Scala example source code file (PLens.scala)
The PLens.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz /** * Partial Lens Families, offering a purely functional means to access and retrieve * an optional field transitioning from type `B1` to type `B2` in a record that is * simultaneously transitioning from type `A1` to type `A2`. [[scalaz.PLens]] is a * convenient alias for when `A1 =:= A2`, and `B1 =:= B2`. * * The term ''field'' should not be interpreted restrictively to mean a member of a class. For example, a partial lens * family can address the nth element of a `List`. * * @see [[scalaz.Lens]] * * @tparam A1 The initial type of the record * @tparam A2 The final type of the record * @tparam B1 The initial type of the optional field * @tparam B2 The final type of the optional field */ sealed abstract class PLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] { def run(a: A1): Option[IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]] def apply(a: A1): Option[IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]] = run(a) import BijectionT._ import PLensFamily._ def kleisli: Kleisli[Option, A1, IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]] = Kleisli[Option, A1, IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]](apply(_)) def xmapA[X1, X2](f: A2 => X2)(g: X1 => A1): PLensFamily[X1, X2, B1, B2] = plensFamily(x => apply(g(x)) map (_ map (f))) def xmapbA[X, A >: A2 <: A1](b: Bijection[A, X]): PLensFamily[X, X, B1, B2] = xmapA(b to _)(b from _) def xmapB[X1, X2](f: B1 => X1)(g: X2 => B2): PLensFamily[A1, A2, X1, X2] = plensFamily(a => apply(a) map (_.xmap(f)(g))) def xmapbB[X, B >: B1 <: B2](b: Bijection[B, X]): PLensFamily[A1, A2, X, X] = xmapB(b to _)(b from _) def get(a: A1): Option[B1] = run(a) map (_.pos) def getK: Kleisli[Option, A1, B1] = Kleisli[Option, A1, B1](get(_)) /** If the Partial Lens is null, then return the given default value. */ def getOr(a: A1, b: => B1): B1 = get(a) getOrElse b def getOrZ(a: A1)(implicit M: Monoid[B1]): B1 = getOr(a, M.zero) def set(a: A1, b: B2): Option[A2] = run(a) map (_.put(b)) def setK(a: A1): Kleisli[Option, B2, A2] = Kleisli[Option, B2, A2](set(a, _)) def setOr(a: A1, b: B2, d: => A2): A2 = set(a, b) getOrElse d def setOrZ(a: A1, b: B2)(implicit M: Monoid[A2]): A2 = setOr(a, b, M.zero) def trySet(a: A1): Option[B2 => A2] = run(a) map (c => c put _) def trySetK: Kleisli[Option, A1, B2 => A2] = Kleisli[Option, A1, B2 => A2](trySet(_)) def trySetOr(a: A1, d: => B2 => A2): B2 => A2 = trySet(a) getOrElse d def trySetOrZ(a: A1)(implicit M: Monoid[A2]): B2 => A2 = trySetOr(a, _ => M.zero) /** If the Partial Lens is null, then return the target object, otherwise run the function on its projection. */ def as(f: B1 => A1, a: A1): A1 = get(a) match { case None => a case Some(w) => f(w) } def is(a: A1): Boolean = run(a).isDefined def isNot(a: A1): Boolean = !is(a) def exists(p: B1 => Boolean, a: A1): Boolean = get(a) exists p def forall(p: B1 => Boolean, a: A1): Boolean = get(a) forall p def modg(f: B1 => B2, a: A1): Option[A2] = run(a).map(_ puts f) def =?>=(f: B1 => B2): A1 => Option[A2] = modg(f, _) /** Modify the potential value viewed through the partial lens */ def mod[A >: A2 <: A1](f: B1 => B2, a: A): A = run(a) match { case None => a: A case Some(w) => (w puts f): A } def =>=[A >: A2 <: A1](f: B1 => B2): A => A = mod(f, _) def st: PState[A1, B1] = State(s => (s, get(s))) def %=[A >: A2 <: A1](f: B1 => B2): PState[A, B2] = State(a => run(a) match { case None => (a, None) case Some(w) => { val r = f(w.pos) (w put r, Some(r)) } }) def :=[A >: A2 <: A1](b: => B2): PState[A, B2] = %=(_ => b) def %==[A >: A2 <: A1](f: B1 => B2): State[A, Unit] = State(a => (mod(f, a), ())) def %%=[A >: A2 <: A1, C](s: IndexedState[B1, B2, C]): PState[A, C] = State(a => run(a) match { case None => (a, None) case Some(w) => { val r = s.run(w.pos): (B2, C) (w put r._1, Some(r._2)) } }) def >-[A >: A2 <: A1, C](f: B1 => C): PState[A, C] = State(a => (a, get(a) map f)) def >>-[A >: A2 <: A1, C](f: B1 => State[A, C]): PState[A, C] = StateT(a => get(a) match { case None => (a, None) case Some(w) => f(w) apply a match { case (y, x) => (y, Some(x)) } }) def ->>-[A >: A2 <: A1, C](f: => State[A, C]): PState[A, C] = >>-(_ => f) /** Partial Lenses can be composed */ def compose[C1, C2](that: PLensFamily[C1, C2, A1, A2]): PLensFamily[C1, C2, B1, B2] = plensFamily(c => (that run c).flatMap (x => { val (ac, a) = x.run run(a) map (y => { val (ba, b) = y.run IndexedStore(ac compose ba, b) }) })) /** alias for `compose` */ def <=<[C1, C2](that: PLensFamily[C1, C2, A1, A2]): PLensFamily[C1, C2, B1, B2] = compose(that) def andThen[C1, C2](that: PLensFamily[B1, B2, C1, C2]): PLensFamily[A1, A2, C1, C2] = that compose this /** alias for `andThen` */ def >=>[C1, C2](that: PLensFamily[B1, B2, C1, C2]): PLensFamily[A1, A2, C1, C2] = andThen(that) /** Two partial lenses that view a value of the same type can be joined */ def sum[C1, C2](that: => PLensFamily[C1, C2, B1, B2]): PLensFamily[A1 \/ C1, A2 \/ C2, B1, B2] = plensFamily { case -\/(a) => run(a) map (_ map (\/.left)) case \/-(c) => that run c map (_ map (\/.right)) } /** Alias for `sum` */ def |||[C1, C2](that: => PLensFamily[C1, C2, B1, B2]): PLensFamily[A1 \/ C1, A2 \/ C2, B1, B2] = sum(that) /** Two disjoint partial lenses can be paired */ def product[C1, C2, D1, D2](that: PLensFamily[C1, C2, D1, D2]): PLensFamily[(A1, C1), (A2, C2), (B1, D1), (B2, D2)] = plensFamily { case (a, c) => for { q <- run(a) r <- that run c } yield q *** r } /** alias for `product` */ def ***[C1, C2, D1, D2](that: PLensFamily[C1, C2, D1, D2]): PLensFamily[(A1, C1), (A2, C2), (B1, D1), (B2, D2)] = product(that) } object PLensFamily extends PLensInstances with PLensFunctions { def apply[A1, A2, B1, B2](r: A1 => Option[IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]]): PLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] = plensFamily(r) } trait PLensFamilyFunctions extends PLensInstances { import BijectionT._ def plensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2](r: A1 => Option[IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]]): PLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] = new PLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] { def run(a: A1): Option[IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]] = r(a) } def plensFamilyf[A1, A2, B1, B2](r: PartialFunction[A1, IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]]): PLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] = plensFamily(r.lift) def plensFamilyg[A1, A2, B1, B2](set: A1 => Option[B2 => A2], get: A1 => Option[B1]): PLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] = plensFamily(a => for { w <- set(a) x <- get(a) } yield IndexedStore(w, x)) /** The identity partial lens family for a given pair of objects */ def plensFamilyId[A1, A2]: PLensFamily[A1, A2, A1, A2] = LensFamily.lensFamilyId[A1, A2].partial /** A partial