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Scala example source code file (ISet.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ISet.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

bin, boolean, iset, list, none, option, order, some, tip

The ISet.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import annotation.tailrec
import Ordering._
import std.option._

 * @see [[]]
 * @see [[]]
sealed abstract class ISet[A] {
  import ISet._

  val size: Int

  // -- * Query
  final def isEmpty: Boolean =
    this match {
      case Tip() => true
      case Bin(_, _, _) => false

  final def member(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
    this match {
      case Tip() => false
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, y) match {
          case LT => l.member(x)
          case GT => r.member(x)
          case EQ => true

  /** Alias for member */
  final def contains(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =

  final def notMember(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =

  final def lookupLT(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[A] = {
    def withBest(x: A, best: A, t: ISet[A]): Option[A] =
      t match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(y, l, r) =>
          if (o.lessThanOrEqual(x, y)) withBest(x, best, l) else withBest(x, y, r)

    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        if (o.lessThanOrEqual(x, y)) l.lookupLT(x) else withBest(x, y, r)

  final def lookupGT(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[A] = {
    def withBest(x: A, best: A, t: ISet[A]): Option[A] =
      t match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(y, l, r) =>
          if (o.lessThan(x, y)) withBest(x, y, l) else withBest(x, best, r)

    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        if (o.lessThan(x, y)) withBest(x, y, l) else r.lookupGT(x)

  final def lookupLE(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[A] = {
    def withBest(x: A, best: A, t: ISet[A]): Option[A] =
      t match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(y, l, r) =>
          o.order(x, y) match {
            case LT =>
              withBest(x, best, l)
            case EQ =>
            case GT =>
              withBest(x, y, r)

    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, y) match {
          case LT =>
          case EQ =>
          case GT =>
            withBest(x, y, r)

  final def lookupGE(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[A] = {
    def withBest(x: A, best: A, t: ISet[A]): Option[A] =
      t match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(y, l, r) =>
          o.order(x, y) match {
            case LT =>
              withBest(x, y, l)
            case EQ =>
            case GT =>
              withBest(x, best, r)

    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, y) match {
          case LT =>
            withBest(x, y, l)
          case EQ =>
          case GT =>

  final def isSubsetOf(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
    (this.size <= other.size) && this.isSubsetOfX(other)

  private def isSubsetOfX(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), _) =>
      case (_, Tip()) =>
      case (Bin(x, l, r), t) =>
        val (lt,found,gt) = t.splitMember(x)
        found && l.isSubsetOfX(lt) && r.isSubsetOfX(gt)

  final def isProperSubsetOf(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
    (this.size < other.size) && this.isSubsetOf(other)

  // -- * Construction
  final def insert(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() => singleton(x)
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, y) match {
          case LT => balanceL(y, l.insert(x), r)
          case GT => balanceR(y, l, r.insert(x))
          case EQ => Bin(x, l, r)

  final def delete(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, y) match {
          case LT =>
            balanceR(y, l.delete(x), r)
          case GT =>
            balanceL(y, l, r.delete(x))
          case EQ =>
            glue(l, r)

  // -- * Combine
  final def union(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] = {
    def hedgeUnion(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], t1: ISet[A], t2: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
      (t1, t2) match {
        case (t1, Tip()) =>
        case (Tip(), Bin(x, l, r)) =>
          join(x, l.filterGt(blo), r.filterLt(bhi))
        case (_, Bin(x, Tip(), Tip())) =>
        case (Bin(x, l, r), _) =>
          val bmi = some(x)
          join(x, hedgeUnion(blo, bmi, l, t2.trim(blo, bmi)), hedgeUnion(bmi, bhi, r, t2.trim(bmi, bhi)))

    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), t2) =>
      case (t1, Tip()) =>
      case (t1, t2) =>
        hedgeUnion(none, none, t1, t2)

  private def insertR(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, y) match {
          case LT =>
            balanceL(y, l.insertR(x), r)
          case GT =>
            balanceR(y, l, r.insertR(x))
          case EQ =>

  final def difference(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] = {
    def hedgeDiff(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], t1: ISet[A], t2: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
      (t1, t2) match {
        case (Tip(), _) =>
        case (Bin(x, l, r), Tip()) =>
          join(x, l.filterGt(blo), r.filterLt(bhi))
        case (t, Bin(x, l, r)) =>
          val bmi = some(x)
          hedgeDiff(blo, bmi, t.trim(blo, bmi), l) merge hedgeDiff(bmi, bhi, t.trim(bmi, bhi), r)

