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Scala example source code file (Validation.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Validation.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

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Java - Scala tags/keywords

applicative, boolean, equal, failure, order, semigroup, show, success, validation

The Validation.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

 * Represents either:
 *  - `Success(a)`, or
 *  - `Failure(e)`.
 * Isomorphic to `scala.Either` and `scalaz.\/`. The motivation for a `Validation` is to provide the instance
 * `Applicative[[a]Validation[E, a]]` that accumulate failures through a [[scalaz.Semigroup]]`[E]`.
 * [[scalaz.NonEmptyList]] is commonly chosen as a type constructor for the type `E`. As a convenience,
 * an alias `scalaz.ValidationNel[E]` is provided as a shorthand for `scalaz.Validation[NonEmptyList[E]]`,
 * and a method `Validation#toValidationNel` converts `Validation[E]` to `ValidationNel[E]`.
 * Example:
 * {{{
 * import scalaz._, std.AllInstances._
 * def parseInt(s: String): Validation[String, Int] =
 *   try { Success(s.toInt) } catch { case ex: NumberFormatException => Failure(ex.getMessage) }
 * val V = Applicative[ValidationNel[String, ?]]
 * val x: ValidationNel[String, Int] =
 *   V.apply2(parseInt("1.x").toValidationNel, parseInt("1..0").toValidationNel)(_ * _)
 *   // Failure(NonEmptyList(For input string: "1..0", For input string: "1.x"))
 * }}}
 * @tparam E The type of the `Failure`
 * @tparam A The type of the `Success`
sealed abstract class Validation[+E, +A] extends Product with Serializable {

  final class SwitchingValidation[X](s: => X){
    def <[X](success: => X): SwitchingValidation[X] =
    new SwitchingValidation[X](success)

  /** Return `true` if this validation is success. */
  def isSuccess: Boolean = this match {
    case Success(_) => true
    case Failure(_) => false

  /** Return `true` if this validation is failure. */
  def isFailure: Boolean = !isSuccess

  /** Catamorphism. Run the first given function if failure, otherwise, the second given function. */
  def fold[X](fail: E => X, succ: A => X): X = this match {
    case Success(x) => succ(x)
    case Failure(x) => fail(x)

  /** Spin in tail-position on the success value of this validation. */
  def loopSuccess[EE >: E, AA >: A, X](success: AA => X \/ Validation[EE, AA], failure: EE => X): X =
    Validation.loopSuccess(this, success, failure)

  /** Spin in tail-position on the failure value of this validation. */
  def loopFailure[EE >: E, AA >: A, X](success: AA => X, failure: EE => X \/ Validation[EE, AA]): X =
    Validation.loopFailure(this, success, failure)

  /** Flip the failure/success values in this validation. Alias for `swap` */
  def unary_~ : Validation[A, E] =

  /** Flip the failure/success values in this validation. Alias for `unary_~` */
  def swap: Validation[A, E] =
    this match {
      case Failure(a) => Success(a)
      case Success(b) => Failure(b)

  /** Run the given function on this swapped value. Alias for `~` */
  def swapped[EE, AA](k: Validation[A, E] => Validation[AA, EE]): Validation[EE, AA] =

  /** Run the given function on this swapped value. Alias for `swapped` */
  def ~[EE, AA](k: Validation[A, E] => Validation[AA, EE]): Validation[EE, AA] =

  /** Binary functor map on this validation. */
  def bimap[C, D](f: E => C, g: A => D): Validation[C, D] =
    this match {
      case Failure(a) => Failure(f(a))
      case Success(b) => Success(g(b))

  /** Run the given function on the left value. */
  def leftMap[C](f: E => C): Validation[C, A] =
    this match {
      case a @ Success(_) => a
      case Failure(e) => Failure(f(e))

  /** Binary functor traverse on this validation. */
  def bitraverse[G[_] : Functor, C, D](f: E => G[C], g: A => G[D]): G[Validation[C, D]] = this match {
    case Failure(a) => Functor[G].map(f(a))(Validation.failure)
    case Success(b) => Functor[G].map(g(b))(Validation.success)

  /** Map on the success of this validation. */
  def map[B](f: A => B): Validation[E, B] = this match {
    case Success(a) => Success(f(a))
    case e @ Failure(_) => e

  /** Traverse on the success of this validation. */
  def traverse[G[_] : Applicative, EE >: E, B](f: A => G[B]): G[Validation[EE, B]] = this match {
    case Success(a) => Applicative[G].map(f(a))(Validation.success)
    case e @ Failure(_) => Applicative[G].point(e)

  /** Run the side-effect on the success of this validation. */
  def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = this match {
    case Success(a) => f(a)
    case Failure(_) =>

