Scala example source code file (BasicLayer.scala)
The Scala BasicLayer.scala source codeimport sbt._ import xsbt.ScalaInstance import ScalaBuildProject._ /** * Basic tasks and configuration shared by all layers. This class regroups the configuration and behaviour * shared by all layers. * @author Grégory Moix */ abstract class BasicLayer(val info: ProjectInfo, val versionNumber: String, previousLayer: Option[BasicLayer]) extends ScalaBuildProject with ReflectiveProject with AdditionalResources with LayerCompilation with BuildInfoEnvironment with ForkSBT { layer => // All path values must be lazy in order to avoid initialization issues (sbt way of doing things) def buildInfoEnvironmentLocation: Path = outputRootPath / ("build-"+name+".properties") val forkProperty = "scala.sbt.forked" def isDebug = info.logger atLevel Level.Debug def isForked = System.getProperty(forkProperty) != null // Support of triggered execution at project level override def watchPaths = info.projectPath / "src" ** ("*.scala" || "*.java" || AdditionalResources.basicFilter) override def dependencies = info.dependencies lazy val copyright = property[String] lazy val partestVersionNumber = property[Version] lazy val nextLayer: Option[BasicLayer] = None def packingDestination : Path = layerOutput / "pack" lazy val libsDestination = packingDestination/ "lib" lazy val packedStarrOutput = outputRootPath / "pasta" lazy val requiredPluginsDirForCompilation = layerOutput / "misc" / "scala-devel" / "plugins" def compilerAdditionalJars: List[Path] = Nil def libraryAdditionalJars: List[Path] = Nil // TASKS /** * Before compiling the layer, we need to check that the previous layer * was created correctly and compile it if necessary */ lazy val startLayer = previousLayer match { case Some(previous) => task(None) dependsOn previous.finishLayer case _ => task(None) } def buildLayer = externalCompilation orElse writeProperties lazy val build = compile lazy val compile = task(buildLayer) dependsOn startLayer /** * Finish the compilation and ressources copy and generation * It does nothing in itself. As sbt doesn't support conditional dependencies, * it permit locker to override it in order to lock the layer when the compilation * is finished. */ lazy val finishLayer: ManagedTask = task(None) dependsOn compile def cleaningList = List( layerOutput, layerEnvironment.envBackingPath, packingDestination ) def cleanFiles = FileUtilities.clean(cleaningList, true, log) // We use super.task, so cleaning is done in every case, even when locked lazy val clean: Task = nextLayer match { case Some(next) => super.task(cleanFiles) dependsOn next.clean case _ => super.task(cleanFiles) } lazy val cleanBuild = task(cleanFiles orElse buildLayer) dependsOn startLayer // Utility methods (for quick access) def actorsOutput = actorsConfig.outputDirectory def actorsSrcDir = actorsConfig.srcDir def compilerOutput = compilerConfig.outputDirectory def compilerSrcDir = compilerConfig.srcDir def dbcOutput = dbcConfig.outputDirectory def libraryOutput = libraryConfig.outputDirectory def librarySrcDir = libraryConfig.srcDir def outputCompilerJar = compilerConfig.packagingConfig.jarDestination def outputLibraryJar = libraryWS.packagingConfig.jarDestination def outputPartestJar = partestConfig.packagingConfig.jarDestination def outputScalapJar = scalapConfig.packagingConfig.jarDestination def scalapOutput = scalapConfig.outputDirectory def swingOutput = swingConfig.outputDirectory def swingSrcDir = swingConfig.srcDir // CONFIGURATION OF THE COMPILATION STEPS /** * Configuration of the core library compilation */ lazy val libraryConfig = new CompilationStep("library", pathLayout , log) with ResourcesToCopy with PropertiesToWrite { def label = "["+layer.name+"] library" def options: Seq[String] = Seq("-sourcepath", pathConfig.sources.absolutePath.toString) def dependencies = Nil override def classpath = super.classpath +++ forkJoinJar def copyDestination = outputDirectory def filesToCopy = getResources(srcDir) def propertyDestination = outputDirectory / "library.properties" def propertyList = ("version.number",versionNumber) :: ("copyright.string", copyright.value) :: Nil } /** * Configuration of the compiler */ lazy val compilerConfig = new CompilationStep("compiler", pathLayout, log) with ResourcesToCopy with PropertiesToWrite with Packaging { def label = "["+layer.name+"] compiler" private def bootClassPath : String = { System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path") } override def classpath: PathFinder = super.classpath +++ fjbgJar +++ msilJar +++ jlineJar +++ antJar +++ forkJoinJar def options = Seq("-bootclasspath", bootClassPath) def dependencies = if (minimalCompilation) libraryConfig :: Nil else libraryConfig :: actorsConfig :: dbcConfig :: swingConfig :: Nil def copyDestination = outputDirectory def filesToCopy = getResources(srcDir) def propertyDestination = outputDirectory / "compiler.properties" def propertyList = ("version.number",versionNumber) :: ("copyright.string", copyright.value) :: Nil lazy val packagingConfig = { import java.util.jar.Manifest import java.io.FileInputStream val manifest = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(manifestPath.asFile)) new