Scala example source code file (Product.scala)
The Product.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import std.option.cata private trait ProductFunctor[F[_], G[_]] extends Functor[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] { implicit def F: Functor[F] implicit def G: Functor[G] override def map[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => B): (F[B], G[B]) = (F.map(fa._1)(f), G.map(fa._2)(f)) } private trait ProductApply[F[_], G[_]] extends Apply[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFunctor[F, G] { implicit def F: Apply[F] implicit def G: Apply[G] override def ap[A, B](fa: => (F[A], G[A]))(f: => (F[A => B], G[A => B])): (F[B], G[B]) = (F.ap(fa._1)(f._1), G.ap(fa._2)(f._2)) } private trait ProductApplicative[F[_], G[_]] extends Applicative[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductApply[F, G] { implicit def F: Applicative[F] implicit def G: Applicative[G] def point[A](a: => A): (F[A], G[A]) = (F.point(a), G.point(a)) } private trait ProductBind[F[_], G[_]] extends Bind[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductApply[F, G] { implicit def F: Bind[F] implicit def G: Bind[G] override def bind[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => (F[B], G[B])) = (F.bind(fa._1)(f.andThen(_._1)), G.bind(fa._2)(f.andThen(_._2))) } private trait ProductBindRec[F[_], G[_]] extends BindRec[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductBind[F, G] { implicit def F: BindRec[F] implicit def G: BindRec[G] override def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => (F[A \/ B], G[A \/ B]))(a: A) = (F.tailrecM(f.andThen(_._1))(a), G.tailrecM(f.andThen(_._2))(a)) } private trait ProductMonad[F[_], G[_]] extends Monad[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductBind[F, G] with ProductApplicative[F, G] { implicit def F: Monad[F] implicit def G: Monad[G] } private trait ProductPlus[F[_], G[_]] extends Plus[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] { implicit def F: Plus[F] implicit def G: Plus[G] def plus[A](a: (F[A], G[A]), b: => (F[A], G[A])): (F[A], G[A]) = (F.plus(a._1, b._1), G.plus(a._2, b._2)) } private trait ProductPlusEmpty[F[_], G[_]] extends PlusEmpty[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductPlus[F, G] { implicit def F: PlusEmpty[F] implicit def G: PlusEmpty[G] def empty[A]: (F[A], G[A]) = (F.empty[A], G.empty[A]) } private trait ProductApplicativePlus[F[_], G[_]] extends ApplicativePlus[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductApplicative[F, G] with ProductPlusEmpty[F, G] { implicit def F: ApplicativePlus[F] implicit def G: ApplicativePlus[G] } private trait ProductMonadPlus[F[_], G[_]] extends MonadPlus[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductApplicativePlus[F, G] with ProductMonad[F, G] { implicit def F: MonadPlus[F] implicit def G: MonadPlus[G] } private trait ProductFoldable[F[_], G[_]] extends Foldable[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] { implicit def F: Foldable[F] implicit def G: Foldable[G] override def foldRight[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]), z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = F.foldRight(fa._1, G.foldRight(fa._2, z)(f))(f) override def foldMap[A,B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => B)(implicit M: Monoid[B]): B = M.append(F.foldMap(fa._1)(f), G.foldMap(fa._2)(f)) override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]), z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = G.foldLeft(fa._2, F.foldLeft(fa._1, z)(f))(f) } private trait ProductFoldable1L[F[_], G[_]] extends Foldable1[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFoldable[F, G] { implicit def F: Foldable1[F] override def foldMapRight1[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = cata(G.foldMapRight1Opt(fa._2)(z)(f))(F.foldRight(fa._1, _)(f), F.foldMapRight1(fa._1)(z)(f)) override def foldMap1[A,B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => B)(implicit S: Semigroup[B]): B = { val resume = F.foldMap1(fa._1)(f) cata(G.foldMap1Opt(fa._2)(f))(S.append(resume, _), resume) } override def foldMapLeft1[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = G.foldLeft(fa._2, F.foldMapLeft1(fa._1)(z)(f))(f) } private trait ProductFoldable1R[F[_], G[_]] extends Foldable1[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFoldable[F, G] { implicit def G: Foldable1[G] override def foldMapRight1[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = F.foldRight(fa._1, G.foldMapRight1(fa._2)(z)(f))(f) override def foldMap1[A,B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => B)(implicit S: Semigroup[B]): B = { def resume = G.foldMap1(fa._2)(f) cata(F.foldMap1Opt(fa._1)(f))(S.append(_, resume), resume) } override def foldMapLeft1[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = cata(F.foldMapLeft1Opt(fa._1)(z)(f))(G.foldLeft(fa._2, _)(f), G.foldMapLeft1(fa._2)(z)(f)) } private trait ProductFoldable1[F[_], G[_]] extends Foldable1[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFoldable[F, G] { implicit def F: Foldable1[F] implicit def G: Foldable1[G] override def foldMapRight1[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = F.foldRight(fa._1, G.foldMapRight1(fa._2)(z)(f))(f) override def foldMap1[A,B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => B)(implicit S: Semigroup[B]): B = S.append(F.foldMap1(fa._1)(f), G.foldMap1(fa._2)(f)) override def foldMapLeft1[A, B](fa: (F[A], G[A]))(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = G.foldLeft(fa._2, F.foldMapLeft1(fa._1)(z)(f))(f) } private trait ProductTraverse[F[_], G[_]] extends Traverse[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFunctor[F, G] with ProductFoldable[F, G] { implicit def F: Traverse[F] implicit def G: Traverse[G] def traverseImpl[X[_]:Applicative, A, B](a: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => X[B]): X[(F[B], G[B])] = Applicative[X].tuple2(F.traverse(a._1)(f), G.traverse(a._2)(f)) } private trait ProductTraverse1L[F[_], G[_]] extends Traverse1[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFoldable1L[F, G] with ProductTraverse[F, G] { implicit def F: Traverse1[F] def traverse1Impl[X[_], A, B](a: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => X[B])(implicit X0: Apply[X]): X[(F[B], G[B])] = { def resume = F.traverse1(a._1)(f) X0.applyApplicative.traverse(a._2)(f andThen \/.left)(G) .fold(X0.tuple2(resume, _), pr => X0.map(resume)((_, pr))) } override def traverseImpl[X[_]:Applicative, A, B](a: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => X[B]): X[(F[B], G[B])] = super[ProductTraverse].traverseImpl(a)(f) } private trait ProductTraverse1R[F[_], G[_]] extends Traverse1[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFoldable1R[F, G] with ProductTraverse[F, G] { implicit def G: Traverse1[G] def traverse1Impl[X[_], A, B](a: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => X[B])(implicit X0: Apply[X]): X[(F[B], G[B])] = { def resume = G.traverse1(a._2)(f) X0.applyApplicative.traverse(a._1)(f andThen \/.left)(F) .fold(X0.tuple2(_, resume), pr => X0.map(resume)((pr, _))) } override def traverseImpl[X[_]:Applicative, A, B](a: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => X[B]): X[(F[B], G[B])] = super[ProductTraverse].traverseImpl(a)(f) } private trait ProductTraverse1[F[_], G[_]] extends Traverse1[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFoldable1[F, G] with ProductTraverse[F, G] { implicit def F: Traverse1[F] implicit def G: Traverse1[G] def traverse1Impl[X[_]:Apply, A, B](a: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => X[B]): X[(F[B], G[B])] = Apply[X].tuple2(F.traverse1(a._1)(f), G.traverse1(a._2)(f)) override def traverseImpl[X[_]:Applicative, A, B](a: (F[A], G[A]))(f: A => X[B]): X[(F[B], G[B])] = super[ProductTraverse].traverseImpl(a)(f) } private trait ProductDistributive[F[_], G[_]] extends Distributive[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFunctor[F, G] { implicit def F: Distributive[F] implicit def G: Distributive[G] def distributeImpl[X[_]:Functor, A, B](a: X[A])(f: A => (F[B], G[B])): (F[X[B]], G[X[B]]) = (F.distribute(a)(x => f(x)._1), G.distribute(a)(x => f(x)._2)) } private trait ProductAlign[F[_], G[_]] extends Align[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] with ProductFunctor[F, G] { implicit def F: Align[F] implicit def G: Align[G] def alignWith[A, B, C](f: (A \&/ B) => C): ((F[A], G[A]), (F[B], G[B])) => (F[C], G[C]) = { case ((fa, ga), (fb, gb)) => (F.alignWith(f)(fa, fb), G.alignWith(f)(ga, gb)) } } private trait ProductZip[F[_], G[_]] extends Zip[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] { implicit def F: Zip[F] implicit def G: Zip[G] def zip[A, B](a: => (F[A], G[A]), b: => (F[B], G[B])): (F[(A, B)], G[(A, B)]) = (F.zip(a._1, b._1), G.zip(a._2, b._2)) } private trait ProductUnzip[F[_], G[_]] extends Unzip[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] { implicit def F: Unzip[F] implicit def G: Unzip[G] def unzip[A, B](x: (F[(A, B)], G[(A, B)])): ((F[A], G[A]), (F[B], G[B])) = { val (fa, fb) = F.unzip(x._1) val (ga, gb) = G.unzip(x._2) ((fa, ga), (fb, gb)) } } private trait ProductBifunctor[F[_, _], G[_, _]] extends Bifunctor[λ[(α, β) => (F[α, β], G[α, β])]] { implicit def F: Bifunctor[F] implicit def G: Bifunctor[G] override def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: (F[A, B], G[A, B]))(f: A => C, g: B => D): (F[C, D], G[C, D]) = (F.bimap(fab._1)(f, g), G.bimap(fab._2)(f, g)) } private trait ProductBifoldable[F[_, _], G[_, _]] extends Bifoldable[λ[(α, β) => (F[α, β], G[α, β])]] { implicit def F: Bifoldable[F] implicit def G: Bifoldable[G] override def bifoldMap[A,B,M](fa: (F[A, B], G[A, B]))(f: A => M)(g: B => M)(implicit M: Monoid[M]): M = M.append(F.bifoldMap(fa._1)(f)(g), G.bifoldMap(fa._2)(f)(g)) override def bifoldRight[A,B,C](fa: (F[A, B], G[A, B]), z: => C)(f: (A, => C) => C)(g: (B, => C) => C): C = F.bifoldRight(fa._1, G.bifoldRight(fa._2, z)(f)(g))(f)(g) override def bifoldLeft[A,B,C](fa: (F[A, B], G[A, B]), z: C)(f: (C, A) => C)(g: (C, B) => C): C = G.bifoldLeft( fa._2, F.bifoldLeft( fa._1, z)(f)(g))(f)(g) } private trait ProductBitraverse[F[_, _], G[_, _]] extends Bitraverse[λ[(α, β) => (F[α, β], G[α, β])]] with ProductBifunctor[F, G] with ProductBifoldable[F, G] { implicit def F: Bitraverse[F] implicit def G: Bitraverse[G] def bitraverseImpl[X[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](x: (F[A, B], G[A, B]))(f: A => X[C], g: B => X[D]): X[(F[C, D], G[C, D])] = Applicative[X].tuple2(F.bitraverse(x._1)(f)(g), G.bitraverse(x._2)(f)(g)) } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Product.scala source code file: |
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