Scala example source code file (TreeLoc.scala)
The TreeLoc.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import TreeLoc._ import annotation.tailrec /** * A rose-tree zipper. Represents a [[scalaz.Tree]] together with a position in that tree. * Provides navigation, persistent update, insertion, and deletes. * * @param tree The currently selected node. * @param lefts The left siblings of the current node. * @param rights The right siblings of the current node. * @param parents The parent contexts of the current node. */ final case class TreeLoc[A](tree: Tree[A], lefts: TreeForest[A], rights: TreeForest[A], parents: Parents[A]) { import Tree._ /** Select the parent of the current node. */ def parent: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = parents match { case (pls, v, prs) #:: ps => Some(loc(Node(v, combChildren(lefts, tree, rights)), pls, prs, ps)) case Stream.Empty => None } /** Select the root node of the tree. */ @tailrec def root: TreeLoc[A] = parent match { case Some(z) => z.root case None => this } /** Select the left sibling of the current node. */ def left: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = lefts match { case t #:: ts => Some(loc(t, ts, tree #:: rights, parents)) case Stream.Empty => None } /** Select the right sibling of the current node. */ def right: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = rights match { case t #:: ts => Some(loc(t, tree #:: lefts, ts, parents)) case Stream.Empty => None } /** Select the leftmost child of the current node. */ def firstChild: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = tree.subForest match { case t #:: ts => Some(loc(t, Stream.Empty, ts, downParents)) case Stream.Empty => None } /** Select the rightmost child of the current node. */ def lastChild: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = tree.subForest.reverse match { case t #:: ts => Some(loc(t, ts, Stream.Empty, downParents)) case Stream.Empty => None } /** Select the nth child of the current node. */ def getChild(n: Int): Option[TreeLoc[A]] = for {lr <- splitChildren(Stream.Empty, tree.subForest, n) ls = lr._1 } yield loc(ls.head, ls.tail, lr._2, downParents) /** Select the first immediate child of the current node that satisfies the given predicate. */ def findChild(p: Tree[A] => Boolean): Option[TreeLoc[A]] = { @tailrec def split(acc: TreeForest[A], xs: TreeForest[A]): Option[(TreeForest[A], Tree[A], TreeForest[A])] = (acc, xs) match { case (acc, Stream.cons(x, xs)) => if (p(x)) Some((acc, x, xs)) else split(Stream.cons(x, acc), xs) case _ => None } for (ltr <- split(Stream.Empty, tree.subForest)) yield loc(ltr._2, ltr._1, ltr._3, downParents) } /** Select the first descendant node of the current node that satisfies the given predicate. */ def find(p: TreeLoc[A] => Boolean): Option[TreeLoc[A]] = Cobind[TreeLoc].cojoin(this).tree.flatten.find(p) /** Get the entire tree represented by this zipper. */ def toTree: Tree[A] = root.tree /** Get the entire forest represented by this zipper. */ def toForest: TreeForest[A] = combChildren(root.lefts, root.tree, root.rights) /** True if the current node is the root node. */ def isRoot: Boolean = parents.isEmpty /** True if the current node has no left siblings. */ def isFirst: Boolean = lefts.isEmpty /** True if the current node has no right siblings. */ def isLast: Boolean = rights.isEmpty /** True if the current node has no children. */ def isLeaf: Boolean = tree.subForest.isEmpty /** True if the current node is not the root node. */ def isChild: Boolean = !isRoot /** True if the current node has children. */ def hasChildren: Boolean = !isLeaf /** Replace the current node with the given one. */ def setTree(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, lefts, rights, parents) /** Modify