Scala example source code file (misc.scala)
The Scala misc.scala source codeobject Test { def fac(n: Int): Int = if (n < 2) 1 else fac(n - 1) * n; // Fibonacci def fib(n: Int): Int = if (n < 2) 1 else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); def show_fib(n: Int): Int = { Console.print("### fib("); Console.print(n); Console.print(") = "); Console.flush; val v = fib(n); Console.print(v); Console.println; Console.flush; v } def id[X](x: X): X = x; def apply[X](f: X => X, x: X): X = f(x); def id_obj(x: AnyRef): AnyRef = x; def apply_obj(f: AnyRef => AnyRef, x: AnyRef): AnyRef = f(x); def id_any(x: scala.Any): scala.Any = x; def apply_any(f: scala.Any => scala.Any, x: scala.Any): scala.Any = f(x); def id_int(x: Int): Int = x; def apply_int(f: Int => Int, x: Int): Int = f(x); class MyClass() { override def toString() = "=== MyClass::toString ==="; def test() = Console.println("=== MyClass::test ==="); } class MySubclass() extends MyClass() { override def toString() = "=== MySubclass::toString ==="; } def foobar = { 42; 42l; 23.5f; 23.5; "Hello"; 32 + 45; // !!! System // java; // !!! why is this legal ? what does it return ? // java.lang; //System.out; Console.println("### Hello"); Console.print("### "); Console.println(17); Console.println("### Bye"); Console.println; val x = 13; x; // !!! why are DefDef replaced by Block(Tree[0])? we should use Empty! def f = 19; f; def f0() = 11; f0(); def f1(x: Int) = x; f1(7); def f2(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y; f2(3,5); def f11(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y; f11(23)(2); 1 < 2; if (1 < 2) 3 else 4; show_fib(0); show_fib(1); show_fib(2); show_fib(3); show_fib(4); // !!! show_fib(id[Int](4)); /* show_fib(5); show_fib(6); show_fib(7); show_fib(8); show_fib(9); show_fib(10); show_fib(11); show_fib(12); */ val myObj = new MyClass(); Console.println(myObj); val mySub = new MySubclass(); Console.println(mySub); myObj.test(); Console.println; Console.println(apply_any(id_any, "identity").toString()); Console.println; }; foobar; //############################################################################ class A(a: Int) { def getA = a; } class B(b: Int, c: Int) extends A(b + c) { def getB = b; } class X(x: Int) { def getX = x; } case class Y(y: Int, z: Int) extends X(y + z) { def getY = y; def getAA = this.y; } { val a: A = new A(1); val b: B = new B(2,3); val x: X = new X(4); val y: Y = new Y(5,6); Console.println("A.a = " + a.getA); Console.println("B.a = " + b.getA); Console.println("B.b = " + b.getB); Console.println; Console.println("X.a = " + x.getX); Console.println("Y.a = " + y.getX); Console.println("Y.b = " + y.getY); Console.println("Y.b = " + y.y); Console.println; } //############################################################################ { class X() { def foo = { Console.println("X::foo"); } } class Y() extends X() { override def foo = { Console.println("Y::foo"); super.foo; } } val x: X = new X(); val y: X = new Y(); x.foo; Console.println; y.foo; Console.println; } //############################################################################ { class X() {} class O(a: Int) { case class Y(b: Int) extends X() { override def toString() = ""; def bar = a + b; } def foo = Y(2).bar } Console.println(new O(1).foo) } { class O(a: Int) { class X() {} case class Y(b: Int) extends X() { override def toString() = ""; def bar = a + b; } def foo = Y(2).bar } Console.println(new O(1).foo) } Console.println; case class Bar(); case class Foo(i: Int, j: Char, c: Bar) ; Console.println( true // Foo(3,'a',Bar()).caseElement( -1 ) == null // throws Exception now && Foo(3,'a',Bar()).productElement( 0 ) == 3 && Foo(3,'a',Bar()).productElement( 1 ) == 'a' && Foo(3,'a',Bar()).productElement( 2 ) == Bar() && true // Foo(3,'a',Bar()).caseElement( 3 ) == null // throws Exception now && Bar().productArity == 0 && Foo(3,'a',Bar()).productArity == 3); //############################################################################ def main(args: Array[String]) { } //############################################################################ } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala misc.scala source code file: |
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