    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), _) =>
      case (t1, Tip()) =>
      case (t1, t2) =>
        hedgeDiff(none, none, t1, t2)

  // -- * Operators
  final def \\ (other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =

  final def intersection(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] = {
    def hedgeInt(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], t1: ISet[A], t2: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
      (t1, t2) match {
        case (_, Tip()) =>
        case (Tip(), _) =>
        case (Bin(x, l, r), t2) =>
          val bmi = some(x)
          val l2 = hedgeInt(blo, bmi, l, t2.trim(blo, bmi))
          val r2 = hedgeInt(bmi, bhi, r, t2.trim(bmi, bhi))
          if (t2.member(x)) join(x, l2, r2) else l2 merge r2

    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), _) =>
      case (_, Tip()) =>
      case (t1, t2) =>
        hedgeInt(None, None, t1, t2)

  // -- * Filter
  final def filter(p: A => Boolean): ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() => this
      case Bin(x, l, r) =>
        if (p(x)) join(x, l.filter(p), r.filter(p)) else l.filter(p) merge r.filter(p)

  final def partition(p: A => Boolean): (ISet[A], ISet[A]) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (this, this)
      case Bin(x, l, r) =>
        val (l1, l2) = l.partition(p)
        val (r1, r2) = r.partition(p)
        if (p(x)) (join(x, l1, r1), l2 merge r2) else (l1 merge r1, join(x, l2, r2))

  final def split(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): (ISet[A], ISet[A]) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (this, this)
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, y) match {
          case LT =>
            val (lt, gt) = l.split(x)
            (lt, join(y, gt, r))
          case GT =>
            val (lt, gt) = r.split(x)
            (join(y, l, lt), gt)
          case EQ =>
            (l, r)

  final def splitMember(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): (ISet[A], Boolean, ISet[A]) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (this, false, this)
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, y) match {
          case LT =>
            val (lt, found, gt) = l.splitMember(x)
            (lt, found, join(y, gt, r))
          case GT =>
            val (lt, found, gt) = r.splitMember(x)
            (join(y, l, lt), found, gt)
          case EQ =>
            (l, true, r)

  final def splitRoot: List[ISet[A]] =
    this match {
      case Tip()        => List.empty[ISet[A]]
      case Bin(x, l, r) => List(l, singleton(x), r)

  // -- * Index
  /** Alias for Foldable[ISet].index */
  final def elemAt(i: Int): Option[A] =
    Foldable[ISet].index(this, i)

  final def lookupIndex(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[Int] = {
    def loop(s: ISet[A], i: Int): Option[Int] =
      s match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(y, l, r) =>
          val sizeL = l.size
          o.order(y, x) match {
            case LT =>
              loop(r, i + sizeL + 1)
            case GT =>
              loop(l, i)
            case EQ =>
              some(i + sizeL)

    loop(this, 0)

  final def deleteAt(i: Int): ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(x, l, r) =>
        import std.anyVal._
        val sizeL = l.size
        Order[Int].order(i, sizeL) match {
          case LT =>
            balanceR(x, l.deleteAt(i), r)
          case GT =>
            balanceL(x, l, r.deleteAt(i - sizeL - 1))
          case EQ =>
            glue(l, r)

    * For the `Functor` composition law to hold it is important that the `Order[B]` is substitutive for the `Order[A]` –
    * that is, that the `Order[B]` should be __no stronger__, it should not distinguish two `B` instances that would
    * be considered as equal `A` instances.
    * '''Note:''' this is not able to implement `Functor` due to the `Order` constraint on the destination type,
    * however it still is a functor in the mathematical sense.
    * Documentation as copied from the Haskell source:
    *  {{{
    -- | /O(n*log n)/.
    -- @'map' f s@ is the set obtained by applying @f@ to each element of @s@.
    -- It's worth noting that the size of the result may be smaller if,
    -- for some @(x,y)@, @x \/= y && f x == f y@
  def map[B: Order](f: A => B): ISet[B] =

