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Scala example source code file (sequenceComparisons.scala)

This example Scala source code file (sequenceComparisons.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

any, boolean, data, inputs, inputs, list, list, method, method, seq, seq, string, test, vector

The Scala sequenceComparisons.scala source code

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import collection.{ Seq, Traversable }

object Test {
  // TODO: 
  // SeqProxy
  // SeqForwarder
  // the commented out ones in seqMakers
  val seqMakers = List[List[Int] => Seq[Int]](
    // scala.Array(_: _*),
    mutable.ArrayBuffer(_: _*),
    // mutable.ArrayStack(_: _*),
    mutable.Buffer(_: _*),
    mutable.LinearSeq(_: _*),
    // null on Nil
    // mutable.LinkedList(_: _*),
    mutable.ListBuffer(_: _*),
    // mutable.PriorityQueue(_: _*),
    // immutable.Queue(_: _*),
    // mutable.Queue(_: _*),
    immutable.Seq(_: _*),
    mutable.Seq(_: _*),
    immutable.Stack(_: _*),
    // mutable.Stack(_: _*),    
    immutable.IndexedSeq(_: _*), // was Vector
    //mutable.Vector(_: _*),
    immutable.List(_: _*),
    immutable.Stream(_: _*)
  abstract class Data[T] {
    val seq: Seq[T]
    private def seqList = seq.toList
    // _1 is inputs which must be true, _2 which must be false
    type Inputs = (List[List[T]], List[List[T]])
    case class Method(
      f: (Seq[T], Seq[T]) => Boolean,
      inputs: Inputs,
      descr: String
    ) {
      def trueList  = inputs._1
      def falseList = inputs._2

    lazy val eqeq = Method(_ == _, (List(seqList), List(Nil, seqList drop 1, seqList ::: seqList)), "%s == %s")
    val startsWithInputs: Inputs
    lazy val startsWith = Method(_ startsWith _, startsWithInputs, "%s startsWith %s")
    val endsWithInputs: Inputs
    lazy val endsWith = Method(_ endsWith _, endsWithInputs, "%s endsWith %s")

    val indexOfSliceInputs: Inputs
    private def subseqTest(s1: Seq[T], s2: Seq[T]) = (s1 indexOfSlice s2) != -1
    lazy val indexOfSlice = Method(subseqTest _, indexOfSliceInputs, "(%s indexOfSlice %s) != -1")
    val sameElementsInputs: Inputs
    lazy val sameElements = Method(_ sameElements _, sameElementsInputs, "%s sameElements %s")
    def methodList = List(eqeq, startsWith, endsWith, indexOfSlice, sameElements)
  object test1 extends Data[Int] {
    val seq = List(1,2,3,4,5)
    val startsWithInputs = (
      List(Nil, List(1), List(1,2), seq),
      List(List(1,2,3,4,6), seq ::: List(5), List(0))
    val endsWithInputs = (
      List(Nil, List(5), List(4,5), seq),
      List(0 :: seq, List(5,2,3,4,5), List(3,4), List(5,6))
    val indexOfSliceInputs = (
      List(Nil, List(1), List(3), List(5), List(1,2), List(2,3,4), List(4,5), seq),
      List(List(1,2,3,5), List(6), List(5,4,3,2,1), List(2,1))
    val sameElementsInputs = (
      List(Nil, List(1), List(1,2), List(2,3,4), List(2,3,4,5), List(2,3,4,5,1), List(1,2,3,5,4), seq reverse)
  val failures = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
  var testCount = 0
  def assertOne(op1: Any, op2: Any, res: Boolean, str: String) {
    testCount += 1
    val resStr = str.format(op1, op2)
    // println(resStr)
    if (!res)
      failures += ("FAIL: " + resStr)
    // assert(res, resStr)
  def runSeqs() = {
    for (s1f <- seqMakers ; s2f <- seqMakers ; testData <- List(test1)) {
      import testData._
      val scrut = s1f(seq)
      for (Method(f, (trueList, falseList), descr) <- methodList) {
        for (s <- trueList; val rhs = s2f(s))
          assertOne(scrut, rhs, f(scrut, rhs), descr)
        for (s <- falseList; val rhs = s2f(s))
          assertOne(scrut, rhs, !f(scrut, rhs), "!(" + descr + ")")
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    assert(failures.isEmpty, failures mkString "\n")

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala sequenceComparisons.scala source code file:

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