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Scala example source code file (Settings.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Settings.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, booleansetting, compiler, intsetting, list, map, none, nsc, set, string, stringsetting, the

The Settings.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package doc

import scala.language.postfixOps

/** An extended version of compiler settings, with additional Scaladoc-specific options.
  * @param error A function that prints a string to the appropriate error stream
  * @param printMsg A function that prints the string, without any extra boilerplate of error */
class Settings(error: String => Unit, val printMsg: String => Unit = println(_)) extends {

  /** A setting that defines in which format the documentation is output. ''Note:'' this setting is currently always
    * `html`. */
  val docformat = ChoiceSetting (
    "Selects in which format documentation is rendered",

  /** A setting that defines the overall title of the documentation, typically the name of the library being
    * documented. ''Note:'' This setting is currently not used. */
  val doctitle = StringSetting (
    "The overall name of the Scaladoc site",

  /** A setting that defines the overall version number of the documentation, typically the version of the library being
    * documented. ''Note:'' This setting is currently not used. */
  val docversion = StringSetting (
    "An optional version number, to be appended to the title",

  val docfooter = StringSetting (
    "A footer on every ScalaDoc page, by default the EPFL/Typesafe copyright notice. Can be overridden with a custom footer.",

  val docUncompilable = StringSetting (
    "A directory containing sources which should be parsed, no more (e.g. AnyRef.scala)",

  lazy val uncompilableFiles = docUncompilable.value match {
    case ""     => Nil
    case path   => io.Directory(path).deepFiles filter (_ hasExtension "scala") toList

  /** A setting that defines a URL to be concatenated with source locations and show a link to source files.
   * If needed the sourcepath option can be used to exclude undesired initial part of the link to sources */
  val docsourceurl = StringSetting (
    "A URL pattern used to build links to template sources; use variables, for example: ?{TPL_NAME} ('Seq'), ?{TPL_OWNER} ('scala.collection'), ?{FILE_PATH} ('scala/collection/Seq')",

  val docExternalDoc = MultiStringSetting (
    "comma-separated list of classpath_entry_path#doc_URL pairs describing external dependencies."

  val useStupidTypes = BooleanSetting (
    "Print the types of inherited members as seen from their original definition context. Hint: you don't want to do that!"

  val docgenerator = StringSetting (
    "The fully qualified name of a doclet class, which will be used to generate the documentation",

  val docRootContent = PathSetting (
    "The file from which the root package documentation should be imported.",

  val docImplicits = BooleanSetting (
    "Document members inherited by implicit conversions."

  val docImplicitsDebug = BooleanSetting (
    "Show debugging information for members inherited by implicit conversions."

  val docImplicitsShowAll = BooleanSetting (
    "Show members inherited by implicit conversions that are impossible in the default scope. " +
    "(for example conversions that require Numeric[String] to be in scope)"

  val docImplicitsSoundShadowing = BooleanSetting (
    "Use a sound implicit shadowing calculation. Note: this interacts badly with usecases, so " +
    "only use it if you haven't defined usecase for implicitly inherited members."

  val docImplicitsHide = MultiStringSetting (
    "Hide the members inherited by the given comma separated, fully qualified implicit conversions. Add dot (.) to include default conversions."

  val docAuthor = BooleanSetting (
    "Include authors."

  val docDiagrams = BooleanSetting (
    "Create inheritance diagrams for classes, traits and packages."

  val docDiagramsDebug = BooleanSetting (
    "Show debugging information for the diagram creation process."

  val docDiagramsDotPath = PathSetting (
    "The path to the dot executable used to generate the inheritance diagrams. Eg: /usr/bin/dot",
    "dot" // by default, just pick up the system-wide dot

  /** The maxium nuber of normal classes to show in the diagram */
  val docDiagramsMaxNormalClasses = IntSetting(
    "The maximum number of superclasses or subclasses to show in a diagram",
    _ => None

  /** The maxium nuber of implcit classes to show in the diagram */
  val docDiagramsMaxImplicitClasses = IntSetting(
    "The maximum number of implicitly converted classes to show in a diagram",
    _ => None

  val docDiagramsDotTimeout = IntSetting(
    "The timeout before the graphviz dot util is forcefully closed, in seconds (default: 10)",
    _ => None

  val docDiagramsDotRestart = IntSetting(
    "The number of times to restart a malfunctioning dot process before disabling diagrams (default: 5)",
    _ => None

  val docRawOutput = BooleanSetting (
    "For each html file, create another .html.raw file containing only the text. (can be used for quickly diffing two scaladoc outputs)"

  val docNoPrefixes = BooleanSetting (
    "Prevents generating prefixes in types, possibly creating ambiguous references, but significantly speeding up scaladoc."

  val docNoLinkWarnings = BooleanSetting (
    "Avoid warnings for ambiguous and incorrect links."

  val docSkipPackages = StringSetting (
    "A colon-delimited list of fully qualified package names that will be skipped from scaladoc.",

  val docExpandAllTypes = BooleanSetting (
    "Expand all type aliases and abstract types into full template pages. (locally this can be done with the @template annotation)"

  val docGroups = BooleanSetting (
    "Group similar functions together (based on the @group annotation)"

