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Scala example source code file (meteor.scala)

This example Scala source code file (meteor.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

array, board, boardcell, cell, cell, int, int, piece, piece, piececell, solver, string, string, t

The Scala meteor.scala source code

/* The Computer Language Shootout
   contributed by Isaac Gouy

// This is an un-optimised example implementation

import scala.collection.mutable._

object meteor {
   def main(args: Array[String]) = {
      val solver = new Solver( Integer.parseInt(args(0)) )

// Solver.scala 
// import scala.collection.mutable._

final class Solver (n: Int) {
   private var countdown = n
   private var first: String = _
   private var last: String = _

   private val board = new Board()

   val pieces = Array( 
      new Piece(0), new Piece(1), new Piece(2), new Piece(3), new Piece(4), 
      new Piece(5), new Piece(6), new Piece(7), new Piece(8), new Piece(9) )

   val unplaced = new BitSet(pieces.length)

   { unplaced ++= (0 until pieces.length) }

   def findSolutions(): Unit = {
      if (countdown == 0) return

      if (unplaced.size > 0){
         val emptyCellIndex = board.firstEmptyCellIndex

         for (k <- Iterator.range(0,pieces.length)){
            if (unplaced.contains(k)){
               unplaced -= k

               for (i <- Iterator.range(0,Piece.orientations)){
                  val piece = pieces(k).nextOrientation

                  for (j <- Iterator.range(0,Piece.size)){
                     if (board.add(j,emptyCellIndex,piece)) {

                        if (!shouldPrune) findSolutions

               unplaced += k
      else {

   private def puzzleSolved() = {
      val b = board.asString
      if (first == null){ 
         first = b; last = b 
      } else {
         if (b < first){ first = b } else { if (b > last){ last = b } }
      countdown = countdown - 1

   private def shouldPrune() = {
      !board.cells.forall(c => c.contiguousEmptyCells % Piece.size == 0) 

   def printSolutions() = {

      def printBoard(s: String) = {
         var indent = false
         var i = 0
         while (i < s.length){
            if (indent) Console.print(' ')
            for (j <- Iterator.range(0,Board.cols)){
               Console.print(s.charAt(i)); Console.print(' ')
               i = i + 1
            indent = !indent

      Console.print(n + " solutions found\n\n")

   def printPieces() = 
      for (i <- Iterator.range(0,Board.pieces)) pieces(i).print 


// Board.scala
// import scala.collection.mutable._

object Board {
   val cols = 5
   val rows = 10
   val size = rows * cols

final class Board { 
   val cells = boardCells()

   val cellsPieceWillFill = new Array[BoardCell](Piece.size)
   var cellCount = 0

   def unmark() = for (c <- cells) c.unmark

   def asString() = 
      new String( cells map( 
         c => if (c.piece == null) '-'.toByte 
              else (c.piece.number + 48).toByte ))

   def firstEmptyCellIndex() = cells.findIndexOf(c => c.isEmpty)

   def add(pieceIndex: Int, boardIndex: Int, p: Piece) = {
      cellCount = 0
      find( p.cells(pieceIndex), cells(boardIndex))

      val boardHasSpace = cellCount == Piece.size && 
         cellsPieceWillFill.forall(c => c.isEmpty)  

      if (boardHasSpace) cellsPieceWillFill.foreach(c => c.piece = p) 


   def remove(piece: Piece) = for (c <- cells; if c.piece == piece) c.empty

   private def find(p: PieceCell, b: BoardCell): Unit = {
      if (p != null && !p.marked && b != null){
         cellsPieceWillFill(cellCount) = b
         cellCount = cellCount + 1
         for (i <- Iterator.range(0,Cell.sides)) find(,

   private def boardCells() = {
      val a = for (i <- Array.range(0,Board.size)) yield new BoardCell(i)
      val m = (Board.size / Board.cols) - 1

      for (i <- Iterator.range(0,a.length)){
         val row = i / Board.cols
         val isFirst = i % Board.cols == 0
         val isLast = (i+1) % Board.cols == 0
         val c = a(i)

         if (row % 2 == 1) {
            if (!isLast) = a(i-(Board.cols-1))
   = a(i-Board.cols) 
            if (row != m) {
               if (!isLast) = a(i+(Board.cols+1))
      = a(i+Board.cols) 
         } else {
            if (row != 0) {
               if (!isFirst) = a(i-(Board.cols+1))
      = a(i-Board.cols)
            if (row != m) {
               if (!isFirst) = a(i+(Board.cols-1))
      = a(i+Board.cols)
         if (!isFirst) = a(i-1)
         if (!isLast) = a(i+1)

// Printing all the board cells and their neighbours
// helps check that they are connected properly

   def printBoardCellsAndNeighbours() = {
      Console.println("cell\tNW NE W  E  SW SE")
      for (i <- Iterator.range(0,Board.size)){
         Console.print(i + "\t")
         for (j <- Iterator.range(0,Cell.sides)){
            val c = cells(i).next(j)
            if (c == null) 
               Console.print("-- ") 
               Console.printf("{0,number,00} ")(c.number)


