Scala example source code file (Settings.scala)
The Settings.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package doc import java.io.File import scala.language.postfixOps /** An extended version of compiler settings, with additional Scaladoc-specific options. * @param error A function that prints a string to the appropriate error stream * @param printMsg A function that prints the string, without any extra boilerplate of error */ class Settings(error: String => Unit, val printMsg: String => Unit = println(_)) extends scala.tools.nsc.Settings(error) { /** A setting that defines in which format the documentation is output. ''Note:'' this setting is currently always * `html`. */ val docformat = ChoiceSetting ( "-doc-format", "format", "Selects in which format documentation is rendered", List("html"), "html" ) /** A setting that defines the overall title of the documentation, typically the name of the library being * documented. ''Note:'' This setting is currently not used. */ val doctitle = StringSetting ( "-doc-title", "title", "The overall name of the Scaladoc site", "" ) /** A setting that defines the overall version number of the documentation, typically the version of the library being * documented. ''Note:'' This setting is currently not used. */ val docversion = StringSetting ( "-doc-version", "version", "An optional version number, to be appended to the title", "" ) val docfooter = StringSetting ( "-doc-footer", "footer", "A footer on every ScalaDoc page, by default the EPFL/Typesafe copyright notice. Can be overridden with a custom footer.", "" ) val docUncompilable = StringSetting ( "-doc-no-compile", "path", "A directory containing sources which should be parsed, no more (e.g. AnyRef.scala)", "" ) lazy val uncompilableFiles = docUncompilable.value match { case "" => Nil case path => io.Directory(path).deepFiles filter (_ hasExtension "scala") toList } /** A setting that defines a URL to be concatenated with source locations and show a link to source files. * If needed the sourcepath option can be used to exclude undesired initial part of the link to sources */ val docsourceurl = StringSetting ( "-doc-source-url", "url", "A URL pattern used to build links to template sources; use variables, for example: ?{TPL_NAME} ('Seq'), ?{TPL_OWNER} ('scala.collection'), ?{FILE_PATH} ('scala/collection/Seq')", "" ) val docExternalDoc = MultiStringSetting ( "-doc-external-doc", "external-doc", "comma-separated list of classpath_entry_path#doc_URL pairs describing external dependencies." ) val useStupidTypes = BooleanSetting ( "-Yuse-stupid-types", "Print the types of inherited members as seen from their original definition context. Hint: you don't want to do that!" ) val docgenerator = StringSetting ( "-doc-generator", "class-name", "The fully qualified name of a doclet class, which will be used to generate the documentation", "scala.tools.nsc.doc.html.Doclet" ) val docRootContent = PathSetting ( "-doc-root-content", "The file from which the root package documentation should be imported.", "" ) val docImplicits = BooleanSetting ( "-implicits", "Document members inherited by implicit conversions." ) val docImplicitsDebug = BooleanSetting ( "-implicits-debug", "Show debugging information for members inherited by implicit conversions." ) val docImplicitsShowAll = BooleanSetting ( "-implicits-show-all", "Show members inherited by implicit conversions that are impossible in the default scope. " + "(for example conversions that require Numeric[String] to be in scope)" ) val docImplicitsSoundShadowing = BooleanSetting ( "-implicits-sound-shadowing", "Use a sound implicit shadowing calculation. Note: this interacts badly with usecases, so " + "only use it if you haven't defined usecase for implicitly inherited members." ) val docImplicitsHide = MultiStringSetting ( "-implicits-hide", "implicit(s)", "Hide the members inherited by the given comma separated, fully qualified implicit conversions. Add dot (.) to include default conversions." ) val docAuthor = BooleanSetting ( "-author", "Include authors." ) val docDiagrams = BooleanSetting ( "-diagrams", "Create inheritance diagrams for classes, traits and packages." ) val docDiagramsDebug = BooleanSetting ( "-diagrams-debug", "Show debugging information for the diagram creation process." ) val docDiagramsDotPath = PathSetting ( "-diagrams-dot-path", "The path to the dot executable used to generate the inheritance diagrams. Eg: /usr/bin/dot", "dot" // by default, just pick up the system-wide dot ) /** The maxium nuber of normal classes to show in the diagram */ val docDiagramsMaxNormalClasses = IntSetting( "-diagrams-max-classes", "The maximum number of superclasses or subclasses to show in a diagram", 15, None, _ => None ) /** The maxium nuber of implcit classes to show in the diagram */ val docDiagramsMaxImplicitClasses = IntSetting( "-diagrams-max-implicits", "The maximum number of implicitly converted classes to show in a diagram", 10, None, _ => None ) val docDiagramsDotTimeout = IntSetting( "-diagrams-dot-timeout", "The timeout before the graphviz dot util is forcefully closed, in seconds (default: 10)", 10, None, _ => None ) val docDiagramsDotRestart = IntSetting( "-diagrams-dot-restart", "The number of times to restart a malfunctioning dot process before disabling diagrams (default: 5)", 5, None, _ => None ) val docRawOutput = BooleanSetting ( "-raw-output", "For each html file, create another .html.raw file containing only the text. (can be used for quickly diffing two scaladoc outputs)" ) val docNoPrefixes = BooleanSetting ( "-no-prefixes", "Prevents generating prefixes in types, possibly creating ambiguous references, but significantly speeding up scaladoc." ) val docNoLinkWarnings = BooleanSetting ( "-no-link-warnings", "Avoid warnings for ambiguous and incorrect links." ) val docSkipPackages = StringSetting ( "-skip-packages", "<package1>:...:<packageN>", "A colon-delimited list of fully qualified package names that will be skipped from scaladoc.", "" ) val docExpandAllTypes = BooleanSetting ( "-expand-all-types", "Expand all type aliases and abstract types into full template pages. (locally this can be done with the @template annotation)" ) val docGroups = BooleanSetting ( "-groups", "Group similar functions together (based on the @group annotation)" ) // For improved help output. def scaladocSpecific = Set[Settings#Setting]( docformat, doctitle, docfooter, docversion, docUncompilable, docsourceurl, docgenerator, docRootContent, useStupidTypes, docAuthor, docDiagrams, docDiagramsDebug, docDiagramsDotPath, docDiagramsDotTimeout, docDiagramsDotRestart, docImplicits, docImplicitsDebug, docImplicitsShowAll, docImplicitsHide, docDiagramsMaxNormalClasses, docDiagramsMaxImplicitClasses, docNoPrefixes, docNoLinkWarnings, docRawOutput, docSkipPackages, docExpandAllTypes, docGroups ) val isScaladocSpecific: String => Boolean = scaladocSpecific map (_.name) override def isScaladoc = true // set by the testsuite, when checking test output var scaladocQuietRun = false lazy val skipPackageNames = if (docSkipPackages.value == "") Set[String]() else docSkipPackages.value.toLowerCase.split(':').toSet def skipPackage(qname: String) = skipPackageNames(qname.toLowerCase) lazy val hiddenImplicits: Set[String] = { if (docImplicitsHide.value.isEmpty) hardcoded.commonConversionTargets else docImplicitsHide.value.toSet flatMap { name: String => if(name == ".") hardcoded.commonConversionTargets else Set(name) } } def appendIndex(url: String): String = url.stripSuffix("index.html").stripSuffix("/") + "/index.html" lazy val extUrlMapping: Map[String, String] = docExternalDoc.value flatMap { s => val idx = s.indexOf("#") if (idx > 0) { val (first, last) = s.splitAt(idx) Some(new File(first).getAbsolutePath -> appendIndex(last.substring(1))) } else { error(s"Illegal -doc-external-doc option; expected a pair with '#' separator, found: '$s'") None } } toMap /** * This is the hardcoded area of Scaladoc. This is where "undesirable" stuff gets eliminated. I know it's not pretty, * but ultimately scaladoc has to be useful. :) */ object hardcoded { /** The common context bounds and some humanly explanations. Feel free to add more explanations * `<root>.scala.package.Numeric` is the type class * `tparam` is the name of the type parameter it gets (this only describes type classes with 1 type param) * the function result should be a humanly-understandable description of the type class */ val knownTypeClasses: Map[String, String => String] = Map() + ("scala.math.Numeric" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is a numeric class, such as Int, Long, Float or Double")) + ("scala.math.Integral" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is an integral numeric class, such as Int or Long")) + ("scala.math.Fractional" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is a fractional numeric class, such as Float or Double")) + ("scala.reflect.Manifest" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by a Manifest, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) + ("scala.reflect.ClassManifest" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by a ClassManifest, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) + ("scala.reflect.OptManifest" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by an OptManifest, which can be either a runtime representation of its type or the NoManifest, which means the runtime type is not available")) + ("scala.reflect.ClassTag" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by a ClassTag, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) + ("scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.WeakTypeTag" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by an WeakTypeTag, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) + ("scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag" -> ((tparam: String) => tparam + " is accompanied by a TypeTag, which is a runtime representation of its type that survives erasure")) /** * Set of classes to exclude from index and diagrams * TODO: Should be configurable */ def isExcluded(qname: String) = { ( ( qname.startsWith("scala.Tuple") || qname.startsWith("scala.Product") || qname.startsWith("scala.Function") || qname.startsWith("scala.runtime.AbstractFunction") ) && !( qname == "scala.Tuple1" || qname == "scala.Tuple2" || qname == "scala.Product" || qname == "scala.Product1" || qname == "scala.Product2" || qname == "scala.Function" || qname == "scala.Function1" || qname == "scala.Function2" || qname == "scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0" || qname == "scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1" || qname == "scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2" ) ) } /** Common conversion targets that affect any class in Scala */ val commonConversionTargets = Set( "scala.Predef.StringFormat", "scala.Predef.any2stringadd", "scala.Predef.ArrowAssoc", "scala.Predef.Ensuring", "scala.collection.TraversableOnce.alternateImplicit") /** There's a reason all these are specialized by hand but documenting each of them is beyond the point */ val arraySkipConversions = List( "scala.Predef.refArrayOps", "scala.Predef.intArrayOps", "scala.Predef.doubleArrayOps", "scala.Predef.longArrayOps", "scala.Predef.floatArrayOps", "scala.Predef.charArrayOps", "scala.Predef.byteArrayOps", "scala.Predef.shortArrayOps", "scala.Predef.booleanArrayOps", "scala.Predef.unitArrayOps", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapRefArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapIntArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapDoubleArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapLongArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapFloatArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapCharArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapByteArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapShortArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapBooleanArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.wrapUnitArray", "scala.LowPriorityImplicits.genericWrapArray") // included as names as here we don't have access to a Global with Definitions :( def valueClassList = List("unit", "boolean", "byte", "short", "char", "int", "long", "float", "double") def valueClassFilterPrefixes = List("scala.LowPriorityImplicits", "scala.Predef") /** Dirty, dirty, dirty hack: the value params conversions can all kick in -- and they are disambiguated by priority * but showing priority in scaladoc would make no sense -- so we have to manually remove the conversions that we * know will never get a chance to kick in. Anyway, DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY! */ def valueClassFilter(value: String, conversionName: String): Boolean = { val valueName = value.toLowerCase val otherValues = valueClassList.filterNot(_ == valueName) for (prefix <- valueClassFilterPrefixes) if (conversionName.startsWith(prefix)) for (otherValue <- otherValues) if (conversionName.startsWith(prefix + "." + otherValue)) return false true } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Settings.scala source code file: |
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