  // -- * Folds
  final def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =
    this match {
      case Tip() => z
      case Bin(x, l ,r) => l.foldRight(f(x, r.foldRight(z)(f)))(f)

  final def foldr[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =

  final def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
    this match {
      case Tip() => z
      case Bin(x, l, r) =>
        r.foldLeft(f(l.foldLeft(z)(f), x))(f)

  final def foldl[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =

  // -- * Min\/Max
  final def findMin: Option[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() => none
      case Bin(x, Tip(), _) => some(x)
      case Bin(_, l, _) => l.findMin

  final def findMax: Option[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() => none
      case Bin(x, _, Tip()) => some(x)
      case Bin(_, _, r) => r.findMax

  final def deleteMin: ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Bin(_, Tip(), r) => r
      case Bin(x, l, r) => balanceR(x, l.deleteMin, r)
      case Tip() => Tip()

  final def deleteMax: ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Bin(_, l, Tip()) => l
      case Bin(x, l, r) => balanceL(x, l, r.deleteMax)
      case Tip() => Tip()

  // TODO: Can we make this total? or should this remain unsafe, preferring minView instead?
  final def deleteFindMin: (A, ISet[A]) =
    this match {
      case Bin(x, Tip(), r) => (x, r)
      case Bin(x, l, r) =>
        val (xm, l2) = l.deleteFindMin
        (xm, balanceR(x, l2, r))
      case Tip() => sys.error("deleteFindMin on empty ISet")

  // TODO: Can we make this total? or should this remain unsafe, preferring maxView instead?
  final def deleteFindMax: (A, ISet[A]) =
    this match {
      case Bin(x, l, Tip()) => (x, l)
      case Bin(x, l, r) =>
        val (xm, r2) = r.deleteFindMax
        (xm, balanceL(x, l, r2))
      case Tip() => sys.error("deleteFindMax on empty ISet")

  final def minView: Option[(A, ISet[A])] =
    this match {
      case Tip() => none
      case x => some(x.deleteFindMin)

  final def maxView: Option[(A, ISet[A])] =
    this match {
      case Tip() => none
      case x => some(x.deleteFindMax)

  // -- ** List
  final def elems: List[A] =

  final def toList: List[A] =

  // -- ** Ordered list
  final def toAscList: List[A] =
    foldRight(List.empty[A])(_ :: _)

  final def toDescList: List[A] =
    foldLeft(List.empty[A])((a, b) => b :: a)

  private def glue[A](l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
    (l, r) match {
      case (Tip(), r) => r
      case (l, Tip()) => l
      case (_, _) =>
        if (l.size > r.size) {
          val (m, l2) = l.deleteFindMax
          balanceR(m, l2, r)
        } else {
          val (m, r2) = r.deleteFindMin
          balanceL(m, l, r2)

  private def join[A](x: A, l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
    (l, r) match {
      case (Tip(), r) => r.insertMin(x)
      case (l, Tip()) => l.insertMax(x)
      case (Bin(y, ly, ry), Bin(z, lz, rz)) =>
        if (delta*l.size < r.size) balanceL(z, join(x, l, lz), rz)
        else if (delta*r.size < l.size) balanceR(y, ly, join(x, ry, r))
        else Bin(x, l, r)

  private def insertMax(x: A): ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        balanceR(y, l, r.insertMax(x))

  private def insertMin(x: A): ISet[A] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(y, l, r) =>
        balanceL(y, l.insertMin(x), r)

  protected def merge(other: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), r) => r
      case (l, Tip()) => l
      case (l@Bin(x, lx, rx), r@Bin(y, ly, ry)) =>
        if (delta*l.size < r.size) balanceL(y, l merge ly, ry)
        else if (delta*r.size < l.size) balanceR(x, lx, rx merge r)
        else glue(l, r)