the current node with the given function. */ def modifyTree(f: Tree[A] => Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = setTree(f(tree)) /** Modify the label at the current node with the given function. */ def modifyLabel(f: A => A): TreeLoc[A] = setLabel(f(getLabel)) /** Get the label of the current node. */ def getLabel: A = tree.rootLabel /** Set the label of the current node. */ def setLabel(a: A): TreeLoc[A] = modifyTree((t: Tree[A]) => Node(a, t.subForest)) /** Insert the given node to the left of the current node and give it focus. */ def insertLeft(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, lefts, Stream.cons(tree, rights), parents) /** Insert the given node to the right of the current node and give it focus. */ def insertRight(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, Stream.cons(tree, lefts), rights, parents) /** Insert the given node as the first child of the current node and give it focus. */ def insertDownFirst(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, Stream.Empty, tree.subForest, downParents) /** Insert the given node as the last child of the current node and give it focus. */ def insertDownLast(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, tree.subForest.reverse, Stream.Empty, downParents) /** Insert the given node as the nth child of the current node and give it focus. */ def insertDownAt(n: Int, t: Tree[A]): Option[TreeLoc[A]] = for (lr <- splitChildren(Stream.Empty, tree.subForest, n)) yield loc(t, lr._1, lr._2, downParents) /** Delete the current node and all its children. */ def delete: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = rights match { case Stream.cons(t, ts) => Some(loc(t, lefts, ts, parents)) case _ => lefts match { case Stream.cons(t, ts) => Some(loc(t, ts, rights, parents)) case _ => for (loc1 <- parent) yield loc1.modifyTree((t: Tree[A]) => Node(t.rootLabel, Stream.Empty)) } } /** * The path from the focus to the root. */ def path: Stream[A] = getLabel #:: parents.map(_._2) /** Maps the given function over the elements. */ def map[B](f: A => B): TreeLoc[B] = { val ff = (_: Tree[A]).map(f) TreeLoc.loc(tree map f, lefts map ff, rights map ff, parents.map { case (l, t, r) => (l map ff, f(t), r map ff) }) } def cojoin: TreeLoc[TreeLoc[A]] = { val lft = (_: TreeLoc[A]).left val rgt = (_: TreeLoc[A]).right def dwn[A](tz: TreeLoc[A]): (TreeLoc[A], () => Stream[TreeLoc[A]]) = { val f = () => std.stream.unfold(tz.firstChild) { (o: Option[TreeLoc[A]]) => for (c <- o) yield (c, c.right) } (tz, f) } def uf[A](a: TreeLoc[A], f: TreeLoc[A] => Option[TreeLoc[A]]): Stream[Tree[TreeLoc[A]]] = { std.stream.unfold(f(a)) { (o: Option[TreeLoc[A]]) => for (c <- o) yield (Tree.unfoldTree(c)(dwn[A](_: TreeLoc[A])), f(c)) } } val p = std.stream.unfold(parent) { (o: Option[TreeLoc[A]]) => for (z <- o) yield ((uf(z, lft), z, uf(z, rgt)), z.parent) } TreeLoc.loc(Tree.unfoldTree(this)(dwn[A](_: TreeLoc[A])), uf(this, lft), uf(this, rgt), p) } private def downParents = (lefts, tree.rootLabel, rights) #:: parents private def combChildren[A](ls: Stream[A], t: A, rs: Stream[A]) = ls.foldLeft(t #:: rs)((a, b) => b #:: a) @tailrec private def splitChildren[A](acc: Stream[A], xs: Stream[A], n: Int): Option[(Stream[A], Stream[A])] = (acc, xs, n) match { case (acc, xs, 0) => Some((acc, xs)) case (acc, Stream.cons(x, xs), n) => splitChildren(Stream.cons(x, acc), xs, n - 1) case _ => None } } sealed abstract class TreeLocInstances { implicit val treeLocInstance: Comonad[TreeLoc] with Traverse1[TreeLoc] = new Comonad[TreeLoc] with Traverse1[TreeLoc] { import Stream.Empty import scalaz.std.stream._ def copoint[A](p: TreeLoc[A]): A = p.tree.rootLabel override def