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Scala example source code file (Partest.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Partest.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

array, boolean, int, int, io, list, list, net, network, nil, none, option, some, string, string, testset, testset

The Scala Partest.scala source code

import sbt._
import TestSet.{filter}

class TestSet(val SType: TestSetType.Value, val kind: String, val description: String, val files: Array[File]){
   * @param a list of file that we want to know wheter they are members of the test set or not
   * @return two lists : the first contains files that are member of the test set, the second contains the files that aren't
  def splitContent(f: List[File]):(List[File], List[File]) = {
    f.partition((f: File) => files.elements.exists((e: File) => f == e))
object TestSet {
    def apply(sType: TestSetType.Value, kind: String, description: String, files: PathFinder)= new TestSet(sType, kind, description, filter(files))
    def filter(p: PathFinder): Array[File] =( p --- p **(HiddenFileFilter || GlobFilter("*.obj")||GlobFilter("*.log"))).getFiles.toArray

object TestSetType extends Enumeration {
  val Std, Continuations = Value

class TestConfiguration(val library: Path, val classpath: Iterable[Path], val testRoot: Path,
                        val tests: List[TestSet], val junitReportDir: Option[Path]){

trait PartestRunner {
  self: BasicLayer with Packer =>

  import Partest.runTest
  import TestSetType._
  lazy val testRoot  = projectRoot / "test"
  lazy val testFiles = testRoot / "files" ##
  lazy val testLibs  = testFiles / "lib"

  lazy val posFilesTest          = TestSet(Std,"pos", "Compiling files that are expected to build", testFiles / "pos" * ("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
  lazy val negFilesTest          = TestSet(Std,"neg", "Compiling files that are expected to fail", testFiles / "neg" * ("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
  lazy val runFilesTest          = TestSet(Std,"run", "Compiling and running files", testFiles / "run" * ("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
  lazy val jvmFilesTest          = TestSet(Std,"jvm", "Compiling and running files", testFiles / "jvm" *("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
  lazy val resFilesTest          = TestSet(Std,"res", "Running resident compiler scenarii", testFiles / "res" * ("*.res"))
  lazy val buildmanagerFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"buildmanager", "Running Build Manager scenarii", testFiles / "buildmanager" * DirectoryFilter)
  // lazy val scalacheckFilesTest   = TestSet(Std,"scalacheck", "Running scalacheck tests", testFiles / "scalacheck" * ("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
  lazy val scriptFilesTest       = TestSet(Std,"script", "Running script files", testFiles / "script" * ("*.scala"))
  lazy val shootoutFilesTest     = TestSet(Std,"shootout", "Running shootout tests", testFiles / "shootout" * ("*.scala"))
  lazy val scalapFilesTest       = TestSet(Std,"scalap", "Running scalap tests", testFiles / "scalap" * ("*.scala"))
  lazy val specializedFilesTest  = TestSet(Std,"specialized", "Running specialized tests", testFiles / "specialized" * ("*.scala"))

  // lazy val negContinuationTest = TestSet(Continuations,"neg", "Compiling continuations files that are expected to fail", testFiles / "continuations-neg" * ("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
  // lazy val runContinuationTest = TestSet(Continuations,"run", "Compiling and running continuations files", testFiles / "continuations-run" ** ("*.scala" ))
  // lazy val continuationScalaOpts = (
  //   "-Xpluginsdir " +
  //   continuationPluginConfig.packagingConfig.jarDestination.asFile.getParent +
  //   " -Xplugin-require:continuations -P:continuations:enable"
  // )

  lazy val testSuiteFiles: List[TestSet] = List(
    posFilesTest, negFilesTest, runFilesTest, jvmFilesTest, resFilesTest, 
    shootoutFilesTest, scalapFilesTest,
  lazy val testSuiteContinuation: List[TestSet] = Nil // List(negContinuationTest, runContinuationTest)

  private lazy val filesTestMap: Map[String, TestSet] =
    Map( => (s.kind,s) ):_*)
    // + (("continuations-neg",negContinuationTest),("continuations-run", runContinuationTest))

  private lazy val partestOptions = List("-failed")
  private lazy val partestCompletionList: Seq[String] = {
    val len = testFiles.asFile.toString.length + 1
    filesTestMap.keys.toList ++ partestOptions ++ 
    (filesTestMap.values.toList flatMap (_.files) map (_.toString take len))

  private def runPartest(tests: List[TestSet], scalacOpts: Option[String], failedOnly: Boolean) = {

