Scala example source code file (FingerTree.scala)
The FingerTree.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import collection.Iterator import syntax.Ops import std.option._ /**View of the left end of a sequence.*/ sealed abstract class ViewL[S[_], A] { def fold[B](b: => B, f: (=> A, => S[A]) => B): B def headOption: Option[A] = fold(None, (a, sa) => Some(a)) def tailOption: Option[S[A]] = fold(None, (a, sa) => Some(sa)) def head: A = headOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Head on empty view")) def tail: S[A] = tailOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Tail on empty view")) } /**View of the right end of a sequence.*/ sealed abstract class ViewR[S[_], A] { def fold[B](b: => B, f: (=> S[A], => A) => B): B def lastOption: Option[A] = fold(None, (sa, a) => Some(a)) def initOption: Option[S[A]] = fold(None, (sa, a) => Some(sa)) def last: A = lastOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Last on empty view")) def init: S[A] = initOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Init on empty view")) } import FingerTree._ import std.option._ sealed abstract class Finger[V, A] { def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit m: Semigroup[B]): B /** * Append the given element to the right * * @throws if the finger is `Four`. */ def +:(a: A): Finger[V, A] /** * Prepends the given element to the left * * @throws if the finger is `Four`. */ def :+(a: A): Finger[V, A] /** Replaces the first element of this finger with `a` */ def |-:(a: A): Finger[V, A] /** Replaces the last element of this finger with `a` */ def :-|(a: A): Finger[V, A] def lhead: A def ltail: Finger[V, A] def rhead: A def rtail: Finger[V, A] def toTree: FingerTree[V, A] def map[B, V2](f: A => B)(implicit m: Reducer[B, V2]): Finger[V2, B] /** Apply the given side effect to each element. */ def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit /** An iterator that visits each element. */ def iterator: Iterator[A] /** An iterator that visits each element in reverse order. */ def reverseIterator: Iterator[A] def measure: V def toList: List[A] = map(x => x)(Reducer.ListReducer[A]).measure private[scalaz] def split1(pred: V => Boolean, accV: V): (Option[Finger[V, A]], A, Option[Finger[V, A]]) } case class One[V, A](v: V, a1: A)(implicit r: Reducer[A, V]) extends Finger[V, A] { def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit m: Semigroup[B]) = f(a1) def +:(a: A) = Two(r.cons(a, v), a, a1) def :+(a: A) = Two(r.snoc(v, a), a1, a) def |-:(a: A) = one(a) def :-|(a: A) = one(a) def lhead = a1 def ltail = sys.error("Tail on the digit One") def rhead = a1 def rtail = sys.error("Tail on the digit One") def toTree = single(a1) def map[B, V2](f: A => B)(implicit r: Reducer[B, V2]) = one(f(a1)) def foreach(f: A => Unit) { f(a1) } def iterator = Iterator.single(a1) def reverseIterator = Iterator.single(a1) val measure = v private[scalaz] def split1(pred: V => Boolean, accV: V) = (None, a1, None) } case class Two[V, A](v: V, a1: A, a2: A)(implicit r: Reducer[A, V]) extends Finger[V, A] { def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit m: Semigroup[B]) = m.append(f(a1), f(a2)) def +:(a: A) = Three(r.cons(a, v), a, a1, a2) def :+(a: A) = Three(r.snoc(v, a), a1, a2, a) def |-:(a: A) = two(a, a2) def :-|(a: A) = two(a1, a) def lhead = a1 def ltail = one(a2) def rhead = a2 def rtail = one(a1) def toTree = { deep(v, one(a1), empty[V, Node[V, A]], one(a2)) } def map[B, V2](f: A => B)(implicit r: Reducer[B, V2]) = two(f(a1), f(a2)) def foreach(f: A => Unit) { f(a1) f(a2) } def iterator = Iterator(a1, a2) def reverseIterator = Iterator(a2, a1) val measure = v private implicit def sg: Semigroup[V] = r.monoid private[scalaz] def split1(pred: V => Boolean, accV: V) = { val va1 = r.unit(a1) val accVa1 = sg.append(accV, va1) if (pred(accVa1)) (None, a1, Some(one(a2))) else (Some(One(va1, a1)), a2, None) } } case class Three[V, A](v: V, a1: A, a2: A, a3: A)(implicit r: Reducer[A, V]) extends Finger[V, A] { def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit m: Semigroup[B]) = m.append(m.append(f(a1), f(a2)), f(a3)) def +:(a: A) = Four(r.cons(a, v), a, a1, a2, a3) def :+(a: A) = Four(r.snoc(v, a), a1, a2, a3, a) def |-:(a: A) = three(a, a2, a3) def :-|(a: A) = three(a1, a2, a) def lhead = a1 def ltail = two(a2, a3) def rhead = a3 def rtail = two(a1, a2) def toTree = { deep(v, two(a1, a2), empty[V, Node[V, A]], one(a3)) } def map[B, V2](f: A => B)(implicit r: Reducer[B, V2]) = three(f(a1), f(a2), f(a3)) def foreach(f: A => Unit) { f(a1) f(a2) f(a3) } def iterator = Iterator(a1, a2, a3) def reverseIterator = Iterator(a3, a2, a1) val measure = v private implicit def sg: Semigroup[V] = r.monoid private[scalaz] def split1(pred: V => Boolean, accV: V) = { val va1 = r.unit(a1) val accVa1 = sg.append(accV, va1) if (pred(accVa1)) (None, a1, Some(two(a2, a3))) else { val accVa2 = r.snoc(accVa1, a2) if (pred(accVa2)) (Some(One(va1, a1)), a2, Some(one(a3))) else (Some(two(a1, a2)), a3, None) } } } case class Four[V, A](v: V, a1: A, a2: A, a3: A, a4: A)(implicit r: Reducer[A, V]) extends Finger[V, A] { def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit m: Semigroup[B]) = m.append(m.append(f(a1), f(a2)), m.append(f(a3), f(a4))) def +:(a: A) = sys.error("Digit overflow") def :+(a: A) = sys.error("Digit overflow") def |-:(a: A) = four(a, a2, a3, a4) def :-|(a: A) = four(a1, a2, a3, a) def lhead = a1 def ltail = three(a2, a3, a4) def rhead = a4 def rtail = three(a1, a2, a3) def toTree = { deep(v, two(a1, a2), empty[V, Node[V, A]], two(a3, a4)) } def map[B, V2](f: A => B)(implicit r: Reducer[B, V2]) = four(f(a1), f(a2), f(a3), f(a4)) def foreach(f: A => Unit) { f(a1) f(a2) f(a3) f(a4) } def iterator = Iterator(a1, a2, a3, a4) def reverseIterator = Iterator(a4, a3, a2, a1) val measure = v private implicit def sg: Semigroup[V] = r.monoid private[scalaz] def split1(pred: V => Boolean, accV: V) = { val va1 = r.unit(a1) val accVa1 = sg.append(accV, va1) if (pred(accVa1)) (None, a1, Some(three(a2, a3, a4))) else { val accVa2 = r.snoc(accVa1, a2) if (pred(accVa2)) (Some(One(va1, a1)), a2, Some(two(a3, a4))) else { val accVa3 = r.snoc(accVa2, a3) if (pred(accVa3)) (Some(two(a1, a2)), a3, Some(one(a4))) else (Some(three(a1, a2, a3)), a4, None) } } } } sealed abstract class Node[V, A](implicit r: Reducer[A, V]) { def fold[B](two: (V, => A, => A) => B, three: (V, => A, => A, => A) => B): B def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit m: Semigroup[B]): B = fold( (v, a1, a2) => m.append(f(a1), f(a2)), (v, a1, a2, a3) => m.append(m.append(f(a1), f(a2)), f(a3))) def toDigit = fold( (v, a1, a2) => Two(v, a1, a2), (v, a1, a2, a3) => Three(v, a1, a2, a3)) val measure: V def map[B, V2](f: A => B)(implicit m: Reducer[B, V2]) = fold( (v, a1, a2) => node2(f(a1), f(a2)), (v, a1, a2, a3) => node3(f(a1), f(a2), f(a3))) def foreach(f: A => Unit) { fold( (_, a1, a2) => { f(a1); f(a2) }, (_, a1, a2, a3) => { f(a1); f(a2); f(a3) } )} def iterator = fold( (_, a1, a2) => Iterator(a1, a2), (_, a1, a2, a3) => Iterator(a1, a2, a3)) def reverseIterator = fold( (_, a1, a2) => Iterator(a2, a1), (_, a1, a2, a3) => Iterator(a3, a2, a1)) private implicit def sg: Semigroup[V] = r.monoid private[scalaz] def split1(pred: V => Boolean, accV: V): (Option[Finger[V, A]], A, Option[Finger[V, A]]) = fold( (v, a1, a2) => { val va1 = r.unit(a1) val accVa1 = sg.append(accV, va1) if (pred(accVa1)) (None, a1, Some(one(a2))) else (Some(One(va1, a1)), a2, None) }, (v, a1, a2, a3) => { val va1 = r.unit(a1) val accVa1 = sg.append(accV, va1) if (pred(accVa1)) (None, a1, Some(two(a2, a3))) else { val accVa2 = r.snoc(accVa1, a2) if (pred(accVa2)) (Some(One(va1, a1)), a2, Some(one(a3))) else (Some(two(a1, a2)), a3, None) } }) } /** * Finger trees with leaves of type A and Nodes that are annotated with type V. * * Finger Trees provide a base for implementations of various collection types, * as described in "Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure", by * Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson. * A gentle introduction is presented in the blog post "Monoids and Finger Trees" by Heinrich Apfelmus. * * This is done by choosing a a suitable type to annotate the nodes. For example, * a binary tree can be implemented by annotating each node with the size of its subtree, * while a priority queue can be implemented by labelling the nodes by the minimum priority of its children. * * The operations on FingerTree enforce the constraint measured (in the form of a Reducer instance). * * Finger Trees have excellent (amortized) asymptotic performance: * * - Access to the first and last elements is `O(1)` * - Appending/prepending a single value is `O(1)` * - Concatenating two trees is `(O lg min(l1, l2))` where `l1` and `l2` are their sizes * - Random access to an element at `n` is `O(lg min(n, l - n))`, where `l` is the size of the tree. * - Constructing a tree with n copies of a value is O(lg n). * * @tparam V The type of the annotations of the nodes (the '''measure''') * @tparam A The type of the elements stored at the leaves * * @see [[http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.pdf Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure]] * @see [[http://apfelmus.nfshost.com/articles/monoid-fingertree.html]] */ sealed abstract class FingerTree[V, A](implicit measurer: Reducer[A, V]) { def measure: V = fingerTreeMeasure[A, V].unit(this) def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit s: Monoid[B]): B = fold(v => s.zero, (v, x) => f(x), (v, pr, m, sf) => s.append(s.append(pr.foldMap(f), m.foldMap(x => x.foldMap(f))), sf.foldMap(f))) def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = { foldMap((a: A) => (Endo.endo(f(a, _: B)))) apply z } def foldLeft[B](b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = { fold(v => b, (v, a) => f(b, a), (v, pr, m, sf) => fingerFoldable[V].foldLeft(sf, m.foldLeft[B](fingerFoldable[V].foldLeft(pr, b)(f))((x, y) => nodeFoldable[V].foldLeft(y, x)(f)))(f)) } /** * Fold over the structure of the tree. The given functions correspond to the three possible variations of the finger tree. * * @param empty if the tree is empty, convert the measure to a `B` * @param single if the tree contains a single element, convert the measure and this element to a `B` * @param deep otherwise, convert the measure, the two fingers, and the sub tree to a `B`. */ def fold[B](empty: V => B, single: (V, A) => B, deep: (V, Finger[V, A], => FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], Finger[V, A]) => B): B /** Prepends an element to the left of the tree. O(1). */ def +:(a: => A): FingerTree[V, A] = { implicit val nm = nodeMeasure[A, V] val az = Need(a) fold( v => single(measurer.cons(az.value, v), az.value), (v, b) => deep(measurer.cons(az.value, v), one(az.value), empty[V, Node[V, A]], one(b)), (v, pr, m, sf) => { val mz = m pr match { case Four(vf, b, c, d, e) => deep(measurer.cons(az.value, v), two(az.value, b), node3(c, d, e) +: mz, sf) case _ => deep(measurer.cons(az.value, v), az.value +: pr, mz, sf) }}) } /** Appends an element to the right of the tree. O(1). */ def :+(a: => A): FingerTree[V, A] = { implicit val nm = nodeMeasure[A, V] val az = Need(a) fold( v => single(measurer.snoc(v, az.value), az.value), (v, b) => deep(measurer.snoc(v, az.value), one(b), empty[V, Node[V, A]], one(az.value)), (v, pr, m, sf) => { val mz = m sf match { case Four(vf, b, c, d, e) => deep(measurer.snoc(v, az.value), pr, (mz :+ node3(b, c, d)), two(e, az.value)) case _ => deep(measurer.snoc(v, az.value), pr, mz, sf :+ az.value) }}) } /** Replace the first element of the tree with the given value. O(1) */ def |-:(a: => A): FingerTree[V, A] = { val az = Need(a) fold( v => sys.error("Replacing first element of an empty FingerTree"), (v, b) => single(az.value), (v, pr, m, sf) => deep(az.value |-: pr, m, sf)) } /** Replace the last element of the tree with the given value. O(1) */ def :-|(a: => A): FingerTree[V, A] = { val az = Need(a) fold( v => sys.error("Replacing last element of an empty FingerTree"), (v, b) => single(az.value), (v, pr, m, sf) => deep(pr, m, sf :-| az.value)) } /** Appends the given finger tree to the right of this tree. */ def <++>(right: => FingerTree[V, A]): FingerTree[V, A] = { val rightz = Need(right) fold( v => rightz.value, (v, x) => x +: rightz.value, (v1, pr1, m1, sf1) => rightz.value.fold( v => this, (v, x) => this :+ x, (v2, pr2, m2, sf2) => deep(measurer.append(v1, v2), pr1, addDigits0(m1, sf1, pr2, m2), sf2) ) ) } private type ATree = FingerTree[V, A] private type AFinger = Finger[V, A] private type NodeTree = FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]] private implicit def sg: Monoid[V] = measurer.monoid def add1(n: A, right: => ATree): ATree = { val rightz = Need(right) fold( v => n +: rightz.value, (v, x) => x +: n +: rightz.value, (v1, pr1, m1, sf1) => rightz.value.fold( v => this :+ n, (v, x) => this :+ n :+ x, (v2, pr2, m2, sf2) => deep(measurer.append((measurer.snoc(v1, n)), v2), pr1, addDigits1(m1, sf1, n, pr2, m2), sf2) ) ) } def add2(n1t: => A, n2t: => A, right: => ATree): ATree = { val rightz = Need(right) val n1 = Need(n1t) val n2 = Need(n2t) fold( v => n1.value +: n2.value +: rightz.value, (v, x) => x +: n1.value +: n2.value +: rightz.value, (v1, pr1, m1, sf1) => rightz.value.fold( v => this :+ n1.value :+ n2.value, (v, x) => this :+ n1.value :+ n2.value :+ x, (v2, pr2, m2, sf2) => deep(measurer.append(measurer.snoc(measurer.snoc(v1, n1.value), n2.value), v2), pr1, addDigits2(m1, sf1, n1.value, n2.value, pr2, m2), sf2) ) ) } def add3(n1t: => A, n2t: => A, n3t: => A, right: => ATree): ATree = { val rightz = Need(right) val n1 = Need(n1t) val n2 = Need(n2t) val n3 = Need(n3t) fold( v => n1.value +: n2.value +: n3.value +: rightz.value, (v, x) => x +: n1.value +: n2.value +: n3.value +: rightz.value, (v1, pr1, m1, sf1) => rightz.value.fold( v => this :+ n1.value :+ n2.value :+ n3.value, (v, x) => this :+ n1.value :+ n2.value :+ n3.value :+ x, (v2, pr2, m2, sf2) => deep(measurer.append(measurer.snoc(measurer.snoc(measurer.snoc(v1, n1.value), n2.value), n3.value), v2), pr1, addDigits3(m1, sf1, n1.value, n2.value, n3.value, pr2, m2), sf2) ) ) } def add4(n1t: => A, n2t: => A, n3t: => A, n4t: => A, right: => ATree): ATree = { val rightz = Need(right) val n1 = Need(n1t) val n2 = Need(n2t) val n3 = Need(n3t) val n4 = Need(n4t) fold( v => n1.value +: n2.value +: n3.value +: n4.value +: rightz.value, (v, x) => x +: n1.value +: n2.value +: n3.value +: n4.value +: rightz.value, (v1, pr1, m1, sf1) => rightz.value.fold( v => this :+ n1.value :+ n2.value :+ n3.value :+ n4.value, (v, x) => this :+ n1.value :+ n2.value :+ n3.value :+ n4.value :+ x, (v2, pr2, m2, sf2) => deep(measurer.append(measurer.snoc(measurer.snoc(measurer.snoc(measurer.snoc(v1, n1.value), n2.value), n3.value), n4.value), v2), pr1, addDigits4(m1, sf1, n1.value, n2.value, n3.value, n4.value, pr2, m2), sf2) ) ) } def addDigits0(m1: NodeTree, dig1: AFinger, dig2: AFinger, m2: => NodeTree): NodeTree = dig1 match { case One(_, a) => dig2 match { case One(_, b) => m1.add1(node2(a, b), m2) case Two(_, b,c) => m1.add1(node3(a,b,c), m2) case Three(_, b,c,d) => m1.add2(node2(a,b), node2(c,d),m2) case Four(_, b,c,d,e) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node2(d,e), m2) } case Two(_, a,b) => dig2 match { case One(_, c) => m1.add1(node3(a,b,c), m2) case Two(_, c,d) => m1.add2(node2(a,b), node2(c,d), m2) case Three(_, c,d,e) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node2(d,e), m2) case Four(_, c,d,e,f) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,e,f), m2) } case Three(_, a,b,c) => dig2 match { case One(_, d) => m1.add2(node2(a,b), node2(c,d), m2) case Two(_, d,e) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node2(d,e), m2) case Three(_, d,e,f) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,e,f), m2) case Four(_, d,e,f,g) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node2(d,e), node2(f,g), m2) } case Four(_, a,b,c,d) => dig2 match { case One(_, e) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node2(d,e), m2) case Two(_, e,f) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,e,f), m2) case Three(_, e,f,g) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node2(d,e), node2(f,g), m2) case Four(_, e,f,g,h) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,e,f), node2(g,h), m2) } } def addDigits1(m1: NodeTree, d1: AFinger, xt: => A, d2: AFinger, m2t: => NodeTree): NodeTree = { val x = Need(xt) val m2 = Need(m2t) d1 match { case One(_, a) => d2 match { case One(_, b) => m1.add1(node3(a,x.value,b), m2.value) case Two(_, b,c) => m1.add2(node2(a,x.value), node2(b,c), m2.value) case Three(_, b,c,d) => m1.add2(node3(a,x.value,b), node2(c,d), m2.value) case Four(_, b,c,d,e) => m1.add2(node3(a,x.value,b), node3(c,d,e), m2.value) } case Two(_, a,b) => d2 match { case One(_, c) => m1.add2(node2(a,b), node2(x.value,c), m2.value) case Two(_, c,d) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,x.value), node2(c,d), m2.value) case Three(_, c,d,e) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(c,d,e), m2.value) case Four(_, c,d,e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node2(c,d), node2(e,f), m2.value) } case Three(_, a,b,c) => d2 match { case One(_, d) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node2(x.value,d), m2.value) case Two(_, d,e) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,d,e), m2.value) case Three(_, d,e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node2(x.value,d), node2(e,f), m2.value) case Four(_, d,e,f,g) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,d,e), node2(f,g), m2.value) } case Four(_, a,b,c,d) => d2 match { case One(_, e) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,e), m2.value) case Two(_, e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node2(d,x.value), node2(e,f), m2.value) case Three(_, e,f,g) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,e), node2(f,g), m2.value) case Four(_, e,f,g,h) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,e), node3(f,g,h), m2.value) } } } def addDigits2(m1: NodeTree, d1: AFinger, xt: => A, yt: => A, d2: AFinger, m2t: => NodeTree): NodeTree = { val x = Need(xt) val y = Need(yt) val m2 = Need(m2t) d1 match { case One(_, a) => d2 match { case One(_, b) => m1.add2(node2(a,x.value), node2(y.value,b), m2.value) case Two(_, b,c) => m1.add2(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node2(b,c), m2.value) case Three(_, b,c,d) => m1.add2(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node3(b,c,d), m2.value) case Four(_, b,c,d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node2(b,c), node2(d,e), m2.value) } case Two(_, a,b) => d2 match { case One(_, c) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,x.value), node2(y.value,c), m2.value) case Two(_, c,d) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(y.value,c,d), m2.value) case Three(_, c,d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node2(y.value,c), node2(d,e), m2.value) case Four(_, c,d,e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(y.value,c,d), node2(e,f), m2.value) } case Three(_, a,b,c) => d2 match { case One(_, d) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,d), m2.value) case Two(_, d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node2(x.value,y.value), node2(d,e), m2.value) case Three(_, d,e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,d), node2(e,f), m2.value) case Four(_, d,e,f,g) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,d), node3(e,f,g), m2.value) } case Four(_, a,b,c,d) => d2 match { case One(_, e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node2(d,x.value), node2(y.value,e), m2.value) case Two(_, e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node2(e,f), m2.value) case Three(_, e,f,g) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node3(e,f,g), m2.value) case Four(_, e,f,g,h) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node2(e,f), node2(g,h), m2.value) } } } def addDigits3(m1: NodeTree, d1: AFinger, xt: => A, yt: => A, zt: => A, d2: AFinger, m2t: => NodeTree): NodeTree = { val x = Need(xt) val y = Need(yt) val z = Need(zt) val m2 = Need(m2t) d1 match { case One(_, a) => d2 match { case One(_, b) => m1.add2(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node2(z.value,b), m2.value) case Two(_, b,c) => m1.add2(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,b,c), m2.value) case Three(_, b,c,d) => m1.add3(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node2(z.value,b), node2(c,d), m2.value) case Four(_, b,c,d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,b,c), node2(d,e), m2.value) } case Two(_, a,b) => d2 match { case One(_, c) => m1.add2(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(y.value,z.value,c), m2.value) case Two(_, c,d) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node2(y.value,z.value), node2(c,d), m2.value) case Three(_, c,d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(y.value,z.value,c), node2(d,e), m2.value) case Four(_, c,d,e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(y.value,z.value,c), node3(d,e,f),m2.value) } case Three(_, a,b,c) => d2 match { case One(_, d) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node2(x.value,y.value), node2(z.value,d), m2.value) case Two(_, d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,z.value), node2(d,e), m2.value) case Three(_, d,e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,z.value), node3(d,e,f), m2.value) case Four(_, d,e,f,g) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,z.value), node2(d,e), node2(f,g), m2.value) } case Four(_, a,b,c,d) => d2 match { case One(_, e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node2(z.value,e), m2.value) case Two(_, e,f) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,e,f), m2.value) case Three(_, e,f,g) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node2(z.value,e),node2(f,g), m2.value) case Four(_, e,f,g,h) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,e,f), node2(g,h), m2.value) } } } def addDigits4(m1: NodeTree, d1: AFinger, xt: => A, yt: => A, zt: => A, wt: => A, d2: AFinger, m2t: => NodeTree): NodeTree = { val x = Need(xt) val y = Need(yt) val z = Need(zt) val w = Need(wt) val m2 = Need(m2t) d1 match { case One(_, a) => d2 match { case One(_, b) => m1.add2(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,w.value,b), m2.value) case Two(_, b,c) => m1.add3(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node2(z.value,w.value), node2(b,c), m2.value) case Three(_, b,c,d) => m1.add3(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,w.value,b), node2(c,d), m2.value) case Four(_, b,c,d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,w.value,b), node3(c,d,e), m2.value) } case Two(_, a,b) => d2 match { case One(_, c) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node2(y.value,z.value), node2(w.value,c), m2.value) case Two(_, c,d) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(y.value,z.value,w.value), node2(c,d), m2.value) case Three(_, c,d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(y.value,z.value,w.value), node3(c,d,e), m2.value) case Four(_, c,d,e,f) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,x.value), node3(y.value,z.value,w.value), node2(c,d), node2(e,f),m2.value) } case Three(_, a,b,c) => d2 match { case One(_, d) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,z.value), node2(w.value,d), m2.value) case Two(_, d,e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,z.value), node3(w.value,d,e), m2.value) case Three(_, d,e,f) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,z.value), node2(w.value,d),node2(e,f), m2.value) case Four(_, d,e,f,g) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(x.value,y.value,z.value), node3(w.value,d,e), node2(f,g), m2.value) } case Four(_, a,b,c,d) => d2 match { case One(_, e) => m1.add3(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,w.value,e), m2.value) case Two(_, e,f) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node2(z.value,w.value), node2(e,f), m2.value) case Three(_, e,f,g) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,w.value,e),node2(f,g), m2.value) case Four(_, e,f,g,h) => m1.add4(node3(a,b,c), node3(d,x.value,y.value), node3(z.value,w.value,e), node3(f,g,h), m2.value) } } } /** * Splits this tree into a pair of subtrees at the point where the given predicate, based on the measure, * changes from `true` to `false`. O(log(min(i,n-i))) * * @return `(as, bs)` `as`: the subtree containing elements before the point where `pred` first holds * `fs` the subtree containing element at and after the point where `pred` first holds. Empty if `pred` never holds. */ def split(pred: V => Boolean): (FingerTree[V, A], FingerTree[V, A]) = if (!isEmpty && pred(measure)) { val (l, x, r) = split1(pred) (l, x +: r) } else (this, empty) /** * Like `split`, but returns the element where `pred` first holds separately * * @throws if the tree is empty. */ def split1(pred: V => Boolean): (FingerTree[V, A], A, FingerTree[V, A]) = split1(pred, measurer.monoid.zero) private def split1(pred: V => Boolean, accV: V): (FingerTree[V, A], A, FingerTree[V, A]) = fold( v => sys.error("Splitting an empty FingerTree"), // we can never get here (v, x) => (empty, x, empty), (v, pr, m, sf) => { val accVpr = fingerMeasure[A, V].snoc(accV, pr) if (pred(accVpr)) { val (l, x, r) = pr.split1(pred, accV) (cata(l)(_.toTree, empty), x, deepL(r, m, sf)) } else { val accVm = mappendVal(accVpr, m) if (pred(accVm)) { val (ml, xs, mr) = m.split1(pred, accVpr) val (l, x, r) = xs.split1(pred, mappendVal(accVpr, ml)) (deepR(pr, ml, l), x, deepL(r, mr, sf)) } else { val (l, x, r) = sf.split1(pred, accVm) (deepR(pr, m, l), x, cata(r)(_.toTree, empty)) } } } ) def isEmpty: Boolean = fold(v => true, (v, x) => false, (v, pr, m, sf) => false) def viewl: ViewL[FingerTree[V, ?], A] = fold( v => EmptyL[FingerTree[V, ?], A], (v, x) => OnL[FingerTree[V, ?], A](x, empty[V, A]), (v, pr, m, sf) => pr match { case One(v, x) => OnL[FingerTree[V, ?], A](x, rotL(m, sf)) case _ => OnL[FingerTree[V, ?], A](pr.lhead, deep(pr.ltail, m, sf)) }) def viewr: ViewR[FingerTree[V, ?], A] = fold( v => EmptyR[FingerTree[V, ?], A], (v, x) => OnR[FingerTree[V, ?], A](empty[V, A], x), (v, pr, m, sf) => sf