lens family that discards the choice of right or left from disjunction */ def codiagPLensFamily[A1, A2]: PLensFamily[A1 \/ A1, A2 \/ A2, A1, A2] = plensFamilyId[A1, A2] ||| plensFamilyId[A1, A2] /** The always-null partial lens family */ def nilFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2]: PLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] = plensFamily(_ => None) def somePLensFamily[A1, A2]: PLensFamily[Option[A1], Option[A2], A1, A2] = plensFamily(_ map (z => IndexedStore(Some(_), z))) def leftPLensFamily[A1, A2, B]: PLensFamily[A1 \/ B, A2 \/ B, A1, A2] = plensFamily { case -\/(a) => Some(IndexedStore(\/.left, a)) case \/-(_) => None } def rightPLensFamily[A, B1, B2]: PLensFamily[A \/ B1, A \/ B2, B1, B2] = plensFamily { case \/-(b) => Some(IndexedStore(\/.right, b)) case -\/(_) => None } def tuple2PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, B](lens: PLensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B), (A, B)]): (PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], PLensFamily[S1, S2, B, B]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S1, S2].unzip(lens) def tuple3PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C](lens: PLensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C), (A, B, C)]): (PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], PLensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], PLensFamily[S1, S2, C, C]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S1, S2].unzip3(lens.xmapbB(tuple3B)) def tuple4PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C, D](lens: PLensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C, D), (A, B, C, D)]): (PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], PLensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], PLensFamily[S1, S2, C, C], PLensFamily[S1, S2, D, D]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S1, S2].unzip4(lens.xmapbB(tuple4B)) def tuple5PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C, D, E](lens: PLensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C, D, E), (A, B, C, D, E)]): (PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], PLensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], PLensFamily[S1, S2, C, C], PLensFamily[S1, S2, D, D], PLensFamily[S1, S2, E, E]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S1, S2].unzip5(lens.xmapbB(tuple5B)) def tuple6PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C, D, E, H](lens: PLensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C, D, E, H), (A, B, C, D, E, H)]): (PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], PLensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], PLensFamily[S1, S2, C, C], PLensFamily[S1, S2, D, D], PLensFamily[S1, S2, E, E], PLensFamily[S1, S2, H, H]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S1, S2].unzip6(lens.xmapbB(tuple6B)) def tuple7PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C, D, E, H, I](lens: PLensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C, D, E, H, I), (A, B, C, D, E, H, I)]): (PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], PLensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], PLensFamily[S1, S2, C, C], PLensFamily[S1, S2, D, D], PLensFamily[S1, S2, E, E], PLensFamily[S1, S2, H, H], PLensFamily[S1, S2, I, I]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S1, S2].unzip7(lens.xmapbB(tuple7B)) def eitherLensFamily[S1, S2, A, B](l: PLensFamily[S1, S2, A \/ B, A \/ B]): (PLensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], PLensFamily[S1, S2, B, B]) = ( leftPLensFamily compose l , rightPLensFamily compose l ) import LazyOption._ def lazySomePLensFamily[A1, A2]: PLensFamily[LazyOption[A1], LazyOption[A2], A1, A2] = plensFamily(_.fold(z => Some(IndexedStore(lazySome(_), z)), None)) import LazyEither._ def lazyLeftPLensFamily[A1, A2, B]: PLensFamily[LazyEither[A1, B], LazyEither[A2, B], A1, A2] = plensFamily(_.fold(a => Some(IndexedStore(lazyLeft(_), a)), _ => None)) def lazyRightPLensFamily[A, B1, B2]: PLensFamily[LazyEither[A, B1], LazyEither[A, B2], B1, B2] = plensFamily(_.fold(_ => None, b => Some(IndexedStore(lazyRight(_), b)))) def factorPLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2]: PLensFamily[((A1, B1) \/ (A1, C1)), ((A2, B2) \/ (A2, C2)), (A1, B1 \/ C1), (A2, B2 \/ C2)] = ~LensFamily.factorLensFamily def distributePLensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2]: PLensFamily[(A1, B1 \/ C1), (A2, B2 \/ C2), ((A1, B1) \/ (A1, C1)), ((A2, B2) \/ (A2, C2))] = ~LensFamily.distributeLensFamily } trait PLensFunctions extends PLensInstances with PLensFamilyFunctions { import BijectionT._ def plens[A, B](r: A => Option[Store[B, A]]): PLens[A, B] = new PLens[A, B] { def run(a: A): Option[Store[B, A]] = r(a) } def plensf[A, B](r: PartialFunction[A, Store[B, A]]): PLens[A, B] = plens(r.lift) def plensg[A, B](set: A => Option[B => A], get: A => Option[B]): PLens[A, B] = plens(a => for { w <- set(a) x <- get(a) } yield Store(w, x)) def plensgf[A, B](set: PartialFunction[A, B => A], get: PartialFunction[A, B]): PLens[A, B] = plensg(set.lift, get.lift) /** The identity partial lens for a given object */ def plensId[A]: PLens[A, A] = LensFamily.lensId[A].partial /** The trivial partial lens that can retrieve Unit from anything */ def trivialPLens[A]: PLens[A, Unit] = LensFamily.trivialLens[A].partial /** A lens that discards the choice of right or left from disjunction */ def codiagPLens[A]: PLens[A \/ A, A] = plensId[A] ||| plensId[A] /** The always-null partial lens */ def nil[A, B]: PLens[A, B] = plens(_ => None) def somePLens[A]: Option[A] @?> A = plens(_ map (z => Store(Some(_), z))) def leftPLens[A, B]: (A \/ B) @?> A = plens { case -\/(a) => Some(Store(\/.left, a)) case \/-(_) => None } def rightPLens[A, B]: (A \/ B) @?> B = plens { case \/-(b) => Some(Store(\/.right, b)) case -\/(_) => None } def tuple2PLens[S, A, B](lens: PLens[S, (A, B)]): (PLens[S, A], PLens[S, B]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S, S].unzip(lens) def tuple3PLens[S, A, B, C](lens: PLens[S, (A, B, C)]): (PLens[S, A], PLens[S, B], PLens[S, C]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S, S].unzip3(lens.xmapbB(tuple3B)) def tuple4PLens[ S, A, B, C, D](lens: PLens[S, (A, B, C, D)]): (PLens[S, A], PLens[S, B], PLens[S, C], PLens[S, D]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S, S].unzip4(lens.xmapbB(tuple4B)) def tuple5PLens[S, A, B, C, D, E](lens: PLens[S, (A, B, C, D, E)]): (PLens[S, A], PLens[S, B], PLens[S, C], PLens[S, D], PLens[S, E]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S, S].unzip5(lens.xmapbB(tuple5B)) def tuple6PLens[S, A, B, C, D, E, H](lens: PLens[S, (A, B, C, D, E, H)]): (PLens[S, A], PLens[S, B], PLens[S, C], PLens[S, D], PLens[S, E], PLens[S, H]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S, S].unzip6(lens.xmapbB(tuple6B)) def tuple7PLens[S, A, B, C, D, E, H, I](lens: PLens[S, (A, B, C, D, E, H, I)]): (PLens[S, A], PLens[S, B], PLens[S, C], PLens[S, D], PLens[S, E], PLens[S, H], PLens[S, I]) = PLensFamilyUnzip[S, S].unzip7(lens.xmapbB(tuple7B)) def eitherLens[S, A, B](l: S @?