Scala example source code file (Task.scala)
The Task.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz.concurrent import java.util.concurrent.{ScheduledExecutorService, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, ExecutorService} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger} import scalaz._ import scalaz.Tags.Parallel import scalaz.syntax.monad._ import scalaz.std.list._ import scalaz.Free.Trampoline import scalaz.\/._ import collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ /** * `Task[A]` wraps a `scalaz.concurrent.Future[Throwable \/ A]`, * with some convenience functions for handling exceptions. Its * `Monad` and `Nondeterminism` instances are derived from [[Future]]. * * `Task` (and `Future`) differ in several key ways from the `Future` * implementation in Scala 2.10 , and have a number of advantages. See the * documentation for [[scalaz.concurrent.Future]] for more information. * * `Task` is exception-safe when constructed using the primitives * in the companion object, but when calling the constructor, you * are responsible for ensuring the exception safety of the provided * `Future`. */ class Task[+A](val get: Future[Throwable \/ A]) { def flatMap[B](f: A => Task[B]): Task[B] = new Task(get flatMap { case -\/(e) => Future.now(-\/(e)) case \/-(a) => Task.Try(f(a)) match { case e @ -\/(_) => Future.now(e) case \/-(task) => task.get } }) def map[B](f: A => B): Task[B] = new Task(get map { _ flatMap {a => Task.Try(f(a))} }) /** 'Catches' exceptions in the given task and returns them as values. */ def attempt: Task[Throwable \/ A] = new Task(get map { case -\/(e) => \/-(-\/(e)) case \/-(a) => \/-(\/-(a)) }) /** * Returns a new `Task` in which `f` is scheduled to be run on completion. * This would typically be used to release any resources acquired by this * `Task`. */ def onFinish(f: Option[Throwable] => Task[Unit]): Task[A] = new Task(get flatMap { case -\/(e) => Task.Try(f(Some(e))).fold(e2 => Future.now(-\/(e2)), _.get *> Future.now(-\/(e))) case r => Task.Try(f(None)).fold(e => Future.now(-\/(e)), _.get *> Future.now(r)) }) /** * Calls `attempt` and handles some exceptions using the given partial * function, calling Task.now on the result. Any nonmatching exceptions * are reraised. */ def handle[B>:A](f: PartialFunction[Throwable,B]): Task[B] = handleWith(f andThen Task.now) /** * Calls `attempt` and handles some exceptions using the given partial * function. Any nonmatching exceptions are reraised. */ def handleWith[B>:A](f: PartialFunction[Throwable,Task[B]]): Task[B] = attempt flatMap { case -\/(e) => f.lift(e) getOrElse Task.fail(e) case \/-(a) => Task.now(a) } /** * Runs this `Task`, and if it fails with an exception, runs `t2`. * This is rather coarse-grained. Use `attempt`, `handle`, and * `flatMap` for more fine grained control of exception handling. */ def or[B>:A](t2: Task[B]): Task[B] = new Task(this.get flatMap { case -\/(e) => t2.get case a => Future.now(a) }) /** * Run this `Task` and block until its result is available. This will * throw any exceptions generated by the `Task`. To return exceptions * in an `\/`, use `unsafePerformSyncAttempt`. */ def unsafePerformSync: A = get.unsafePerformSync match { case -\/(e) => throw e case \/-(a) => a } @deprecated("use unsafePerformSync", "7.2") def run: A = unsafePerformSync /** Like `unsafePerformSync`, but returns exceptions as values. */ def unsafePerformSyncAttempt: Throwable \/ A = try get.unsafePerformSync catch { case t: Throwable => -\/(t) } @deprecated("use unsafePerformSyncAttempt", "7.2") def attemptRun: Throwable \/ A = unsafePerformSyncAttempt /** * Run this computation to obtain an `A`, so long as `cancel` remains false. * Because of trampolining, we get frequent opportunities to cancel * while stepping through the trampoline, this should provide a fairly * robust means of cancellation. */ def unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly(f: (Throwable \/ A) => Unit, cancel: AtomicBoolean): Unit = get.unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly(f, cancel) @deprecated("use unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly", "7.2") def runAsyncInterruptibly(f: (Throwable \/ A) => Unit, cancel: AtomicBoolean): Unit = unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly(f, cancel) /** * Similar to `unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly(f,cancel)` except instead of interrupting by setting cancel to true, * It returns the function, that, when applied will interrupt the task. * * This allows "deterministic" completion of task computation * even if it was interrupted. * That means task will complete even when interrupted, * but with `TaskInterrupted` exception. * * Note 1: When Interrupted, the `f` callback will run in thread that called the `Interrupting` function () => Unit * Note 2: If task has handler like attempt, it won't get consulted for handling TaskInterrupted excpetion * @param f * @return */ def unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly(f: (Throwable \/ A) => Unit) : () => Unit = { val completed : AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false) val a = Actor[Option[Throwable \/ A]] ({ case Some(r) if ! completed.get => completed.set(true) f(r) case None if ! completed.get => completed.set(true) f(left(Task.TaskInterrupted)) case _ => () //already completed })(Strategy.Sequential) get.unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly(r => a ! Some(r), completed) () => { a ! None } } @deprecated("use unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly", "7.2") def runAsyncInterruptibly(f: (Throwable \/ A) => Unit) : () => Unit = unsafePerformAsyncInterruptibly(f) /** * Run this computation to obtain either a result or an exception, then * invoke the given callback. Any pure, non-asynchronous computation at the * head of this `Task` will be forced in the calling thread. At the first * `Async` encountered, control to whatever thread backs the `Async` and * this function returns immediately. */ def unsafePerformAsync(f: (Throwable \/ A) => Unit): Unit = get.unsafePerformAsync(f) @deprecated("use unsafePerformAsync", "7.2") def runAsync(f: (Throwable \/ A) => Unit): Unit = unsafePerformAsync(f) /** * Run this `Task` and block until its result is available, or until * `timeoutInMillis` milliseconds have elapsed, at which point a `TimeoutException` * will be thrown and the `Task` will attempt to be canceled. */ def unsafePerformSyncFor(timeoutInMillis: Long): A = get.unsafePerformSyncFor(timeoutInMillis) match { case -\/(e) => throw e case \/-(a) => a } def unsafePerformSyncFor(timeout: Duration): A = unsafePerformSyncFor(timeout.toMillis) @deprecated("use unsafePerformSyncFor", "7.2") def runFor(timeoutInMillis: Long): A = unsafePerformSyncFor(timeoutInMillis) @deprecated("use unsafePerformSyncFor", "7.2") def runFor(timeout: Duration): A = unsafePerformSyncFor(timeout) /** * Like `unsafePerformSyncFor`, but returns exceptions as values. Both `TimeoutException` * and other exceptions will be folded into the same `Throwable`. */ def unsafePerformSyncAttemptFor(timeoutInMillis: Long): Throwable \/ A = get.unsafePerformSyncAttemptFor(timeoutInMillis).join @deprecated("use unsafePerformSyncAttemptFor", "7.2") def attemptRunFor(timeoutInMillis: Long): Throwable \/ A = unsafePerformSyncAttemptFor(timeoutInMillis) def unsafePerformSyncAttemptFor(timeout: Duration): Throwable \/ A = unsafePerformSyncAttemptFor(timeout.toMillis) @deprecated("use unsafePerformSyncAttemptFor", "7.2") def attemptRunFor(timeout: Duration): Throwable \/ A = unsafePerformSyncAttemptFor(timeout) /** * A `Task` which returns a `TimeoutException` after `timeoutInMillis`, * and attempts to cancel the running computation. */ def timed(timeoutInMillis: Long)(implicit scheduler:ScheduledExecutorService): Task[A] = new Task(get.timed(timeoutInMillis).map(_.join)) def timed(timeout: Duration)(implicit scheduler:ScheduledExecutorService = Strategy.DefaultTimeoutScheduler): Task[A] = timed(timeout.toMillis) @deprecated("use timed", "7.2") def unsafePerformTimed(timeout: Duration)(implicit scheduler:ScheduledExecutorService = Strategy.DefaultTimeoutScheduler): Task[A] = timed(timeout) @deprecated("use timed", "7.2") def unsafePerformTimed(timeoutInMillis: Long)(implicit scheduler:ScheduledExecutorService): Task[A] = timed(timeoutInMillis) /** * Retries this task if it fails, once for each element in `delays`, * each retry delayed by the corresponding duration, accumulating * errors into a list. * A retriable failure is one for which the predicate `p` returns `true`. */ def retryAccumulating(delays: Seq[Duration], p: (Throwable => Boolean) = _.isInstanceOf[Exception]): Task[(A, List[Throwable])] = retryInternal(delays, p, true) @deprecated("use retryAccumulating", "7.2") def unsafePerformRetryAccumulating(delays: Seq[Duration], p: (Throwable => Boolean) = _.isInstanceOf[Exception]): Task[(A, List[Throwable])] = retryAccumulating(delays, p) /** * Retries this task if it fails, once for each element in `delays`, * each retry delayed by the corresponding duration. * A retriable failure is one for which the predicate `p` returns `true`. */ def retry(delays: Seq[Duration], p: (Throwable => Boolean) = _.isInstanceOf[Exception]): Task[A] = retryInternal(delays, p, false).map(_._1) @deprecated("use retry", "7.2") def unsafePerformRetry(delays: Seq[Duration], p: (Throwable => Boolean) = _.isInstanceOf[Exception]): Task[A] = retry(delays, p) private def retryInternal(delays: Seq[Duration], p: (Throwable => Boolean), accumulateErrors: Boolean): Task[(A, List[Throwable])] = { def help(ds: Seq[Duration], es: => Stream[Throwable]): Future[Throwable \/ (A, List[Throwable])] = { def acc = if (accumulateErrors) es.toList else Nil ds match { case Seq() => get map (_. map(_ -> acc)) case Seq(t, ts @_*) => get flatMap { case -\/(e) if p(e) => help(ts, e #:: es) after t case x => Future.now(x.map(_ -> acc)) } } } Task.async { help(delays, Stream()).unsafePerformAsync } } /** Ensures that the result of this Task satisfies the given predicate, or fails with the given value. */ def ensure(failure: => Throwable)(f: A => Boolean): Task[A] = flatMap(a => if(f(a)) Task.now(a) else Task.fail(failure)) /** * Delays the execution of this `Task` by the duration `t`. */ def after(t: Duration): Task[A] = new Task(get after t) } object Task { implicit val taskInstance: Nondeterminism[Task] with BindRec[Task] with Catchable[Task] with MonadError[Task,Throwable] = new Nondeterminism[Task] with BindRec[Task] with Catchable[Task] with MonadError[Task, Throwable] { val F = Nondeterminism[Future] def point[A](a: => A) = Task.point(a) def bind[A,B](a: Task[A])(f: A => Task[B]): Task[B] = a flatMap f def chooseAny[A](h: Task[A], t: Seq[Task[A]]): Task[(A, Seq[Task[A]])] = new Task ( F.map(F.chooseAny(h.get, t map (_ get))) { case (a, residuals) => a.map((_, residuals.map(new Task(_)))) }) override def gatherUnordered[A](fs: Seq[Task[A]]): Task[List[A]] = { new Task (F.map(F.gatherUnordered(fs.map(_ get)))(eithers => Traverse[List].sequenceU(eithers) )) } def fail[A](e: Throwable): Task[A] = new Task(Future.now(-\/(e))) def attempt[A](a: Task[A]): Task[Throwable \/ A] = a.attempt def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => Task[A \/ B])(a: A): Task[B] = Task.tailrecM(f)(a) def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Task[A] = fail(e) def handleError[A](fa: Task[A])(f: Throwable => Task[A]): Task[A] = fa.handleWith { case t => f(t) } } /** signals task was interrupted **/ case object TaskInterrupted extends InterruptedException { override def fillInStackTrace = this } def point[A](a: => A) = new Task(Future.delay(Try(a))) /** A `Task` which fails with the given `Throwable`. */ def fail(e: Throwable): Task[Nothing] = new Task(Future.now(-\/(e))) /** Convert a strict value to a `Task`. Also see `delay`. */ def now[A](a: A): Task[A] = new Task(Future.now(\/-(a))) /** * Promote a non-strict value to a `Task`, catching exceptions in * the process. Note that since `Task` is unmemoized, this will * recompute `a` each time it is sequenced into a larger computation. * Memoize `a` with a lazy value before calling this function if * memoization is desired. */ def delay[A](a: => A): Task[A] = suspend(now(a)) /** * Produce `f` in the main trampolining loop, `Future.step`, using a fresh * call stack. The standard trampolining primitive, useful for avoiding * stack overflows. */ def suspend[A](a: => Task[A]): Task[A] = new Task(Future.suspend( Try(a.get) match { case -\/(e) => Future.now(-\/(e)) case \/-(f) => f })) /** Create a `Task` that will evaluate `a` using the given `ExecutorService`. */ def apply[A](a: => A)(implicit pool: ExecutorService = Strategy.DefaultExecutorService): Task[A] = new Task(Future(Try(a))(pool)) /** * Create a `Task` that starts evaluating `a` using the given `ExecutorService` right away. * This will start executing side effects immediately, and is thus morally equivalent to * `unsafePerformIO`. The resulting `Task` cannot be rerun to repeat the effects. * Use