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Scala example source code file (IList.scala)

This example Scala source code file (IList.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

boolean, equal, icons, ilist, inil, int, none, option, order, some

The IList.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import std.option.{ cata, none, some }
import{ toZipper => sToZipper }
import std.tuple.{ tuple2Bitraverse => BFT }
import Liskov.{ <~<, refl }
import IList.{empty, single}

 * Safe, invariant alternative to stdlib `List`. Most methods on `List` have a sensible equivalent
 * here, either on the `IList` interface itself or via typeclass instances (which are the same as
 * those defined for stdlib `List`). All methods are total and stack-safe.
sealed abstract class IList[A] extends Product with Serializable {

  // Operations, in alphabetic order

  /** alias for `concat` */
  def ++(as: IList[A]): IList[A] =

  def ++:(as: IList[A]): IList[A] =

  def +:(a: A): IList[A] =

  /** alias for `foldLeft` */
  def /:[B](b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =

  def :+(a: A): IList[A] =

  def ::(a: A): IList[A] =
    ICons(a, this)

  def :::(as: IList[A]): IList[A] =

  /** alias for `foldRight` */
  def :\[B](b: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =

  /** Returns `f` applied to contents if non-empty, otherwise the zero of `B`. */
  final def <^>[B](f: OneAnd[IList, A] => B)(implicit B: Monoid[B]): B =
    uncons(, (h, t) => f(OneAnd(h, t)))

  def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A,B]): IList[B] = {
    @tailrec def go(as: IList[A], acc: IList[B]): IList[B] =
      as match {
        case ICons(h, t) =>
          if(pf isDefinedAt h) go(t, ICons(pf(h), acc))
          else go(t, acc)
        case INil() => acc
    go(this, empty).reverse

  def collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[A,B]): Option[B] =

  def concat(as: IList[A]): IList[A] =
    foldRight(as)(_ :: _)

  // no contains; use Foldable#element

  def containsSlice(as: IList[A])(implicit ev: Equal[A]): Boolean =

  def count(f: A => Boolean): Int =
    foldLeft(0)((n, a) => if (f(a)) n + 1 else n)

  def distinct(implicit A: Order[A]): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def loop(src: IList[A], seen: ISet[A], acc: IList[A]): IList[A] =
      src match {
        case ICons(h, t) =>
            loop(t, seen.insert(h), h :: acc)
            loop(t, seen, acc)
        case INil() =>
    loop(this, ISet.empty[A], empty[A])

  def drop(n: Int): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def drop0(as: IList[A], n: Int): IList[A] =
      if (n < 1) as else as match {
        case INil() => empty
        case ICons(_, t) => drop0(t, n - 1)
    drop0(this, n)

  def dropRight(n: Int): IList[A] =

  def dropRightWhile(f: A => Boolean): IList[A] =

  def dropWhile(f: A => Boolean): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def dropWhile0(as: IList[A]): IList[A] =
      as match {
        case ICons(h, t) if (f(h)) => dropWhile0(t)
        case a => a

  def endsWith(as: IList[A])(implicit ev: Equal[A]): Boolean =

  // no exists; use Foldable#any

  def filter(f: A => Boolean): IList[A] =
    foldRight(IList.empty[A])((a, as) => if (f(a)) a :: as else as)

  def filterNot(f: A => Boolean): IList[A] =
    filter(a => !f(a))

  def find(f: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
    @tailrec def find0[A](as: IList[A])(f: A => Boolean): Option[A] =
      as match {
        case INil() => none
        case ICons(a, as) => if (f(a)) some(a) else find0[A](as)(f)

  def flatMap[B](f: A => IList[B]): IList[B] =
    foldRight(IList.empty[B])(f(_) ++ _)

  def flatten[B](implicit ev: A <~< IList[B]): IList[B] =
    flatMap(a => ev(a))

  def foldLeft[B](b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = {
    @tailrec def foldLeft0[A,B](as: IList[A])(b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
      as match {
        case INil() => b
        case ICons(a, as) => foldLeft0[A,B](as)(f(b, a))(f)

  def foldRight[B](b: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =
    reverse.foldLeft(b)((b, a) => f(a, b))

