Scala example source code file (Yoneda.scala)
The Yoneda.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz /** * The cofree functor generated by `F`. The Yoneda lemma says that * `Yoneda[F,A]` is isomorphic to `F[A]` for any functor `F`. * The homomorphism from `Yoneda[F,A]` to `F[A]` exists even when * we have forgotten that `F` is a functor. * Can be seen as a partially applied `map` for the functor `F`. */ abstract class Yoneda[F[_], A] { yo => def apply[B](f: A => B): F[B] /** Converts to `F[A]` even without a `Functor` instance for `F` */ def run: F[A] = apply(a => a) /** Converts to `Coyoneda[F,A]` even without a `Functor` instance for `F` */ def toCoyoneda: Coyoneda.Aux[F,A,A] = Coyoneda(run)(identity[A]) /** Simple function composition. Allows map fusion without traversing an `F`. */ def map[B](f: A => B): Yoneda[F, B] = new Yoneda[F, B] { def apply[C](g: B => C) = yo(f andThen g) } import Id._ /** `Yoneda[F, _]` is the right Kan extension of `F` along `Id` */ def toRan: Ran[Id, F, A] = new Ran[Id, F, A] { def apply[B](f: A => B) = yo(f) } /** `Yoneda` is a comonad in an endofunctor category */ def extend[G[_]:Functor](f: Yoneda[F,?] ~> G): Yoneda[G,A] = Yoneda(f(this)) /** `Yoneda` is a monad in an endofunctor category */ def flatMap[G[_]](f: F ~> Yoneda[G,?]): Yoneda[G,A] = f(run) } object Yoneda { /** `Yoneda[F,_]` is a functor for any `F` */ implicit def yonedaFunctor[F[_]]: Functor[Yoneda[F, ?]] = new Functor[Yoneda[F, ?]] { def map[A,B](ya: Yoneda[F,A])(f: A => B) = ya map f } /** `F[A]` converts to `Yoneda[F,A]` for any functor `F` */ def apply[F[_]:Functor,A](fa: F[A]): Yoneda[F, A] = new Yoneda[F, A] { def apply[B](f: A => B) = Functor[F].map(fa)(f) } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Yoneda.scala source code file: |
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