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Scala example source code file (Zipper.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Zipper.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

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applicative, boolean, int, none, option, some, stream, zipper

The Zipper.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import annotation.tailrec

 * Provides a pointed stream, which is a non-empty zipper-like stream structure that tracks an index (focus)
 * position in a stream. Focus can be moved forward and backwards through the stream, elements can be inserted
 * before or after the focused position, and the focused item can be deleted.
 * <p/>
 * Based on the pointedlist library by Jeff Wheeler.
final case class Zipper[+A](lefts: Stream[A], focus: A, rights: Stream[A]) {
  import Zipper._

  def map[B](f: A => B): Zipper[B] =
    zipper(lefts map f, f(focus), rights map f)

   * Get the Stream representation of this Zipper. This fully traverses `lefts`. `rights` is
   * not evaluated.
  def toStream: Stream[A] =
    lefts.reverse ++ focus #:: rights

   * Update the focus in this zipper.
  def update[AA >: A](focus: AA) = {
    this.copy(this.lefts, focus, this.rights)

   * Apply f to the focus and update with the result.
  def modify[AA >: A](f: A => AA) = this.update(f(this.focus))

   * Possibly moves to next element to the right of focus.
  def next: Option[Zipper[A]] = rights match {
    case Stream.Empty => None
    case r #:: rs     => Some(zipper(Stream.cons(focus, lefts), r, rs))

   * Possibly moves to next element to the right of focus.
  def nextOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    next getOrElse z

   * Possibly moves to the previous element to the left of focus.
  def previous: Option[Zipper[A]] = lefts match {
    case Stream.Empty => None
    case l #:: ls     => Some(zipper(ls, l, Stream.cons(focus, rights)))

   * Possibly moves to previous element to the left of focus.
  def previousOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    previous getOrElse z

   * Moves to the previous element to the left of focus, or error if there is no element on the left.
  def tryPrevious: Zipper[A] = previousOr(sys.error("cannot move to previous element"))

   * An alias for insertRight
  def insert[AA >: A]: (AA => Zipper[AA]) = insertRight(_: AA)

   * Inserts an element to the left of focus and focuses on the new element.
  def insertLeft[AA >: A](y: AA): Zipper[AA] = zipper(lefts, y, focus #:: rights)

   * Inserts an element to the right of focus and focuses on the new element.
  def insertRight[AA >: A](y: AA): Zipper[AA] = zipper(focus #:: lefts, y, rights)

   * An alias for `deleteRight`
  def delete: Option[Zipper[A]] = deleteRight

   * Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the left. If there is no element on the left,
   * focus is moved to the right.
  def deleteLeft: Option[Zipper[A]] = lefts match {
    case l #:: ls     => Some(zipper(ls, l, rights))
    case Stream.Empty => rights match {
      case r #:: rs     => Some(zipper(Stream.empty, r, rs))
      case Stream.Empty => None

   * Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the left. If there is no element on the left,
   * focus is moved to the right.
  def deleteLeftOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    deleteLeft getOrElse z

   * Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the right. If there is no element on the right,
   * focus is moved to the left.
  def deleteRight: Option[Zipper[A]] = rights match {
    case r #:: rs     => Some(zipper(lefts, r, rs))
    case Stream.Empty => lefts match {
      case l #:: ls     => Some(zipper(ls, l, Stream.empty))
      case Stream.Empty => None

   * Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the right. If there is no element on the right,
   * focus is moved to the left.
  def deleteRightOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    deleteRight getOrElse z

   * Deletes all elements except the focused element.
  def deleteOthers: Zipper[A] = zipper(Stream.Empty, focus, Stream.Empty)

  def foldLeft[B](b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
    Stream.cons(focus, rights).foldLeft(lefts.foldRight(b)((a, b) => f(b, a)))(f)

  def foldRight[B](b: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =
    lefts.foldLeft(Stream.cons(focus, rights).foldRight(b)((a, b) => f(a, b)))((a, b) => f(b, a))

  def length: Int =
    this.foldLeft(0)((b, _) => b + 1)

   * Whether the focus is on the first element in the zipper.
  def atStart: Boolean = lefts.isEmpty

   * Whether the focus is on the last element in the zipper.
  def atEnd: Boolean = rights.isEmpty

   * Pairs each element with a boolean indicating whether that element has focus.
  def withFocus: Zipper[(A, Boolean)] = zipper(, (focus, true),

   * Moves focus n elements in the zipper, or None if there is no such element.
   * @param  n  number of elements to move (positive is forward, negative is backwards)
  def move(n: Int): Option[Zipper[A]] = {
    def move0(z: Option[Zipper[A]], n: Int): Option[Zipper[A]] =
      if (n > 0 && rights.isEmpty || n < 0 && lefts.isEmpty) None
      else {
        if (n == 0) z
        else if (n > 0) move0(z flatMap ((_: Zipper[A]).next), n - 1)
        else move0(z flatMap ((_: Zipper[A]).previous), n + 1)
    move0(Some(this), n)