  // no forall; use Foldable#all

  def groupBy[K](f: A => K)(implicit ev: Order[K]): K ==>> NonEmptyList[A] =
    foldLeft(==>>.empty[K, NonEmptyList[A]]) { (m, a) =>
      m.alter(f(a), <:: _) orElse Some(NonEmptyList(a)))
    } .map(_.reverse) // should we bother with this? we don't do it for groupBy1

  def groupBy1[K](f: A => K)(implicit ev: Order[K]): K ==>> OneAnd[IList, A] =
    foldLeft(==>>.empty[K, OneAnd[IList,A]]) { (m, a) =>
      m.alter(f(a), => OneAnd(a, oa.head :: oa.tail)) orElse Some(OneAnd(a, empty)))

  def headOption: Option[A] =
    uncons(None, (h, _) => Some(h))

  def headMaybe: Maybe[A] =
    uncons(Maybe.Empty(), (h, _) => Maybe.Just(h))

  def indexOf(a: A)(implicit ev: Equal[A]): Option[Int] =
    indexWhere(ev.equal(a, _))

  def indexOfSlice(slice: IList[A])(implicit ev: Equal[A]): Option[Int] = {
    @tailrec def indexOfSlice0(i: Int, as: IList[A]): Option[Int] =
      if (as.startsWith(slice)) Some(i) else as match {
        case INil() => None
        case ICons(_, t) => indexOfSlice0(i + 1, t)
    indexOfSlice0(0, this)

  def indexWhere(f: A => Boolean): Option[Int] = {
    @tailrec def indexWhere0(i: Int, as: IList[A]): Option[Int] =
      as match {
        case INil() => None
        case ICons(h, t) => if (f(h)) Some(i) else indexWhere0(i + 1, t)
    indexWhere0(0, this)

  def initOption: Option[IList[A]] =

  def inits: IList[IList[A]] =

  def interleave(that: IList[A]): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def loop(xs: IList[A], ys: IList[A], acc: IList[A]): IList[A] = xs match {
      case ICons(h, t) =>
        loop(ys, t, h :: acc)
      case INil() =>
        acc reverse_::: ys
    loop(this, that, IList.empty[A])

  def intersperse(a: A): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def intersperse0(accum: IList[A], rest: IList[A]): IList[A] = rest match {
      case INil() => accum
      case ICons(x, INil()) => x :: accum
      case ICons(h, t) => intersperse0(a :: h :: accum, t)
    intersperse0(empty, this).reverse

  def isEmpty: Boolean =
    uncons(true, (_, _) => false)

  def lastIndexOf(a:A)(implicit ev: Equal[A]): Option[Int] =
    reverse.indexOf(a).map((length - 1) - _)

  def lastIndexOfSlice(as: IList[A])(implicit ev: Equal[A]): Option[Int] =
    reverse.indexOfSlice(as.reverse).map(length - _ - as.length)

  def lastIndexWhere(f: A => Boolean): Option[Int] =
    reverse.indexWhere(f).map((length - 1) - _)

  final def lastOption: Option[A] =
    this match {
      case ICons(a, INil()) => Some(a)
      case ICons(_, tail) => tail.lastOption
      case INil() => None

  def length: Int =
    foldLeft(0)((n, _) => n + 1)

  def map[B](f: A => B): IList[B] =
    foldRight(IList.empty[B])(f(_) :: _)

  // private helper for mapAccumLeft/Right below
  private[this] def mapAccum[B, C](as: IList[A])(c: C, f: (C, A) => (C, B)): (C, IList[B]) =
    as.foldLeft((c, IList.empty[B])) { case ((c, bs), a) => BFT.rightMap(f(c, a))(_ :: bs) }

  /** All of the `B`s, in order, and the final `C` acquired by a stateful left fold over `as`. */
  def mapAccumLeft[B, C](c: C)(f: (C, A) => (C, B)): (C, IList[B]) =
    BFT.rightMap(mapAccum(this)(c, f))(_.reverse)

