Scala example source code file (serialization.scala)
This example Scala source code file (serialization.scala) is included in the DevDaily.com
"Java Source Code
Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.
The Scala serialization.scala source code
// Serialization
object Serialize {
def write[A](o: A): Array[Byte] = {
val ba = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(512)
val out = new java.io.ObjectOutputStream(ba)
def read[A](buffer: Array[Byte]): A = {
val in =
new java.io.ObjectInputStream(new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(buffer))
def check[A, B](x: A, y: B) {
println("x = " + x)
println("y = " + y)
println("x equals y: " + (x equals y) + ", y equals x: " + (y equals x))
assert((x equals y) && (y equals x))
import Serialize._
// Test classes in package "scala"
object Test1_scala {
private def arrayToString[A](arr: Array[A]): String =
private def arrayEquals[A, B](a1: Array[A], a2: Array[B]): Boolean =
(a1.length == a2.length) &&
(Iterator.range(0, a1.length) forall { i => a1(i) == a2(i) })
object WeekDay extends Enumeration {
type WeekDay = Value
val Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thusday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday = Value
import WeekDay._, BigDecimal._, RoundingMode._
// in alphabetic order
try {
// Array
val a1 = Array(1, 2, 3)
val _a1: Array[Int] = read(write(a1))
println("a1 = " + arrayToString(a1))
println("_a1 = " + arrayToString(_a1))
println("arrayEquals(a1, _a1): " + arrayEquals(a1, _a1))
// Cell
val c1 = new Cell('a')
val _c1: Cell[Char] = read(write(c1))
println("c1 = " + c1)
println("_c1 = " + _c1)
println("c1 eq _c1: " + (c1 eq _c1) + ", _c1 eq c1: " + (_c1 eq c1))
println("c1 equals _c1: " + (c1 equals _c1) + ", _c1 equals c1: " + (_c1 equals c1))
// Either
val e1 = Left(1)
val _e1: Either[Int, String] = read(write(e1))
println("e1 = " + e1)
println("_e1 = " + _e1)
println("e1 eq _e1: " + (e1 eq _e1) + ", _e1 eq e1: " + (_e1 eq e1))
println("e1 equals _e1: " + (e1 equals _e1) + ", _e1 equals e1: " + (_e1 equals e1))
// Enumeration
val x7 = BigDecimal.RoundingMode
val y7: RoundingMode.type = read(write(x7))
println("x7 = " + x7)
println("y7 = " + y7)
println("x7 eq y7: " + (x7 eq y7) + ", y7 eq x7: " + (y7 eq x7))
println("x7 equals y7: " + (x7 equals y7) + ", y7 equals x7: " + (y7 equals x7))
val x8 = WeekDay
val y8: WeekDay.type = read(write(x8))
println("x8 = " + x8)
println("y8 = " + y8)
println("x8 eq y8: " + (x8 eq y8) + ", y8 eq x8: " + (y8 eq x8))
println("x8 equals y8: " + (x8 equals y8) + ", y8 equals x8: " + (y8 equals x8))
val x9 = UP
val y9: RoundingMode = read(write(x9))
println("x9 = " + x9)
println("y9 = " + y9)
println("x9 eq y9: " + (x9 eq y9) + ", y9 eq x9: " + (y9 eq x9))
println("x9 equals y9: " + (x9 equals y9) + ", y9 equals x9: " + (y9 equals x9))
val x10 = Monday
val y10: WeekDay = read(write(x10))
println("x10 = " + x10)
println("y10 = " + y10)
println("x10 eq y10: " + (x10 eq y10) + ", y10 eq x10: " + (y10 eq x10))
println("x10 equals y10: " + (x10 equals y10) + ", y10 equals x10: " + (y10 equals x10))
println("x9 eq x10: " + (x9 eq x10) + ", x10 eq x9: " + (x10 eq x9))
println("x9 equals x10: " + (x9 equals x10) + ", x10 equals x9: " + (x10 equals x9))
println("x9 eq y10: " + (x9 eq y10) + ", y10 eq x9: " + (y10 eq x9))
println("x9 equals y10: " + (x9 equals y10) + ", y10 equals x9: " + (y10 equals x9))
// Function
val f1 = { x: Int => 2 * x }
val _f1: Function[Int, Int] = read(write(f1))
println("f1 = <na>")
println("_f1 = <na>")