> (A \/ B)): (S @?> A, S @?> B) = ( leftPLens compose l , rightPLens compose l ) import LazyOption._ def lazySomePLens[A]: LazyOption[A] @?> A = plens(_.fold(z => Some(Store(lazySome(_), z)), None)) import LazyEither._ def lazyLeftPLens[A, B]: LazyEither[A, B] @?> A = plens(_.fold(a => Some(Store(lazyLeft(_), a)), _ => None)) def lazyRightPLens[A, B]: LazyEither[A, B] @?> B = plens(_.fold(_ => None, b => Some(Store(lazyRight(_), b)))) def listHeadPLens[A]: List[A] @?> A = plens { case Nil => None case h :: t => Some(Store(_ :: t, h)) } def listTailPLens[A]: List[A] @?> List[A] = plens { case Nil => None case h :: t => Some(Store(h :: _, t)) } def listNthPLens[A](n: Int): List[A] @?> A = if(n < 0) nil else if(n == 0) listHeadPLens else listNthPLens(n - 1) compose listTailPLens def listLookupByPLens[K, V](p: K => Boolean): List[(K, V)] @?> V = { @annotation.tailrec def lookupr(t: (List[(K, V)], (K, V), List[(K, V)])): Option[(List[(K, V)], (K, V), List[(K, V)])] = t match { case (_, (k, _), _) if p(k) => Some(t) case (_, _ , Nil) => None case (l, x , r::rs) => lookupr(x::l, r, rs) } plens { case Nil => None case h :: t => lookupr(Nil, h, t) map { case (l, (k, v), r) => Store(w => l reverse_::: (k, w) :: r, v) } } } def listLookupPLens[K: Equal, V](k: K): List[(K, V)] @?> V = listLookupByPLens(Equal[K].equal(k, _)) def vectorHeadPLens[A]: Vector[A] @?> A = vectorNthPLens(0) def vectorNthPLens[A](n: Int): Vector[A] @?> A = plens(v => v.lift(n) map (a => Store(x => v patch (n, Vector(x), 1), a))) def vectorLastPLens[A]: Vector[A] @?> A = plens(v => v.lastOption map (a => Store(x => v patch (v.length - 1, Vector(x), 1), a))) import Stream._ def streamHeadPLens[A]: Stream[A] @?> A = plens { case Empty => None case h #:: t => Some(Store(_ #:: t, h)) } def streamTailPLens[A]: Stream[A] @?> Stream[A] = plens { case Empty => None case h #:: t => Some(Store(h #:: _, t)) } def streamNthPLens[A](n: Int): Stream[A] @?> A = if(n < 0) nil else if(n == 0) streamHeadPLens else streamNthPLens(n - 1) compose streamTailPLens def streamLookupByPLens[K, V](p: K => Boolean): Stream[(K, V)] @?> V = { @annotation.tailrec def lookupr(t: (Stream[(K, V)], (K, V), Stream[(K, V)])): Option[(Stream[(K, V)], (K, V), Stream[(K, V)])] = t match { case (_, (k, _), _) if p(k) => Some(t) case (_, _ , Stream.Empty) => None case (l, x , r #:: rs) => lookupr(x #:: l, r, rs) } plens { case Stream.Empty => None case h #:: t => lookupr(Stream.empty, h, t) map { case (l, (k, v), r) => Store(w => l.reverse #::: (k, w) #:: r, v) } } } def streamLookupPLens[K: Equal, V](k: K): Stream[(K, V)] @?> V = streamLookupByPLens(Equal[K].equal(k, _)) def ephemeralStreamHeadPLens[A]: EphemeralStream[A] @?> A = plens(s => if(s.isEmpty) None else Some(Store(EphemeralStream.cons(_, s.tail()), s.head())) ) def ephemeralStreamTailPLens[A]: EphemeralStream[A] @?> EphemeralStream[A] = plens(s => if(s.isEmpty) None else Some(Store(EphemeralStream.cons(s.head(), _), s.tail())) ) def ephemeralStreamNthPLens[A](n: Int): EphemeralStream[A] @?> A = if(n < 0) nil else if(n == 0) ephemeralStreamHeadPLens else ephemeralStreamNthPLens(n - 1) compose ephemeralStreamTailPLens def ephemeralStreamLookupByPLens[K, V](p: K => Boolean): EphemeralStream[(K, V)] @?