  /** All of the `B`s, in order `as`-wise, and the final `C` acquired by a stateful right fold over `as`. */
  final def mapAccumRight[B, C](c: C)(f: (C, A) => (C, B)): (C, IList[B]) =
    mapAccum(reverse)(c, f)

  // no min/max; use Foldable#minimum, maximum, etc.

  def nonEmpty: Boolean =

  def padTo(n: Int, a: A): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def padTo0(n: Int, init: IList[A], tail: IList[A]): IList[A] =
      if (n < 1) init reverse_::: tail else tail match {
        case INil() => padTo0(n - 1, a :: init, empty)
        case ICons(h, t) => padTo0(n - 1, h :: init, t)
    padTo0(n, empty, this)

  def partition(f: A => Boolean): (IList[A], IList[A]) =
    BFT.umap(foldLeft((IList.empty[A], IList.empty[A])) {
      case ((ts, fs), a) => if (f(a)) (a :: ts, fs) else (ts, a :: fs)

  def patch(from: Int, patch: IList[A], replaced: Int): IList[A] = {
    val (init, tail) = splitAt(from)
    init ++ patch ++ (tail drop replaced)

  def prefixLength(f: A => Boolean): Int = {
    @tailrec def prefixLength0(n: Int, as: IList[A]): Int =
      as match {
        case ICons(h, t) if (f(h)) => prefixLength0(n + 1, t)
        case _ => n
    prefixLength0(0, this)

  // no product, use Foldable#fold

  def reduceLeftOption(f: (A, A) => A): Option[A] =
    uncons(None, (h, t) => Some(t.foldLeft(h)(f)))

  def reduceRightOption(f: (A, A) => A): Option[A] =
    reverse.reduceLeftOption((a, b) => f(b, a))

  def reverse: IList[A] =
    foldLeft(IList.empty[A])((as, a) => a :: as)

  def reverseMap[B](f: A => B): IList[B] =
    foldLeft(IList.empty[B])((bs, a) => f(a) :: bs)

  def reverse_:::(as: IList[A]): IList[A] =
    as.foldLeft(this)((as, a) => a :: as)

  private[this] def scan0[B](list: IList[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): IList[B] = {
    @tailrec def go(as: IList[A], acc: IList[B], b: B): IList[B] =
      as match {
        case INil() => acc
        case ICons(h, t) =>
          val b0 = f(b, h)
          go(t, b0 :: acc, b0)
    go(list, single(z), z)

  def scanLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): IList[B] =
    scan0(this, z)(f).reverse

  def scanRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): IList[B] =
    scan0(reverse, z)((b, a) => f(a, b))

  def slice(from: Int, until: Int): IList[A] =
    drop(from).take((until max 0)- (from max 0))

  def sortBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit B: Order[B]): IList[A] =
    IList(toList.sortBy(f)(B.toScalaOrdering): _*)

  def sorted(implicit ev: Order[A]): IList[A] =

  def span(f: A => Boolean): (IList[A], IList[A]) = {
    @tailrec def span0(as: IList[A], accum: IList[A]): (IList[A], IList[A]) =
      as match {
        case INil() => (this, empty)
        case ICons(h, t) => if (f(h)) span0(t, h :: accum) else (accum.reverse, as)
    span0(this, empty)

  def splitAt(n: Int): (IList[A], IList[A]) = {
    @tailrec def splitAt0(n: Int, as: IList[A], accum: IList[A]): (IList[A], IList[A]) =
      if (n < 1) (accum.reverse, as) else as match {
        case INil() => (this, empty)
        case ICons(h, t) => splitAt0(n - 1, t, h :: accum)
    splitAt0(n, this, empty)

  def startsWith(as: IList[A])(implicit ev: Equal[A]): Boolean = {
    @tailrec def startsWith0(a: IList[A], b: IList[A]): Boolean =
      (a, b) match {
        case (_, INil()) => true
        case (ICons(ha, ta), ICons(hb, tb)) if ev.equal(ha, hb) => startsWith0(ta, tb)
        case _ => false
    startsWith0(this, as)