  // For improved help output.
  def scaladocSpecific = Set[Settings#Setting](
    docformat, doctitle, docfooter, docversion, docUncompilable, docsourceurl, docgenerator, docRootContent, useStupidTypes,
    docAuthor, docDiagrams, docDiagramsDebug, docDiagramsDotPath,
    docDiagramsDotTimeout, docDiagramsDotRestart,
    docImplicits, docImplicitsDebug, docImplicitsShowAll, docImplicitsHide,
    docDiagramsMaxNormalClasses, docDiagramsMaxImplicitClasses,
    docNoPrefixes, docNoLinkWarnings, docRawOutput, docSkipPackages,
    docExpandAllTypes, docGroups
  val isScaladocSpecific: String => Boolean = scaladocSpecific map (

  override def isScaladoc = true

  // set by the testsuite, when checking test output
  var scaladocQuietRun = false

  lazy val skipPackageNames =
    if (docSkipPackages.value == "")

  def skipPackage(qname: String) =

  lazy val hiddenImplicits: Set[String] = {
    if (docImplicitsHide.value.isEmpty) hardcoded.commonConversionTargets
    else docImplicitsHide.value.toSet flatMap { name: String =>
      if(name == ".") hardcoded.commonConversionTargets
      else Set(name)

  def appendIndex(url: String): String = url.stripSuffix("index.html").stripSuffix("/") + "/index.html"

  lazy val extUrlMapping: Map[String, String] = docExternalDoc.value flatMap { s =>
    val idx = s.indexOf("#")
    if (idx > 0) {
      val (first, last) = s.splitAt(idx)
      Some(new File(first).getAbsolutePath -> appendIndex(last.substring(1)))
    } else {
      error(s"Illegal -doc-external-doc option; expected a pair with '#' separator, found: '$s'")
  } toMap

   *  This is the hardcoded area of Scaladoc. This is where "undesirable" stuff gets eliminated. I know it's not pretty,
   *  but ultimately scaladoc has to be useful. :)
  object hardcoded {

    /** The common context bounds and some humanly explanations. Feel free to add more explanations
     *  `<root>.scala.package.Numeric` is the type class
     *  `tparam` is the name of the type parameter it gets (this only describes type classes with 1 type param)
     *  the function result should be a humanly-understandable description of the type class
    val knownTypeClasses: Map[String, String => String] = Map() +
      ("scala.math.Numeric"                     -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is a numeric class, such as Int, Long, Float or Double")) +
      ("scala.math.Integral"                    -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is an integral numeric class, such as Int or Long")) +
      ("scala.math.Fractional"                  -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is a fractional numeric class, such as Float or Double")) +
      ("scala.reflect.Manifest"                 -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by a Manifest, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) +
      ("scala.reflect.ClassManifest"            -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by a ClassManifest, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) +
      ("scala.reflect.OptManifest"              -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by an OptManifest, which can be either a runtime representation of its type or the NoManifest, which means the runtime type is not available")) +
      ("scala.reflect.ClassTag"                 -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by a ClassTag, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) +
      ("scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.WeakTypeTag" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by an WeakTypeTag, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) +
      ("scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag"     -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by a TypeTag, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure"))

     * Set of classes to exclude from index and diagrams
     * TODO: Should be configurable
    def isExcluded(qname: String) = {
      ( ( qname.startsWith("scala.Tuple") || qname.startsWith("scala.Product") ||
         qname.startsWith("scala.Function") || qname.startsWith("scala.runtime.AbstractFunction")
       ) && !(
        qname == "scala.Tuple1" || qname == "scala.Tuple2" ||
        qname == "scala.Product" || qname == "scala.Product1" || qname == "scala.Product2" ||
        qname == "scala.Function" || qname == "scala.Function1" || qname == "scala.Function2" ||
        qname == "scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0" || qname == "scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1" ||
        qname == "scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2"

    /** Common conversion targets that affect any class in Scala */
    val commonConversionTargets = Set(

    /** There's a reason all these are specialized by hand but documenting each of them is beyond the point */
    val arraySkipConversions = List(

    // included as names as here we don't have access to a Global with Definitions :(
    def valueClassList = List("unit", "boolean", "byte", "short", "char", "int", "long", "float", "double")
    def valueClassFilterPrefixes = List("scala.LowPriorityImplicits", "scala.Predef")

    /** Dirty, dirty, dirty hack: the value params conversions can all kick in -- and they are disambiguated by priority
     *  but showing priority in scaladoc would make no sense -- so we have to manually remove the conversions that we
     *  know will never get a chance to kick in. Anyway, DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY! */
    def valueClassFilter(value: String, conversionName: String): Boolean = {
      val valueName = value.toLowerCase
      val otherValues = valueClassList.filterNot(_ == valueName)

      for (prefix <- valueClassFilterPrefixes)
        if (conversionName.startsWith(prefix))
          for (otherValue <- otherValues)
            if (conversionName.startsWith(prefix + "." + otherValue))
              return false


Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Settings.scala source code file:

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