> V = { import EphemeralStream.cons @annotation.tailrec def lookupr(t: (EphemeralStream[(K, V)], (K, V), EphemeralStream[(K, V)])): Option[(EphemeralStream[(K, V)], (K, V), EphemeralStream[(K, V)])] = t match { case (_, (k, _), _) if p(k) => Some(t) case (l, x , s) => if(s.isEmpty) None else lookupr((cons(x, l), s.head(), s.tail())) } plens(s => if(s.isEmpty) None else lookupr((EphemeralStream.emptyEphemeralStream, s.head(), s.tail())) map { case (l, (k, v), r) => Store(w => l.reverse ++ cons((k, w), r), v) } ) } def ephemeralStreamLookupPLens[K: Equal, V](k: K): EphemeralStream[(K, V)] @?> V = ephemeralStreamLookupByPLens(Equal[K].equal(k, _)) import LensFamily.mapVLens def mapVPLens[K, V](k: K): Map[K, V] @?> V = somePLens compose ~mapVLens[K, V](k) def factorPLens[A, B, C]: ((A, B) \/ (A, C)) @?> (A, B \/ C) = ~LensFamily.factorLens def distributePLens[A, B, C]: (A, B \/ C) @?> ((A, B) \/ (A, C)) = ~LensFamily.distributeLens } abstract class PLensInstances { import PLensFamily._ implicit val plensCategory: PLensCategory = new PLensCategory { } /** Partial Lenses may be used implicitly as State monadic actions that get the potentially viewed portion of the state */ implicit def PLensFamilyState[A, B](plens: PLensFamily[A, _, B, _]): PState[A, B] = plens.st implicit def PLensFamilyUnzip[S, R]: Unzip[λ[α => PLensFamily[S, R, α, α]]] = new Unzip[λ[α => PLensFamily[S, R, α, α]]] { def unzip[A, B](a: PLensFamily[S, R, (A, B), (A, B)]) = ( plensFamily(x => a run x map (c => { val (p, q) = c.pos IndexedStore(a => c.put((a, q)): R, p) })) , plensFamily(x => a run x map (c => { val (p, q) = c.pos IndexedStore(a => c.put((p, a)): R, q) })) ) } /** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to potential numbers viewed through a partial lens */ case class NumericPLens[S, N: Numeric](lens: S @?> N, num: Numeric[N]) { def +=(that: N): PState[S, N] = lens %= (num.plus(_, that)) def -=(that: N): PState[S, N] = lens %= (num.minus(_, that)) def *=(that: N): PState[S, N] = lens %= (num.times(_, that)) } implicit def numericPLens[S, N: Numeric](lens: S @?> N) = NumericPLens[S, N](lens, implicitly[Numeric[N]]) /** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to potential numbers viewed through a partial lens */ case class FractionalPLens[S, F](lens: S @?> F, frac: Fractional[F]) { def /=(that: F): PState[S, F] = lens %= (frac.div(_, that)) } implicit def fractionalPLens[S, F: Fractional](lens: S @?> F) = FractionalPLens[S, F](lens, implicitly[Fractional[F]]) /** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to potential numbers viewed through a partial lens */ case class IntegralPLens[S, I](lens: S @?> I, ig: Integral[I]) { def %=(that: I): PState[S, I] = lens %= (ig.quot(_, that)) } implicit def integralPLens[S, I: Integral](lens: S @?> I) = IntegralPLens[S, I](lens, implicitly[Integral[I]]) } private[scalaz] trait PLensCategory extends Choice[PLens] with Split[PLens] { def compose[A, B, C](bc: PLens[B, C], ab: PLens[A, B]): PLens[A, C] = ab >=> bc def id[A]: PLens[A, A] = PLensFamily.plensId def choice[A, B, C](f: => PLens[A, C], g: => PLens[B, C]): PLens[A \/ B, C] = PLensFamily.plens[A \/ B, C] { case -\/(a) => f run a map (_ map (\/.left)) case \/-(b) => g run b map (_ map (\/.right)) } def split[A, B, C, D](f: PLens[A, B], g: PLens[C, D]): PLens[(A, C), (B, D)] = f *** g } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala PLens.scala source code file: |
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paid back to open source projects.