  // no sum, use Foldable#fold

  def tails: IList[IList[A]] = {
    @tailrec def tails0(as: IList[A], accum: IList[IList[A]]): IList[IList[A]] =
      as match {
        case INil() => (as :: accum).reverse
        case ICons(_, t) => tails0(t, as :: accum)
    tails0(this, empty)

  def tailOption: Option[IList[A]] =
    uncons(None, (_, t) => Some(t))

  def take(n: Int): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def take0(n: Int, as: IList[A], accum: IList[A]): IList[A] =
      if (n < 1) accum.reverse else as match {
        case ICons(h, t) => take0(n - 1, t, h :: accum)
        case INil() => this
    take0(n, this, empty)

  def takeRight(n: Int): IList[A] =
    drop(length - n)

  def takeRightWhile(f: A => Boolean): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def go(as: IList[A], accum: IList[A]): IList[A] =
      as match {
        case ICons(h, t) if f(h) => go(t, h :: accum)
        case _ => accum
    go(this.reverse, empty)

  def takeWhile(f: A => Boolean): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def takeWhile0(as: IList[A], accum: IList[A]): IList[A] =
      as match {
        case ICons(h, t) if f(h) => takeWhile0(t, h :: accum)
        case INil() => this
        case _ => accum.reverse
    takeWhile0(this, empty)

  def toEphemeralStream: EphemeralStream[A] =
    uncons(EphemeralStream(), (h, t) => EphemeralStream.cons(h, t.toEphemeralStream))

  def toList: List[A] =
    foldRight(Nil : List[A])(_ :: _)

  def toNel: Option[NonEmptyList[A]] =
    uncons(None, (h, t) => Some(NonEmptyList.nel(h, t)))

  def toMap[K, V](implicit ev0: A <~< (K, V), ev1: Order[K]): K ==>> V =
    widen[(K,V)].foldLeft(==>>.empty[K,V])(_ + _)

  def toStream: Stream[A] =
    uncons(Stream.empty, (h, t) => h #:: t.toStream)

  override def toString: String = // lame, but helpful for debugging

  def toVector: Vector[A] =
    foldRight(Vector[A]())(_ +: _)

  def toZipper: Option[Zipper[A]] =

  def uncons[B](n: => B, c: (A, IList[A]) => B): B =
    this match {
      case INil() => n
      case ICons(h, t) => c(h, t)

  def unzip[B, C](implicit ev: A <~< (B, C)): (IList[B], IList[C]) =
    BFT.bimap(widen[(B,C)].foldLeft((IList.empty[B], IList.empty[C])) {
      case ((as, bs), (a, b)) => (a :: as, b :: bs)
    })(_.reverse, _.reverse)

  /** Unlike stdlib's version, this is total and simply ignores indices that are out of range */
  def updated(index: Int, a: A): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def updated0(n: Int, as: IList[A], accum: IList[A]): IList[A] =
      (n, as) match {
        case (0, ICons(h, t)) => accum reverse_::: ICons(a, t)
        case (n, ICons(h, t)) => updated0(n - 1, t, h :: accum)
        case _ => this
    updated0(index, this, empty)

  // many other zip variants; see Traverse#zip*

  def zip[B](b: => IList[B]): IList[(A, B)] = {
    @tailrec def zaccum(a: IList[A], b: IList[B], accum: IList[(A,B)]): IList[(A, B)] =
      (a, b) match {
        case (ICons(a, as), ICons(b, bs)) => zaccum(as, bs, (a, b) :: accum)
        case _ => accum
    if(this.isEmpty) empty
    else zaccum(this, b, empty).reverse

  // IList is invariant in behavior but covariant by nature, so we can safely widen to IList[B]
  // given evidence that A is a subtype of B.
  def widen[B](implicit ev: A <~< B): IList[B] =
    ev.subst[λ[`-α` => IList[α @uncheckedVariance] <~< IList[B]]](refl)(this)

  def zipWithIndex: IList[(A, Int)] =
    zip(IList(0 until length : _*))