with care. */ def unsafeStart[A](a: => A)(implicit pool: ExecutorService = Strategy.DefaultExecutorService): Task[A] = new Task(Future(Task.Try(a))(pool).unsafeStart) /** * Returns a `Task` that produces the same result as the given `Future`, * but forks its evaluation off into a separate (logical) thread, using * the given `ExecutorService`. Note that this forking is only described * by the returned `Task`--nothing occurs until the `Task` is run. */ def fork[A](a: => Task[A])(implicit pool: ExecutorService = Strategy.DefaultExecutorService): Task[A] = apply(a).join /** * Create a `Task` from an asynchronous computation, which takes the form * of a function with which we can register a callback. This can be used * to translate from a callback-based API to a straightforward monadic * version. */ def async[A](register: ((Throwable \/ A) => Unit) => Unit): Task[A] = new Task(Future.async(register)) def schedule[A](a: => A, delay: Duration)(implicit pool: ScheduledExecutorService = Strategy.DefaultTimeoutScheduler): Task[A] = new Task(Future.schedule(Try(a), delay)) /** * Like `Nondeterminism[Task].gatherUnordered`, but if `exceptionCancels` is true, * exceptions in any task try to immediately cancel all other running tasks. If * `exceptionCancels` is false, in the event of an error, all tasks are run to completion * before the error is returned. * @since 7.0.3 */ def gatherUnordered[A](tasks: Seq[Task[A]], exceptionCancels: Boolean = false): Task[List[A]] = reduceUnordered[A, List[A]](tasks, exceptionCancels) def reduceUnordered[A, M](tasks: Seq[Task[A]], exceptionCancels: Boolean = false)(implicit R: Reducer[A, M]): Task[M] = if (!exceptionCancels) taskInstance.reduceUnordered(tasks) else tasks match { // Unfortunately we cannot reuse the future's combinator // due to early terminating requirement on task // when task fails. This also makes implementation a bit trickier case Seq() => Task.now(R.zero) case Seq(t) => t.map(R.unit) case _ => new Task(Future.Async { cb => val interrupt = new AtomicBoolean(false) val results = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[M] val togo = new AtomicInteger(tasks.size) tasks.foreach { t => val handle: (Throwable \/ A) => Trampoline[Unit] = { case \/-(success) => // Try to reduce number of values in the queue val front = results.poll() if (front == null) results.add(R.unit(success)) else results.add(R.cons(success, front)) // only last completed f will hit the 0 here. if (togo.decrementAndGet() == 0) cb(\/-(results.toList.foldLeft(R.zero)((a, b) => R.append(a, b)))) else Trampoline.done(()) case e@(-\/(failure)) => // Only allow the first failure to invoke the callback, so we // race to set `togo` to 0 here. // If we win, invoke the callback with our error, otherwise, noop @annotation.tailrec def firstFailure: Boolean = { val current = togo.get if (current > 0) { if (togo.compareAndSet(current,0)) true else firstFailure } else false } if (firstFailure) // invoke `cb`, then cancel any computation not running yet // food for thought - might be safe to set the interrupt first // but, this may also kill `cb(e)` // could have separate AtomicBooleans for each task cb(e) *> Trampoline.delay { interrupt.set(true); () } else Trampoline.done(()) } t.get.unsafePerformListenInterruptibly(handle, interrupt) } }) } /** Utility function - evaluate `a` and catch and return any exceptions. */ def Try[A](a: => A): Throwable \/ A = try \/-(a) catch { case e: Throwable => -\/(e) } def fromMaybe[A](ma: Maybe[A])(t: => Throwable): Task[A] = ma.cata(Task.now, Task.fail(t)) def fromDisjunction[A <: Throwable, B](x: A \/ B): Task[B] = x.fold(Task.fail, Task.now) def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => Task[A \/ B])(a: A): Task[B] = f(a).flatMap { case -\/(a0) => tailrecM(f)(a0) case \/-(b) => point(b) } /** type for Tasks which need to be executed in parallel when using an Applicative instance */ type ParallelTask[A] = Task[A] @@ Parallel /** This Applicative instance runs Tasks in parallel. * * It is different from the Applicative instance obtained from Monad[Task] which runs tasks sequentially. */ implicit val taskParallelApplicativeInstance: Applicative[ParallelTask] = taskInstance.parallel } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Task.scala source code file: |
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