Scala example source code file (Channel.scala)
This example Scala source code file (Channel.scala) is included in the DevDaily.com
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The Scala Channel.scala source code
/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2007-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
// $Id: Channel.scala 18365 2009-07-21 11:00:42Z michelou $
package scala.remoting
import java.io._
import java.net._
import java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader
/** <p>
* The class <code>Channel implements (basic) typed channels
* which use <a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/networking/sockets/"
* target="_top"/>Java socket</a> communication and Scala type manifests to
* provide type-safe send/receive operations between a localhost and another
* remote machine by specifying some <code>host and port .
* </p>
* @author Stephane Micheloud
* @version 1.1
class Channel protected (socket: Socket) {
// Create a socket without a timeout
def this(host: String, port: Int) = this(new Socket(host, port))
// // Create a socket with a timeout
// val sockaddr: SocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(addr, port)
// val socket = new Socket()
// // If the timeout occurs, SocketTimeoutException is thrown.
// socket.connect(sockaddr, 2000) // 2 seconds
/** Returns the local address of this channel. */
val host = socket.getInetAddress.getHostAddress
/** Returns the port on which this channel is listening. */
val port = socket.getLocalPort
private var cl: ClassLoader =
try {
// requires permission in Java policy file
val codebase = System.getProperty("java.rmi.server.codebase")
if (codebase != null) info("codebase="+codebase)
catch {
case e: Exception =>
sys.error("Class loader undefined: " + e.getMessage)
def classLoader: ClassLoader = cl
def classLoader_=(x: ClassLoader) { cl = x }
private class CustomObjectInputStream(in: InputStream)
extends ObjectInputStream(in) {
override def resolveClass(desc: ObjectStreamClass): Class[_] =
if (cl eq null)
try {
info("resolve class "+desc.getName)
cl loadClass desc.getName
catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException =>
// lazy modifier is required!
private lazy val in =
try {
new CustomObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
catch {
case e: IOException =>
sys.error("Input stream undefined: "+e.getMessage+" ("+this+")")
private lazy val out =
try {
new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
catch {
case e: IOException =>
sys.error("Output stream undefined: "+e.getMessage+" ("+this+")")
/** <code>receive<primtype> methods may throw an
* <code>IOException.
def receiveUnit = receive[Unit]
def receiveBoolean = receive[Boolean]
def receiveByte = receive[Byte]
def receiveChar = receive[Char]
def receiveShort = receive[Short]
def receiveInt = receive[Int]
def receiveLong = receive[Long]
def receiveFloat = receive[Float]
def receiveDouble = receive[Double]
def receiveString = receive[String]
/** <code>receive method may throw either an
* <code>ClassNotFoundException or an IOException .
* @throw <code>ChannelException if received value has not
* the expected type.
def receive[T](implicit expected: reflect.Manifest[T]): T = {
val found = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[reflect.Manifest[_]]
info("receive: found="+found+", expected="+expected)
import scala.reflect.Manifest
val x = found match {
case Manifest.Unit => ()
case Manifest.Boolean => in.readBoolean()
case Manifest.Byte => in.readByte()
case Manifest.Char => in.readChar()
case Manifest.Short => in.readShort()
case Manifest.Int => in.readInt()
case Manifest.Long => in.readLong()
case Manifest.Float => in.readFloat()
case Manifest.Double => in.readDouble()
case _ => in.readObject()
val res = if (found <:< expected)
throw new ChannelException(
"\n\tfound \""+found+"\"\n\texpected \""+expected+"\"")
info("received "+res+" (available="+in.available+")")
/** <code>? method may throw either an
* <code>ClassNotFoundException or an IOException .
def ?[T](implicit m: reflect.Manifest[T]): T = receive[T](m)
/** <code>send method may throw an IOException .
def send[T](x: T)(implicit m: reflect.Manifest[T]) {
out writeObject m
x match {
case x: Unit => // nop
case x: Boolean => out writeBoolean x
case x: Byte => out writeByte x
case x: Char => out writeChar x
case x: Short => out writeShort x
case x: Int => out writeInt x
case x: Long => out writeLong x
case x: Float => out writeFloat x
case x: Double => out writeDouble x
case x => out writeObject x
info("sent "+x)
/** <code>! method may throw an IOException .
def ![T](x: T)(implicit m: reflect.Manifest[T]) { send(x)(m) }
def close() {
try { socket.close() }
catch { case e: IOException => }
info(this+" closed")
override def toString: String = socket.toString
private def info(msg: String) {
runtime.remoting.Debug.info("[Channel] "+msg)
/** <code>ChannelException may be thrown by the operation
* <code>receive when the received data has not the expected type.
case class ChannelException(msg: String) extends IOException(msg)
Other Scala examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Channel.scala source code file: