap (t => loop(enclosing :+ x, t)) case x: DocDef => new Parsed(enclosing, x) :: loop(enclosing :+ x.definition, x.definition) case x => x.children flatMap (t => loop(enclosing, t)) } loop(Nil, docUnit(code)) } /** A compilation unit containing parsed source. */ def docUnit(code: String) = { val unit = new CompilationUnit(new BatchSourceFile("<console>", code)) val scanner = newUnitParser(unit) scanner.compilationUnit() } } /** Since the DocParser's whole reason for existing involves trashing a * global, it is designed to bottle up general `Global#Tree` types rather * than path dependent ones. The recipient will have to deal. */ object DocParser { type Tree = Global#Tree type DefTree = Global#DefTree type DocDef = Global#DocDef type Name = Global#Name class Parsed(val enclosing: List[Tree], val docDef: DocDef) { def nameChain: List[Name] = (enclosing :+ docDef.definition) collect { case x: DefTree => x.name } def raw: String = docDef.comment.raw override def toString = ( nameChain.init.map(x => if (x.isTypeName) x + "#" else x + ".").mkString + nameChain.last ) } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala DocParser.scala source code file: |
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