  /** Apply a function in the environment of the success of this validation, accumulating errors. */
  def ap[EE >: E, B](x: => Validation[EE, A => B])(implicit E: Semigroup[EE]): Validation[EE, B] = (this, x) match {
    case (Success(a), Success(f))   => Success(f(a))
    case (e @ Failure(_), Success(_)) => e
    case (Success(_), e @ Failure(_)) => e
    case (Failure(e1), Failure(e2)) => Failure(E.append(e2, e1))

  /** Fold on the success of this validation. */
  def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = this match {
    case Success(a) => f(a, z)
    case Failure(_) => z

  /** Filter on the success of this validation. */
  def filter[EE >: E](p: A => Boolean)(implicit M: Monoid[EE]): Validation[EE, A] =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => this
      case Success(e) => if(p(e)) this else Failure(

  /** Return `true` if this validation is a success value satisfying the given predicate. */
  def exists(f: A => Boolean): Boolean = this match {
    case Success(a) => f(a)
    case Failure(_) => false

  /** Return `true` if this validation is a failure value or the success value satisfies the given predicate. */
  def forall(f: A => Boolean): Boolean = this match {
    case Success(a) => f(a)
    case Failure(_) => true

  /** Return an empty list or list with one element on the success of this validation. */
  def toList: List[A] =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => Nil
      case Success(a) => a :: Nil

  /** Return an empty stream or stream with one element on the success of this validation. */
  def toStream: Stream[A] =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => Stream()
      case Success(a) => Stream(a)

  /** Return an empty option or option with one element on the success of this validation. Useful to sweep errors under the carpet. */
  def toOption: Option[A] =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => None
      case Success(a) => Some(a)

  /** Return an empty maybe or maybe with the element on the success of this validation. Useful to sweep errors under the carpet. */
  def toMaybe[AA >: A]: Maybe[AA] =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => Maybe.empty
      case Success(a) => Maybe.just(a)

  /** Convert to a core `scala.Either` at your own peril. */
  def toEither: Either[E, A] =
    this match {
      case Success(a) => Right(a)
      case Failure(e) => Left(e)

  /** Return the success value of this validation or the given default if failure. Alias for `|` */
  def getOrElse[AA >: A](x: => AA): AA =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => x
      case Success(a) => a

  /** Return the success value of this validation or the given default if failure. Alias for `getOrElse` */
  def |[AA >: A](x: => AA): AA =

  /** Return the success value of this validation or run the given function on the failure. */
  def valueOr[AA >: A](x: E => AA): AA =
    this match {
      case Failure(a) => x(a)
      case Success(b) => b

  /** Return this if it is a success, otherwise, return the given value. Alias for `|||` */
  def orElse[EE >: E, AA >: A](x: => Validation[EE, AA]): Validation[EE, AA] =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => x
      case Success(_) => this

  /** Return this if it is a success, otherwise, return the given value. Alias for `orElse` */
  def |||[EE >: E, AA >: A](x: => Validation[EE, AA]): Validation[EE, AA] =

   * Sums up values inside validation, if both are success or failure. Returns first failure otherwise.
   * {{{
   * success(v1) +++ success(v2) → success(v1 + v2)
   * success(v1) +++ failure(v2) → failure(v2)
   * failure(v1) +++ success(v2) → failure(v1)
   * failure(v1) +++ failure(v2) → failure(v1 + v2)
   * }}}
  def +++[EE >: E, AA >: A](x: => Validation[EE, AA])(implicit M1: Semigroup[AA], M2: Semigroup[EE]): Validation[EE, AA] =
    this match {
      case Failure(a1) => x match {
        case Failure(a2) => Failure(M2.append(a1, a2))
        case Success(b2) => this
      case Success(b1) => x match {
        case b2 @ Failure(_) => b2
        case Success(b2) => Success(M1.append(b1, b2))

  /** Ensures that the success value of this validation satisfies the given predicate, or fails with the given value. */
  def ensure[EE >: E](onFailure: => EE)(f: A => Boolean): Validation[EE, A] =
    excepting({ case a if !f(a) => onFailure})

  /** Compare two validations values for equality. */
  def ===[EE >: E, AA >: A](x: Validation[EE, AA])(implicit EE: Equal[EE], EA: Equal[AA]): Boolean =
    this match {
      case Failure(e1) => x match {
        case Failure(e2) => Equal[EE].equal(e1, e2)
        case Success(_) => false
      case Success(a1) => x match {
        case Success(a2) => Equal[AA].equal(a1, a2)
        case Failure(_) => false

  /** Compare two validations values for ordering. */
  def compare[EE >: E, AA >: A](x: Validation[EE, AA])(implicit EE: Order[EE], EA: Order[AA]): Ordering =
    this match {
      case Failure(e1) => x match {
        case Failure(e2) => Order[EE].apply(e1, e2)
        case Success(_) => Ordering.LT
      case Success(a1) => x match {
        case Success(a2) => Order[AA].apply(a1, a2)
        case Failure(_) => Ordering.GT