println("f1(2): " + f1(2) + ", _f1(2): " + _f1(2))
// List
val xs0 = List(1, 2, 3)
val _xs0: List[Int] = read(write(xs0))
println("xs0 = " + xs0)
println("_xs0 = " + _xs0)
println("xs0 eq _xs0: " + (xs0 eq _xs0) + ", _xs0 eq xs0: " + (_xs0 eq xs0))
println("xs0 equals _xs0: " + (xs0 equals _xs0) + ", _xs0 equals xs0: " + (_xs0 equals xs0))
val xs1 = Nil
val _xs1: List[Nothing] = read(write(xs1))
println("xs1 = " + xs1)
println("_xs1 = " + _xs1)
println("xs1 eq _xs1: " + (xs1 eq _xs1) + ", _xs1 eq xs1: " + (_xs1 eq xs1))
// Option
val o1 = None
val _o1: Option[Nothing] = read(write(o1))
println("o1 = " + o1)
println("_o1 = " + _o1)
println("o1 eq _o1: " + (o1 eq _o1) + ", _o1 eq o1: " + (_o1 eq o1))
val o2 = Some(1)
val _o2: Option[Int] = read(write(o2))
println("o2 = " + o2)
println("_o2 = " + _o2)
println("o2 eq _o2: " + (o2 eq _o2) + ", _o2 eq o2: " + (_o2 eq o2))
println("o2 equals _o2: " + (o2 equals _o2) + ", _o2 equals o2: " + (_o2 equals o2))
// Responder
val r1 = Responder.constant("xyz")
val _r1: Responder[String] = read(write(r1))
check(r1, _r1)
// Symbol
val s1 = 'hello
val _s1: Symbol = read(write(s1))
println("s1 = " + s1)
println("_s1 = " + _s1)
println("s1 eq _s1: " + (s1 eq _s1) + ", _s1 eq s1: " + (_s1 eq s1))
println("s1 equals _s1: " + (s1 equals _s1) + ", _s1 equals s1: " + (_s1 equals s1))
// Tuple
val t1 = ("BannerLimit", 12345)
val _t1: (String, Int) = read(write(t1))
println("t1 = " + t1)
println("_t1 = " + _t1)
println("t1 eq _t1: " + (t1 eq _t1) + ", _t1 eq t1: " + (_t1 eq t1))
println("t1 equals _t1: " + (t1 equals _t1) + ", _t1 equals t1: " + (_t1 equals t1))
catch {
case e: Exception =>
println("Error in Test1_scala: " + e)
throw e
// Test classes in package "scala.collection.immutable"
object Test2_immutable {
import scala.collection.immutable.{
BitSet, HashMap, HashSet, ListMap, ListSet, Queue, Range, SortedMap,
SortedSet, Stack, Stream, TreeMap, TreeSet, Vector}
// in alphabetic order
try {
// BitSet
val bs1 = BitSet.empty + 1 + 2
val _bs1: BitSet = read(write(bs1))
check(bs1, _bs1)
val bs2 = {
val bs = new collection.mutable.BitSet()
bs += 2; bs += 3
val _bs2: BitSet = read(write(bs2))
check(bs2, _bs2)
// HashMap
val hm1 = new HashMap[Int, String] + (1 -> "A", 2 -> "B", 3 -> "C")
val _hm1: HashMap[Int, String] = read(write(hm1))
check(hm1, _hm1)
// HashSet
val hs1 = new HashSet[Int] + 1 + 2
val _hs1: HashSet[Int] = read(write(hs1))
check(hs1, _hs1)
// List
val xs1 = List(("buffers", 20), ("layers", 2), ("title", 3))
val _xs1: List[(String, Int)] = read(write(xs1))
check(xs1, _xs1)
// ListMap
val lm1 = new ListMap[String, Int] + ("buffers" -> 20, "layers" -> 2, "title" -> 3)
val _lm1: ListMap[String, Int] = read(write(lm1))
check(lm1, _lm1)
// ListSet
val ls1 = new ListSet[Int] + 3 + 5
val _ls1: ListSet[Int] = read(write(ls1))
check(ls1, _ls1)
// Queue
val q1 = Queue("a", "b", "c")
val _q1: Queue[String] = read(write(q1))
check(q1, _q1)
// Range
val r1 = 0 until 10
val _r1: Range = read(write(r1))
check(r1, _r1)
val r2 = Range.Long(0L, 10L, 1)
val _r2: r2.type = read(write(r2))
check(r2, _r2)
// SortedMap
val sm1 = SortedMap.empty[Int, String] + (2 -> "B", 3 -> "C", 1 -> "A")
val _sm1: SortedMap[Int, String] = read(write(sm1))
check(sm1, _sm1)
// SortedSet
val ss1 = SortedSet.empty[Int] + 2 + 3 + 1
val _ss1: SortedSet[Int] = read(write(ss1))
check(ss1, _ss1)
// Stack
val s1 = new Stack().push("a", "b", "c")
val _s1: Stack[String] = read(write(s1))
check(s1, _s1)
// Stream
val st1 = Stream.range(0, 10)
val _st1: Stream[Int] = read(write(st1))