   * Moves focus to the start of the zipper.
  def start: Zipper[A] = {
    val rights = this.lefts.reverse ++ focus #:: this.rights
    this.copy(Stream.Empty, rights.head, rights.tail)

   * Moves focus to the end of the zipper.
  def end: Zipper[A] = {
    val lefts = this.rights.reverse ++ focus #:: this.lefts
    this.copy(lefts.tail, lefts.head, Stream.empty)

   * Moves focus to the nth element of the zipper, or the default if there is no such element.
  def moveOr[AA >: A](n: Int, z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    move(n) getOrElse z

   * Moves focus to the nearest element matching the given predicate, preferring the left,
   * or None if no element matches.
  def findZ(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] =
    if (p(focus)) Some(this)
    else {
      val c = this.positions, c.rights).find((x => p(x.focus)))

   * Moves focus to the nearest element matching the given predicate, preferring the left,
   * or the default if no element matches.
  def findZor[AA >: A](p: A => Boolean, z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    findZ(p) getOrElse z

   * Given a traversal function, find the first element along the traversal that matches a given predicate.
  def findBy[AA >: A](f: Zipper[AA] => Option[Zipper[AA]])(p: AA => Boolean): Option[Zipper[AA]] = {
    def go(zopt: Option[Zipper[AA]]): Option[Zipper[AA]] = {
      zopt match {
        case Some(z) => if (p(z.focus)) Some(z) else go(f(z))
        case None    => None

   * Moves focus to the nearest element on the right that matches the given predicate,
   * or None if there is no such element.
  def findNext(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] = findBy((z: Zipper[A]) =>

   * Moves focus to the previous element on the left that matches the given predicate,
   * or None if there is no such element.
  def findPrevious(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] = findBy((z: Zipper[A]) => z.previous)(p)

   * A zipper of all positions of the zipper, with focus on the current position.
  def positions: Zipper[Zipper[A]] = {
    val left = => (x, x)))
    val right = => (x, x)))

    zipper(left, this, right)

   * The index of the focus.
  def index: Int = lefts.length

   * Moves focus to the next element. If the last element is currently focused, loop to the first element.
  def nextC: Zipper[A] = (lefts, rights) match {
    case (Stream.Empty, Stream.Empty) => this
    case (_, Stream.Empty)            =>
      val xs = lefts.reverse
      zipper(rights, xs.head, xs.tail.append(Stream(focus)))
    case (_, r #:: rs)                =>
      zipper(Stream.cons(focus, lefts), r, rs)

   * Moves focus to the previous element. If the first element is currently focused, loop to the last element.
  def previousC: Zipper[A] = (lefts, rights) match {
    case (Stream.Empty, Stream.Empty) => this
    case (Stream.Empty, _)            =>
      val xs = rights.reverse
      zipper(xs.tail.append(Stream(focus)), xs.head, lefts)
    case (_, _)                       => tryPrevious

   * Deletes the focused element and moves focus to the left. If the focus was on the first element,
   * focus is moved to the last element.
  def deleteLeftC: Option[Zipper[A]] = lefts match {
    case l #:: ls     => Some(zipper(ls, l, rights))
    case Stream.Empty => rights match {
      case _ #:: _      => val rrev = rights.reverse; Some(zipper(rrev.tail, rrev.head, Stream.empty))
      case Stream.Empty => None

   * Deletes the focused element and moves focus to the left. If the focus was on the first element,
   * focus is moved to the last element.
  def deleteLeftCOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    deleteLeftC getOrElse z

   * Deletes the focused element and moves focus to the right. If the focus was on the last element,
   * focus is moved to the first element.
  def deleteRightC: Option[Zipper[A]] = rights match {
    case r #:: rs     => Some(zipper(lefts, r, rs))
    case Stream.Empty => lefts match {
      case _ #:: _      => val lrev = lefts.reverse; Some(zipper(Stream.empty, lrev.head, lrev.tail))
      case Stream.Empty => None