map[A, B](fa: TreeLoc[A])(f: A => B): TreeLoc[B] = fa map f def cobind[A, B](fa: TreeLoc[A])(f: TreeLoc[A] => B): TreeLoc[B] = map(cojoin(fa))(f) override def cojoin[A](a: TreeLoc[A]): TreeLoc[TreeLoc[A]] = a.cojoin override def all[A](fa: TreeLoc[A])(f: A => Boolean) = Foldable[Tree].all(fa.tree)(f) && ForestT.all(fa.lefts)(f) && ForestT.all(fa.rights)(f) && ParentsT.all(fa.parents)(f) override def any[A](fa: TreeLoc[A])(f: A => Boolean) = Foldable[Tree].any(fa.tree)(f) || ForestT.any(fa.lefts)(f) || ForestT.any(fa.rights)(f) || ParentsT.any(fa.parents)(f) override def foldMap1[A, B](fa: TreeLoc[A])(f: A => B)(implicit B: Semigroup[B]) = foldMapLeft1(fa)(f)((b, a) => B.append(b, f(a))) override def foldMap[A, B](fa: TreeLoc[A])(f: A => B)(implicit B: Monoid[B]) = B.append( B.append( Foldable[Tree].foldMap(fa.tree)(f), ForestT.foldMap(fa.lefts)(f) ), B.append( ForestT.foldMap(fa.rights)(f), ParentsT.foldMap(fa.parents)(f) ) ) override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: TreeLoc[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B) = ParentsT.foldLeft( fa.parents, ForestT.foldLeft( fa.rights, ForestT.foldLeft( fa.lefts, Foldable[Tree].foldLeft(fa.tree, z)(f))(f))(f))(f) override def foldMapLeft1[A, B](fa: TreeLoc[A])(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B) = ParentsT.foldLeft( fa.parents, ForestT.foldLeft( fa.rights, ForestT.foldLeft( fa.lefts, Foldable1[Tree].foldMapLeft1(fa.tree)(z)(f))(f))(f))(f) override def traverse1Impl[G[_], A, B](fa: TreeLoc[A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Apply[G]) = fa.lefts match { case l #:: ls => val lefts1 = ForestT1.traverse1(OneAnd(l, ls))(f) fa.rights match { case r #:: rs => val rights1 = ForestT1.traverse1(OneAnd(r, rs))(f) fa.parents match { case p #:: ps => G.apply4(fa.tree.traverse1(f), lefts1, rights1, ParentsT1.traverse1(OneAnd(p, ps))(f))( (tree, lefts, rights, parents) => TreeLoc( tree = tree, lefts = lefts.head #:: lefts.tail, rights = rights.head #:: rights.tail, parents = parents.head #:: parents.tail ) ) case Empty => G.apply3(fa.tree.traverse1(f), lefts1, rights1)( (tree, lefts, rights) => TreeLoc( tree = tree, lefts = lefts.head #:: lefts.tail, rights = rights.head #:: rights.tail, parents = Empty ) ) } case Empty => fa.parents match { case p #:: ps => G.apply3(fa.tree.traverse1(f), lefts1, ParentsT1.traverse1(OneAnd(p, ps))(f))( (tree, lefts, parents) => TreeLoc( tree = tree, lefts = lefts.head #:: lefts.tail, rights = Empty, parents = parents.head #:: parents.tail ) ) case Empty => G.apply2(fa.tree.traverse1(f), lefts1)( (tree, lefts) => TreeLoc( tree = tree, lefts = lefts.head #:: lefts.tail, rights = Empty, parents = Empty ) ) } } case Empty => fa.rights match { case r #:: rs => val rights1 = ForestT1.traverse1(OneAnd(r, rs))(f) fa.parents match { case p #:: ps => G.apply3(fa.tree.traverse1(f), rights1, ParentsT1.traverse1(OneAnd(p, ps))(f))( (tree, rights, parents) => TreeLoc( tree = tree, lefts = Empty, rights = rights.head #:: rights.tail, parents = parents.head #:: parents.tail ) ) case Empty => G.apply2(fa.tree.traverse1(f), rights1)( (tree, rights) => TreeLoc( tree = tree, lefts = Empty, rights = rights.head #:: rights.tail, parents = Empty ) ) } case Empty => fa.parents match { case p #:: ps => G.apply2(fa.tree.traverse1(f), ParentsT1.traverse1(OneAnd(p, ps))(f))( (tree, parents) => TreeLoc( tree = tree, lefts = Empty, rights = Empty, parents = parents.head #:: parents.tail ) ) case Empty => G.map(fa.tree.traverse1(f))(t => TreeLoc(t, Empty, Empty, Empty) ) } } } override def foldMapRight1[A, B](fa: TreeLoc[A])(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) = ParentsT.foldMapRight1Opt(fa.parents)(z)(f) match { case