  final def trim(a: Option[A], b: Option[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    (a, b) match {
      case (None, None) =>
      case (Some(lx), None) =>
        def greater(lo: A, t: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
          t match {
            case Bin(x, _, r) => if (o.lessThanOrEqual(x, lo)) greater(lo, r) else t
            case _ => t
        greater(lx, this)
      case (None, Some(hx)) =>
        def lesser(hi: A, t: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
          t match {
            case Bin(x, l, _) => if (o.greaterThanOrEqual(x, hi)) lesser(hi, l) else t
            case _ => t
        lesser(hx, this)
      case (Some(lx), Some(rx)) =>
        def middle(lo: A, hi: A, t: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
          t match {
            case Bin(x, l, r) =>
              if (o.lessThanOrEqual(x, lo)) middle(lo, hi, r)
              else if (o.greaterThanOrEqual(x, hi)) middle(lo, hi, l)
              else t
            case _ => t
        middle(lx, rx, this)

  final def filterGt(a: Option[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    cata(a)(s => this match {
      case Tip() => ISet.empty
      case Bin(x, l, r) =>
        o.order(s, x) match {
          case LT => join(x, l.filterGt(a), r)
          case EQ => r
          case GT => r.filterGt(a)
    }, this)

  final def filterLt(a: Option[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    cata(a)(s => this match {
      case Tip() => ISet.empty
      case Bin(x, l, r) =>
        o.order(x, s) match {
          case LT => join(x, l, r.filterLt(a))
          case EQ => l
          case GT => l.filterLt(a)
    }, this)

  override final def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
    other match {
      case that: ISet[A] =>
        ISet.setEqual[A](Equal.equalA).equal(this, that)
      case _ =>

  override final def hashCode: Int =

sealed abstract class ISetInstances {
  import ISet._

  implicit def setEqual[A: Equal]: Equal[ISet[A]] = new ISetEqual[A] {
    def A = implicitly

  implicit def setOrder[A: Order]: Order[ISet[A]] = new Order[ISet[A]] with ISetEqual[A] {
    import std.list._
    def A = implicitly

    def order(x: ISet[A], y: ISet[A]) =
      Order[List[A]].order(x.toAscList, y.toAscList)

  implicit def setShow[A: Show]: Show[ISet[A]] = new Show[ISet[A]] {
    override def shows(f: ISet[A]) =
      f.toAscList.mkString("ISet(", ",", ")")

  implicit def setMonoid[A: Order]: Monoid[ISet[A]] = new Monoid[ISet[A]] {
    def zero: ISet[A] =

    def append(a: ISet[A], b: => ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
      a union b

  implicit val setFoldable: Foldable[ISet] = new Foldable[ISet] {
    override def findLeft[A](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
      fa match {
        case Bin(x, l, r) =>
          findLeft(l)(f) match {
            case a @ Some(_) =>
            case None =>
        case Tip() =>

    override def findRight[A](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
      fa match {
        case Bin(x, l, r) =>
          findRight(r)(f) match {
            case a @ Some(_) =>
            case None =>
        case Tip() =>

    def foldMap[A, B](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => B)(implicit F: Monoid[B]): B =
      fa match {
        case Tip() =>

        case Bin(x, l, r) =>
          F.append(F.append(foldMap(l)(f), f(x)), foldMap(r)(f))

    def foldRight[A, B](fa: ISet[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =
      fa.foldRight(z)((a, b) => f(a, b))

    override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: ISet[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B) =

    override def index[A](fa: ISet[A], i: Int): Option[A] = {
      import std.anyVal._
      @tailrec def loop(a: ISet[A], b: Int): Option[A] =
        a match {
          case Bin(x, l, r) =>
            Order[Int].order(b, l.size) match {
              case Ordering.LT =>
                loop(l, b)
              case Ordering.GT =>
                loop(r, b - l.size - 1)
              case Ordering.EQ =>
          case Tip() =>

      if (i < 0 || fa.size <= i)
        loop(fa, i)

    override def toIList[A](fa: ISet[A]) =
      fa.foldRight(IList.empty[A])(_ :: _)

    override def toList[A](fa: ISet[A]) =

    override def length[A](fa: ISet[A]) =

    override def maximum[A: Order](fa: ISet[A]) =

    override def minimum[A: Order](fa: ISet[A]) =

    override def empty[A](fa: ISet[A]) =

    override def any[A](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
      fa match {
        case Tip() => false
        case Bin(x, l, r) =>
          any(l)(f) || f(x) || any(r)(f)

