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Scala example source code file (HtmlPage.scala)

This example Scala source code file (HtmlPage.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, collection, doctemplateentity, dtd, list, nil, nodeseq, none, string, templateentity, title, unorderedlist, xml

The HtmlPage.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  David Bernard, Manohar Jonnalagedda

package scala
package tools
package nsc
package doc
package html

import base._
import base.comment._
import model._

import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import scala.xml.Elem
import scala.xml.dtd.{DocType, PublicID}
import scala.collection._

/** An html page that is part of a Scaladoc site.
  * @author David Bernard
  * @author Gilles Dubochet */
abstract class HtmlPage extends Page { thisPage =>
  /** The title of this page. */
  protected def title: String

  /** The page description */
  protected def description: String =
    // unless overwritten, will display the title in a spaced format, keeping - and .
    title.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]+", " ").replaceAll("\\-+", " - ").replaceAll(" +", " ")

  /** The page keywords */
  protected def keywords: String =
    // unless overwritten, same as description, minus the " - "
    description.replaceAll(" - ", " ")

  /** Additional header elements (links, scripts, meta tags, etc.) required for this page. */
  protected def headers: NodeSeq

  /** The body of this page. */
  def body: NodeSeq

  def writeFor(site: HtmlFactory) {
    val doctype = DocType("html")
    val html =
          <title>{ title }</title>
          <meta name="description" content={ description }/>
          <meta name="keywords" content={ keywords }/>
          <meta http-equiv="content-type" content={ "text/html; charset=" + site.encoding }/>
          { headers }
        { body }

    writeFile(site) { (w: Writer) =>
      w.write(doctype.toString + "\n")

    if (site.universe.settings.docRawOutput)
      writeFile(site, ".raw") {
        // we're only interested in the body, as this will go into the diff

  /** Transforms an optional comment into an styled HTML tree representing its body if it is defined, or into an empty
    * node sequence if it is not. */
  def commentToHtml(comment: Option[Comment]): NodeSeq =
    (comment map (commentToHtml(_))) getOrElse NodeSeq.Empty

  /** Transforms a comment into an styled HTML tree representing its body. */
  def commentToHtml(comment: Comment): NodeSeq =

  def bodyToHtml(body: Body): NodeSeq =
    body.blocks flatMap (blockToHtml(_))

  def blockToHtml(block: Block): NodeSeq = block match {
    case Title(in, 1) => <h3>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</h3>
    case Title(in, 2) => <h4>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</h4>
    case Title(in, 3) => <h5>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</h5>
    case Title(in, _) => <h6>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</h6>
    case Paragraph(in) => <p>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</p>
    case Code(data) =>
      <pre>{ SyntaxHigh(data) }</pre> //<pre>{ scala.xml.Text(data) }</pre>
    case UnorderedList(items) =>
      <ul>{ listItemsToHtml(items) }</ul>
    case OrderedList(items, listStyle) =>
      <ol class={ listStyle }>{ listItemsToHtml(items) }</ol>
    case DefinitionList(items) =>
      <dl>{items map { case (t, d) => <dt>{ inlineToHtml(t) }</dt><dd>{ blockToHtml(d) }</dd> } }</dl>
    case HorizontalRule() =>

  def listItemsToHtml(items: Seq[Block]) =
    items.foldLeft(xml.NodeSeq.Empty){ (xmlList, item) =>
      item match {
        case OrderedList(_, _) | UnorderedList(_) =>  // html requires sub ULs to be put into the last LI
          xmlList.init ++ <li>{ xmlList.last.child ++ blockToHtml(item) }</li>
        case Paragraph(inline) =>
          xmlList :+ <li>{ inlineToHtml(inline) }</li>  // LIs are blocks, no need to use Ps
        case block =>
          xmlList :+ <li>{ blockToHtml(block) }</li>

  def inlineToHtml(inl: Inline): NodeSeq = inl match {
    case Chain(items) => items flatMap (inlineToHtml(_))
    case Italic(in) => <i>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</i>
    case Bold(in) => <b>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</b>
    case Underline(in) => <u>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</u>
    case Superscript(in) => <sup>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</sup>
    case Subscript(in) => <sub>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</sub>
    case Link(raw, title) => <a href={ raw } target="_blank">{ inlineToHtml(title) }</a>
    case Monospace(in) => <code>{ inlineToHtml(in) }</code>
    case Text(text) => scala.xml.Text(text)
    case Summary(in) => inlineToHtml(in)
    case HtmlTag(tag) => scala.xml.Unparsed(tag)
    case EntityLink(target, link) => linkToHtml(target, link, hasLinks = true)

  def linkToHtml(text: Inline, link: LinkTo, hasLinks: Boolean) = link match {
    case LinkToTpl(dtpl: TemplateEntity) =>
      if (hasLinks)
        <a href={ relativeLinkTo(dtpl) } class="extype" name={ dtpl.qualifiedName }>{ inlineToHtml(text) }</a>
        <span class="extype" name={ dtpl.qualifiedName }>{ inlineToHtml(text) }</span>
    case LinkToMember(mbr: MemberEntity, inTpl: TemplateEntity) =>
      if (hasLinks)
        <a href={ relativeLinkTo(inTpl) + "#" + mbr.signature } class="extmbr" name={ mbr.qualifiedName }>{ inlineToHtml(text) }</a>
        <span class="extmbr" name={ mbr.qualifiedName }>{ inlineToHtml(text) }</span>
    case Tooltip(tooltip) =>
      <span class="extype" name={ tooltip }>{ inlineToHtml(text) }</span>
    case LinkToExternal(name, url) =>
      <a href={ url } class="extype" target="_top">{ inlineToHtml(text) }</a>
    case _ =>