// Piece.scala

object Piece {
   val size = 5
   val rotations = Cell.sides
   val flips = 2
   val orientations = rotations * flips

final class Piece(_number: Int) {
   val number = _number
   val cells = for (i <- Array.range(0,Piece.size)) yield new PieceCell()

      number match {
         case 0 => make0
         case 1 => make1
         case 2 => make2
         case 3 => make3
         case 4 => make4
         case 5 => make5
         case 6 => make6
         case 7 => make7
         case 8 => make8
         case 9 => make9     

   def flip() = for (c <- cells) c.flip
   def rotate() = for (c <- cells) c.rotate
   def unmark() = for (c <- cells) c.unmark

   private var orientation = 0

   def nextOrientation() = {
      if (orientation == Piece.orientations) orientation = 0
      if (orientation % Piece.rotations == 0) flip else rotate
      orientation = orientation + 1

   private def make0() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.E) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.W) = cells(0)
      cells(1).next(Cell.E) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.W) = cells(1)
      cells(2).next(Cell.E) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.W) = cells(2)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SE) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NW) = cells(3)

   private def make1() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.SE) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.NW) = cells(0)
      cells(1).next(Cell.SW) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.NE) = cells(1)
      cells(2).next(Cell.W) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.E) = cells(2)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SW) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NE) = cells(3)

   private def make2() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.W) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.E) = cells(0)
      cells(1).next(Cell.SW) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.NE) = cells(1)
      cells(2).next(Cell.SE) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.NW) = cells(2)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SE) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NW) = cells(3)

   private def make3() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.SW) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.NE) = cells(0)
      cells(1).next(Cell.W) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.E) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.SW) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.NE) = cells(1)
      cells(2).next(Cell.SE) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.NW) = cells(2)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SE) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NW) = cells(3)

   private def make4() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.SE) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.NW) = cells(0)
      cells(1).next(Cell.SW) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.NE) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.E) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.W) = cells(1)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SE) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NW) = cells(3)

   private def make5() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.SW) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.NE) = cells(0)
      cells(0).next(Cell.SE) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.NW) = cells(0)
      cells(1).next(Cell.SE) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.NW) = cells(1)
      cells(2).next(Cell.SW) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.NE) = cells(2)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SW) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NE) = cells(3)

   private def make6() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.SW) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.NE) = cells(0)
      cells(2).next(Cell.SE) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.NW) = cells(2)
      cells(1).next(Cell.SE) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.NW) = cells(1)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SW) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NE) = cells(3)

   private def make7() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.SE) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.NW) = cells(0)
      cells(0).next(Cell.SW) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.NE) = cells(0)
      cells(2).next(Cell.SW) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.NE) = cells(2)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SE) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NW) = cells(3)

   private def make8() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.E) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.W) = cells(0)
      cells(1).next(Cell.E) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.W) = cells(1)
      cells(2).next(Cell.NE) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SW) = cells(2)
      cells(3).next(Cell.E) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.W) = cells(3)

   private def make9() = {
      cells(0).next(Cell.E) = cells(1)
      cells(1).next(Cell.W) = cells(0)
      cells(1).next(Cell.E) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.W) = cells(1)
      cells(2).next(Cell.NE) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SW) = cells(2)
      cells(2).next(Cell.E) = cells(4)
      cells(4).next(Cell.W) = cells(2)
      cells(4).next(Cell.NW) = cells(3)
      cells(3).next(Cell.SE) = cells(4)

   def print() = {
      Console.println("Piece # " + number)
      Console.println("cell\tNW NE W  E  SW SE")
      for (i <- Iterator.range(0,Piece.size)){
         Console.print(i + "\t")
         for (j <- Iterator.range(0,Cell.sides)){
            val c = cells(i).next(j)
            if (c == null) 
               Console.print("-- ") 
               for (k <- Iterator.range(0,Piece.size)){
                  if (cells(k) == c) Console.printf(" {0,number,0} ")(k)


// Cell.scala

object Cell {
   val NW = 0; val NE = 1
   val W  = 2; val E  = 3
   val SW = 4; val SE = 5   

   val sides = 6

abstract class Cell {
  implicit def m: Manifest[T]
  type T
  val next = new Array[T](Cell.sides)
  var marked = false

  def mark() = marked = true
  def unmark() = marked = false

// BoardCell.scala

final class BoardCell(_number: Int) extends {
   type T = BoardCell
   implicit val m = manifest[BoardCell]
} with Cell {
   val number = _number
   var piece: Piece = _

   def isEmpty() = piece == null
   def empty() = piece = null

   def contiguousEmptyCells(): Int = {
      if (!marked && isEmpty){
         var count = 1 

         for (neighbour <- next)
            if (neighbour != null && neighbour.isEmpty) 
               count = count + neighbour.contiguousEmptyCells

         count } else { 0 }

// PieceCell.scala

final class PieceCell extends Cell {
   type T = PieceCell

   def flip = {
      var swap = next(Cell.NE)
      next(Cell.NE) = next(Cell.NW)
      next(Cell.NW) = swap

      swap = next(Cell.E)
      next(Cell.E) = next(Cell.W)
      next(Cell.W) = swap

      swap = next(Cell.SE)
      next(Cell.SE) = next(Cell.SW)
      next(Cell.SW) = swap

   def rotate = {
      var swap = next(Cell.E)
      next(Cell.E) = next(Cell.NE)
      next(Cell.NE) = next(Cell.NW)
      next(Cell.NW) = next(Cell.W)
      next(Cell.W) = next(Cell.SW)
      next(Cell.SW) = next(Cell.SE)
      next(Cell.SE) = swap

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala meteor.scala source code file:

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