Scala example source code file (List.scala)
The List.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package std import scala.annotation.tailrec trait ListInstances0 { implicit def listEqual[A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[List[A]] = new ListEqual[A] { implicit def A = A0 } } trait ListInstances extends ListInstances0 { implicit val listInstance: Traverse[List] with MonadPlus[List] with BindRec[List] with Zip[List] with Unzip[List] with Align[List] with IsEmpty[List] with Cobind[List] = new Traverse[List] with MonadPlus[List] with BindRec[List] with Zip[List] with Unzip[List] with Align[List] with IsEmpty[List] with Cobind[List] { override def findLeft[A](fa: List[A])(f: A => Boolean) = fa.find(f) override def findRight[A](fa: List[A])(f: A => Boolean) = { @tailrec def loop(a: List[A], x: Option[A]): Option[A] = a match { case h :: t => loop(t, if(f(h)) Some(h) else x) case Nil => x } loop(fa, None) } override def index[A](fa: List[A], i: Int) = fa.lift.apply(i) override def length[A](fa: List[A]) = fa.length def point[A](a: => A) = a :: Nil def bind[A, B](fa: List[A])(f: A => List[B]) = fa flatMap f def empty[A] = Nil def plus[A](a: List[A], b: => List[A]) = a ++ b override def map[A, B](l: List[A])(f: A => B) = l map f override def filter[A](fa: List[A])(p: A => Boolean): List[A] = fa filter p def zip[A, B](a: => List[A], b: => List[B]) = { val _a = a if(_a.isEmpty) Nil else _a zip b } def unzip[A, B](a: List[(A, B)]) = a.unzip def alignWith[A, B, C](f: A \&/ B => C) = { @annotation.tailrec def loop(aa: List[A], bb: List[B], accum: List[C]): List[C] = (aa, bb) match { case (Nil, _) => accum reverse_::: bb.map(b => f(\&/.That(b))) case (_, Nil) => accum reverse_::: aa.map(a => f(\&/.This(a))) case (ah :: at, bh :: bt) => loop(at, bt, f(\&/.Both(ah, bh)) :: accum) } (a, b) => loop(a, b, Nil) } def traverseImpl[F[_], A, B](l: List[A])(f: A => F[B])(implicit F: Applicative[F]) = { // implementation with `foldRight` leads to SOE in: // // def wc(c: Char) = State[Boolean, Int]{(inWord) => // val s = c != ' ' // (test(!(inWord && s)), s) // } // val X = StateT.stateMonad[Boolean].traverse(List[Char]('a'))(wc) // foldRight(l, F.point(List[B]())) { // (a, fbs) => F.apply2(f(a), fbs)(_ :: _) // } DList.fromList(l).foldr(F.point(List[B]())) { (a, fbs) => F.apply2(f(a), fbs)(_ :: _) } } override def traverseS[S,A,B](l: List[A])(f: A => State[S,B]): State[S,List[B]] = { State((s: S) => { val buf = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[B] var cur = s l.foreach { a => val bs = f(a)(cur); buf += bs._2; cur = bs._1 } (cur, buf.toList) }) } override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: List[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = fa.foldLeft(z)(f) override def foldRight[A, B](fa: List[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) = { import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack val s = new ArrayStack[A] fa.foreach(a => s += a) var r = z while (!s.isEmpty) { // force and copy the value of r to ensure correctness val w = r r = f(s.pop, w) } r } override def toList[A](fa: List[A]) = fa def isEmpty[A](fa: List[A]) = fa.isEmpty def cobind[A, B](fa: List[A])(f: List[A] => B) = fa match { case Nil => Nil case _::t => f(fa) :: cobind(t)(f) } override def cojoin[A](a: List[A]) = a match { case Nil => Nil case _::t => a :: cojoin(t) } override def any[A](fa: List[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = fa.exists(p) override def all[A](fa: List[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = fa.forall(p) def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => List[A \/ B])(a: A): List[B] = { val bs = List.newBuilder[B] @scala.annotation.tailrec def go(xs: List[List[A \/ B]]): Unit = xs match { case (\/-(b) :: tail) :: rest => bs += b go(tail :: rest) case (-\/(a0) :: tail) :: rest => go(f(a0) :: tail :: rest) case Nil :: rest => go(rest) case Nil => } go(List(f(a))) bs.result } } implicit def listMonoid[A]: Monoid[List[A]] = new Monoid[List[A]] { def append(f1: List[A], f2: => List[A]) = f1 ::: f2 def zero: List[A] = Nil } implicit def listShow[A: Show]: Show[List[A]] = new Show[List[A]] { override def show(as: List[A]) = { def commaSep(rest: List[A], acc: Cord): Cord = rest match { case Nil => acc case x::xs => commaSep(xs, (acc :+ ",") ++ Show[A].show(x)) } "[" +: (as match { case Nil => Cord() case x::xs => commaSep(xs, Show[A].show(x)) }) :+ "]" } } implicit def listOrder[A](implicit A0: Order[A]): Order[List[A]] = new ListOrder[A] { implicit def A = A0 } } trait ListFunctions { /** Intersperse the element `a` between each adjacent pair of elements in `as` */ final def intersperse[A](as: List[A], a: A): List[A] = { @tailrec def intersperse0(accum: List[A], rest: List[A]): List[A] = rest match { case Nil => accum case x :: Nil => x :: accum case h :: t => intersperse0(a :: h :: accum, t) } intersperse0(Nil, as).reverse } final def tailOption[A](as: List[A]): Option[List[A]] = as match { case Nil => None case _ :: t => Some(t) } /** [[scala.Nil]] with a sometimes more convenient type */ final def nil[A]: List[A] = Nil final def toNel[A](as: List[A]): Option[NonEmptyList[A]] = as match { case Nil => None case h :: t => Some(NonEmptyList.nel(h, IList.fromList(t))) } final def toZipper[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] = stream.toZipper(as.toStream) final def zipperEnd[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] = stream.zipperEnd(as.toStream) /** * Returns `f` applied to the contents of `as` if non-empty, otherwise, the zero element of the `Monoid` for the type `B`. */ final def <^>[A, B: Monoid](as: List[A])(f: NonEmptyList[A] => B): B = as match { case Nil => Monoid[B].zero case h :: t => f(NonEmptyList.nel(h, IList.fromList(t))) } /** Run `p(a)`s and collect `as` while `p` yields true. Don't run * any `p`s after the first false. */ final def takeWhileM[A, M[_] : Monad](as: List[A])(p: A => M[Boolean]): M[List[A]] = as match { case Nil => Monad[M].point(Nil) case h :: t => Monad[M].bind(p(h))(b => if (b) Monad[M].map(takeWhileM(t)(p))((tt: List[A]) => h :: tt) else Monad[M].point(Nil)) } /** Run `p(a)`s and collect `as` while `p` yields false. Don't run * any `p`s after the first true. */ final def takeUntilM[A, M[_] : Monad](as: List[A])(p: A => M[Boolean]): M[List[A]] = takeWhileM(as)((a: A) => Monad[M].map(p(a))((b) => !b)) final def filterM[A, M[_] : Applicative](as: List[A])(p: A => M[Boolean]): M[List[A]] = Applicative[M].filterM(as)(p) /** Run `p(a)`s left-to-right until it yields a true value, * answering `Some(that)`, or `None` if nothing matched `p`. */ final def findM[A, M[_] : Monad](as: List[A])(p: A => M[Boolean]): M[Option[A]] = as match { case Nil => Monad[M].point(None: Option[A]) case h :: t => Monad[M].bind(p(h))(b => if (b) Monad[M].point(Some(h): Option[A]) else findM(t)(p)) } final def powerset[A](as: List[A]): List[List[A]] = { import list.listInstance filterM(as)(_ => true :: false :: Nil) } /** A pair of passing and failing values of `as` against `p`. */ final def partitionM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: A => M[Boolean])(implicit F: Applicative[M]): M[(List[A], List[A])] = as match { case Nil => F.point(Nil: List[A], Nil: List[A]) case h :: t => F.ap(partitionM(t)(p))(F.map(p(h))(b => { case (x, y) => if (b) (h :: x, y) else (x, h :: y) })) } /** A pair of the longest prefix of passing `as` against `p`, and * the remainder. */ final def spanM[A, M[_] : Monad](as: List[A])(p: A => M[Boolean]): M[(List[A], List[A])] = as match { case Nil => Monad[M].point(Nil, Nil) case h :: t => Monad[M].bind(p(h))(b => if (b) Monad[M].map(spanM(t)(p))((k: (List[A], List[A])) => (h :: k._1, k._2)) else Monad[M].point(Nil, as)) } /** `spanM` with `p`'s complement. */ final def breakM[A, M[_] : Monad](as: List[A])(p: A => M[Boolean]): M[(List[A], List[A])] = spanM(as)(a => Monad[M].map(p(a))((b: Boolean) => !b)) /** Split at each point where `p(as(n), as(n+1))` yields false. */ final def groupWhenM[A, M[_] : Monad](as: List[A])(p: (A, A) => M[Boolean]): M[List[NonEmptyList[A]]] = as match { case Nil => Monad[M].point(Nil) case h :: t => val stateP = (i: A) => StateT[M, A, Boolean](s => Monad[M].map(p(s, i))(i ->)) Monad[M].bind(spanM[A, StateT[M, A, ?]](t)(stateP).eval(h)) { case (x, y) => Monad[M].map(groupWhenM(y)(p))(g => NonEmptyList.nel(h, IList.fromList(x)) :: g) } } /** As with the standard library `groupBy` but preserving the fact that the values in the Map must be non-empty */ final def groupBy1[A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => B): Map[B, NonEmptyList[A]] = (Map.empty[B, NonEmptyList[A]] /: as) { (nels, a) => val b = f(a) nels + (b -> (nels get b map (a <:: _) getOrElse NonEmptyList(a))) } mapValues (_.reverse) /** `groupWhenM` specialized to [[scalaz.Id.Id]]. */ final def groupWhen[A](as: List[A])(p: (A, A) => Boolean): List[NonEmptyList[A]] = { @tailrec def span1(xs: List[A], s: A, l: List[A]): (List[A], List[A]) = xs match { case Nil => (l, Nil) case h :: t => if (p(s, h)) span1(t, h, h :: l) else (l, xs) } @tailrec def go(xs: List[A], acc: List[NonEmptyList[A]]): List[NonEmptyList[A]] = xs match { case Nil => acc.reverse case h :: t => val (x, y) = span1(t, h, Nil) go(y, NonEmptyList.nel(h, IList.fromList(x.reverse)) :: acc) } go(as, Nil) } private[this] def mapAccum[A, B, C](as: List[A])(c: C, f: (C, A) => (C, B)): (C, List[B]) = as.foldLeft((c, Nil: List[B])){ case ((c, bs), a) => val (c0, b) = f(c, a) (c0, b :: bs) } /** All of the `B`s, in order, and the final `C` acquired by a * stateful left fold over `as`. */ final def mapAccumLeft[A, B, C](as: List[A])(c: C, f: (C, A) => (C, B)): (C, List[B]) = { val (c0, list) = mapAccum(as)(c, f) (c0, list.reverse) } /** All of the `B`s, in order `as`-wise, and the final `C` acquired * by a stateful right fold over `as`. */ final def mapAccumRight[A, B, C](as: List[A])(c: C, f: (C, A) => (C, B)): (C, List[B]) = mapAccum(as.reverse)(c, f) /** `[as, as.tail, as.tail.tail, ..., Nil]` */ final def tailz[A](as: List[A]): List[List[A]] = as match { case Nil => Nil :: Nil case xxs@(_ :: xs) => xxs :: tailz(xs) } /** `[Nil, as take 1, as take 2, ..., as]` */ final def initz[A](as: List[A]): List[List[A]] = as match { case Nil => Nil :: Nil case xxs@(x :: xs) => Nil :: (initz(xs) map (x :: _)) } /** Combinations of `as` and `as`, excluding same-element pairs. */ final def allPairs[A](as: List[A]): List[(A, A)] = tailz(as).tail flatMap (as zip _) /** `[(as(0), as(1)), (as(1), as(2)), ... (as(size-2), as(size-1))]` */ final def adjacentPairs[A](as: List[A]): List[(A, A)] = as match { case Nil => Nil case (_ :: t) => as zip t } } object list extends ListInstances with ListFunctions { object listSyntax extends scalaz.syntax.std.ToListOps } private trait ListEqual[A] extends Equal[List[A]] { implicit def A: Equal[A] override def equalIsNatural: Boolean = A.equalIsNatural override def equal(a1: List[A], a2: List[A]) = (a1 corresponds a2)(Equal[A].equal) } private trait ListOrder[A] extends Order[List[A]] with ListEqual[A] { implicit def A: Order[A] import Ordering._ @annotation.tailrec final def order(a1: List[A], a2: List[A]) = (a1, a2) match { case (Nil, Nil) => EQ case (Nil, _::_) => LT case (_::_, Nil) => GT case (a::as, b::bs) => Order[A].order(a, b) match { case EQ => order(as, bs) case x => x } } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala List.scala source code file: |
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