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Scala example source code file (Sources.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Sources.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

caught, classpath, classpath, console, fileish, list, list, lowprioritysourcesimplicits, nil, sources, sources, string, string, threading, threads, unit, zip

The Scala Sources.scala source code

package io

import util.ClassPath
import java.util.concurrent.{ Future, ConcurrentHashMap, ExecutionException }
import collection.JavaConverters._
import Properties.{ envOrElse, propOrElse }

class Sources(val path: String) {
  val expandedPath        = ClassPath.join(ClassPath expandPath path: _*)
  val cache               = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, List[Fileish]]
  def allNames            = cache.keys.asScala.toList.sorted
  def apply(name: String) = get(name)
  def size                = cache.asScala.values map (_.length) sum

  private var debug = false
  private def dbg(msg: => Any) = if (debug) Console println msg
  private val partitioned = ClassPath toPaths expandedPath partition (_.isDirectory)

  val dirs   = partitioned._1 map (_.toDirectory)
  val jars   = partitioned._2 filter Jar.isJarOrZip map (_.toFile)
  val (isDone, force) = {
    val f1  = spawn(calculateDirs())
    val f2  = spawn(calculateJars())    
    val fn1 = () => { f1.isDone() && f2.isDone() }
    val fn2 = () => { f1.get() ; f2.get() ; () }

    (fn1, fn2)
  private def catchZip(body: => Unit): Unit = {
    try body
    catch { case x: ZipException => dbg("Caught: " + x) }

  private def calculateDirs() =
    dirs foreach { d => dbg(d) ; catchZip(addSources(d.deepFiles map (x => Fileish(x)))) }

  private def calculateJars() = 
    jars foreach { j => dbg(j) ; catchZip(addSources(new Jar(j).fileishIterator)) }
  private def addSources(fs: TraversableOnce[Fileish]) =
    fs foreach { f => if (f.isSourceFile) add(, f) }

  private def get(key: String): List[Fileish] =
    if (cache containsKey key) cache.get(key) else Nil

  private def add(key: String, value: Fileish) = {
    if (cache containsKey key) cache.replace(key, value :: cache.get(key))
    else cache.put(key, List(value))
  override def toString = "Sources(%d dirs, %d jars, %d sources)".format(
    dirs.size, jars.size, cache.asScala.values map (_.length) sum

trait LowPrioritySourcesImplicits {
  self: Sources.type =>

  implicit def fallbackSources: Sources = defaultSources

object Sources extends LowPrioritySourcesImplicits {
  private def libraryInits      = ClassPath.scalaLibrary.toList flatMap (_.toAbsolute.parents)
  private def librarySourceDir  = libraryInits map (_ / "src") find (_.isDirectory)
  private def expandedSourceDir = librarySourceDir.toList flatMap (ClassPath expandDir _.path)
  val sourcePathProp = sys.props.traceSourcePath.value
  val defaultSources = apply(expandedSourceDir :+ sourcePathProp: _*)
  def apply(paths: String*): Sources = new Sources(ClassPath.join(paths: _*))

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Sources.scala source code file:

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