  /** Show for a validation value. */
  def show[EE >: E, AA >: A](implicit SE: Show[EE], SA: Show[AA]): Cord =
    this match {
      case Failure(e) => ("Failure(": Cord) ++ Show[EE].show(e) :- ')'
      case Success(a) => ("Success(": Cord) ++ Show[AA].show(a) :- ')'

  /** If `this` and `that` are both success, or both a failure, combine them with the provided `Semigroup` for each. Otherwise, return the success. Alias for `+|+` */
  def append[EE >: E, AA >: A](that: Validation[EE, AA])(implicit es: Semigroup[EE], as: Semigroup[AA]): Validation[EE, AA] = (this, that) match {
    case (Success(a1), Success(a2))   => Success(as.append(a1, a2))
    case (Success(_), Failure(_)) => this
    case (Failure(_), Success(_)) => that
    case (Failure(e1), Failure(e2))   => Failure(es.append(e1, e2))

  /** If `this` and `that` are both success, or both a failure, combine them with the provided `Semigroup` for each. Otherwise, return the success. Alias for `append` */
  def +|+[EE >: E, AA >: A](x: Validation[EE, AA])(implicit es: Semigroup[EE], as: Semigroup[AA]): Validation[EE, AA] = append(x)

  /** If `this` is a success, return it; otherwise, if `that` is a success, return it; otherwise, combine the failures with the specified semigroup. */
  def findSuccess[EE >: E, AA >: A](that: => Validation[EE, AA])(implicit es: Semigroup[EE]): Validation[EE, AA] = this match {
    case Failure(e) => that match {
      case Failure(e0) => Failure(es.append(e, e0))
      case success => success

    case success => success

  /** Wraps the failure value in a [[scalaz.NonEmptyList]] */
  def toValidationNel[EE >: E, AA >: A]: ValidationNel[EE, AA] =
    this match {
      case a @ Success(_) => a
      case Failure(e) => Failure(NonEmptyList(e))

  /** Convert to a disjunction. */
  def disjunction: (E \/ A) =
    this match {
      case Success(a) => \/-(a)
      case Failure(e) => -\/(e)

  /** Run a disjunction function and back to validation again. Alias for `@\/` */
  def disjunctioned[EE, AA](k: (E \/ A) => (EE \/ AA)): Validation[EE, AA] =

  /** Run a disjunction function and back to validation again. Alias for `disjunctioned` */
  def @\/[EE, AA](k: (E \/ A) => (EE \/ AA)): Validation[EE, AA] =

   * Return a Validation formed by the application of a partial function across the
   * success of this value:
   * {{{
   *   strings map (_.parseInt excepting { case i if i < 0 => new Exception(s"Int must be positive: $i") })
   * }}}
   * @since 7.0.2
  def excepting[EE >: E](pf: PartialFunction[A, EE]): Validation[EE, A] = {
    import syntax.std.option._
    this match {
      case Success(s) => pf.lift(s) toFailure s
      case _          => this


final case class Success[A](a: A) extends Validation[Nothing, A]
final case class Failure[E](e: E) extends Validation[E, Nothing]

object Validation extends ValidationInstances {

  /** Spin in tail-position on the success value of the given validation. */
  final def loopSuccess[E, A, X](d: Validation[E, A], success: A => X \/ Validation[E, A], failure: E => X): X =
    d match {
      case Failure(e) => failure(e)
      case Success(a) => success(a) match {
        case -\/(x) => x
        case \/-(q) => loopSuccess(q, success, failure)

  /** Spin in tail-position on the failure value of the given validation. */
  final def loopFailure[E, A, X](d: Validation[E, A], success: A => X, failure: E => X \/ Validation[E, A]): X =
    d match {
      case Failure(e) => failure(e) match {
        case -\/(x) => x
        case \/-(q) => loopFailure(q, success, failure)
      case Success(a) => success(a)

  /** Import this if you wish to use `flatMap` */
  object FlatMap {
    @inline implicit def ValidationFlatMapRequested[E, A](d: Validation[E, A]): ValidationFlatMap[E, A] =
      new ValidationFlatMap(d)

  /** Construct a success validation value. */
  def success[E, A]: A => Validation[E, A] =

  /** Construct a failure validation value. */
  def failure[E, A]: E => Validation[E, A] =

  /** Wrap a value in a `NonEmptyList` and construct a failure validation out of it. */
  def failureNel[E, A](e: E): ValidationNel[E, A] =

  def lift[E, A](a: A)(f : A => Boolean, fail: E) : Validation[E, A] =
    if (f(a)) failure(fail) else success(a)

  def liftNel[E, A](a: A)(f : A => Boolean, fail: E) : ValidationNel[E, A] =
    lift(a)(f, fail).toValidationNel

  def fromTryCatchThrowable[T, E <: Throwable](a: => T)(implicit nn: NotNothing[E], ex: ClassTag[E]): Validation[E, T] = try {
  } catch {
    case e if ex.runtimeClass.isInstance(e) => Failure(e.asInstanceOf[E])

  def fromTryCatchNonFatal[T](a: => T): Validation[Throwable, T] = try {
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(t) => Failure(t)