    override def all[A](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
      fa match {
        case Tip() => true
        case Bin(x, l, r) =>
          all(l)(f) && f(x) && all(r)(f)

object ISet extends ISetInstances {
  final def empty[A]: ISet[A] =

  final def singleton[A](x: A): ISet[A] =
    Bin(x, Tip(), Tip())

  final def fromList[A](xs: List[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    xs.foldLeft(empty[A])((a, b) => a insert b)

  final def fromFoldable[F[_], A](xs: F[A])(implicit F: Foldable[F], o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    F.foldLeft(xs, empty[A])((a, b) => a insert b)

  final def unions[A](xs: List[ISet[A]])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
    xs.foldLeft(ISet.empty[A])(_ union _)

  private[scalaz] final val delta = 3
  private[scalaz] final val ratio = 2

  private[scalaz] def balanceL[A](x: A, l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
    r match {
      case Tip() =>
        l match {
          case Tip() =>
          case Bin(_, Tip(), Tip()) =>
            Bin(x, l, Tip())
          case Bin(lx, Tip(), Bin(lrx, _, _)) =>
            Bin(lrx, singleton(lx), singleton(x))
          case Bin(lx, ll@Bin(_, _, _), Tip()) =>
            Bin(lx, ll, singleton(x))
          case Bin(lx, ll@Bin(_, _, _), lr@Bin(lrx, lrl, lrr)) =>
            if (lr.size < ratio*ll.size) Bin(lx, ll, Bin(x, lr, Tip()))
            else Bin(lrx, Bin(lx, ll, lrl), Bin(x, lrr, Tip()))
      case Bin(_, _, _) =>
        l match {
          case Tip() =>
            Bin(x, Tip(), r)
          case Bin(lx, ll, lr) =>
            if (l.size > delta*r.size) {
              (ll, lr) match {
                case (Bin(_, _, _), Bin(lrx, lrl, lrr)) =>
                  if (lr.size < ratio*ll.size) Bin(lx, ll, Bin(x, lr, r))
                  else Bin(lrx, Bin(lx, ll, lrl), Bin(x, lrr, r))
                case _ => sys.error("Failure in ISet.balanceL")
            } else Bin(x, l, r)

  private[scalaz] def balanceR[A](x: A, l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
    l match {
      case Tip() =>
        r match {
          case Tip() =>
          case Bin(_, Tip(), Tip()) =>
            Bin(x, Tip(), r)
          case Bin(rx, Tip(), rr@Bin(_, _, _)) =>
            Bin(rx, singleton(x), rr)
          case Bin(rx, Bin(rlx, _, _), Tip()) =>
            Bin(rlx, singleton(x), singleton(rx))
          case Bin(rx, rl@Bin(rlx, rll, rlr), rr@Bin(_, _, _)) =>
            if (rl.size < ratio*rr.size) Bin(rx, Bin(x, Tip(), rl), rr)
            else Bin(rlx, Bin(x, Tip(), rll), Bin(rx, rlr, rr))
      case Bin(_, _, _) =>
        r match {
          case Tip() =>
            Bin(x, l, Tip())
          case Bin(rx, rl, rr) =>
            if (r.size > delta*l.size) {
              (rl, rr) match {
                case (Bin(rlx, rll, rlr), Bin(_, _, _)) =>
                  if (rl.size < ratio*rr.size) Bin(rx, Bin(x, l, rl), rr)
                  else Bin(rlx, Bin(x, l, rll), Bin(rx, rlr, rr))
                case _ => sys.error("Failure in ISet.balanceR")
            } else Bin(x, l, r)

  private[scalaz] abstract case class Tip[A] private() extends ISet[A] {
    val size = 0
  private[scalaz] object Tip extends Tip[Nothing] {
    def apply[A](): ISet[A] = this.asInstanceOf[ISet[A]]

  private[scalaz] final case class Bin[A](a: A, l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]) extends ISet[A] {
    val size = l.size + r.size + 1

private sealed trait ISetEqual[A] extends Equal[ISet[A]] {
  import std.list._
  implicit def A: Equal[A]

  override final def equal(a1: ISet[A], a2: ISet[A]) =
    (a1.size == a2.size) && Equal[List[A]].equal(a1.toAscList, a2.toAscList)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ISet.scala source code file:

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