    val config = new TestConfiguration(
      (outputLibraryJar +++ outputCompilerJar +++ outputPartestJar +++ outputScalapJar +++ antJar +++ jlineJar +++  (testLibs * "*.jar")).get,

    val javaHome = Path.fromFile(new File(System.getProperty("java.home")))
    val java     = Some(javaHome / "bin" / "java" asFile)
    val javac    = Some(javaHome / "bin" / "javac" asFile)
    val timeout  = Some("2400000")
    val loader   = info.launcher.topLoader

    log.debug("Ready to run tests")

    if (tests.isEmpty) {
      log.debug("Empty test list")
    else runTest(
      loader, config, java, javac,
      scalacOpts, timeout, true, true,
      failedOnly, true, isDebug, log
  def partestDebugProp =
    if (isDebug) List("-Dpartest.debug=true")
    else Nil
  lazy val externalPartest = task { args =>
    task {
      if (isForked) partest(args).run
      else withJVMArgs(partestDebugProp ++ args: _*) {
        if (forkTasks("partest")) None
        else Some("Some tests failed.")
    } dependsOn pack
  } completeWith partestCompletionList

  lazy val partest = task { args =>
    var failedOnly = false

    def setOptions(options: List[String], acc: List[String]): List[String] = options match {
      case "-failed" :: xs =>
        failedOnly = true"Only tests that failed previously will be run")
        setOptions(xs, acc)
      case x :: xs =>
        setOptions(xs, x :: acc)
      case _ => acc  
    def resolveSets(l: List[String], rem: List[String], acc: List[TestSet]): (List[String], List[TestSet]) = {
      def searchSet(arg: String): Option[TestSet] = filesTestMap get arg

      l match {
        case x :: xs => searchSet(x) match {
          case Some(s) => resolveSets(xs, rem, s :: acc)
          case None => resolveSets(xs, x :: rem, acc)
        case Nil => (rem, acc)
    def resolveFiles(l: List[String], sets: List[TestSet]):(List[String], List[TestSet]) = {
      def resolve0(filesToResolve: List[File], setsToSearchIn: List[TestSet], setAcc: List[TestSet]):(List[String], List[TestSet])= {
        filesToResolve match {
          case Nil => (Nil, setAcc) // If we have no files left to resolve, we can return the list of the set we have
          case list => {
            setsToSearchIn match { 
              case Nil => (, setAcc)// If we already had search all sets to find a match, we return the list of the files that where problematic and the set we have
              case x :: xs => {
                val (found, notFound)= x.splitContent(list)
                  val newSet = new TestSet(x.SType, x.kind, x.description, found.toArray)
                  resolve0(notFound, xs, newSet :: setAcc)
                } else {
                  resolve0(notFound, xs, setAcc)
      resolve0(, _).asFile), filesTestMap.values.toList, sets)

    val keys = setOptions(args.toList, Nil)
    if (keys.isEmpty) {
      task { runPartest(testSuiteFiles, None, failedOnly) }
    else {
      val (fileNames, sets)   = resolveSets(keys, Nil, Nil) 
      val (notFound, allSets) = resolveFiles(fileNames, sets)
      if (!notFound.isEmpty)"Don't know what to do with : \n"+notFound.mkString("\n"))

      task { runPartest(allSets, None, failedOnly) }
    // if (keys.length == 0) task {
    //   runPartest(testSuiteFiles, None, failedOnly) orElse {
    //     runPartest(testSuiteContinuation, None, failedOnly)
    //   } // this is the case where there were only config options, we will run the standard test suite
    // }
    // else {
    //   val (fileNames, sets)   = resolveSets(keys, Nil, Nil) 
    //   val (notFound, allSets) = resolveFiles(fileNames, sets)
    //   if (!notFound.isEmpty)
    //"Don't know what to do with : \n"+notFound.mkString("\n"))
    //   val (std, continuations) = allSets partition (_.SType == TestSetType.Std)
    //   task {
    //     runPartest(std, None, failedOnly) orElse {
    //       runPartest(continuations, Some(continuationScalaOpts), failedOnly)
    //     }
    //   }
    // }


object Partest {
  def runTest(
    parentLoader: ClassLoader,
    config: TestConfiguration,
    javacmd: Option[File],
    javaccmd: Option[File],
    scalacOpts: Option[String],
    timeout: Option[String],         
    showDiff: Boolean,
    showLog: Boolean,
    runFailed: Boolean,
    errorOnFailed: Boolean,
    debug: Boolean,
    log: Logger
  ): Option[String] = {
    if (debug)
    if (config.classpath.isEmpty)
      return Some("The classpath is empty")