Some(p) => fa.tree.foldRight( ForestT.foldRight(fa.lefts, ForestT.foldRight(fa.rights, p)(f))(f) )(f) case None => ForestT.foldMapRight1Opt(fa.rights)(z)(f) match { case Some(r) => fa.tree.foldRight(ForestT.foldRight(fa.lefts, r)(f))(f) case None => ForestT.foldMapRight1Opt(fa.lefts)(z)(f) match { case Some(l) => fa.tree.foldRight(l)(f) case None => Foldable1[Tree].foldMapRight1(fa.tree)(z)(f) } } } private[this] val ForestT: Traverse[TreeForest] = Traverse[Stream].compose[Tree] private[this] val ForestT1: Traverse1[Lambda[a => OneAnd[Stream, Tree[a]]]] = Traverse1[Lambda[a => OneAnd[Stream, a]]].compose[Tree] private[this] implicit val ParentT: Traverse1[Parent] = new Traverse1[Parent] { override def all[A](fa: Parent[A])(f: A => Boolean) = ForestT.all(fa._1)(f) && f(fa._2) && ForestT.all(fa._3)(f) override def any[A](fa: Parent[A])(f: A => Boolean) = ForestT.any(fa._1)(f) || f(fa._2) || ForestT.any(fa._3)(f) override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: Parent[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B) = ForestT.foldLeft(fa._3, f(ForestT.foldLeft(fa._1, z)(f), fa._2))(f) override def foldMap[A, B](fa: Parent[A])(f: A => B)(implicit B: Monoid[B]) = B.append(B.append(ForestT.foldMap(fa._1)(f), f(fa._2)), ForestT.foldMap(fa._3)(f)) override def traverse1Impl[G[_], A, B](fa: Parent[A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Apply[G]): G[Parent[B]] = { (fa._1, fa._3) match { case (x #:: xs, y #:: ys) => G.apply3(ForestT1.traverse1(OneAnd(x, xs))(f), f(fa._2), ForestT1.traverse1(OneAnd(y, ys))(f)) { case (l, c, r) => (l.head #:: l.tail, c, r.head #:: r.tail) } case (x #:: xs, _) => G.apply2(ForestT1.traverse1(OneAnd(x, xs))(f), f(fa._2)) { case (l, c) => (l.head #:: l.tail, c, Empty) } case (_, x #:: xs) => G.apply2(f(fa._2), ForestT1.traverse1(OneAnd(x, xs))(f)) { case (c, r) => (Empty, c, r.head #:: r.tail) } case (Empty, Empty) => G.map(f(fa._2))(c => (Empty, c, Empty)) } } override def foldMapRight1[A, B](fa: Parent[A])(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = ForestT.foldMapRight1Opt(fa._3)(z)(f) match { case Some(r) => ForestT.foldRight(fa._1, f(fa._2, r))(f) case None => ForestT.foldRight(fa._1, z(fa._2))(f) } } private[this] val ParentsT: Traverse[Parents] = Traverse[Stream].compose[Parent] private[this] val ParentsT1: Traverse1[Lambda[a => OneAnd[Stream, Parent[a]]]] = Traverse1[Lambda[a => OneAnd[Stream, a]]].compose[Parent] } implicit def treeLocEqual[A](implicit A: Equal[A]): Equal[TreeLoc[A]] = new TreeLocEqual[A] { def E = A } implicit def treeLocOrder[A](implicit A: Order[A]): Order[TreeLoc[A]] = new Order[TreeLoc[A]] with TreeLocEqual[A] { def E = A import std.stream._, std.tuple._ override def order(a: TreeLoc[A], b: TreeLoc[A]) = Divide[Order].deriving4(Function.unlift(TreeLoc.unapply[A])).order(a, b) } } object TreeLoc extends TreeLocInstances { type TreeForest[A] = Stream[Tree[A]] type Parent[A] = (TreeForest[A], A, TreeForest[A]) type Parents[A] = Stream[Parent[A]] def loc[A](t: Tree[A], l: TreeForest[A], r: TreeForest[A], p: Parents[A]): TreeLoc[A] = TreeLoc(t, l, r, p) def fromForest[A](ts: TreeForest[A]): Option[TreeLoc[A]] = ts match { case (Stream.cons(t, ts)) => Some(loc(t, Stream.Empty, ts, Stream.Empty)) case _ => None } } private trait TreeLocEqual[A] extends Equal[TreeLoc[A]] { implicit def E: Equal[A] import std.stream._, std.tuple._ override final def equal(a: TreeLoc[A], b: TreeLoc[A]) = { Equal[Tree[A]].equal(a.tree, b.tree) && Equal[TreeForest[A]].equal(a.lefts, b.lefts) && Equal[TreeForest[A]].equal(a.rights, b.rights) && Equal[Parents[A]].equal(a.parents, b.parents) } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala TreeLoc.scala source code file: |
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