  /** Construct a `Validation` from an `Either`. */
  def fromEither[E, A](e: Either[E, A]): Validation[E, A] =
    e.fold(failure, success)

sealed abstract class ValidationInstances extends ValidationInstances0 {
  type \?/[+E, +A] =
  Validation[E, A]

sealed abstract class ValidationInstances0 extends ValidationInstances1 {

  implicit def ValidationOrder[E: Order, A: Order]: Order[Validation[E, A]] = new Order[Validation[E, A]] {
    def order(f1: Validation[E, A], f2: Validation[E, A]) =
      f1 compare f2
    override def equal(f1: Validation[E, A], f2: Validation[E, A]) =
      f1 === f2

  implicit def ValidationMonoid[E: Semigroup, A: Monoid]: Monoid[Validation[E, A]] =
    new Monoid[Validation[E, A]] {
      def append(a1: Validation[E, A], a2: => Validation[E, A]) =
        a1 +++ a2
      def zero =

  implicit def ValidationAssociative: Associative[Validation] = new Associative[Validation] {
    override def reassociateLeft[A, B, C](f: Validation[A, Validation[B, C]]): Validation[Validation[A, B], C] =
        a => Failure(Failure(a)),
          b => Failure(Success(b)),

    override def reassociateRight[A, B, C](f: Validation[Validation[A, B], C]): Validation[A, Validation[B, C]] =
          b => Success(Failure(b))
        c => Success(Success(c))


final class ValidationFlatMap[E, A] private[scalaz](val self: Validation[E, A]) extends AnyVal {
  /** Bind through the success of this validation. */
  def flatMap[EE >: E, B](f: A => Validation[EE, B]): Validation[EE, B] =
    self match {
      case Success(a) => f(a)
      case e @ Failure(_) => e

sealed abstract class ValidationInstances1 extends ValidationInstances2 {
  implicit def ValidationEqual[E: Equal, A: Equal]: Equal[Validation[E, A]] =
      new Equal[Validation[E, A]] {
        def equal(a1: Validation[E, A], a2: Validation[E, A]) =
          a1 === a2

  implicit def ValidationShow[E: Show, A: Show]: Show[Validation[E, A]] =

  implicit def ValidationSemigroup[E: Semigroup, A: Semigroup]: Semigroup[Validation[E, A]] =
    new Semigroup[Validation[E, A]] {
      def append(a1: Validation[E, A], a2: => Validation[E, A]) =
        a1 +++ a2

sealed abstract class ValidationInstances2 extends ValidationInstances3 {
  implicit def ValidationInstances1[L]: Traverse[Validation[L, ?]] with Cozip[Validation[L, ?]] with Plus[Validation[L, ?]] with Optional[Validation[L, ?]] =
    new Traverse[Validation[L, ?]] with Cozip[Validation[L, ?]] with Plus[Validation[L, ?]] with Optional[Validation[L, ?]] {

      override def map[A, B](fa: Validation[L, A])(f: A => B) =
        fa map f

      def traverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B](fa: Validation[L, A])(f: A => G[B]) =

      override def foldRight[A, B](fa: Validation[L, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) =

      def cozip[A, B](x: Validation[L, A \/ B]) =
        x match {
          case l @ Failure(_) => -\/(l)
          case Success(e) => e match {
            case -\/(a) => -\/(Success(a))
            case \/-(b) => \/-(Success(b))

      def plus[A](a: Validation[L, A], b: => Validation[L, A]) =
        a orElse b

      def pextract[B, A](fa: Validation[L,A]): Validation[L,B] \/ A =
        fa.fold(l => -\/(Failure(l)), \/.right)

sealed abstract class ValidationInstances3 {
  implicit val ValidationInstances0 : Bitraverse[Validation] =
    new Bitraverse[Validation] {
      override def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Validation[A, B])
                                    (f: A => C, g: B => D) = fab bimap (f, g)

      def bitraverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fab: Validation[A, B])
                                                    (f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D]) =
        fab.bitraverse(f, g)

  implicit def ValidationApplicative[L: Semigroup]: Applicative[Validation[L, ?]] =
    new Applicative[Validation[L, ?]] {
      override def map[A, B](fa: Validation[L, A])(f: A => B) =
        fa map f

      def point[A](a: => A) =

      def ap[A, B](fa: => Validation[L, A])(f: => Validation[L, A => B]) =
        fa ap f


Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Validation.scala source code file:

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