    log.debug("Classpath is "+ config.classpath)

    val classloader = new URLClassLoader(
    val runner: AnyRef =
    val fileManager: AnyRef =
      runner.getClass.getMethod("fileManager", Array[Class[_]](): _*).invoke(runner, Array[Object](): _*)

    val runMethod =
      runner.getClass.getMethod("reflectiveRunTestsForFiles", Array(classOf[Array[File]], classOf[String]): _*)

    def runTestsForFiles(kindFiles: Array[File], kind: String) = {
      val result = runMethod.invoke(runner, Array(kindFiles, kind): _*).asInstanceOf[java.util.HashMap[String, Int]]

    def setFileManagerBooleanProperty(name: String, value: Boolean) {
      log.debug("Setting partest property :"+name+" to :"+value)
      val setMethod =
        fileManager.getClass.getMethod(name+"_$eq", Array(classOf[Boolean]): _*)
      setMethod.invoke(fileManager, Array(java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(value)).asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]: _*)

    def setFileManagerStringProperty(name: String, value: String) {
      log.debug("Setting partest property :"+name+" to :"+value)      
      val setMethod =
        fileManager.getClass.getMethod(name+"_$eq", Array(classOf[String]): _*)
      setMethod.invoke(fileManager, Array(value).asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]: _*)

    // System.setProperty("partest.srcdir", "files")
    setFileManagerBooleanProperty("showDiff", showDiff)
    setFileManagerBooleanProperty("showLog", showLog)
    setFileManagerBooleanProperty("failed", runFailed)
    if (!javacmd.isEmpty)
      setFileManagerStringProperty("JAVACMD", javacmd.get.getAbsolutePath)
    if (!javaccmd.isEmpty)
      setFileManagerStringProperty("JAVAC_CMD", "javac")
    setFileManagerStringProperty("CLASSPATH", (
    setFileManagerStringProperty("LATEST_LIB", config.library.absolutePath)
    setFileManagerStringProperty("SCALAC_OPTS", scalacOpts getOrElse "")

    if (!timeout.isEmpty)
      setFileManagerStringProperty("timeout", timeout.get)

    type TFSet = (Array[File], String, String)

    val testFileSets = config.tests
    def resultsToStatistics(results: Iterable[(_, Int)]): (Int, Int) = {
      val (files, failures) = results map (_._2 == 0) partition (_ == true)
      def count(i: Iterable[_]): Int ={
        var c = 0
        for (elem <-i) yield {
            c = c+1
      (count(files), count(failures))

    def runSet(set: TestSet): (Int, Int, Iterable[String]) = {
      val (files, name, msg) = (set.files, set.kind, set.description)
      log.debug("["+name+"] "+ msg+files.mkString(", files :\n","\n",""))
      if (files.isEmpty) {
        log.debug("No files !")
        (0, 0, List())
      else { +" : "+ msg)
        val results: Iterable[(String, Int)] = runTestsForFiles(files, name)
        val (succs, fails) = resultsToStatistics(results)

        val failed: Iterable[String] = results.filter( _._2!=0) map(_ match {
          case (path, 1)    => path + " [FAILED]"
          case (path, 2)    => path + " [TIMOUT]"
        val r =(succs, fails, failed)

        config.junitReportDir match {
          case Some(d) => {
            val report = testReport(name, results, succs, fails)
  ".xml", report)
          case None => 

    val _results = testFileSets map runSet
    val allSuccesses = (_._1).foldLeft(0)( _ + _ )
    val allFailures = (_._2).foldLeft(0)( _ + _ )
    val allFailedPaths = _results flatMap (_._3)
    def f(msg: String): Option[String] =
      if (errorOnFailed && allFailures > 0) {
      else {
    def s = if (allFailures > 1) "s" else ""
    val msg =
    if (allFailures > 0) "Test suite finished with %d case%s failing.\n".format(allFailures, s)+ allFailedPaths.mkString("\n")
    else if (allSuccesses == 0) "There were no tests to run."
    else "Test suite finished with no failures."


  private def oneResult(res: (String, Int)) =
    <testcase name ={res._1}>{
  	  res._2 match {
  	    case 0 => scala.xml.NodeSeq.Empty
        case 1 => <failure message="Test failed"/>
        case 2 => <failure message="Test timed out"/>
  private def testReport(kind: String, results: Iterable[(String, Int)], succs: Int, fails: Int) =
    <testsuite name ={kind} tests ={(succs + fails).toString} failures ={fails.toString}>


Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Partest.scala source code file:

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