PackagingConfiguration(libsDestination / compilerJarName, List(outputDirectory ##), manifest , compilerAdditionalJars) } lazy val starrPackagingConfig = new PackagingConfiguration(packedStarrOutput/compilerJarName, List(outputDirectory ##)) } //// ADDTIONNAL LIBRARIES //// /** * Config of the actors library */ lazy val actorsConfig = new CompilationStep ("actors", pathLayout, log){ def label = "["+layer.name+"] actors library" override def classpath: PathFinder = super.classpath +++ forkJoinJar def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig :: Nil } /** * Config of the dbc library */ lazy val dbcConfig = new CompilationStep("dbc", pathLayout, log) with Packaging { def label = "["+layer.name+"] dbc library" def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig :: Nil lazy val packagingConfig = new PackagingConfiguration( libsDestination / dbcJarName, List(outputDirectory ##) ) } /** * Config of the swing library */ lazy val swingConfig = new CompilationStep("swing", pathLayout, log) with Packaging { def label = "["+layer.name+"] swing library" def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig :: actorsConfig :: Nil lazy val packagingConfig = new PackagingConfiguration( libsDestination / swingJarName, List(outputDirectory ##) ) } ///// TOOLS CONFIGURATION //////// /** * Configuration of scalacheck */ lazy val scalacheckConfig = new CompilationStep("scalacheck", pathLayout, log) with Packaging { def label = "["+layer.name+"] scalacheck" def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig :: compilerConfig :: actorsConfig :: Nil lazy val packagingConfig = new PackagingConfiguration( libsDestination / scalacheckJarName, List(outputDirectory ##) ) } /** * Configuration of scalap tool */ lazy val scalapConfig = new CompilationStep("scalap", pathLayout, log) with Packaging { def label = "["+layer.name+"] scalap" def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig :: compilerConfig :: Nil val decoderProperties = (srcDir ## ) / "decoder.properties" lazy val packagingConfig = new PackagingConfiguration( libsDestination / scalapJarName, List(outputDirectory ##, decoderProperties) ) } /** * Configuration of the partest tool */ lazy val partestConfig = new CompilationStep("partest", pathLayout, log) with ResourcesToCopy with PropertiesToWrite with Packaging { def label = "["+layer.name+"] partest" override def classpath: PathFinder = super.classpath +++ antJar +++ forkJoinJar def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig :: compilerConfig :: scalapConfig :: actorsConfig :: Nil def copyDestination = outputDirectory def filesToCopy = getResources(srcDir) def propertyDestination = outputDirectory / "partest.properties" def propertyList = List( ("version.number", partestVersionNumber.value.toString), ("copyright.string", copyright.value) ) lazy val packagingConfig = new PackagingConfiguration(libsDestination / partestJarName, List(outputDirectory ##)) } ///// PLUGINS CONFIGURATION //////// lazy val continuationPluginConfig = { val config = new PathConfig { def projectRoot: Path = pathLayout.projectRoot def sources: Path = pathLayout.srcDir / "continuations" / "plugin" def analysis: Path = pathLayout.analysisOutput / "continuations" / "plugin" def output: Path = pathLayout.classesOutput / "continuations" / "plugin" } new CompilationStep("continuation-plugin", config, log) with ResourcesToCopy with EarlyPackaging { def label = "["+layer.name+"] continuation plugin" def dependencies = libraryConfig :: compilerConfig :: Nil def options = Seq() def filesToCopy = (sourceRoots ##) / "scalac-plugin.xml" def copyDestination = outputDirectory def jarContent = List(outputDirectory ##) lazy val packagingConfig = new PackagingConfiguration( requiredPluginsDirForCompilation/"continuations.jar", List(outputDirectory ##) ) lazy val earlyPackagingConfig = new PackagingConfiguration( pathLayout.outputDir / "misc" / "scala-devel" / "plugins" / "continuations.jar", List(outputDirectory ##) ) } } lazy val continuationLibraryConfig = { val config = new PathConfig { def projectRoot: Path = pathLayout.projectRoot def sources: Path = pathLayout.srcDir / "continuations" / "library" def analysis: Path = pathLayout.analysisOutput / "continuations" / "library" def output: Path = pathLayout.classesOutput / "continuations" / "library" } new CompilationStep("continuation-library", config, log) { def label = "["+layer.name+"] continuation library" def dependencies = libraryConfig :: compilerConfig :: continuationPluginConfig :: Nil def options = Seq( "-Xpluginsdir", requiredPluginsDirForCompilation.absolutePath, "-Xplugin-require:continuations", "-P:continuations:enable" ) } } // Grouping compilation steps def minimalCompilation = false // It must be true for locker because we do not need to compile everything def libraryWS: WrapperStep with Packaging def toolsWS: WrapperStep lazy val pluginsWS = new WrapperStep(continuationPluginConfig :: continuationLibraryConfig :: Nil) lazy val allSteps = new WrapperStep(libraryWS :: compilerConfig :: pluginsWS :: toolsWS :: Nil) } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala BasicLayer.scala source code file: |
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