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Scala example source code file (Either.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Either.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

a, b, b, b1, boolean, c, either, either, left, left, none, right, right, y

The Scala Either.scala source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala

 *   Represents a value of one of two possible
 *   types (a disjoint union). The data constructors [[scala.Left]] and
 *   [[scala.Right]] represent the two possible values.
 *   The `Either` type is often used as an alternative to 
 *   [[scala.Option]] where `Left` represents failure
 *   (by convention) and `Right` is akin to `Some`.
 *  @author <a href="">Tony Morris, Workingmouse
 *  @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
 *  @since 2.7
sealed abstract class Either[+A, +B] {
   * Projects this `Either` as a `Left`.
  def left = Either.LeftProjection(this)

   * Projects this `Either` as a `Right`.
  def right = Either.RightProjection(this)

   * Applies `fa` if this is a `Left` or `fb` if this is a `Right`.
   * @param fa the function to apply if this is a `Left`
   * @param fb the function to apply if this is a `Right`
   * @return the results of applying the function
  def fold[X](fa: A => X, fb: B => X) = this match {
    case Left(a) => fa(a)
    case Right(b) => fb(b)

   * If this is a `Left`, then return the left value in `Right` or vice versa.
  def swap = this match {
    case Left(a) => Right(a)
    case Right(b) => Left(b)
   * Joins an `Either` through `Right`.
  def joinRight[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: B1 <:< Either[A1, C]): Either[A1, C] = this match {
    case Left(a)  => Left(a)
    case Right(b) => b
   * Joins an `Either` through `Left`.
  def joinLeft[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: A1 <:< Either[C, B1]): Either[C, B1] = this match {
    case Left(a)  => a
    case Right(b) => Right(b)

   * Returns `true` if this is a `Left`, `false` otherwise.
  def isLeft: Boolean
   * Returns `true` if this is a `Right`, `false` otherwise.
  def isRight: Boolean

 * The left side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the `Right` side.
 * @author <a href="">Tony Morris, Workingmouse
 * @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
final case class Left[+A, +B](a: A) extends Either[A, B] { 
  def isLeft = true
  def isRight = false

 * The right side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the `Left` side.
 * @author <a href="">Tony Morris, Workingmouse
 * @version 1.0, 11/10/2008 
final case class Right[+A, +B](b: B) extends Either[A, B] {
  def isLeft = false
  def isRight = true

object Either {
  class MergeableEither[A](x: Either[A, A]) {
    def merge: A = x match {
      case Left(a)  => a
      case Right(a) => a
  implicit def either2mergeable[A](x: Either[A, A]): MergeableEither[A] = new MergeableEither(x)

   * Projects an `Either` into a `Left`.
   * @author <a href="">Tony Morris, Workingmouse
   * @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
  final case class LeftProjection[+A, +B](e: Either[A, B]) {
     * Returns the value from this `Left` or throws `Predef.NoSuchElementException`
     * if this is a `Right`.
     * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException if the option is empty.
    def get = e match {
      case Left(a) => a
      case Right(_) =>  throw new NoSuchElementException("Either.left.value on Right")

     * Executes the given side-effect if this is a `Left`.
     * @param e The side-effect to execute.
    def foreach[U](f: A => U) = e match {
      case Left(a) => f(a)
      case Right(_) => {}

     * Returns the value from this `Left` or the given argument if this is a
     * `Right`.
    def getOrElse[AA >: A](or: => AA) = e match {
      case Left(a) => a
      case Right(_) => or

     * Returns `true` if `Right` or returns the result of the application of
     * the given function to the `Left` value.
    def forall(f: A => Boolean) = e match {
      case Left(a) => f(a)
      case Right(_) => true

     * Returns `false` if `Right` or returns the result of the application of
     * the given function to the `Left` value.
    def exists(f: A => Boolean) = e match {
      case Left(a) => f(a)
      case Right(_) => false

     * Binds the given function across `Left`.
     * @param The function to bind across `Left`.
    def flatMap[BB >: B, X](f: A => Either[X, BB]) = e match {
      case Left(a) => f(a)
      case Right(b) => Right(b)