match { case One(v, x) => OnR[FingerTree[V, ?], A](rotR(pr, m), x) case _ => OnR[FingerTree[V, ?], A](deep(pr, m, sf.rtail), sf.rhead) }) /** * Selects the first element in the tree. * * @throws if the tree is empty */ def head: A = viewl.head /** * Selects the last element in the tree. * * @throws if the tree is empty */ def last: A = viewr.last /** * Selects a subtree containing all elements except the first * * @throws if the tree is empty */ def tail: FingerTree[V, A] = viewl.tail /** * Selects a subtree containing all elements except the last * * @throws if the tree is empty */ def init: FingerTree[V, A] = viewr.init /** Maps the given function across the tree, annotating nodes in the resulting tree according to the provided `Reducer`. */ def map[B, V2](f: A => B)(implicit m: Reducer[B, V2]): FingerTree[V2, B] = { implicit val nm = nodeMeasure[B, V2] fold( v => empty, (v, x) => single(f(x)), (v, pr, mt, sf) => deep(pr map f, mt.map(x => x.map(f)), sf map f)) } /** * Like traverse, but with a more constraint type: we need the additional measure to construct the new tree. */ def traverseTree[F[_], V2, B](f: A => F[B])(implicit ms: Reducer[B, V2], F: Applicative[F]): F[FingerTree[V2, B]] = { def mkDeep(pr: Finger[V2, B])(m: FingerTree[V2, Node[V2, B]])(sf: Finger[V2, B]): FingerTree[V2, B] = deep(pr, m, sf) fold(_ => F.pure(FingerTree.empty[V2, B]), (v, a) => F.map(f(a))(a => single(ms.unit(a), a)), (v, pr, m, sf) => { //F.ap(traverseFinger(sf)(f))(F.ap(m.traverseTree(n => traverseNode(n)(f)))(F.map(traverseFinger(pr)(f))(pr => mkDeep(pr)_))) //the implementation below seems most efficient. The straightforward implementation using F.map3 leads to an explosion of traverseTree calls val fmap2 = F.apply2(traverseFinger(pr)(f), m.traverseTree(n => traverseNode(n)(f)))((a,b) => mkDeep(a)(b)_) F.ap(traverseFinger(sf)(f))(fmap2) }) } private def traverseNode[F[_], V2, B](node: Node[V, A])(f: A => F[B])(implicit ms: Reducer[B, V2], F: Applicative[F]): F[Node[V2, B]] = { def mkNode(x: B)(y: B)(z: B): Node[V2, B] = node3(x, y, z) node.fold((v, a, b) => F.apply2(f(a), f(b))((x, y) => node2(x, y)), (v, a, b, c) => { F.ap(f(c))(F.ap(f(b))(F.map(f(a))(x => mkNode(x)_))) } ) } private def traverseFinger[F[_], A, B, V2](digit: Finger[V, A])(f: A => F[B])(implicit ms: Reducer[B, V2], F: Applicative[F]): F[Finger[V2, B]] = { def mkTwo(x: B)(y: B): Finger[V2, B] = two(x, y) def mkThree(x: B)(y: B)(z: B): Finger[V2, B] = three(x, y, z) def mkFour(w: B)(x: B)(y: B)(z: B): Finger[V2, B] = four(w, x, y, z) digit match { case One(v, a) => F.map(f(a))(x => one(x)) case Two(v, a, b) => F.ap(f(b))(F.map(f(a))(x => mkTwo(x)_)) case Three(v, a, b, c) => F.ap(f(c))(F.ap(f(b))(F.map(f(a))(x => mkThree(x)_))) case Four(v, a, b, c, d) => F.ap(f(d))(F.ap(f(c))(F.ap(f(b))(F.map(f(a))(x => mkFour(x)_)))) } } /** Execute the provided side effect for each element in the tree. */ def foreach(f: A => Unit) { fold( _ => {}, (_, x) => { f(x) }, (_, pr, m, sf) => { pr.foreach(f); m.foreach(_.foreach(f)); sf.foreach(f) } )} /** An iterator that visits each element in the tree. */ def iterator: Iterator[A] = fold( _ => Iterator.empty, (_, x) => Iterator.single(x), (_, pr, m, sf) => pr.iterator ++ m.iterator.flatMap(_.iterator) ++ sf.iterator) /** An iterator that visits each element in the tree in reverse order. */ def reverseIterator: Iterator[A] = fold( _ => Iterator.empty, (_, x) => Iterator.single(x), (_, pr, m, sf) => sf.reverseIterator ++ m.reverseIterator.flatMap(_.reverseIterator) ++ pr.reverseIterator) /** Convert the leaves of the tree to a `scala.Stream` */ def toStream: Stream[A] = map(x => x)(Reducer.StreamReducer[A]).measure /** Convert the leaves of the tree to a `scala.List` */ def toList: List[A] = toStream.toList /** Convert the tree to a `String`. Unsafe: this uses `Any#toString` for types `V` and `A` */ override def toString = { val showV = Show.showFromToString[V] val showA = Show.showFromToString[A] fingerTreeShow(showV, showA).shows(this) } } sealed abstract class FingerTreeInstances { import FingerTree._ implicit def viewLFunctor[S[_]](implicit s: Functor[S]): Functor[ViewL[S, ?]] = new Functor[ViewL[S, ?]] { def map[A, B](t: ViewL[S, A])(f: A => B): ViewL[S, B] = t.fold(EmptyL[S, B], (x, xs) => OnL(f(x), s.map(xs)(f))) //TODO define syntax for &: and :& } implicit def viewRFunctor[S[_]](implicit s: Functor[S]): Functor[ViewR[S, ?]] = new Functor[ViewR[S, ?]] { def map[A, B](t: ViewR[S, A])(f: A => B): ViewR[S, B] = t.fold(EmptyR[S, B], (xs, x) => OnR(s.map(xs)(f), f(x))) } implicit def fingerFoldable[V] = new Foldable[Finger[V, ?]] with Foldable.FromFoldMap[Finger[V, ?]] { override def foldMap[A, M: Monoid](v: Finger[V, A])(f: A => M) = v.foldMap(f) } implicit def fingerMeasure[A, V](implicit m: Reducer[A, V]): Reducer[Finger[V, A], V] = { implicit val vm = m.monoid UnitReducer((a: Finger[V, A]) => a.measure) } implicit def nodeMeasure[A, V](implicit m: Reducer[A, V]): Reducer[Node[V, A], V] = { implicit val vm = m.monoid UnitReducer((a: Node[V, A]) => a fold ( (v, _, _) => v, (v, _, _, _) => v)) } implicit def fingerTreeMeasure[A, V](implicit m: Reducer[A, V]): Reducer[FingerTree[V, A], V] = { implicit val vm = m.monoid