// In order to get exhaustiveness checking and a sane unapply in both 2.9 and 2.10 it seems
// that we need to use bare case classes. Sorry. Suggestions welcome.
final case class INil[A]() extends IList[A]
final case class ICons[A](head: A, tail: IList[A]) extends IList[A]

object IList extends IListInstances {
  private[this] val nil: IList[Nothing] = INil()

  def apply[A](as: A*): IList[A] =
    as.foldRight(empty[A])(ICons(_, _))

  def single[A](a: A): IList[A] =
    ICons(a, empty)

  def empty[A]: IList[A] =

  def fromList[A](as: List[A]): IList[A] =
    as.foldRight(empty[A])(ICons(_, _))

  def fromFoldable[F[_]: Foldable, A](as: F[A]): IList[A] =
    Foldable[F].foldRight(as, empty[A])(ICons(_, _))

  def fromOption[A](a: Option[A]): IList[A] =
    cata(a)(single(_), IList.empty[A])

  def fill[A](n: Int)(a: A): IList[A] = {
    @tailrec def go(i: Int, list: IList[A]): IList[A] = {
      if(i > 0) go(i - 1, ICons(a, list))
      else list
    if(n <= 0) empty
    else go(n, empty)

  import Isomorphism._

  val listIListIso: List <~> IList =
    new IsoFunctorTemplate[List, IList] {
      def to[A](fa: List[A]) = fromList(fa)
      def from[A](fa: IList[A]) = fa.toList

sealed abstract class IListInstance0 {

  implicit def equal[A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[IList[A]] =
    new IListEqual[A] {
      val A = A0


sealed abstract class IListInstances extends IListInstance0 {

  implicit val instances: Traverse[IList] with MonadPlus[IList] with BindRec[IList] with Zip[IList] with Unzip[IList] with Align[IList] with IsEmpty[IList] with Cobind[IList] =

    new Traverse[IList] with MonadPlus[IList] with BindRec[IList] with Zip[IList] with Unzip[IList] with Align[IList] with IsEmpty[IList] with Cobind[IList] {
      override def findLeft[A](fa: IList[A])(f: A => Boolean) =

      override def findRight[A](fa: IList[A])(f: A => Boolean) = {
        @tailrec def loop(a: IList[A], x: Option[A]): Option[A] =
          a match {
            case ICons(h, t) =>
              loop(t, if(f(h)) Some(h) else x)
            case INil() =>
        loop(fa, None)

      override def map[A, B](fa: IList[A])(f: A => B): IList[B] =
        fa map f

      def point[A](a: => A): IList[A] =

      def bind[A, B](fa: IList[A])(f: A => IList[B]): IList[B] =
        fa flatMap f

      def plus[A](a: IList[A],b: => IList[A]): IList[A] =
        a ++ b

      def empty[A]: IList[A] =

      def zip[A, B](a: => IList[A], b: => IList[B]): IList[(A, B)] =
        a zip b

      def isEmpty[A](fa: IList[A]): Boolean =

      override def empty[A](fa: IList[A]) =

      def cobind[A, B](fa: IList[A])(f: IList[A] => B) =
        fa.uncons(empty, (_, t) => f(fa) :: cobind(t)(f))

      override def cojoin[A](a: IList[A]) =
        a.uncons(empty, (_, t) => a :: cojoin(t))

      def traverseImpl[F[_], A, B](fa: IList[A])(f: A => F[B])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[IList[B]] =
        fa.foldRight(F.point(IList.empty[B]))((a, fbs) => F.apply2(f(a), fbs)(_ :: _))

      def unzip[A, B](a: IList[(A, B)]): (IList[A], IList[B]) =

      def alignWith[A, B, C](f: A \&/ B => C): (IList[A], IList[B]) => IList[C] = {
        @tailrec def loop(aa: IList[A], bb: IList[B], accum: IList[C]): IList[C] =
          (aa, bb) match {
            case (INil(), _) => accum reverse_::: => f(\&/.That(b)))
            case (_, INil()) => accum reverse_::: => f(\&/.This(a)))
            case (ICons(ah, at), ICons(bh, bt)) => loop(at, bt, f(\&/.Both(ah, bh)) :: accum)
        (a, b) => loop(a, b, empty)

      override def toIList[A](fa: IList[A]) = fa

      override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: IList[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B) =

      override def foldRight[A, B](fa: IList[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) =
        fa.foldRight(z)((a, b) => f(a, b))