     * Maps the function argument through `Left`.
    def map[X](f: A => X) = e match {
      case Left(a) => Left(f(a))
      case Right(b) => Right(b)

     * Returns `None` if this is a `Right` or if the given predicate
     * `p` does not hold for the left value, otherwise, returns a `Left`.
    def filter[Y](p: A => Boolean): Option[Either[A, Y]] = e match {
      case Left(a) => if(p(a)) Some(Left(a)) else None
      case Right(b) => None

     * Returns a `Seq` containing the `Left` value if it exists or an empty
     * `Seq` if this is a `Right`.
    def toSeq = e match {
      case Left(a) => Seq(a)
      case Right(_) => Seq.empty

     * Returns a `Some` containing the `Left` value if it exists or a
     * `None` if this is a `Right`.
    def toOption = e match {
      case Left(a) => Some(a)
      case Right(_) => None

   * Projects an `Either` into a `Right`.
   * @author <a href="">Tony Morris, Workingmouse
   * @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
  final case class RightProjection[+A, +B](e: Either[A, B]) {
     * Returns the value from this `Right` or throws 
     * `Predef.NoSuchElementException` if this is a `Left`.
     * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException if the projection is `Left`.
    def get = e match {
      case Left(_) =>  throw new NoSuchElementException("Either.right.value on Left")
      case Right(a) => a

     * Executes the given side-effect if this is a `Right`.
     * @param e The side-effect to execute.
    def foreach[U](f: B => U) = e match {
      case Left(_) => {}
      case Right(b) => f(b)

     * Returns the value from this `Right` or the given argument if this is a
     * `Left`.
    def getOrElse[BB >: B](or: => BB) = e match {
      case Left(_) => or
      case Right(b) => b

     * Returns `true` if `Left` or returns the result of the application of
     * the given function to the `Right` value.
    def forall(f: B => Boolean) = e match {
      case Left(_) => true
      case Right(b) => f(b)

     * Returns `false` if `Left` or returns the result of the application of
     * the given function to the `Right` value.
    def exists(f: B => Boolean) = e match {
      case Left(_) => false
      case Right(b) => f(b)

     * Binds the given function across `Right`.
     * @param The function to bind across `Right`.
    def flatMap[AA >: A, Y](f: B => Either[AA, Y]) = e match {
      case Left(a) => Left(a)
      case Right(b) => f(b)

     * Maps the function argument through `Right`.
    def map[Y](f: B => Y) = e match {
      case Left(a) => Left(a)
      case Right(b) => Right(f(b))

    /** Returns `None` if this is a `Left` or if the
     *  given predicate `p` does not hold for the right value,
     *  otherwise, returns a `Right`.
    def filter[X](p: B => Boolean): Option[Either[X, B]] = e match {
      case Left(_) => None
      case Right(b) => if(p(b)) Some(Right(b)) else None

    /** Returns a `Seq` containing the `Right` value if
     *  it exists or an empty `Seq` if this is a `Left`.
    def toSeq = e match {
      case Left(_) => Seq.empty
      case Right(b) => Seq(b)

    /** Returns a `Some` containing the `Right` value
     *  if it exists or a `None` if this is a `Left`.
    def toOption = e match {
      case Left(_) => None
      case Right(b) => Some(b)

  @deprecated("use `x.joinLeft'", "2.8.0")
  def joinLeft[A, B](es: Either[Either[A, B], B]) =
    es.left.flatMap(x => x)

  @deprecated("use `x.joinRight'", "2.8.0")
  def joinRight[A, B](es: Either[A, Either[A, B]]) =
    es.right.flatMap(x => x)
   * Takes an `Either` to its contained value within `Left` or 
   * `Right`.
  @deprecated("use `x.merge'", "2.8.0")
  def merge[T](e: Either[T, T]) = e match {
    case Left(t) => t
    case Right(t) => t
  /** If the condition satisfies, return the given A in `Left`,
   *  otherwise, return the given B in `Right`.
  def cond[A, B](test: Boolean, right: => B, left: => A): Either[A, B] = 
    if (test) Right(right) else Left(left)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Either.scala source code file:

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