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Scala example source code file (Compilation.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Compilation.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The Scala Compilation.scala source code

import sbt._
import xsbt.{AnalyzingCompiler, ScalaInstance}
import FileUtilities._

 * This trait define the compilation task.
* @author Grégory Moix
trait Compilation {
  self : ScalaBuildProject with BuildInfoEnvironment =>

  def lastUsedCompilerVersion = layerEnvironment.lastCompilerVersion

  def instantiationCompilerJar: Path
  def instantiationLibraryJar: Path

  def instanceScope[A](action: ScalaInstance => A): A = {
    val instance = ScalaInstance(instantiationLibraryJar.asFile, instantiationCompilerJar.asFile, info.launcher, msilJar.asFile, fjbgJar.asFile)
    log.debug("Compiler will be instantiated by :" +instance.compilerJar +" and :" +instance.libraryJar )

  def compile(stepList: Step, clean:() => Option[String]): Option[String] = compile(stepList, Some(clean))
  def compile(stepList: Step): Option[String] = compile(stepList, None)
   * Execute the different compilation parts one after the others.
  def compile(stepsList: Step, clean: Option[() => Option[String]]): Option[String] ={

    instanceScope[Option[String]]{  scala =>
      lazy val analyzing = new AnalyzingCompiler(scala, componentManager, xsbt.ClasspathOptions.manual, log)

      def compilerVersionHasChanged = lastUsedCompilerVersion.value != scala.actualVersion

      def checkAndClean(cleanFunction:() => Option[String]): Option[String] ={
        if (compilerVersionHasChanged) {
"The compiler version used to build this layer has changed since last time or this is a clean build.")
        } else {
          log.debug("The compiler version is unchanged. No need for cleaning.")

      def compile0(steps: List[Step]): Option[String] = {
        steps foreach {
          case c: CompilationStep =>
            val conditional = new CompileConditional(c, analyzing)
            val res = orElse copy(c) orElse earlyPackaging(c)
            if (res.isDefined)
              return res
          case _ => ()

       * When we finishe to compile a step we want to jar if necessary in order to 
       * be able to load plugins for the associated library
      def earlyPackaging(step: CompilationStep): Option[String] = step match {
        case s: EarlyPackaging => {
          val c = s.earlyPackagingConfig
          log.debug("Creating jar for plugin")
          jar(c.content.flatMap(Packer.jarPattern(_)), c.jarDestination, c.manifest, false, log)
        case _ => None

      def copy(step: CompilationStep): Option[String] = step match {
        case s: ResourcesToCopy => s.copy
        case _ => None

      def cleanIfNecessary: Option[String] = clean match {
        case None => None
        case Some(f) => checkAndClean(f)
      cleanIfNecessary orElse compile0(stepsList.topologicalSort)


trait LayerCompilation extends Compilation {
  self : BasicLayer =>

  protected def cleanCompilation: Option[String] = {"Cleaning the products of the compilation.")
    FileUtilities.clean(layerOutput :: Nil, true, log)

   * Run the actual compilation. Should not be called directly because it is executed on the same jvm and that
   * it could lead to memory issues. It is used only when launching a new sbt process to do the compilation.
  lazy val compilation = task {compile(allSteps, cleanCompilation _)}

  def externalCompilation: Option[String] = maybeFork(compilation)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Compilation.scala source code file:

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