Scala example source code file (SymbolWalker.scala)
The Scala SymbolWalker.scala source codepackage scala.tools.nsc package symtab trait SymbolWalker { val global : Global import global._ import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet trait Visitor { def update(pos : Position, sym : Symbol) : Unit def contains(pos : Position) : Boolean def apply(pos : Position) : Symbol def putDef(sym : Symbol, pos : Position) : Unit = () } import scala.collection.mutable.Map /* implicit def map2use(map : Map[Position,Symbol]) = new Visitor { def update(pos : Position, sym : Symbol) : Unit = map.update(pos, sym) def contains(pos : Position) : Boolean = map.contains(pos) def apply(pos : Position) : Symbol = map.apply(pos) } */ private def validSym(t: Tree) = t.symbol != NoSymbol && t.symbol != null private def validSym(tp: Type) = tp != null && tp.typeSymbol != NoSymbol && tp.typeSymbol != null private def notNull(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol != null private def isNoSymbol(t: Tree) = t.symbol eq NoSymbol def walk(tree: Tree, visitor : Visitor)(fid : (util.Position) => Option[String]) : Unit = { val visited = new LinkedHashSet[Tree] def f(t : Tree) : Unit = { if (visited.add(t)) return def fs(l: List[Tree]) = l foreach f def fss(l: List[List[Tree]]) = l foreach fs val sym = (t, t.tpe) match { case (Super(_,_),SuperType(_,supertp)) if validSym(supertp) => supertp.typeSymbol case _ if validSym(t) => t.symbol case (t: TypeTree, tp) if validSym(tp) => tp.typeSymbol case (t: TypeTree, tp) if validSym(tp.resultType) => tp.resultType.typeSymbol case (t, tpe: Type) if isNoSymbol(t) && tpe.termSymbol != null => if (t.isTerm) tpe.termSymbol else t.tpe match { case x: TypeRef => x.sym // XXX: looks like a bug case _ => tpe.typeSymbol } case _ => NoSymbol } if (sym != null && sym != NoSymbol /* && !sym.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) */) { var id = fid(t.pos) val doAdd = if (id.isDefined) { if (id.get.charAt(0) == '`') id = Some(id.get.substring(1, id.get.length - 1)) val name = sym.name.decode.trim if ((name startsWith id.get) || (id.get startsWith name)) true else { false } } else false if (doAdd) { if (!visitor.contains(t.pos)) { visitor(t.pos) = sym } else { val existing = visitor(t.pos) if (sym.sourceFile != existing.sourceFile || sym.pos != existing.pos) { (sym,existing) match { case (sym,existing) if sym.pos == existing.pos => case (sym : TypeSymbol ,_ : ClassSymbol) => visitor(t.pos) = sym case (_ : ClassSymbol,_ : TypeSymbol) => // nothing case _ if sym.isModule && existing.isValue => // nothing case _ if sym.isClass && existing.isMethod => // nothing case _ => assert(true) } } }} } t match { case t : DefTree if t.symbol != NoSymbol => if (t.pos != NoPosition) visitor.putDef(t.symbol, t.pos) if (t.symbol.isClass) { val factory = NoSymbol // XXX: t.symbol.caseFactory if (factory != NoSymbol) { visitor.putDef(factory, t.pos) } } case t : TypeBoundsTree => f(t.lo); f(t.hi) case t : TypeTree if t.original != null => def h(original : Tree, tpe : Type): Unit = try { if (original.tpe == null) original.tpe = tpe (original) match { case (AppliedTypeTree(_,trees)) if tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeRef] => val types = tpe.asInstanceOf[TypeRef].args trees.zip(types).foreach{ case (tree,tpe) => assert(tree != null && tpe != null); h(tree, tpe) } case _ => } } if (t.original.tpe == null) { val dup = t.original.duplicate h(dup,t.tpe) f(dup) } else f(t.original) () case _ => } (t) match { case (t : MemberDef) if t.symbol != null && t.symbol != NoSymbol => val annotated = if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym val i = t.mods.annotations.iterator val j = annotated.annotations.iterator while (i.hasNext && j.hasNext) { val tree = i.next val ainfo = j.next val sym = ainfo.atp.typeSymbol tree.setType(ainfo.atp) tree.setSymbol(sym) f(tree) } case _ => } t match { case tree: ImplDef => fs(tree.impl.parents); f(tree.impl.self); fs(tree.impl.body) tree match { case tree : ClassDef => fs(tree.tparams) case _ => } case tree: PackageDef => fs(tree.stats) case tree: ValOrDefDef => f(tree.rhs); if (tree.tpt != null) { f(tree.tpt) } tree match { case tree : DefDef => fs(tree.tparams); fss(tree.vparamss) case _ => } case tree: Function => fs(tree.vparams); f(tree.body) case tree : Bind => f(tree.body) case tree : Select => val qualifier = if (tree.tpe != null && tree.qualifier.tpe == null) { val pre = tree.tpe.prefix val qualifier = tree.qualifier.duplicate qualifier.tpe = pre qualifier } else tree.qualifier f(qualifier) case tree : Annotated => f(tree.annot); f(tree.arg) case tree : GenericApply => f(tree.fun); fs(tree.args) case tree : UnApply => f(tree.fun); fs(tree.args) case tree : AppliedTypeTree => if (tree.tpe != null) { val i = tree.tpe.typeArgs.iterator val j = tree.args.iterator while (i.hasNext && j.hasNext) { val tpe = i.next val arg = j.next if (arg.tpe == null) { arg.tpe = tpe } } if (tree.tpt.tpe == null) { tree.tpt.tpe = tree.tpe } } f(tree.tpt); fs(tree.args) case tree : ExistentialTypeTree=> if (tree.tpt.tpe == null) { tree.tpt.tpe = tree.tpe } f(tree.tpt) fs(tree.whereClauses) case tree : SingletonTypeTree => if (tree.ref.tpe == null) { val dup = tree.ref.duplicate dup.tpe = tree.tpe f(dup) } else f(tree.ref) case tree : CompoundTypeTree => if (tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isRefinementClass) tree.tpe.typeSymbol.info match { case tpe : RefinedType => tpe.parents.zip(tree.templ.parents).foreach{ case (tpe,tree) => if (tree.hasSymbol && (tree.symbol == NoSymbol || tree.symbol == null)) { tree.symbol = tpe.typeSymbol } } case _ => } f(tree.templ) case tree : Template => fs(tree.parents); f(tree.self); fs(tree.body) case tree : SelectFromTypeTree => { if (tree.qualifier.tpe == null) tree.tpe match { case tpe : TypeRef => // give it a type! tree.qualifier.tpe = tpe.prefix case _ => // tree.tpe.pre } f(tree.qualifier) } case tree : Literal => /* if (tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol == definitions.ClassClass) { // nothing we can do without original tree. } */ case tree : Typed => f(tree.expr); f(tree.tpt) case tree : Block => fs(tree.stats); f(tree.expr) case tree: CaseDef => f(tree.pat);f(tree.guard);f(tree.body) case tree : Assign => f(tree.lhs); f(tree.rhs); case tree : If => f(tree.cond); f(tree.thenp); f(tree.elsep); case tree : New => f(tree.tpt); case tree : Match => f(tree.selector); fs(tree.cases); case tree : Return => f(tree.expr); case tree : LabelDef => f(tree.rhs); case tree : Throw => f(tree.expr); case tree : Try => f(tree.block); fs(tree.catches); f(tree.finalizer); case tree : Alternative => fs(tree.trees); case tree : TypeDef => (tree.tpe,sym) match { case (null,sym : TypeSymbol) if (sym.rawInfo.isComplete) => if (tree.tparams.isEmpty) { if (tree.rhs.tpe == null) tree.rhs.tpe = sym.info f(tree.rhs) } else { val tree0 = AppliedTypeTree(tree.rhs, tree.tparams) tree0.tpe = sym.info f(tree0) } case _ => f(tree.rhs); fs(tree.tparams) } case tree : DocDef => f(tree.definition); case tree: Import => f(tree.expr) case _ => } } f(tree) } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala SymbolWalker.scala source code file: |
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