Scala example source code file (diffPickled)
The Scala diffPickled source code#!/bin/sh # # Shows the difference in pickler output between two variations on a class. # # If quick and strap are built normally you can run # # diffPickled foo.bar.Baz # # to see any differences between them in that class. USAGE="Usage: $0 classpath1 classpath2 class" TOOLSDIR=`dirname $0` BUILDDIR="${TOOLSDIR}/../build" QUICKDIR="${BUILDDIR}/quick" STRAPDIR="${BUILDDIR}/strap" CP1="" CP2="" CLASS="" if [ $# == 1 ] ; then if [ -e ${QUICKDIR} ] && [ -e ${STRAPDIR} ] ; then CP1=`${TOOLSDIR}/quickcp` CP2=`${TOOLSDIR}/strapcp` CLASS=$1 else echo $USAGE echo "(If only one argument is given, $QUICKDIR and $STRAPDIR must exist.)" exit 1 fi elif [ $# == 3 ] ; then CP1=$1 CP2=$2 CLASS=$3 else echo $USAGE exit 1 fi TMPDIR="/tmp/scala_pickle_diff${RANDOM}" if mkdir -m 0700 "$TMPDIR" 2>/dev/null ; then ${TOOLSDIR}/showPickled -cp $CP1 $CLASS > "${TMPDIR}/out1.txt" ${TOOLSDIR}/showPickled -cp $CP2 $CLASS > "${TMPDIR}/out2.txt" diff "${TMPDIR}/out1.txt" "${TMPDIR}/out2.txt" rm -rf ${TMPDIR} else echo "Failed to create temporary directory ${TMPDIR}." exit 1 fi Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala diffPickled source code file: |
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