Scala example source code file (xmlstuff.scala)
This example Scala source code file (xmlstuff.scala) is included in the DevDaily.com
"Java Source Code
Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.
The Scala xmlstuff.scala source code
import java.io.StringReader
import org.xml.sax.InputSource
import scala.testing.SUnit.Assert
import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq, Elem, Text, XML}
object Test extends AnyRef with Assert {
/** returns true if exception was thrown */
def catcher(att: Function1[Unit, scala.xml.MetaData]): Boolean = {
var ex = false
try {
} catch {
case scala.xml.MalformedAttributeException(msg) =>
ex = true
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//val e: scala.xml.MetaData = null; //Node.NoAttributes;
//val sc: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding = null;
// ------------------------------------------ tests for class NodeSeq
println("checking wellformed attributes");
import scala.xml.{ UnprefixedAttribute, Null }
assertTrue(catcher {x:Unit => new UnprefixedAttribute("key", "<", Null)}); // < illegal
assertTrue(catcher(x:Unit => new UnprefixedAttribute("key", "&", Null))); // & illegal
assertTrue(catcher(x:Unit => new UnprefixedAttribute("key", "a&a", Null))); // & illegal
assertTrue(catcher(x:Unit => new UnprefixedAttribute("key", "a&a;&", Null))); // 2nd &
assertFalse(catcher(x:Unit => new UnprefixedAttribute("key", "a&a; <<", Null)));
checking wellformed attributes
< not allowed in attribute value
passed ok
malformed entity reference in attribute value [&]
passed ok
malformed entity reference in attribute value [a&a]
passed ok
malformed entity reference in attribute value [a&a;&]
passed ok
passed ok
val p = <foo>
<bar gt='ga' value="3"/>
<baz bazValue="8"/>
<bar value="5" gi='go'/>
val pelems_1 = for( val x <- p \ "bar"; val y <- p \ "baz" ) yield {
Text(x.attributes("value").toString + y.attributes("bazValue").toString+ "!")
val pelems_2 = new NodeSeq { val theSeq = List(Text("38!"),Text("58!")) };
assertSameElementsXML(pelems_1, pelems_2)
assertEqualsXML(p \\ "@bazValue", Text("8"))
val books =
val reviews =
Hallo Welt.
Hello Blu
rem 2
println( new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(80, 5).formatNodes (
for (t <- books \\ "title";
r <- reviews \\ "entry"
if (r \ "title") xml_== t) yield
{ t }
{ r \ "remarks" }
// example
for (t @ <book>Blabla <- new NodeSeq { val theSeq = books.child }.toList)
yield t
val phoneBook =
This is the <b>phonebook of the
<a href="http://acme.org">ACME corporation.
<phone where="work"> +41 21 693 68 67
<phone where="mobile">+41 79 602 23 23
val addrBook =
This is the <b>addressbook of the
<a href="http://acme.org">ACME corporation.
<street> Elm Street
<city>Dolphin City
println( new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(80, 5).formatNodes (
for (t <- addrBook \\ "entry";
r <- phoneBook \\ "entry"
if (t \ "name") xml_== (r \ "name")) yield
{ t.child }
{ r \ "phone" }
/* namespaces */
// begin tmp
val cuckoo = <cuckoo xmlns="http://cuckoo.com">
assertEquals(cuckoo.namespace, "http://cuckoo.com")
for (n <- cuckoo \ "_" ) {
//println("n = "+n);
//println("n.prefix = "+n.prefix);
//.println("n.scope = "+n.scope);
assertEquals( n.namespace, "http://cuckoo.com")
println("validation - elements")
val vtor = new scala.xml.dtd.ElementValidator();
import scala.xml.dtd.ELEMENTS
import scala.xml.dtd.ContentModel._
Star(Letter(ElemName("baz"))) )));
assertEquals(vtor( <foo> ), true);
import scala.xml.dtd.MIXED
import scala.xml.dtd.ContentModel._
assertEquals(vtor(<foo> ), true)
assertEquals(vtor(<foo>abcdedgh ), true)
assertEquals(vtor(<foo> ), false)
println("validation - attributes")
assertEquals(vtor( <foo bar="hello"/> ), false)
import scala.xml.dtd._
vtor setMetaData List(AttrDecl("bar", "CDATA", IMPLIED))
assertEquals(vtor(<foo href="http://foo.com" bar="hello"/>), false)
assertEquals(vtor(<foo bar="hello"/>), true)
import scala.xml.dtd._
assertEquals( vtor( <foo href="http://foo.com" /> ), false )
assertEquals( vtor( <foo bar="http://foo.com" /> ), true )
Other Scala examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Scala xmlstuff.scala source code file: