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Scala example source code file (EitherT.scala)

This example Scala source code file (EitherT.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

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Java - Scala tags/keywords

eithert, functor, monad, traverse

The EitherT.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import Liskov.<~<

 * Represents a computation of type `F[A \/ B]`.
 * Example:
 * {{{
 * val x: Option[String \/ Int] = Some(\/-(1))
 * EitherT(x).map(1+).run // Some(\/-(2))
 * }}}
 * */
final case class EitherT[F[_], A, B](run: F[A \/ B]) {
  import OptionT._

  final class Switching_\/[X](r: => X) {
    def <[X](right: => X): Switching_\/[X] =
    new Switching_\/(right)

  def fold[X](l: A => X, r: B => X)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[X] =, r))

  /** Return `true` if this disjunction is left. */
  def isLeft(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Boolean] =

  /** Return `true` if this disjunction is right. */
  def isRight(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Boolean] =

  /** Flip the left/right values in this disjunction. Alias for `swap` */
  def swap(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, B, A] =

  /** Flip the left/right values in this disjunction. Alias for `unary_~` */
  def unary_~(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, B, A] =

  /** Run the given function on this swapped value. Alias for `~` */
  def swapped[AA, BB](k: (B \/ A) => (BB \/ AA))(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, AA, BB] =
    EitherT( swapped k))

  /** Run the given function on this swapped value. Alias for `swapped` */
  def ~[AA, BB](k: (B \/ A) => (BB \/ AA))(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, AA, BB] =

  /** Binary functor map on this disjunction. */
  def bimap[C, D](f: A => C, g: B => D)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, C, D] =
    EitherT(, g)))

  /** Run the given function on the left value. */
  def leftMap[C](f: A => C)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, C, B] =
    bimap(f, identity)

  /** Binary functor traverse on this disjunction. */
  def bitraverse[G[_], C, D](f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D])(implicit F: Traverse[F], G: Applicative[G]): G[EitherT[F, C, D]] =
    Applicative[G].map(F.traverse(run)(Bitraverse[\/].bitraverseF(f, g)))(EitherT(_: F[C \/ D]))

  /** Map on the right of this disjunction. */
  def map[C](f: B => C)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, A, C] =

  /** Traverse on the right of this disjunction. */
  def traverse[G[_], C](f: B => G[C])(implicit F: Traverse[F], G: Applicative[G]): G[EitherT[F, A, C]] = => Traverse[A \/ ?].traverse(o)(f)))(EitherT(_))

  /** Apply a function in the environment of the right of this
    * disjunction.  Because it runs my `F` even when `f`'s `\/` fails,
    * it is not consistent with `ap`.
  def app[C](f: => EitherT[F, A, B => C])(implicit F: Apply[F]): EitherT[F, A, C] =
    EitherT(F.apply2(, run)((a, b) => b ap a))

  /** Bind through the right of this disjunction. */
  def flatMap[C](f: B => EitherT[F, A, C])(implicit F: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, A, C] =
    EitherT(F.bind(run)(_.fold(a => F.point(-\/(a): (A \/ C)), b => f(b).run)))

  /** Bind the inner monad through the right of this disjunction. */
  def flatMapF[C](f: B => F[A \/ C])(implicit F: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, A, C] =
    EitherT(F.bind(run)(_.fold(a => F.point(-\/(a): (A \/ C)), f)))

  /** Fold on the right of this disjunction. */
  def foldRight[Z](z: => Z)(f: (B, => Z) => Z)(implicit F: Foldable[F]): Z =
    F.foldRight[A \/ B, Z](run, z)((a, b) => a.foldRight(b)(f))

  /** Filter on the right of this disjunction. */
  def filter(p: B => Boolean)(implicit M: Monoid[A], F: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =
    MonadPlus[EitherT[F, A, ?]].filter(this)(p)

  /** Alias for `filter`.
  def withFilter(p: B => Boolean)(implicit M: Monoid[A], F: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =
    filter(p)(M, F)

  /** Return `true` if this disjunction is a right value satisfying the given predicate. */
  def exists(f: B => Boolean)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Boolean] = exists f)

  /** Return `true` if this disjunction is a left value or the right value satisfies the given predicate. */
  def forall(f: B => Boolean)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Boolean] = forall f)

  /** Return an empty list or list with one element on the right of this disjunction. */
  def toList(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[List[B]] = => Nil, _ :: Nil))

  /** Return a `this` on the left-side or a `that` on the right-side of this disjunction  */
  def toThese(implicit F: Functor[F]): TheseT[F, A, B] = TheseT(

  /** Return an empty stream or stream with one element on the right of this disjunction. */
  def toStream(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Stream[B]] = (A \/ B)).fold(_ => Stream(), Stream(_)))

  /** Return an empty option or option with one element on the right of this disjunction. Useful to sweep errors under the carpet. */
  def toOption(implicit F: Functor[F]): OptionT[F, B] =
    optionT[F]( (A \/ B)).toOption))

  /** Return an empty option or option with one element on the right of this disjunction. Useful to sweep errors under the carpet. */
  def toMaybe(implicit F: Functor[F]): MaybeT[F, B] =
    MaybeT( (A \/ B)).toMaybe))

  /** Convert to a core `scala.Either` at your own peril. */
  def toEither(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Either[A, B]] =

  /** Return the right value of this disjunction or the given default if left. Alias for `|` */
  def getOrElse(default: => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[B] = getOrElse default)

  /** Return the right value of this disjunction or the given default if left. Alias for `getOrElse` */
  def |(default: => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[B] =

  /** Return the right value of this disjunction or run the given function on the left. */
  def valueOr(x: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[B] = valueOr x)

  /** Return this if it is a right, otherwise, return the given value. Alias for `|||` */
  def orElse(x: => EitherT[F, A, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] = {
    val g = run
    EitherT(F.bind(g) {
      case    -\/(_)  =>
      case r@(\/-(_)) => F.point(r)

  /** Return this if it is a right, otherwise, return the given value. Alias for `orElse` */
  def |||(x: => EitherT[F, A, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =

   * Sums up values inside disjunction, if both are left or right. Returns first left otherwise.
   * {{{
   * \/-(v1) +++ \/-(v2) → \/-(v1 + v2)
   * \/-(v1) +++ -\/(v2) → -\/(v2)
   * -\/(v1) +++ \/-(v2) → -\/(v1)
   * -\/(v1) +++ -\/(v2) → -\/(v1 + v2)
   * }}}
  def +++(x: => EitherT[F, A, B])(implicit M1: Semigroup[B], M2: Semigroup[A], F: Apply[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =
    EitherT(F.apply2(run, +++ _))

  /** Ensures that the right value of this disjunction satisfies the given predicate, or returns left with the given value. */
  def ensure(onLeft: => A)(f: B => Boolean)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =

  /** Compare two disjunction values for equality. */
  def ===(x: EitherT[F, A, B])(implicit EA: Equal[A], EB: Equal[B], F: Apply[F]): F[Boolean] =
    F.apply2(run, === _)

  /** Compare two disjunction values for ordering. */
  def compare(x: EitherT[F, A, B])(implicit EA: Order[A], EB: Order[B], F: Apply[F]): F[Ordering] =
    F.apply2(run, compare _)

  /** Show for a disjunction value. */
  def show(implicit SA: Show[A], SB: Show[B], F: Functor[F]): F[Cord] =[A, B])

  /** Cozip this disjunction on its functor. */
  def cozip(implicit Z: Cozip[F]): (F[A] \/ F[B]) =

  /** Convert to a validation. */
  def validation(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Validation[A, B]] =

  /** Run a validation function and back to disjunction again. */
  def validationed[AA, BB](k: Validation[A, B] => Validation[AA, BB])(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, AA, BB] =
    EitherT( validationed k))

  /** Return the value from whichever side of the disjunction is defined, given a commonly assignable type. */
  def merge[AA >: A](implicit F: Functor[F], ev: B <~< AA): F[AA] = { {
      case -\/(a) => a
      case \/-(b) => ev(b)

object EitherT extends EitherTInstances {

  def eitherT[F[_], A, B](a: F[A \/ B]): EitherT[F, A, B] = EitherT[F, A, B](a)

  def fromDisjunction[F[_]]: FromDisjunctionAux[F] = new FromDisjunctionAux

  final class FromDisjunctionAux[F[_]] private[EitherT] {
    def apply[A, B](a: A \/ B)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =

  def eitherTU[FAB, AB, A0, B0](fab: FAB)(
    implicit u1: Unapply[Functor, FAB]{type A = AB}, u2: Unapply2[Bifunctor, AB]{type A = A0; type B = B0}, l: Leibniz.===[AB, A0 \/ B0])
      : EitherT[u1.M, A0, B0] = eitherT(l.subst[u1.M](u1(fab)))

  def monadTell[F[_], W, A](implicit MT0: MonadTell[F, W]): EitherTMonadTell[F, W, A] = new EitherTMonadTell[F, W, A]{
    def MT = MT0

  def monadListen[F[_], W, A](implicit ML0: MonadListen[F, W]): EitherTMonadListen[F, W, A] = new EitherTMonadListen[F, W, A]{
    def MT = ML0

  /** Construct a left disjunction value. */
  def left[F[_], A, B](a: F[A])(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =

  /** Construct a right disjunction value. */
  def right[F[_], A, B](b: F[B])(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =

  def leftU[B]: EitherTLeft[B] =
    new EitherTLeft[B](true)

   * @example {{{
   * val a: String \/ Int = \/-(1)
   * val b: EitherT[({type l[a] = String \/ a})#l, Boolean, Int] = EitherT.rightU[Boolean](a)
   * }}}
  def rightU[A]: EitherTRight[A] =
    new EitherTRight[A](true)

  private[scalaz] final class EitherTLeft[B](val dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal {
    def apply[FA](fa: FA)(implicit F: Unapply[Functor, FA]): EitherT[F.M, F.A, B] =
      left[F.M, F.A, B](F(fa))(F.TC)

  private[scalaz] final class EitherTRight[A](val dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal {
    def apply[FB](fb: FB)(implicit F: Unapply[Functor, FB]): EitherT[F.M, A, F.A] =
      right[F.M, A, F.A](F(fb))(F.TC)

  /** Construct a disjunction value from a standard `scala.Either`. */
  def fromEither[F[_], A, B](e: F[Either[A, B]])(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, A, B] =
    apply( fold (\/.left, \/.right)))

  def fromTryCatchThrowable[F[_], A, B <: Throwable](a: => F[A])(implicit F: Applicative[F], nn: NotNothing[B], ex: ClassTag[B]): EitherT[F, B, A] =
    try {
    } catch {
      case e if ex.runtimeClass.isInstance(e) => left(F.point(e.asInstanceOf[B]))

  def fromTryCatchNonFatal[F[_], A](a: => F[A])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): EitherT[F, Throwable, A] =
    try {
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(t) => left(F.point(t))


sealed abstract class EitherTInstances4 {
  implicit def eitherTBindRec[F[_], E](implicit F0: Monad[F], B0: BindRec[F]): BindRec[EitherT[F, E, ?]] =
    new EitherTBindRec[F, E] {
      implicit def F = F0
      implicit def B = B0

sealed abstract class EitherTInstances3 extends EitherTInstances4 {
  implicit def eitherTMonadError[F[_], E](implicit F0: Monad[F]): MonadError[EitherT[F, E, ?], E] =
    new EitherTMonadError[F, E] {
      implicit def F = F0

sealed abstract class EitherTInstances2 extends EitherTInstances3 {
  implicit def eitherTFunctor[F[_], L](implicit F0: Functor[F]): Functor[EitherT[F, L, ?]] =
    new EitherTFunctor[F, L] {
      implicit def F = F0

sealed abstract class EitherTInstances1 extends EitherTInstances2 {
  implicit def eitherTMonad[F[_], L](implicit F0: Monad[F]): Monad[EitherT[F, L, ?]] =
    new EitherTMonad[F, L] {
      implicit def F = F0
  implicit def eitherTPlus[F[_], L](implicit F0: Monad[F], L0: Semigroup[L]): Plus[EitherT[F, L, ?]] =
    new EitherTPlus[F, L] {
      implicit def F = F0
      implicit def G = L0

sealed abstract class EitherTInstances0 extends EitherTInstances1 {
  implicit def eitherTBifunctor[F[_]](implicit F0: Functor[F]): Bifunctor[EitherT[F, ?, ?]] =
    new EitherTBifunctor[F] {
      implicit def F = F0
  implicit def eitherTBifoldable[F[_]](implicit F0: Foldable[F]): Bifoldable[EitherT[F, ?, ?]] =
    new EitherTBifoldable[F] {
      implicit def F = F0
  implicit def eitherTMonadPlus[F[_], L](implicit F0: Monad[F], L0: Monoid[L]): MonadPlus[EitherT[F, L, ?]] =
    new EitherTMonadPlus[F, L] {
      implicit def F = F0
      implicit def G = L0
  implicit def eitherTFoldable[F[_], L](implicit F0: Foldable[F]): Foldable[EitherT[F, L, ?]] =
    new EitherTFoldable[F, L] {
      implicit def F = F0

sealed abstract class EitherTInstances extends EitherTInstances0 {
  implicit def eitherTBitraverse[F[_]](implicit F0: Traverse[F]): Bitraverse[EitherT[F, ?, ?]] =
    new EitherTBitraverse[F] {
      implicit def F = F0

  implicit def eitherTTraverse[F[_], L](implicit F0: Traverse[F]): Traverse[EitherT[F, L, ?]] =
    new EitherTTraverse[F, L] {
      implicit def F = F0

  implicit def eitherTHoist[A]: Hoist[λ[(α[_], β) => EitherT[α, A, β]]] =
    new EitherTHoist[A] {}

  implicit def eitherTEqual[F[_], A, B](implicit F0: Equal[F[A \/ B]]): Equal[EitherT[F, A, B]] =
    F0.contramap((_: EitherT[F, A, B]).run)

  implicit def eitherTShow[F[_], A, B](implicit F0: Show[F[A \/ B]]): Show[EitherT[F, A, B]] =

private trait EitherTFunctor[F[_], E] extends Functor[EitherT[F, E, ?]] {
  implicit def F: Functor[F]

  override def map[A, B](fa: EitherT[F, E, A])(f: A => B): EitherT[F, E, B] = fa map f

private trait EitherTBind[F[_], E] extends Bind[EitherT[F, E, ?]] with EitherTFunctor[F, E] {
  implicit def F: Monad[F]

  final def bind[A, B](fa: EitherT[F, E, A])(f: A => EitherT[F, E, B]): EitherT[F, E, B] = fa flatMap f

private trait EitherTBindRec[F[_], E] extends BindRec[EitherT[F, E, ?]] with EitherTBind[F, E] {
  implicit def F: Monad[F]
  implicit def B: BindRec[F]

  final def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => EitherT[F, E, A \/ B])(a: A): EitherT[F, E, B] =
      B.tailrecM[A, E \/ B](a => {
        // E \/ (A \/ B) => A \/ (E \/ B) is _.sequenceU but can't use here
        _.fold(e => \/-(-\/(e)), _.fold(\/.left, b => \/-(\/-(b))))

private trait EitherTMonad[F[_], E] extends Monad[EitherT[F, E, ?]] with EitherTBind[F, E] {
  implicit def F: Monad[F]

  def point[A](a: => A): EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT(F.point(\/-(a)))

private trait EitherTPlus[F[_], E] extends Plus[EitherT[F, E, ?]] {
  def F: Monad[F]
  def G: Semigroup[E]

  def plus[A](a: EitherT[F, E, A], b: => EitherT[F, E, A]): EitherT[F, E, A] =
      case -\/(l) =>{
          case -\/(ll)    => -\/(G.append(l, ll))
          case r @ \/-(_) => r
      case r =>

