Scala example source code file (Enum.scala)
The Enum.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz //// /** * An [[scalaz.Order]]able with discrete values. */ //// trait Enum[F] extends Order[F] { self => //// def succ(a: F): F def pred(a: F): F // derived functions def succn(n: Int, a: F): F = Enum.succn(n, a)(self) def predn(n: Int, a: F): F = Enum.predn(n, a)(self) def min: Option[F] = None def max: Option[F] = None /** * Moves to the successor, unless at the maximum. */ def succx: Kleisli[Option, F, F] = Kleisli(a => if(max forall (equal(a, _))) None else Some(succ(a))) /** * Moves to the predecessor, unless at the minimum. */ def predx: Kleisli[Option, F, F] = Kleisli(a => if(min forall (equal(a, _))) None else Some(pred(a))) /** * Produce a state value that executes the successor (`succ`) on each spin and executing the given function on the current value. This is useful to implement incremental looping. Evaluating the state value requires a beginning to increment from. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. */ def succState[X](f: F => X): State[F, X] = State((s: F) => (succ(s), f(s))) /** * Produce a value that starts at zero (`Monoid.zero`) and increments through a state value with the given binding function. This is useful to implement incremental looping. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. * @param k The binding function. * @param m The implementation of the zero function from which to start. */ def succStateZeroM[X, Y](f: F => X, k: X => State[F, Y])(implicit m: Monoid[F]): Y = (succState(f) flatMap k) eval m.zero /** * Produce a value that starts at zero (`Monoid.zero`) and increments through a state value with the given mapping function. This is useful to implement incremental looping. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. * @param k The mapping function. * @param m The implementation of the zero function from which to start. */ def succStateZero[X, Y](f: F => X, k: X => Y)(implicit m: Monoid[F]): Y = succStateZeroM(f, (a: X) => State.state[F, Y](k(a))) /** * Produce a value that starts at the minimum (if it exists) and increments through a state value with the given binding function. This is useful to implement incremental looping. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. * @param k The binding function. */ def succStateMinM[X, Y](f: F => X, k: X => State[F, Y]): Option[Y] = min map ((succState(f) flatMap k) eval _) /** * Produce a value that starts at the minimum (if it exists) and increments through a state value with the given mapping function. This is useful to implement incremental looping. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. * @param k The mapping function. */ def succStateMin[X, Y](f: F => X, k: X => Y): Option[Y] = succStateMinM(f, (a: X) => State.state[F, Y](k(a))) /** * Produce a state value that executes the predecessor (`pred`) on each spin and executing the given function on the current value. This is useful to implement decremental looping. Evaluating the state value requires a beginning to decrement from. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. */ def predState[X](f: F => X): State[F, X] = State((s: F) => (pred(s), f(s))) /** * Produce a value that starts at zero (`Monoid.zero`) and decrements through a state value with the given binding function. This is useful to implement decremental looping. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. * @param k The binding function. * @param m The implementation of the zero function from which to start. */ def predStateZeroM[X, Y](f: F => X, k: X => State[F, Y])(implicit m: Monoid[F]): Y = (predState(f) flatMap k) eval m.zero /** * Produce a value that starts at zero (`Monoid.zero`) and decrements through a state value with the given mapping function. This is useful to implement decremental looping. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. * @param k The mapping function. * @param m The implementation of the zero function from which to start. */ def predStateZero[X, Y](f: F => X, k: X => Y)(implicit m: Monoid[F]): Y = predStateZeroM(f, (a: X) => State.state[F, Y](k(a))) /** * Produce a value that starts at the maximum (if it exists) and decrements through a state value with the given binding function. This is useful to implement decremental looping. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. * @param k The binding function. */ def predStateMaxM[X, Y](f: F => X, k: X => State[F, Y]): Option[Y] = max map ((predState(f) flatMap k) eval _) /** * Produce a value that starts at the maximum (if it exists) and decrements through a state value with the given mapping function. This is useful to implement decremental looping. * * @param f The function to execute on each spin of the state value. * @param k The mapping function. */ def predStateMax[X, Y](f: F => X, k: X => Y): Option[Y] = predStateMaxM(f, (a: X) => State.state[F, Y](k(a))) import Free._ import std.function._ def from(a: F): EphemeralStream[F] = EphemeralStream.cons(a, from(succ(a))) def fromStep(n: Int, a: F): EphemeralStream[F] = EphemeralStream.cons(a, fromStep(n, succn(n, a))) def fromTo(a: F, z: F): EphemeralStream[F] = EphemeralStream.cons(a, if(equal(a, z)) EphemeralStream.emptyEphemeralStream else fromTo(if(lessThan(a, z)) succ(a) else pred(a), z) ) def fromToL(a: F, z: F): List[F] = { def fromToLT(a: F, z: F): Trampoline[List[F]] = if(equal(a, z)) return_(a :: Nil) else suspend(fromToLT(if(lessThan(a, z)) succ(a) else pred(a), z) map (a :: _)) fromToLT(a, z).run } def fromStepTo(n: Int, a: F, z: F): EphemeralStream[F] = { val cmp = Need { if(n > 0) greaterThan(_, _) else if(n < 0) lessThan(_, _) else (_: F, _: F) => false } EphemeralStream.cons(a, { val k = succn(n, a) if (cmp.value(k, z)) EphemeralStream.emptyEphemeralStream else fromStepTo(n, k, z) }) } def fromStepToL(n: Int, a: F, z: F): List[F] = { def fromStepToLT(n: Int, a: F, z: F): Trampoline[List[F]] = { val cmp = Need { if(n > 0) greaterThan(_, _) else if(n < 0) lessThan(_, _) else (_: F, _: F) => false } val k = succn(n, a) if (cmp.value(k, z)) return_(a :: Nil) else suspend(fromStepToLT(n, k, z) map (a :: _)) } fromStepToLT(n, a, z).run } trait EnumLaw extends OrderLaw { def succpred(x: F): Boolean = equal(succ(pred(x)), x) def predsucc(x: F): Boolean = equal(pred(succ(x)), x) def minmaxpred: Boolean = min forall (x => max forall (y => equal(pred(x), y))) def minmaxsucc: Boolean = min forall (x => max forall (y => equal(succ(y), x))) def succn(x: F, n: Int): Boolean = equal(self.succn(n, x), Enum.succn(n, x)(self)) def predn(x: F, n: Int): Boolean = equal(self.predn(n, x), Enum.predn(n, x)(self)) def succorder(x: F): Boolean = (max exists (equal(_, x))) || greaterThanOrEqual(succ(x), x) def predorder(x: F): Boolean = (min exists (equal(_, x))) || lessThanOrEqual(pred(x), x) } def enumLaw = new EnumLaw {} //// val enumSyntax = new scalaz.syntax.EnumSyntax[F] { def F = Enum.this } } object Enum { @inline def apply[F](implicit F: Enum[F]): Enum[F] = F //// def succn[F](n: Int, a: F)(implicit F: Enum[F]): F = { var w = n var z = a while(w < 0) { z = F.pred(z) w = w + 1 } while(w > 0) { z = F.succ(z) w = w - 1 } z } def predn[F](n: Int, a: F)(implicit F: Enum[F]): F = { var w = n var z = a while(w < 0) { z = F.succ(z) w = w + 1 } while(w > 0) { z = F.pred(z) w = w - 1 } z } //// } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Enum.scala source code file: |
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