check(st1, _st1)
// TreeMap
val tm1 = new TreeMap[Int, String] + (42 -> "FortyTwo")
val _tm1: TreeMap[Int, String] = read(write(tm1))
check(tm1, _tm1)
// TreeSet
val ts1 = new TreeSet[Int]() + 2 + 0
val _ts1: TreeSet[Int] = read(write(ts1))
check(ts1, _ts1)
// Vector
val v1 = Vector('a, 'b, 'c)
val _v1: Vector[Symbol] = read(write(v1))
check(v1, _v1)
catch {
case e: Exception =>
println("Error in Test2_immutable: " + e)
throw e
// Test classes in package "scala.collection.mutable"
object Test3_mutable {
import scala.reflect.ClassManifest
import scala.collection.mutable.{
ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuilder, ArraySeq, ArrayStack, BitSet, DoubleLinkedList,
HashMap, HashSet, History, LinkedList, ListBuffer, Publisher, Queue,
Stack, StringBuilder, WrappedArray}
// in alphabetic order
try {
// ArrayBuffer
val ab1 = new ArrayBuffer[String]
ab1 ++= List("one", "two")
val _ab1: ArrayBuffer[String] = read(write(ab1))
check(ab1, _ab1)
// ArrayBuilder
val abu1 = ArrayBuilder.make[Long]
val _abu1: ArrayBuilder[ClassManifest[Long]] = read(write(abu1))
check(abu1, _abu1)
val abu2 = ArrayBuilder.make[Float]
val _abu2: ArrayBuilder[ClassManifest[Float]] = read(write(abu2))
check(abu2, _abu2)
// ArraySeq
val aq1 = ArraySeq(1, 2, 3)
val _aq1: ArraySeq[Int] = read(write(aq1))
check(aq1, _aq1)
// ArrayStack
val as1 = new ArrayStack[Int]
as1 ++= List(20, 2, 3).iterator
val _as1: ArrayStack[Int] = read(write(as1))
check(as1, _as1)
// BitSet
val bs1 = new BitSet()
bs1 += 0
bs1 += 8
bs1 += 9
val _bs1: BitSet = read(write(bs1))
check(bs1, _bs1)
// DoubleLinkedList
val dl1 = new DoubleLinkedList[Int](2, null)
dl1.append(new DoubleLinkedList(3, null))
val _dl1: DoubleLinkedList[Int] = read(write(dl1))
check(dl1, _dl1)
// HashMap
val hm1 = new HashMap[String, Int]
hm1 ++= List(("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 3)).iterator
val _hm1: HashMap[String, Int] = read(write(hm1))
check(hm1, _hm1)
// HashSet
val hs1 = new HashSet[String]
hs1 ++= List("layers", "buffers", "title").iterator
val _hs1: HashSet[String] = read(write(hs1))
check(hs1, _hs1)
val h1 = new History[String, Int]
val _h1: History[String, Int] = read(write(h1))
check(h1, _h1)
// LinkedList
val ll1 = new LinkedList[Int](2, null)
ll1.append(new LinkedList(3, null))
val _ll1: LinkedList[Int] = read(write(ll1))
check(ll1, _ll1)
// ListBuffer
val lb1 = new ListBuffer[String]
lb1 ++= List("white", "black")
val _lb1: ListBuffer[String] = read(write(lb1))
check(lb1, _lb1)
// Queue
val q1 = new Queue[Int]
q1 ++= List(20, 2, 3).iterator
val _q1: Queue[Int] = read(write(q1))
check(q1, _q1)
// Stack
val s1 = new Stack[Int]
s1 pushAll q1
val _s1: Stack[Int] = read(write(s1))
check(s1, _s1)
// StringBuilder
val sb1 = new StringBuilder
sb1 append "abc"
val _sb1: StringBuilder = read(write(sb1))
check(sb1, _sb1)
// WrappedArray
val wa1 = WrappedArray.make(Array(1, 2, 3))
val _wa1: WrappedArray[Int] = read(write(wa1))
check(wa1, _wa1)
catch {
case e: Exception =>
println("Error in Test3_mutable: " + e)
throw e
// Test classes in package "scala.xml"
object Test4_xml {
import scala.xml.{Attribute, Document, Elem, Null, PrefixedAttribute, Text}
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
try {
// Attribute
val a1 = new PrefixedAttribute("xml", "src", Text("hello"), Null)
val _a1: Attribute = read(write(a1))
check(a1, _a1)
// Document
val d1 = new Document
d1.docElem = <title>
d1.encoding = Some("UTF-8")
val _d1: Document = read(write(d1))
check(d1, _d1)
// Elem
val e1 = <html>title |