private trait EitherTMonadPlus[F[_], E] extends MonadPlus[EitherT[F, E, ?]] with EitherTMonad[F, E] with EitherTPlus[F, E] {
  def G: Monoid[E]

  def empty[A]: EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT(F.point(-\/(

private trait EitherTFoldable[F[_], E] extends Foldable.FromFoldr[EitherT[F, E, ?]] {
  implicit def F: Foldable[F]

  override def foldRight[A, B](fa: EitherT[F, E, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = fa.foldRight(z)(f)

private trait EitherTTraverse[F[_], E] extends Traverse[EitherT[F, E, ?]] with EitherTFoldable[F, E] {
  implicit def F: Traverse[F]

  def traverseImpl[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: EitherT[F, E, A])(f: A => G[B]): G[EitherT[F, E, B]] = fa traverse f

private trait EitherTBifunctor[F[_]] extends Bifunctor[EitherT[F, ?, ?]] {
  implicit def F: Functor[F]

  override def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: EitherT[F, A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): EitherT[F, C, D] = fab.bimap(f, g)

private trait EitherTBifoldable[F[_]] extends Bifoldable.FromBifoldMap[EitherT[F, ?, ?]] {
  implicit def F: Foldable[F]

  override final def bifoldMap[A, B, M: Monoid](fab: EitherT[F, A, B])(f: A => M)(g: B => M) =

private trait EitherTBitraverse[F[_]] extends Bitraverse[EitherT[F, ?, ?]] with EitherTBifunctor[F] with EitherTBifoldable[F] {
  implicit def F: Traverse[F]

  def bitraverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fab: EitherT[F, A, B])
                                                (f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D]): G[EitherT[F, C, D]] =
    fab.bitraverse(f, g)

private trait EitherTHoist[A] extends Hoist[λ[(α[_], β) => EitherT[α, A, β]]] {
  def hoist[M[_], N[_]](f: M ~> N)(implicit M: Monad[M]) = new (EitherT[M, A, ?] ~> EitherT[N, A, ?]) {
    def apply[B](mb: EitherT[M, A, B]): EitherT[N, A, B] = EitherT(f.apply(

  def liftM[M[_], B](mb: M[B])(implicit M: Monad[M]): EitherT[M, A, B] = EitherT(\/.right))

  implicit def apply[M[_] : Monad]: Monad[EitherT[M, A, ?]] = EitherT.eitherTMonad

private[scalaz] trait EitherTMonadTell[F[_], W, A] extends MonadTell[EitherT[F, A, ?], W] with EitherTMonad[F, A] with EitherTHoist[A] {
  def MT: MonadTell[F, W]

  implicit def F = MT

  def writer[B](w: W, v: B): EitherT[F, A, B] =
    liftM[F, B](MT.writer(w, v))

  def left[B](v: => A): EitherT[F, A, B] =
    EitherT.left[F, A, B](MT.point(v))

  def right[B](v: => B): EitherT[F, A, B] =
    EitherT.right[F, A, B](MT.point(v))

private[scalaz] trait EitherTMonadListen[F[_], W, A] extends MonadListen[EitherT[F, A, ?], W] with EitherTMonadTell[F, W, A] {
  implicit def MT: MonadListen[F, W]

  def listen[B](ma: EitherT[F, A, B]): EitherT[F, A, (B, W)] = {
    val tmp = MT.bind[(A \/ B, W), A \/ (B, W)](MT.listen({
      case (-\/(a), _) => MT.point(-\/(a))
      case (\/-(b), w) => MT.point(\/-((b, w)))

    EitherT[F, A, (B, W)](tmp)

private trait EitherTMonadError[F[_], E] extends MonadError[EitherT[F, E, ?], E] with EitherTMonad[F, E] {
  implicit def F: Monad[F]
  def raiseError[A](e: E): EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT(F.point(-\/(e)))
  def handleError[A](fa: EitherT[F, E, A])(f: E => EitherT[F, E, A]): EitherT[F, E, A] =
    EitherT(F.bind( {
      case -\/(e) => f(e).run
      case r => F.point(r)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala EitherT.scala source code file:

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