      override def foldMapRight1Opt[A, B](fa: IList[A])(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) =
        foldMapLeft1Opt(fa.reverse)(z)((b, a) => f(a, b))

      override def foldMap[A, B](fa: IList[A])(f: A => B)(implicit M: Monoid[B]) =
        fa.foldLeft(, a) => M.append(b, f(a)))

      override def foldMap1Opt[A, B](fa: IList[A])(f: A => B)(implicit M: Semigroup[B]) =
        fa match {
          case ICons(h, t) => Some(t.foldLeft(f(h))((b, a) => M.append(b, f(a))))
          case INil() => None

      override def foldMapLeft1Opt[A, B](fa: IList[A])(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B) =
        fa match {
          case ICons(h, t) => Some(t.foldLeft(z(h))(f))
          case INil() => None

      override def index[A](fa: IList[A], i: Int) = {
        @tailrec def go(as: IList[A], n: Int): Option[A] = as match {
          case ICons(h, t) => if(n == i) Some(h) else go(t, n + 1)
          case INil() => None
        if(i < 0) None
        else go(fa, 0)

      override def reverse[A](fa: IList[A]) =

      override def mapAccumL[S, A, B](fa: IList[A], z: S)(f: (S, A) => (S, B)) =

      override def mapAccumR[S, A, B](fa: IList[A], z: S)(f: (S, A) => (S, B)) =

      override def any[A](fa: IList[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
        @tailrec def loop(fa: IList[A]): Boolean = fa match {
          case INil() => false
          case ICons(h, t) => p(h) || loop(t)

      override def all[A](fa: IList[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
        @tailrec def loop(fa: IList[A]): Boolean = fa match {
          case INil() => true
          case ICons(h, t) => p(h) && loop(t)

      override def widen[A, B](fa: IList[A])(implicit ev: A <~< B): IList[B] =

      def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => IList[A \/ B])(a: A): IList[B] = {
        def go(xs: IList[IList[A \/ B]], bs: IList[B]): IList[B] =
          xs match {
            case ICons(ICons(-\/(a0), tail), rest) => go(ICons(f(a0), ICons(tail, rest)), bs)
            case ICons(ICons(\/-(b), tail), rest) => go(ICons(tail, rest), b :: bs)
            case ICons(INil(), rest) => go(rest, bs)
            case INil() => bs.reverse
        go(IList(f(a)), INil())

  implicit def order[A](implicit A0: Order[A]): Order[IList[A]] =
    new IListOrder[A] {
      val A = A0

  implicit def monoid[A]: Monoid[IList[A]] =
    new Monoid[IList[A]] {
      def append(f1: IList[A], f2: => IList[A]) = f1 ++ f2
      def zero: IList[A] = empty

  implicit def show[A](implicit A: Show[A]): Show[IList[A]] =
    new Show[IList[A]] {
      override def show(as: IList[A]) = {
        @tailrec def commaSep(rest: IList[A], acc: Cord): Cord =
          rest match {
            case INil() => acc
            case ICons(x, xs) => commaSep(xs, (acc :+ ",") ++
        "[" +: (as match {
          case INil() => Cord()
          case ICons(x, xs) => commaSep(xs,
        }) :+ "]"


private trait IListEqual[A] extends Equal[IList[A]] {
  implicit def A: Equal[A]

  @tailrec final override def equal(a: IList[A], b: IList[A]): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (INil(), INil()) => true
      case (ICons(a, as), ICons(b, bs)) if A.equal(a, b) => equal(as, bs)
      case _ => false


private trait IListOrder[A] extends Order[IList[A]] with IListEqual[A] {
  implicit def A: Order[A]

  import Ordering._

  @tailrec final def order(a1: IList[A], a2: IList[A]) =
    (a1, a2) match {
      case (INil(), INil()) => EQ
      case (INil(), ICons(_, _)) => LT
      case (ICons(_, _), INil()) => GT
      case (ICons(a, as), ICons(b, bs)) =>
        A.order(a, b) match {
          case EQ => order(as, bs)
          case x => x


Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala IList.scala source code file:

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