  def typeToHtml(tpes: List[model.TypeEntity], hasLinks: Boolean): NodeSeq = tpes match {
    case Nil =>
    case List(tpe) =>
      typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks)
    case tpe :: rest =>
      typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks) ++ scala.xml.Text(" with ") ++ typeToHtml(rest, hasLinks)

  def typeToHtml(tpe: model.TypeEntity, hasLinks: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
    val string =
    def toLinksOut(inPos: Int, starts: List[Int]): NodeSeq = {
      if (starts.isEmpty && (inPos == string.length))
      else if (starts.isEmpty)
        scala.xml.Text(string.slice(inPos, string.length))
      else if (inPos == starts.head)
        toLinksIn(inPos, starts)
      else {
        scala.xml.Text(string.slice(inPos, starts.head)) ++ toLinksIn(starts.head, starts)
    def toLinksIn(inPos: Int, starts: List[Int]): NodeSeq = {
      val (link, width) = tpe.refEntity(inPos)
      val text = comment.Text(string.slice(inPos, inPos + width))
      linkToHtml(text, link, hasLinks) ++ toLinksOut(inPos + width, starts.tail)
    if (hasLinks)
      toLinksOut(0, tpe.refEntity.keySet.toList)

  def typesToHtml(tpess: List[model.TypeEntity], hasLinks: Boolean, sep: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = tpess match {
    case Nil         => NodeSeq.Empty
    case tpe :: Nil  => typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks)
    case tpe :: tpes => typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks) ++ sep ++ typesToHtml(tpes, hasLinks, sep)

  def hasPage(e: DocTemplateEntity) = {
    e.isPackage || e.isTrait || e.isClass || e.isObject || e.isCaseClass

  /** Returns the HTML code that represents the template in `tpl` as a hyperlinked name. */
  def templateToHtml(tpl: TemplateEntity, name: String = null) = tpl match {
    case dTpl: DocTemplateEntity =>
      if (hasPage(dTpl)) {
        <a href={ relativeLinkTo(dTpl) } class="extype" name={ dTpl.qualifiedName }>{ if (name eq null) else name }</a>
      } else {
        scala.xml.Text(if (name eq null) else name)
    case ndTpl: NoDocTemplate =>
      scala.xml.Text(if (name eq null) else name)

  /** Returns the HTML code that represents the templates in `tpls` as a list of hyperlinked names. */
  def templatesToHtml(tplss: List[TemplateEntity], sep: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = tplss match {
    case Nil         => NodeSeq.Empty
    case tpl :: Nil  => templateToHtml(tpl)
    case tpl :: tpls => templateToHtml(tpl) ++ sep ++ templatesToHtml(tpls, sep)

  /** Returns the _big image name corresponding to the DocTemplate Entity (upper left icon) */
  def docEntityKindToBigImage(ety: DocTemplateEntity) =
    if (ety.isTrait && !ety.companion.isEmpty && ety.companion.get.visibility.isPublic && ety.companion.get.inSource != None) "trait_to_object_big.png"
    else if (ety.isTrait) "trait_big.png"
    else if (ety.isClass && !ety.companion.isEmpty && ety.companion.get.visibility.isPublic && ety.companion.get.inSource != None) "class_to_object_big.png"
    else if (ety.isClass) "class_big.png"
    else if ((ety.isAbstractType || ety.isAliasType) && !ety.companion.isEmpty && ety.companion.get.visibility.isPublic && ety.companion.get.inSource != None) "type_to_object_big.png"
    else if ((ety.isAbstractType || ety.isAliasType)) "type_big.png"
    else if (ety.isObject && !ety.companion.isEmpty && ety.companion.get.visibility.isPublic && ety.companion.get.inSource != None && ety.companion.get.isClass) "object_to_class_big.png"
    else if (ety.isObject && !ety.companion.isEmpty && ety.companion.get.visibility.isPublic && ety.companion.get.inSource != None && ety.companion.get.isTrait) "object_to_trait_big.png"
    else if (ety.isObject && !ety.companion.isEmpty && ety.companion.get.visibility.isPublic && ety.companion.get.inSource != None && (ety.companion.get.isAbstractType || ety.companion.get.isAliasType)) "object_to_trait_big.png"
    else if (ety.isObject) "object_big.png"
    else if (ety.isPackage) "package_big.png"
    else "class_big.png"  // FIXME: an entity *should* fall into one of the above categories, but AnyRef is somehow not

  def permalink(template: Entity, isSelf: Boolean = true): Elem =
    <span class="permalink">
      <a href={ memberToUrl(template, isSelf) } title="Permalink" target="_top">
        <img src={ relativeLinkTo(List("permalink.png", "lib")) } />

  def memberToUrl(template: Entity, isSelf: Boolean = true): String = {
    val (signature: Option[String], containingTemplate: TemplateEntity) = template match {
      case dte: DocTemplateEntity if (!isSelf) => (Some(dte.signature), dte.inTemplate)
      case dte: DocTemplateEntity => (None, dte)
      case me: MemberEntity => (Some(me.signature), me.inTemplate)
      case tpl => (None, tpl)

    def hashFromPath(templatePath: List[String]): String =
      ((templatePath.head.replace(".html", "") :: templatePath.tail).reverse).mkString(".")

    val containingTemplatePath = templateToPath(containingTemplate)
    val url = "../" * (containingTemplatePath.size - 1) + "index.html"
    val hash = hashFromPath(containingTemplatePath)
    s"$url#$hash" +"@" + _).getOrElse("")

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala HtmlPage.scala source code file:

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