UnitReducer((a: FingerTree[V, A]) => a.fold(v => v, (v, x) => v, (v, x, y, z) => v)) } implicit def nodeFoldable[V] = new Foldable[Node[V, ?]] { def foldMap[A, M: Monoid](t: Node[V, A])(f: A => M): M = t foldMap f def foldRight[A, B](v: Node[V, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = foldMap(v)((a: A) => (Endo.endo(f.curried(a)(_: B)))) apply z } implicit def fingerTreeFoldable[V]: Foldable[FingerTree[V, ?]] = new Foldable[FingerTree[V, ?]] { override def foldLeft[A, B](t: FingerTree[V, A], b: B)(f: (B, A) => B) = t.foldLeft(b)(f) def foldMap[A, M: Monoid](t: FingerTree[V, A])(f: A => M): M = t foldMap(f) override def foldRight[A, B](t: FingerTree[V, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) = t.foldRight(z)(f) } implicit def fingerTreeMonoid[V, A](implicit m: Reducer[A, V]): Monoid[FingerTree[V, A]] = new Monoid[FingerTree[V, A]] { def append(f1: FingerTree[V, A], f2: => FingerTree[V, A]) = f1 <++> f2 def zero = empty } implicit def fingerTreeShow[V, A](implicit V: Show[V], A: Show[A]): Show[FingerTree[V,A]] = new Show[FingerTree[V,A]] { import std.iterable._ val AS = Show[List[A]] import Cord._ override def show(t: FingerTree[V,A]) = t.fold( empty = v => Cord(V.show(v), " []"), single = (v, x) => Cord(V.show(v), " [", A.show(x), "]"), deep = (v, pf, m, sf) => Cord(V.show(v), " [", AS.show(pf.toList), ", ?, ", AS.show(sf.toList), "]") ) } implicit def fingerTreeEqual[V, A : Equal]: Equal[FingerTree[V, A]] = new Equal[FingerTree[V, A]] { import std.stream._ def equal(x: FingerTree[V, A], y: FingerTree[V, A]) = Equal[Stream[A]].equal(x.toStream, y.toStream) } } object FingerTree extends FingerTreeInstances { def Node2[V, A](v: V, a1: => A, a2: => A)(implicit r: Reducer[A, V]) = new Node[V, A] { def fold[B](two: (V, => A, => A) => B, three: (V, => A, => A, => A) => B) = two(v, a1, a2) val measure = v } def Node3[V, A](v: V, a1: => A, a2: => A, a3: => A)(implicit r: Reducer[A, V]) = new Node[V, A] { def fold[B](two: (V, => A, => A) => B, three: (V, => A, => A, => A) => B) = three(v, a1, a2, a3) val measure = v } def EmptyR[S[_], A]: ViewR[S, A] = new ViewR[S, A] { def fold[B](b: => B, f: (=> S[A], => A) => B) = b } def OnR[S[_], A](sa: => S[A], a: => A): ViewR[S, A] = new ViewR[S, A] { def fold[B](b: => B, f: (=> S[A], => A) => B) = f(sa, a) } def EmptyL[S[_], A]: ViewL[S, A] = new ViewL[S, A] { def fold[B](b: => B, f: (=> A, => S[A]) => B) = b } def OnL[S[_], A](a: => A, sa: => S[A]): ViewL[S, A] = new ViewL[S, A] { def fold[B](b: => B, f: (=> A, => S[A]) => B) = f(a, sa) } def one[V, A](a: A)(implicit measure: Reducer[A, V]) = One(measure.unit(a), a) def two[V, A](a1: A, a2: A)(implicit measure: Reducer[A, V]) = Two(measure.snoc(measure.unit(a1), a2), a1, a2) def three[V, A](a1: A, a2: A, a3: A)(implicit measure: Reducer[A, V]) = Three(measure.snoc(measure.snoc(measure.unit(a1), a2), a3), a1, a2, a3) def four[V, A](a1: A, a2: A, a3: A, a4: A)(implicit measure: Reducer[A, V]) = Four(measure.snoc(measure.snoc(measure.snoc(measure.unit(a1), a2), a3), a4), a1, a2, a3, a4) def node2[V, A](a: A, b: A)(implicit measure: Reducer[A, V]) = Node2[V, A](measure.snoc(measure.unit(a), b), a, b) def node3[V, A](a: A, b: A, c: A)(implicit measure: Reducer[A, V]) = Node3[V, A](measure.snoc(measure.snoc(measure.unit(a), b), c), a, b, c) def mappendVal[V, A](v: V, t: FingerTree[V, A])(implicit measure: Reducer[A, V]) = t.fold(x => v, (x, y) => fingerTreeMeasure[A, V].snoc(v, t), (x, p, m, s) => fingerTreeMeasure[A, V].snoc(v, t)) def empty[V, A](implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]) = new FingerTree[V, A] { def fold[B](b: V => B, s: (V, A) => B, d: (V, Finger[V, A], => FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], Finger[V, A]) => B): B = b(ms.monoid.zero) } def single[V, A](a: A)(implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]): FingerTree[V, A] = single(ms.unit(a), a) def single[V, A](v: V, a: => A)(implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]): FingerTree[V, A] = new FingerTree[V, A] { def fold[B](b: V => B, s: (V, A) => B, d: (V, Finger[V, A], => FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], Finger[V, A]) => B): B = s(v, a) } def deep[V, A](pr: Finger[V, A], m: => FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], sf: Finger[V, A]) (implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]): FingerTree[V, A] = { val measure = fingerMeasure[A, V] deep(measure.snoc(mappendVal(measure.unit(pr), m), sf), pr, m, sf) } def deep[V, A](v: V, pr: Finger[V, A], m: => FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], sf: Finger[V, A]) (implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]): FingerTree[V, A] = new FingerTree[V, A] { implicit val nMeasure = nodeMeasure[A, V] private[this] val mz = Need(m) def fold[B](b: V => B, f: (V, A) => B, d: (V, Finger[V, A], => FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], Finger[V, A]) => B): B = d(v, pr, mz.value, sf) } def deepL[V, A](mpr: Option[Finger[V, A]], m: => FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], sf: Finger[V, A])(implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]): FingerTree[V, A] = mpr match { case None => rotL(m, sf) case Some(pr) => deep(pr, m, sf) } def deepR[V, A](pr: Finger[V, A], m: => FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], msf: Option[Finger[V, A]])(implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]): FingerTree[V, A] = msf match { case None => rotR(pr, m) case Some(sf) => deep(pr, m, sf) } def rotL[V, A](m: FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]], sf: Finger[V, A])(implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]): FingerTree[V, A] = m.viewl.fold( sf.toTree, (a, mm) => deep(fingerMeasure[A, V].snoc(m.measure, sf), a.toDigit, mm, sf)) def rotR[V, A](pr: Finger[V, A], m: FingerTree[V, Node[V, A]])(implicit ms: Reducer[A, V]): FingerTree[V, A] = m.viewr.fold( pr.toTree, (mm, a) => deep(mappendVal(pr.measure, m), pr, mm, a.toDigit)) } /** Indexed sequences, based on [[scalaz.FingerTree]] * * The measure is the count of the preceding elements, provided by `UnitReducer((e: Int) => 1)`. */ final class IndSeq[A](val self: FingerTree[Int, A]) { import std.anyVal._ import IndSeq.indSeq implicit def sizer[A] = UnitReducer((a: A) => 1) def apply(i: Int): A = self.split(_ > i)._2.viewl.headOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Index " + i + " > " + self.measure)) def replace(i: Int, a: => A): IndSeq[A] = { val (l, r) = self.split(_ > i) indSeq(l <++> (a |-: r)) } def split(i: Int): (IndSeq[A], IndSeq[A]) = { val (l, r) = self.split(_ > i) (indSeq(l), indSeq(r)) } def ++(xs: IndSeq[A]): IndSeq[A] = indSeq(self <++> xs.self) def :+(x: => A): IndSeq[A] = indSeq(self :+ x) def +:(x: => A): IndSeq[A] = indSeq(x +: self) def length: Int = self.measure def tail: IndSeq[A] = indSeq(self.tail) def init: IndSeq[A] = indSeq(self.init) def drop(n: Int): IndSeq[A] = split(n)._2 def take(n: Int): IndSeq[A] = split(n)._1 def map[B](f: A => B): IndSeq[B] = indSeq(self map f) import FingerTree.fingerTreeFoldable def flatMap[B](f: A => IndSeq[B]): IndSeq[B] = indSeq(fingerTreeFoldable.foldLeft(self, empty[Int, B])((ys, x) => ys <++> f(x).self)) } object IndSeq extends IndSeqInstances { private def indSeq[A](v: FingerTree[Int, A]): IndSeq[A] = new IndSeq(v) import std.anyVal._ def apply[A](as: A*) = fromSeq(as) def fromSeq[A](as: Seq[A]) = indSeq(as.foldLeft(empty[Int, A](UnitReducer(a => 1)))((x, y) => x :+ y)) } sealed abstract class IndSeqInstances { implicit def indSeqEqual[A: Equal]: Equal[IndSeq[A]] = Equal.equalBy(_.self) implicit val indSeqInstance: MonadPlus[IndSeq] with Traverse[IndSeq] with IsEmpty[IndSeq] = new MonadPlus[IndSeq] with Traverse[IndSeq] with IsEmpty[IndSeq] with IsomorphismFoldable[IndSeq, FingerTree[Int, ?]]{ def G = implicitly override val naturalTrans = new (IndSeq ~> FingerTree[Int, ?]) { def apply[A](a: IndSeq[A]) = a.self } def traverseImpl[G[_], A, B](fa: IndSeq[A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]) = { import std.anyVal._ implicit val r = UnitReducer((_: B) => 1) G.map(fa.self.traverseTree(f))(new IndSeq(_)) } override def length[A](fa: IndSeq[A]) = fa.length override def index[A](fa: IndSeq[A], i: Int) = if(0 <= i && i < fa.length) Some(fa(i)) else None override def isEmpty[A](fa: IndSeq[A]) = fa.self.isEmpty override def empty[A](fa: IndSeq[A]) = fa.self.isEmpty def point[A](a: => A) = IndSeq(a) def bind[A, B](fa: IndSeq[A])(f: A => IndSeq[B]) = fa flatMap f override def map[A, B](fa: IndSeq[A])(f: A => B) = fa map f def plus[A](a: IndSeq[A], b: => IndSeq[A]) = a ++ b def empty[A] = IndSeq.apply() } } /** Ordered sequences, based on [[scalaz.FingerTree]] * * `a` has a higher priority than `b` if `Order[A].greaterThan(a, b)`. * * `insert` and `++` maintains the ordering. * * The measure is calculated with a `Monoid[Option[A] @@ Last]`, whose `append` * operation favours the first argument. Accordingly, the measuer of a node is the * item with the highest priority contained recursively below that node. */ sealed abstract class OrdSeq[A] extends Ops[FingerTree[LastOption[A], A]] { import std.function._ import std.option._ implicit val ord: Order[A] /** * @return (higher, lowerOrEqual) The sub-sequences that contain elements of higher and of lower-than-or-equal * priority than `a`, and of lower or equal priority respectively. */ def partition(a: A): (OrdSeq[A], OrdSeq[A]) = function1Instance.product(OrdSeq.ordSeq[A](_: FingerTree[LastOption[A], A]))(self.split(a1 => Order[LastOption[A]].greaterThanOrEqual(a1, Tags.Last(some(a))))) /** Insert `a` at a the first point that all elements to the left are of higher priority */ def insert(a: A): OrdSeq[A] = partition(a) match { case (l, r) => OrdSeq.ordSeq(l <++> (a +: r)) } /** Append `xs` to this sequence, reordering elements to */ def ++(xs: OrdSeq[A]): OrdSeq[A] = xs.self.toList.foldLeft(this)(_ insert _) } object OrdSeq { private def ordSeq[A: Order](t: FingerTree[LastOption[A], A]): OrdSeq[A] = new OrdSeq[A] { val self = t val ord = Order[A] } implicit def unwrap[A](t: OrdSeq[A]): FingerTree[LastOption[A], A] = t.self def apply[A: Order](as: A*): OrdSeq[A] = { val z: OrdSeq[A] = { val keyer: Reducer[A, LastOption[A]] = UnitReducer((a: A) => Tags.Last(some(a))) ordSeq(empty[LastOption[A], A](keyer)) } as.foldLeft(z)((x, y) => x insert y) } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala FingerTree.scala source code file: |
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