   * An alias for `deleteRightC`
  def deleteC: Option[Zipper[A]] = deleteRightC

   * Deletes the focused element and moves focus to the right. If the focus was on the last element,
   * focus is moved to the first element.
  def deleteRightCOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    deleteRightC getOrElse z

  def traverse[G[_] : Applicative, B](f: A => G[B]): G[Zipper[B]] = {
    val z = (Zipper.zipper(_: Stream[B], _: B, _: Stream[B])).curried
    val G = Applicative[G]
    G.apF(G.apF([Stream].traverse[G, A, B](lefts.reverse)(f))(s => z(s.reverse)))(f(focus)))(Traverse[Stream].traverse[G, A, B](rights)(f))

  def ap[B](f: => Zipper[A => B]): Zipper[B] = {
    val ls = map {
      case (aa, ff) => ff(aa)
    val rs = map {
      case (aa, ff) => ff(aa)
    zipper(ls, f.focus(focus), rs)

  override def toString: String = {
    "Zipper(<lefts>, " + focus + ", )"

object Zipper extends ZipperInstances {
  def zipper[A](ls: Stream[A], a: A, rs: Stream[A]): Zipper[A] =
    Zipper(ls, a, rs)

sealed abstract class ZipperInstances {
  import Zipper._

  implicit val zipperInstance: Traverse1[Zipper] with Applicative[Zipper] with Comonad[Zipper] = new Traverse1[Zipper] with Applicative[Zipper] with Comonad[Zipper] {
    override def cojoin[A](a: Zipper[A]): Zipper[Zipper[A]] =
    def cobind[A, B](fa: Zipper[A])(f: Zipper[A] => B): Zipper[B] =
    def copoint[A](p: Zipper[A]): A =
    override def traverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B](za: Zipper[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[Zipper[B]] =
      za traverse f
    override def foldRight[A, B](fa: Zipper[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =
    override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: Zipper[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
    override def foldMap[A, B](fa: Zipper[A])(f: A => B)(implicit F: Monoid[B]) =
      fa.foldLeft(, a) => F.append(b, f(a)))
    def point[A](a: => A): Zipper[A] =
      zipper(Stream.continually(a), a, Stream.continually(a))
    def ap[A, B](fa: => Zipper[A])(f: => Zipper[A => B]): Zipper[B] =
      fa ap f
    override def map[A, B](fa: Zipper[A])(f: A => B): Zipper[B] =
      fa map f
    override def all[A](fa: Zipper[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
      fa.lefts.forall(f) && f(fa.focus) && fa.rights.forall(f)
    override def any[A](fa: Zipper[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
      fa.lefts.exists(f) || f(fa.focus) || fa.rights.exists(f)
    override def foldMap1[A, B](fa: Zipper[A])(f: A => B)(implicit F: Semigroup[B]) =
        Foldable[Stream].foldMapRight1Opt(fa.lefts)(f)((a, b) => F.append(b, f(a))) match {
          case Some(b) => F.append(b, f(fa.focus))
          case None => f(fa.focus)
      )((b, a) => F.append(b, f(a)))
    override def foldMapRight1[A, B](fa: Zipper[A])(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) =
        Foldable[Stream].foldMapRight1Opt(fa.rights)(z)(f) match {
          case Some(b) => f(fa.focus, b)
          case None => z(fa.focus)
      )((b, a) => f(a, b))
    override def foldMapLeft1[A, B](fa: Zipper[A])(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B) =
        Foldable[Stream].foldMapRight1Opt(fa.lefts)(z)((a, b) => f(b, a)) match {
          case Some(b) => f(b, fa.focus)
          case None => z(fa.focus)
    override def traverse1Impl[G[_], A, B](fa: Zipper[A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Apply[G]) = {
      val F = Traverse1[OneAnd[Stream, ?]]
      fa.lefts.reverse match {
        case h1 #:: t1 =>
          val x =, t1))(f)) { s => (s.head #:: s.tail).reverse }
          fa.rights match {
            case h2 #:: t2 =>
              G.apply3(x, f(fa.focus), F.traverse1(OneAnd(h2, t2))(f)) { (l, z, r) =>
                Zipper(l, z, r.head #:: r.tail)
            case Stream.Empty =>
              G.apply2(x, f(fa.focus)) { (l, z) =>
                Zipper(l, z, Stream.Empty)
        case Stream.Empty =>
          fa.rights match {
            case h2 #:: t2 =>
              G.apply2(f(fa.focus), F.traverse1(OneAnd(h2, t2))(f)) { (z, r) =>
                Zipper(Stream.Empty, z, r.head #:: r.tail)
            case Stream.Empty =>
     { z =>
                Zipper(Stream.Empty, z, Stream.Empty)

  implicit def zipperEqual[A: Equal]: Equal[Zipper[A]] = new Equal[Zipper[A]] {
    def equal(a1: Zipper[A], a2: Zipper[A]) =
      streamEqual[A].equal(a1.lefts, a2.lefts) && Equal[A].equal(a1.focus, a2.focus) && streamEqual[A].equal(a1.rights, a2.rights)

  implicit def zipperShow[A: Show]: Show[Zipper[A]] = new Show[Zipper[A]]{

    override def show(f: Zipper[A]) =
        Show[Stream[A]].show(f.lefts), ", ",
        Show[A].show(f.focus), ", ",
        Show[Stream[A]].show(f.rights), ")")

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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