Scala example source code file (Classfile.scala)
The Classfile.scala Scala example source code/* ___ ____ ___ __ ___ ___ ** / _// __// _ | / / / _ | / _ \ Scala classfile decoder ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/ ___/ (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_/ ** */ package scala.tools.scalap class Classfile(in: ByteArrayReader) { import Classfiles._ type UTF8 = Pool#UTF8 assert(in.nextInt == JAVA_MAGIC) val minorVersion = in.nextChar val majorVersion = in.nextChar val pool = new Pool() val flags = in.nextChar val classname = in.nextChar val superclass = in.nextChar val interfaces = readInterfaces val fields = readMembers(true) val methods = readMembers(false) val attribs = readAttribs def scalaSigAttribute = attribs find (_.toString == Main.SCALA_SIG) def readAttribs = { val n = in.nextChar var attribs: List[Attribute] = Nil var i = 0 while (i < n) { attribs = Attribute(in.nextChar.toInt, in.nextBytes(in.nextInt)) :: attribs i = i + 1 } attribs } def readMembers(field: Boolean) = { val n = in.nextChar var members: List[Member] = Nil var i = 0 while (i < n) { members = Member(field, in.nextChar.toInt, in.nextChar.toInt, in.nextChar.toInt, readAttribs) :: members i = i + 1 } members } def readInterfaces = { val n = in.nextChar var intfs: List[Int] = Nil var i = 0 while (i < n) { intfs = in.nextChar.toInt :: intfs i = i + 1 } intfs } class Pool() { sealed abstract class PoolEntry(val tag: Int) { def typeString = constantTagToString(tag) } case class UTF8(str: String) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_UTF8) { override def toString = "\"" + str + "\"" } case class ClassRef(classId: Int) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_CLASS) { override def toString = "Class(%s)".format(entries(classId)) } case class FieldRef(classId: Int, memberId: Int) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_FIELDREF) case class MethodRef(classId: Int, memberId: Int) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_METHODREF) { // //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V override def toString() = "Method %s.\"%s\"".format(entries(classId), entries(memberId)) } case class IntfMethodRef(classId: Int, memberId: Int) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_INTFMETHODREF) case class StringConst(strId: Int) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_STRING) case class IntegerConst(x: Int) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_INTEGER) case class FloatConst(x: Float) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_FLOAT) case class LongConst(x: Long) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_LONG) case class DoubleConst(x: Double) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_DOUBLE) case class NameAndType(nameId: Int, typeId: Int) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_NAMEANDTYPE) case object Empty extends PoolEntry(0) { } val entries = { val pool = new Array[PoolEntry](in.nextChar.toInt) var i = 1 while (i < pool.length) { val tag = in.nextByte // Double sized entry if (tag == CONSTANT_LONG || tag == CONSTANT_DOUBLE) { pool(i) = if (tag == CONSTANT_LONG) LongConst(in.nextLong) else DoubleConst(in.nextDouble) i = i + 1 pool(i) = Empty } else pool(i) = tag match { case CONSTANT_UTF8 => UTF8(in.nextUTF8(in.nextChar.toInt)) case CONSTANT_UNICODE => in.skip(in.nextChar) ; Empty case CONSTANT_CLASS => ClassRef(in.nextChar) case CONSTANT_STRING => StringConst(in.nextChar) case CONSTANT_FIELDREF => FieldRef(in.nextChar, in.nextChar) case CONSTANT_METHODREF => MethodRef(in.nextChar, in.nextChar) case CONSTANT_INTFMETHODREF => IntfMethodRef(in.nextChar, in.nextChar) case CONSTANT_NAMEANDTYPE => NameAndType(in.nextChar, in.nextChar) case CONSTANT_INTEGER => IntegerConst(in.nextInt) case CONSTANT_FLOAT => FloatConst(in.nextFloat) } i += 1 } pool } lazy val length = entries.length def apply(x: Int) = entries(x) def stringOf(x: Int) = apply(x).toString override def toString = ( for ((x, i) <- entries.zipWithIndex ; if x != null) yield "const #%d = %s\t%s\n".format(i + 1, x.typeString, x) ).mkString } /** **/ case class Member(field: Boolean, flags: Int, name: Int, tpe: Int, attribs: List[Attribute]) case class Attribute(name: Int, data: Array[Byte]) { override def toString = (pool(name): @unchecked) match { case pool.UTF8(s) => s } def reader: ByteArrayReader = new ByteArrayReader(data) } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Classfile.scala source code file: |
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